Buddha Power Bracelet

How To Unlock Your Potential With A Buddha Power Bracelet?

For thousands of years, humans have been wearing bracelets. The oldest uncovered bracelet is made from chloritollite stone, dating back over 40,000 years. Even today, wearing stones and crystal bracelets have become popular for fashion and function.

Bracelets incorporating Feng Shui and black obsidian, also called Feng Shui black obsidian bracelets, are becoming increasingly popular. Experts consider it as a wealth bracelet and help you increase abundance, prosperity, and success in life.

What is A Buddha Power Bracelet?

A Buddha Power Bracelet is a unique bracelet believed to cleanse your energy. It is a bracelet made with many natural stones and elements. The bracelet has enough ability to protect an individual from dangerous forces while still attracting good wealth and luck.

Some people believe that it is a bracelet made from prayer stones. Prayer stones are particles that fell from ancient spiritual temples, which people gathered and stored in jars. They believe that these stones establish permanent communication with the spiritual world.

How Should You Wear A Buddha Bracelet?

Primarily Buddha bracelet is straightforward to wear. You need to wear it like your fashion bracelet on your left hand. Experts claim that wearing the bracelet on your left hand will attract wealth. However, wearing it on your right hand sends wealth away from you to other individuals.

When wearing the bracelet, ensure that the head of the Pixiu is facing outwards. Wearing the bracelet in this way, Pixiu heads onto getting wealth and delivers them to you. However, if the head of the Pixiu faces inward, it indicates that you do not want it to work for you to gather wealth.

You must follow the Feng Shui bracelet rules to get all the benefits of wearing a Buddha power bracelet. These rules are as follows:

  • When bathing, sleeping, or doing other things that require you not to wear the bracelet, remember to place it in a silver bowl filled with silver, gold, and other gemstones.
  • Never wear a Feng Shui black obsidian bracelet during intercourse. Even you must keep it away from the room where you are present during intercourse.
  • While you wear the bracelet, remember to touch the head of Pixiu. It helps you to connect with its power and reminds the bracelet that you are the owner.
  • Do not allow others to touch your Feng Shui bracelet. Cleanse with camphor, rice water, or sage if anyone touches the bracelet.
  • People under the age of 16 and above 70 must never wear the bracelet. It is because the vital energy offered by the bracelet might be too strong or fierce for them. It harms them. Similarly, pregnant women should wear Feng Shui obsidian bracelets.
  • While storing the bracelet inside the living room, you should ensure that the head faces the main door.
  • When another person touches it, cleanse the bracelet with brown rice and discard the rice.

Why Choose Alakik?

Besides being a premium manufacturer and exporter of semi-precious agate stones and new age healing supplies, we are also a premier wholesaler of healing stones, new age healing crystals, metaphysical crystals, and Buddha power bracelets. We are expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field passed through several generations. Since it is our family business, we have been exporting to countries like the USA, Netherlands, Israel, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, France, and Japan.

5 Ways To Use A Crystal Wand

5 Ways To Use A Crystal Wand

Crystal wands are vital tools in spiritual rituals. Since ancient times, shamans and metaphysicians have been using them for cleansing, healing, and purification. Crystal wands, made from various materials, focus and direct energy through their tips in one direction. While crystals occur naturally in cylindrical or wand-like shapes, today, artisans shape and polish most crystal wands.

The wands can be long or short, with pointed ends on one side, round on the other, or pointed ends on both sides. Even some wands are wider at one end and tapered at the other. The wands consist of different stones with unique energies and properties. Therefore, you might require more than one wand to invoke different kinds of healing.

Choosing Crystal Wand

A simple way of testing a crystal wand is to hold the wand in your hand. If you feel relaxed, it is an excellent crystal for you. However, if your breath shortens, try another crystal until you find the one that calms you.

5 Ways To Use A Crystal Wand

Another way of testing a crystal wand is through the pendulum method. The test involves standing and holding the wand in hand with your eyes closed and feet touching the floor. If you are tilting forward, it means yes.

5 Ways to Use Your Crystal Wand

  1. Chakra Healing

You can use the crystal wands for healing and unblocking negative energies across your body’s seven energy centers or the chakras. Using a chakra wand removes negative energy and restores harmony to the chakras. A chakra wand contains seven healing crystals, representing each chakra. If you need to unblock a single chakra, you can work with a crystal wand associated with the chakra.

  1. Meditation

Using a crystal wand for meditation boosts your concentration and helps you understand your action from a spiritual perspective. Besides, wands are excellent tools that unite your mind and body.

Experts recommend using wands of higher chakra crystals responsible for activating the energies of the crown or third eye chakras. These wands increase intuition, clarify thoughts, eliminate confusion, and program your mind for quick decision-making.

  1. Amplifying a Crystal Grid

Activate your crystal grid with a wand to amplify your intentions. From the central crystal, trace the grid with your wand and guide the energy flow within the grid. Remember to focus your mind on your intention and repeat your mantra to reinforce your intention.

  1. Massage

Cylindrical wands with a round end are excellent tools for massaging, as they draw out any negative energy and ease tensed muscles. Massage the spinal zones of the hand in yourself or on someone else.

  1. Overall Healing

Crystal wands are ideal for general health and well-being. Experts believe that healing crystal wands increase your physical energy and melt any blockages in your organs.

Why Choose Alakik?

Alakik is a leading manufacturer, exporter, and wholesaler of different types of semi-precious agate stones and new-age healing supplies. We are also a premium wholesaler of healing stones, new-age healing crystals, reiki crystals, and metaphysical crystals. With the expertise and knowledge in this field passed down from generation, we can detect and differentiate good crystals from bad ones. If you are looking for healing crystal wands, do not hesitate to contact us today.

Chakra Bracelet

How To Know If A Chakra Bracelet Is Real?

Alakik For Chakra Bracelet

In recent years, energy healing pieces of jewelry gained a lot of popularity. Nowadays, one can find beautiful crystal pendants and Chakra bracelet to get rid of the negative energy of life.

Chakra is one of the vital parts of the human body. One can see the help of chakra bracelets to impress self-discovery. But wearing a real chakra bracelet is important.

Here are the ways to tell whether the chakra bracelet is real.

  • Root Chakra

The root chakra would represent the black tourmaline stone. It represents formation that relates to the sense of security and safety. After wearing the bracelet, make sure you take care of your mental health and take time to relax. Practicing good self-care can help one feel confident and secure while facing the world.

  • Sacral Chakra

When a person looks for inspiration in the different aspects of life, but is confused about the fact that from where they must start, the person needs the chakra bracelet. As you adorn the bracelet, the orange carnelian stone present in the second chakra relates to the feeling of pleasure, recreation, and enjoyment. If the orange stone is in muted color, it stimulates the senses with different tastes, aromas, and sounds.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra consists of a yellow citrine stone. It boosts the confidence of the user by stimulating positive thoughts. The chakra, however, relates to personal individuality and helps one to express creativity.

  • Heart Chakra

The green aventurine stone present within the heart chakra represents compassion and love. It relates to the ability to receive and give affection and forgive others and ourselves. If you are having trouble letting go of the past issues, make sure you choose the bracelet having a heart chakra.

  • Throat Chakra

The blue color of lapis lazuli stone of the third chakra helps to give the power of truth and self-expression. It relates to speaking abilities and communication. There happens to be a strong connection between the water elements and the stones that besides keep within us. One might notice the difference only after practicing yoga or meditating near a water body.

  • Third Eye Chakra

The color Indigo happens to connect to the spirit and intuition. It rules over the sense of perspective, both physically and mentally. Hence in the 6th chakra, it is crucial to use the crystal Indigo lapis lazuli. It helps to enhance creativity while freeing up things that hold you back. Whenever you feel stuck in your life, you can choose to wear your bracelet.

  • Crown Chakra

It is represented by clear quartz crystal stone. It represents the spiritual connection within the seven chakras. You can get the chakra bracelet wholesale from any jeweler Store. But using the real one would help you balance out your mental and physical health while enhancing the energy flow throughout the entire body.

Why Should You Choose Alakik For Chakra Bracelet?

A Chakra bracelet is one of the fabulous accessories that one can have. As you visit our store, Alakik, you can get fantastic classic style chakra bracelets that use 100% authentic gemstones. It can look beautiful while complementing any and every outfit. The incredible healing properties of our chakra bracelets would make you feel positive whenever you wear them.


Crystals stones for healing

10 Most Powerful Crystals & Stones For Healing

Crystals & Stones For Healing

In ancient tradition, people used to take the help of crystals to ward off bad energies from their life. Countless individuals experienced the profound benefits of the healing powers of crystals.

Crystals have unique properties that affect individuals in powerful and nuanced ways. One can add them to draw out the negative energies that hinder the growth of life. Here are the most powerfulthe healing powers of crystals. that one can use.

  • Rose Quartz

As you take the help of this crystal, it helps to promote self-love and inner feeling of peace. The stone is also known to dispel negativity from one’s life.

  • Citrine

Using this crystal, would help one stay close to money, wealth, and gold. This ideal stone would welcome stability, prosperity, and wealth in life. It also strengthens the nerve impulses while helping your brain function shortly and actively.

  • Seven Chakras

The combination of the seven stones helps activate, balance, and amplify the energies present in all the chakras. It heals root chakras, along with, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and crown chakra.

  • Green Jade

It relates to the heart and helps filter out toxins from the blood. Wearing green jade attracts friendship, luck, good fortune, and harmony.

  • Lapis Lazuli

This crystal is also known as the stone of truth. It helps to heal vocal cords, throats, and larynx. It is related to the throat chakra. As you use this crystal, it helps to wash away the unnecessary thoughts while assisting you make a fair judgment. People suffering from depression can use this stone to overcome the problem.

  • Amethyst

Amethyst showcases rich purple hues. It has a direct connection to the heart and desires. The stone is associated with the upper body chakras. Therefore it helps to go to the nervous system while relieving fear, stress, and anxiety.

  • Amazonite

The stone helps to heal emotional and medical issues and purify cheese. One can use it to clean the chakras and balance them

  • Black Onyx

It is known as the stone of detection and is best used for meditation. The stone helps to encourage happiness and good fortune. As you use this healing stone, it helps to heal past life issues or wounds.

  • Sunstone

It is available in diverse colors and helps to stimulate self-healing power. Sunstone helps to encourage self-worth, self-confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm. This stone is known to play a great role in clearing and energizing all the chakras.

  • Tiger’s Eye

It helps in treating throat, eye, and reproductive organs. One can use the stone to align the spinal column and alleviate pain while repairing broken bones.

This healing crystal helps promote the clarity of thoughts and get rid of self-doubt, fear, and anxiety.

Why Alakik For Your Healing Crystals?

One cannot go wrong when it is time to choose the crystal. We offer the best crystals that would work for you. Over time our crystals would help you to straighten up things. But we recommend you to use the crystal consistently while maintaining good energetic hygiene. Choose Alakik and surround yourself with the powerful stones that can aid in your endeavors.


Tumble Stones For Reiki Crystal Healing

Everything You Need To Know: Tumble Stones For Reiki Crystal Healing

Tumble stones are known to have powerful energy and smooth properties. This eye-pleasing stone attracts positive energy around you. You can use this to get the energy that can help repair your life while working into the aura levels.

How Can You Use

Due to their smooth physical properties, tumble stones have various uses. Here are the least how you can use the tumble stone:

  • Decorate your house by placing it in a cabinet to accentuate the space.
  • Use it as a stone for your plant vase.
  • Design your jewelry with tumble stone.
  • Decorate a variety of items with the unique appearance of the stone.
  • Customize your artwork by using wholesale tumble stone.
  • Use it as a piece of your kid’s games.

The versatile use of the stone and the smooth appearance with its unique decoration can provide you with various healing properties.

Healing Properties Of Tumbled Stones

Tumble stone is a very powerful stone. The healing property of this stone works towards the well-being of your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body. You can also buy the wholesale tumble stone from authentic sites like Alakik. Here are some of the healing properties of the stone:

  • Feelings And Emotional Healing

The tumble stone helps to balance the immersion of the user. Moreover, it attracts positive relationships. You may find various kinds of tumble stones that might work in this specific area. One such stone is the moonstone. For instance, people in a new relationship can use it to keep their relationship strong.

  • Mind

When you meditate using the tumbled crystal, it helps calm down your mind. You can use this to achieve all your manifestation goals while you meditate. The healing properties of the stone help you to instill focus and tranquility while boosting the desirable outcomes of intention.

  • Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        When you tend to use tumble stones frequently, it helps to alleviate various physical pains. Moreover, it removes the negative energy in the body and helps to improve illnesses while blocking them. The stone helps to protect the user from any harm as it adds a protective layer around the person.
  • Spirit

The nature of the tumble stone allows one to draw Universal attraction and a lot of abundance into d vibration. This particular vibration allows the individual to increase their spiritual connection with the higher being and be spiritually mindful.

Program Your Tumbled Stones

Programming your tumble stone is an easy affair. As soon as you buy the stone, you need to program them by holding it in your hand and focusing on your breathing. Once you do that, you need to say your affirmations or specific goals to see how the stone works in your life.

A programmed stone would direct the energy towards your intention, desire, or specific objectives. It becomes effective and grows in utility and strength. To receive the best quality and authentic tumble stones, you must choose our company, Alakik. We specialize in crystals and gemstones and other metaphysical products. To receive excellent quality at wholesale price, visit our online store.


Find The Right Healing Stone

How To Find The Right Healing Stone?

With diverse choices and various benefits, one might get confused about choosing the right
healing stone for wellness. These crystals help to promote a good flow of energy. Though
there may not be any scientific evidence to support the usage of healing crystals, you need to
find the right one that can help you in every way.
Select The Right Crystal
First, you need to identify the missing element in your life, and then look accordingly for a
healing stone that can help to improve your positive aura.
As soon as you know about your problem area, your intuition will help you select the best
stone for you. Whether you get attracted to a particular crystal, or experience a physical pull
towards any, it is your inner subconscious, that would help you choose the right one for you.
As you pick up the stone, you need to create the connection to make it work for you.
Healing Power Of The Right Stone
The healing stone helps to heal your health, wealth, and love. Here are some common stones
that can help you connect to your positive energy.
1. Healing Crystal For Health
You can use the following healing stones for your health.
● Amethyst enhances willpower and can be used for purifying and healing.
● Jasper offers support during the stressful period. It is also known as a nurturing stone.
● Bloodstone helps to improve circulation. It also supports various blood-related issues.
● Obsidian processes experience and emotions, while helping the user let go of all the
● Clear quartz acts as a master healer and supports the entire energetic system.
2. Healing Crystal For Wealth
To heal your wealth, you can choose the following healing stones:
● Jade would help to increase your luck and prosperity.
● Sapphire would also make your present and future prosperous.
● Citrine helps to spark creativity, concentration, and enthusiasm.
● Turquoise helps to attract good luck and soothe emotions.
● Tiger's eye is known to lessen fear and motivate the user.
3. Healing Crystal For Love

You can choose rose quartz, also referred to as the love stone. This tone can encourage trust
and love between your partner and you. Apart from that, you can also choose Moonstone and
Ruby. These are known to form the feeling of growth and inner strength and support
sensuality and sexuality respectively.
Take Proper Care
As you first get the crystal, you need to cleanse away all the negatives that it might have
picked up. You need to clean it under cold and running water. As it cleanses, you have to
immerse it in sea salt and place it under direct sunlight or moonlight. Once it dries, you need
to smudge the crystal with herbs or sage to get its right healing properties.

Why choose Universal Exports?
To buy the right stone, you must choose our authentic online store, Alakik. Here we offer
certificates of authenticity. Hence if you want to buy excellent healing crystals at a wholesale
price, your one-stop destination would be Alakik.

How to Unblock the 7 Chakras

The reasons we face issues in our lives are rooted in the chakras. Also, the reasons for many of the problems we face in this world are rooted in our chakras. These chakras need to have a proper balance, and if the same are not, many things go awry.

It is necessary to know about these chakra systems and what needs to be worth mending and why it is worth investing time. We have created a guide to help you understand how to unblock these chakras.

Chakras are energy points that are essential for both physical and mental well-being. These chakras have a strong relationship with our body systems and their functionality. To maintain balance and unblock these chakras, it is necessary to follow the right food, essential oils, crystals, and proper yoga pose.

Each chakra has its role in our healthy functioning and being. Let’s take a look into each and how to maintain the balance.

Table of Content

Introduction to Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word developed from a wheel or circle. It is an energy point at the canter of the body. It is a process that corresponds to different parts of the body that affects the entire nervous system of the body.

In the body, there are 114 chakras, but seven major ones run along the root to the crown. These are the seven chakras we will be discussing today in this blog. Each of these chakras represented is by a different colour, element, and vibration.

The 7 Main Chakras

Here are the seven main chakras:

  • The Root Chakra
  • The Sacral Chakra
  • The Solar Plexus Chakra
  • The Heart Chakra
  • The Throat Chakra
  • The Third Eye Chakra
  • The Crown Chakra

How to Unblock the 7 Chakras and Restore it

These seven chakras play an important role throughout our life and body. Each chakra has its power and strength to stimulate energy and maintain balance in the body.

If you think you might have one or two chakra blocks, the next step is to unblock these chakras. You must be thinking about how it is possible and where to start.

The best way to do this is, to begin with, the root chakra and work your way up along the spine, one chakra at a time.

To unblock these chakras, mentioned below are some of the steps that restore the power and energy in these chakras and our bodies.

  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga practice
  • Moving your body in different ways
  • Changing your diet
  • Working with crystals
  • Journaling & other self-reflection practices


Alakik Universal Exports is the leading name in the industry that delivers all types of Reiki crystals and Chakras globally. We have a wide range of chakras collection that is best for the human body. You can connect with us over email or on call to let us know your requirement. We will provide the best quotes and assure you of the delivery of these crystals, stones, and chakras within the stipulated period of time.

How to Choose Reiki Crystals

How to Choose Reiki Crystals

In today’s fast-moving pace, the demand for Reiki therapy and crystals is becoming more accurate and visible. It is a common practice amongst the reiki community as they help people cure and heal them in depth. It is the process that helps clean the chakras and balance the energy system of the entire body.

Whether you’re a reiki practitioner, you’ve received reiki treatments, or if you’re considering trying it out, it’s worth learning about reiki crystals and how much they can add to a session.

Introduction to Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki therapy is the process that helps activate the internal power and strength in the human body. It is the Reiki practitioner who uses universal reiki power to balance the chakras in the body and focus on healing the targeted points in the body.

The next step is to select the right Reiki crystal that is required for the body to balance the entire chakras of the body that is typically in a meditative state while the energy is being channeled.

Different Types of Reiki Crystals

Let us now proceed further, and understand the different types of Reiki crystals that are most commonly used for Reiki healings.

  • Clear Quartz – used to balance the entire auric field
  • Amethyst – for balancing and opening the crown chakra and third eye chakra
  • Citrine – used to balance the solar plexus chakra and to bring joy into the energy system
  • Rose Quartz – used to support the heart chakra
  • Red Jasper – balances the root chakra
  • Bloodstone – provides grounding energy and balances the root and heart chakras
  • Sodalite – supports the throat chakra
  • Carnelian – used to balance the sacral chakra
  • Aquamarine – used to bring a sense of calm to the body, mind, and spirit
  • Smoky Quartz – provides uplifting and cleansing energy to the chakras

One thing that needs to understand is these Reiki crystals, reiki crystal sets, and reiki sets,  are your friends, and they have to be taken care of and treated well. As these reiki crystals help heal both ourselves and others, it is crucial to cleanse these crystals and stones after every session.

Thus, as a Reiki practitioner, it is you to select the right Reiki crystal, reiki crystal Sets, reiki sets, and stones for your clients and for yourself too.


Alakik Universal Export is a renowned name in the market when it comes to purchasing Reiki stones and crystals. Our company has wide experience and knowledge in exporting all types of reiki crystals globally. Not only this, but our team also helps you select the right reiki crystals that are best for healing and spreading positive vibes.

How to Select the Right Healing Crystals


Crystals and stones are ancient cultures that have been accepted since eras. Numerous types of healing crystals and stones promote happiness and positivity. With this said, people across believe that these crystals are having strong power that heals the mind, body, and soul. In fact, it is strongly believed that crystals have strong healing properties. It is the crystals that help promote good energy and are beneficial for the body, and mind. Not only this, but these healing crystals help diminish all negative vibes and thoughts.

Today what we are sharing and discussing is, how can we select the right healing crystals? What are the ways and processes for its selection? Having said this, let us have an understanding of some of the popular crystals. 

Different Types of Healing Crystals

It is the creed ideology and thinking of common people who believe in healing crystals. No matter whichever types of problems you are facing, crystals are the best solutions to them. From health to business, or from love to energy vibes, the ultimate solution is these stones.

  • Clear Quartz– It is the white crystal that is considered to be one of the master healers. The use of this healing crystal is to amplify energy and help balance the energetic system.

  • Obsidian: It is the stone that is known as a protective stone. It helps in overcoming all types of emotional negativity, blockages, and promotes qualitative strength, clarity, and compassion.

  • Rose Quartz: As the name of the crystal itself suggests. It is a stone that is used as a healing crystal for love. It is the stone that provides comfort and calm during times of grief and sorrow. Also, this crystal helps boost love, courage, respect, strength, trust, and self-worth.                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Jasper: One of the most superior crystals. It is known to be used as a supreme nurturer. This also helps heal and fight negative thoughts and vibes along with empowering positive spirit.


  • Citrine: It is the citrine crystal that brings happiness, joy, and motivation. This stone is something that encourages and enhances the mind with creativity and concentration.
  • Turquoise: The cyan colour crystal that is said to help heal the mind, body, and soul. It is known as the good luck crystal charm that balances the emotions and supports spiritual ground.


  • Amethyst: One of the most incredible crystals and stones that is known to be protective, a great healer, and a purifier. This is the stone that is purple in color and helps promote willpower. Not only this but this healing crystal is helping give sound sleep along with demystifying dreams.                                                                                                                                   
  • Tigers Eye: This eye-catching golden stone helps increase power, and boosts highly scalable motivation. It is the crystal that helps you get your own strength that you are in need of. It helps fight fear, anxiety, and guides you with taking proper decisions.                                                
  • Moonstone: If you are feeling lonely and want to start a new life then get this moonstone healing crystal. It helps promote success, good fortune and embarks a new beginning along with new ventures.                                                                                                                                          
  • Bloodstone: It is the most powerful healing crystal that lives up to its name and spreads its power. It is strongly believed that this crystal draws off all negative thoughts, helps encourage sharing ideas, energy, idealism, and more.                                                                             
  • Sapphire: The stone helps attract happiness, prosperity, peace, positivity and intuition. It is in blue color and is known to share wisdom and royalty.                                                                            
  • Ruby: The only healing crystal that is red in color and persists to be a real standout. It helps restore energy levels, self-awareness, truth recognition, and energy level.


Alakik Universal Exports is the leading manufacturer, exporter, distributor, and wholesaler and is known as the one-stop destination for all types of Reiki crystals, stones, healing chakras, chakra sets, and more. The company with years of experience and expertise understands the clients’ requirements and provides the best options for all types of stones and crystals.

To book your order in bulk, or need to know more about these gemstones and crystals, you can connect with our team of experts today. We are just a call and email away from you and your requirement.

The information and the article shared depicts the process that helps you select the right crystal. These healing crystals are the ones that are best for you and your all problems. To select the right crystal or to know how to purchase you can get in touch with the team of Reiki experts.

How to Charge Reiki Crystals

How to Charge Reiki Crystals

What do you do when your mobile is out of charge? And, what do you do when you are tired or fatigued? Just, as your electronic gadgets and body need charging, crystals do too. For mobile, it requires plugging in and the body requires water, food, energy, etc. In the same way, you have to charge crystals. There are many ways and methods to charge these Reiki crystals.

The crystals that are uncharged fail to spread their positivity and good vibes. It is a stage where negativity is getting spread, or the crystals stopped working as they should. Thus, to avoid this, it is necessary to have Reiki crystals cleansing. It is known to be the best way to help them charge in immediately. 

With proper charging of healing stones, they need to be operated and well-programmed. This assists further in manifesting these crystals and works as per your intentions and requirements.

Today, in this blog we are discussing some points on how to charge these Reiki Crystals?

  • Sunlight: Sunlight is the greatest source of natural energy. It helps give strength and power to these crystals. All you need to do is to keep these crystals directly in the sun either for two hours or from sunrise to sunset.

  • Singing Bowl: Sound and Music is the second way to charge these crystals. To create powerful acoustics, a Tibetian singing bowl is hammered that gives energy to Reiki crystals.

  • Chant: The power of chanting mantras, gives a very strong motion of energy that helps charge these crystals.

  • Tuning Fork: Another way to charge these crystals is by tuning the fork. It is a way that charges the crystal with the help of supersonic vibrations that has a frequency of earth and quartz.

  • Gongs and Bells: Gongs and Bells help crystal charge in a proper way. With these sounds, it transfers powerful and healing energies. The charging process can be either for a few minutes or hours.

  • Fire: Fire is known to be the best cleaning method. It helps crystal charge effectively and accurately. With the help of candlelight, you need to pass a crystal to and fro through the power of fire.

  • Visualization/Meditation: It is a traditional ritual that is entirely dependent on strong intuition and guts. Meditation and chanting mantras loud help these crystals charge and spread positive energy.

  • Reiki: It is a Japanese technique that helps charge the crystals. All you need to do is to place the stone on the table and hold your hands. This is followed by the process of meditation and chanting mantras.

  • Water: Another natural source is water that helps crystals be cleansed and charged. The cleaning method can be in the form of running water like a steam, tap, or rain.

  • Aroma: With aromatherapy, these Reiki crystals can be charged and energized. The charging method can either be in the form of herbal incense or smoke. To charge the crystal, you need to soak them in herbs for 10-15 mins, or for an hour or two.

Similarly, there are more methods and natural techniques that help these Reiki crystal charges effectively and precisely. Some of them are listed below.

  • Smudging
  • Crystal Grid
  • Cluster
  • Crystal Wand
  • Crystals
  • Salt
  • Mudra and Yoga
  • Soil
  • Eclipse
  • Moonlight

Alakik, is a renowned manufacturer and exporter of different types of healing crystals, healing products, gemstones, and Reiki crystals. The company is the ultimate exporter based in Gujarat that has one of the widest collections of these stones and crystals. From different types of healing sticks to pyramids, from angels to massage wands, and more we have all available with us.

Get in touch with our team today and book your order with us at the best and most affordable market price. We are available on call, email, and chat support.

The blog shared by us clearly delivers the way and ideas that help charge these Reiki crystals in natural forms. So, with this said choose the right method of charging your crystal and energize them with positivity.