Tag Archives: Healing Stones

Healing Wands and Healing Sticks

Transform Your Life with Incorporating Healing Wands and Healing Sticks into Your Routine

Living in a world that is constantly changing, many of us seek ways through which we can reconnect with ourselves and find balance in chaos. One of the more increasingly popular methods through which this comes is the use of healing wands and healing sticks. Deeply rooted in ancient traditions, these tools are said to harness energy and work on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels of healing. Whether you are new to this holistic journey or a holistic healer yourself, these healing wands and sticks can add huge value to your everyday life.

What Are Healing Wands and Healing Sticks?

Healing wands and healing sticks can be made of various materials, such as crystals, metals, wood, or a combination. The material used in making them is selected for its particular energetic properties. Crystals are believed to retain vibrational energies that help in healing and balancing. Generally, healing wands and healing sticks are thin and long and, hence, easier to hold and focus energy with. Healing sticks, on the other hand, are thicker and designed for more grounding or stabilizing work.

All these have found their use in many cultures throughout history. For example, ancient Egyptians practiced energy control and balancing by means of copper and other metallic wands, while in the traditions of the Native Americans, wooden sticks are used in healing rituals.

The Benefits of Using Healing Wands and Sticks

Energy Balancing: Healing wands and sticks are believed to work toward the balancing of the body’s energy fields, otherwise referred to as chakras. Such tools will do this by guiding energy flow, breaking up blockages, and restoring harmony to the human body. This can translate into physical well-being, emotional stability, and a general feeling of good health.

Stress Reduction: These tools tend to have a soothing effect that partially helps to lower levels of stress and anxiety. Focusing on energy work or meditation with the healing wand or stick emanates the qualities associated with the practice of mindfulness and peace of mind.

Enhanced Meditation: Healing wands and sticks help explore deeper into your meditative practice. Ideally, the vibrational frequencies from the crystals or the grounding energy from the wood would help one drop deeper into that state of relaxation and introspection.

Emotional Healing: Healing wands and sticks are used by many as one of the most important tools in the process of dealing with emotional issues. Energies guided through such tools clear and release negative emotions and traumas, thereby giving place to emotional freedom and clarity.

Physical Healing: The healing wand or stick is believed by most practitioners to have the ability to physically heal a person. These tools guide healing energy to areas of the body, enhancing the natural healing capabilities of the body in order to overcome pain or discomfort.

How to Use Healing Wands and Sticks

Set your intentions: Start by setting a clear intention about what you want to gain in this session. This may be anything from releasing stress to emotional clarity or even easing physical pain. Your intention will guide the energy work and focus your mind.

How to Cleanse the Tool: Your healing wand or stick should always be cleaned before use. This may be done through sage smudging, under the light of the moon, or by some other type of cleaning that will not harm your tool based on its material.

Energy Work: Hold the wand or stick in your hand and gently move it over your body or the body of the person you’re working on. Focus on the areas where energy feels blocked or where healing is needed. You can also use the tool to trace the outline of your aura or energy field, visualizing it, clearing away negativity and bringing in positive energy.

Meditation and Visualization: Incorporate the tool into your meditation practice. Hold it while meditating, and visualize the energy flowing from the wand or stick into your body, filling you with light and healing energy.

Closing the Session: Once you’ve finished, take a moment to express gratitude for the healing process. This helps to close the energy session and ground any remaining energy.

Thoughts to Consider

When choosing a healing wand or stick, follow your intuition. There are hundreds of crystals and materials with unique properties, so choose one that will best fit your needs or intentions. Rose quartz aligns the heart center for love and compassion; amethyst connects to spiritual growth and spiritual protection.

Bringing healing wands and sticks into your everyday life can be a very enlightening experience. Such tools are not only useful in the healing of physical and emotional matters but also provide a way toward the development of spiritual awareness and inner peace. Be it meditation, energy balancing, or emotional healing, these tools have much potential to be beneficial. So why don’t you try it out? You might indeed find that these very simple tools are the keys to a much more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.



Amethyst Worry Stone – Your Ultimate Healing Companion

Amethyst Worry Stones- Benefits, Applications & Healing Properties

We all believe in the positive power received from natural processes, specifically with the Stone, Pyramids, Crystals, and Gemstones. Each of us is fighting our own battle to heal ourselves from negative thoughts and their power. Having said this, multiple ways are considered, and those are effective and powerful. One of the ways is by using this stone. Let us share the details with you and help you understand its benefits, application, and healing properties.

Introduction to the Amethyst Worry Stone

It is quartz with a beautiful purple colour and is known as part of hexagonal crystal systems. The best thing about Amethyst is that it is a semiprecious stone with a glassy lustre and is vitreous. As per the colour specification, it often comes in shades of purple and violet. The core meaning of Amethyst is to help provide spiritual healing, calmness, and wisdom.

Benefits and Healing Properties

When we discuss the Amethyst Worry Stone, we are curious to know its benefits and how it can help heal in our routine life. The essential areas where this stone works as a magic wand are:

  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional

These are the three major areas where the Amethyst worry stone works as magic and helps us overcome problems and issues positively.

Moving further, when discussing the benefits that play a crucial role in our lives, here is a detailed understanding of how the crystal works in different areas.

  1. Physical Healing: Amethyst worry stone is crucial in helping individuals heal from physical problems and relive a healthy lifestyle. The stone helps us heal from major physical problems like:
    1. Boosting our Immune
    2. Deep and Sound Sleep
    3. Helps decrease migraine pain.

  2. Spiritual Healing: When discussing the spiritual healing properties, Amethyst plays an essential role. It works in areas where individuals often fail to overcome their negative thoughts, which influence them to wrongdoings. Hence, to fight this back, Amethyst worry stone plays a positive role in helping heal:
    1. Intuition Power
    2. Focus on Third Eye Awakening
    3. Reduces negative energies and thoughts

  3. Emotional Healing: Now comes the most crucial area many of us face to get an effective outcome and heal ourselves from it. The one we are discussing is about having a way to have proper and balanced emotional healing. Amethyst worry stone tends to help individuals heal from emotional breakdowns. The essential areas where the stone works as life-saver are:
    1. Balancing Emotions
    2. Soothes Mind
    3. Increases Courage
    4. Helps in Decision Making

How to Use Amethyst Worry Stone

While discussing the use of the Amethyst worry stone, it can be used in multiple ways and turns out to be a result-oriented property. Let us discuss it further. The beautiful and soothing crystal an individual can use in various ways and these are,

  • Form of Jewelry
  • Home and Office

Final Thoughts:

Alakik Universal Exports helps you get the authentic and genuine Amethyst worry stone, which will help you benefit in multiple ways. The stone has natural power; thus, many of us use it to find peace, calmness, and serenity. You can order this stone with us; we will deliver them to you at the best prices and with its detailed manual. 


Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Yooperlite

Discover Calming & Healing Powers of Yooperlite Stone

We all believe in natural therapy and the power of the Gemstones, crystals, and pyramids, which help heal and overcome our fear and worry. The research found that Yooperlite worry stone has a significant power which helps improve the body, mind, soul, and spirit. The stone is naturally made of sodalite and can be found in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. What makes it best about this yopperlite is that these stones glow under UV light and spread their power.

While discussing Yooperlite, it is proven to be helpful in many ways and issues, including stress relief, anxiety, and depression. Also, it helps increase peaceful sleep, boost the immune system, and increase energy levels. It remains true that Yooperlite is a versatile crystal that can be used in many different ways and is beneficial to everyone using it.

This blog will emphasise sharing the meaning of Yooper Lite Worry Stone, its uses and benefits, how you can use them in meditation and more.

Yooperlite: Meaning, Uses and Benefits

Yooperlite is a beautiful crystal gifted to humans by nature and found in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The stone holds a metaphysical property that helps clarify and promotes deep understanding and power to see the truth. Moreover, it is also said that yooper lite also helps strengthen our minds during times of change or upheaval.

The name of the crystal originated from the region where it is found and because the people who live there are called the “Yoopers”. Since Yooperlite is one of the types of syenite, it contains fluorescent sodalite. The worry stone comes in shades of green, blue, orange, and pink. Green colour stone is used more as it causes uranium to be present.

While discussing the uses and benefits of Yooperlite, it is defined to be vast and vary from metaphysical and physical uses. It is a belief among a few people that the use of Yooperlite is connected with the spiritual world, while some claim that it has excellent power in healing properties. Still, some people have a strong belief that Yooper Lite helps us protect from negative energy and surrounds us with positive thoughts and power.

At this moment, we are sharing with you the uses and benefits of Yooperlite and how it plays an essential role in our lives to maintain a perfect balance

Yooperlite Physical & Emotional Benefits

Natural therapy has always proven to be one of the most convenient ways to overcome physical problems and deliver the best results. One method is Yooperlite Crystal, which shares an excellent outcome in terms of physical benefits. The list of the advantages is mentioned below.

  • Cells
  • Skeletal System
  • Muscles
  • Recovery
  • Headache
  • Energy

We all have been emotional and sensitive; sometimes, we cannot control these emotions. It would help if you started using yooper lite worry stone as it has proven methods of maintaining a balance in our emotional life. The worrystone stone is beneficial in the below-mentioned areas where it provides a success ratio.

  • Calming
  • Focus
  • Creativity

Yooperlite Metaphysical Properties

Knowing the benefits of the worrystone, it also has a tremendous universal outcome in terms of its metaphysical properties. The list of the same is shared below.

  • Balance
  • Protection
  • Self-Confidence


Alakik Universal Exports helps you possess the worrystone with its wide range of metaphysical and physical benefits. Using the stone with perfection and precision enables you to have a proper chain of meditation that heals your inner soul and mind. For more information and details about Yooperlite Worrystone, you can contact us.


The Healing Power of Gemstone Healing Crystals: How They Can Enhance Your Well-being

When we talk about healing therapies, there is always a saying that Gemstone Healing Crystals are the best and most natural therapy. The process plays an essential role in individuals’ lives and helps them in all possible ways regarding energy healing.

Today, this blog will discuss how these natural healing crystals can heal and enhance your well-being.

Understanding the Science Behind Gemstone Healing Crystals

For the uninitiated, it is a strong belief that the healing crystals have a strong power regarding healing properties. The Gemstone carries a hidden spiritual power which helps overcome fear, fight back depression, bring peace and prosperity, calmness, and feel relaxed. The list that benefits individuals is endless and has many more positive upbringings. It is often noticed that not only individuals but also celebrities across the globe use them as they strongly believe in vouching for their efficacy. 

The art of Gemstone healing crystals has been used since the ancient era and is known to be a form of the best medication which heals naturally and effectively. Further, it also helps align the body Chakras, which causes an imbalance in our mind and soul. 

A report states that using crystals is one of the most influential and realistic forms of practising self-care and finding great positivity and happiness. The popularity of healing crystals is increasing significantly, and people strongly believe in the whole process with excellent outcomes.

Now, if you think there is a science behind Gemstone healing crystals, let us clarify: that is not such a proven method that highlights knowing the scientific approach. Also, nothing needs to be detailed about these healing Gemstones’ power in treating or curing conditions. However, the fact remains clear, and it signifies that Gemstones are a true gift from nature as they induce a strong power in relaxation and have a sense of resemblance from nature to every individual.

The Top 10 Gemstone Healing Crystals for Physical and Emotional Well-being

While discussing and wanting to know the top Gemstones that have a solid power to help our physical and emotional well-being come back, here is the list. You can also learn about these healing crystals in depth from us.

  • Clear Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Rose quartz
  • Jasper
  • Citrine
  • Turquoise
  • Amethyst
  • Tiger’s eye
  • Moonstone
  • Bloodstone
  • Sapphire
  • Ruby

The Specific Benefits of Each Gemstone Crystal and How to Use Them

The next thing that needs to be known is the unique benefits of all these Healing Gemstones with a proper guide. Let us take the discussion further with actual outcomes and easy to understand the whole process. At this moment, we are in the respective scenarios where the above-listed Gemstone crystal works and is beneficial.

Healing Crystals for Health

There is a saying: “Good health in today’s fast lifestyle is an individual’s most significant wealth”. Having said this, we are currently listing the Healing Gemstone Crystals that are beneficial and known to be healing crystals for health-related problems.

Clear quartz is a universal consideration when your entire health system gets drained. The only crystal that is known as a master healer is clear quartz. It is a strong belief that the quartz supports the entire energetic system because it is a master healer.

Jasper: When nature helps you heal better when you are living a stressful life, Jasper healing crystals come as an aid. It is a nurturing stone that works perfectly to help you overcome and be a supporter when stress is lifting you more, and you are looking for calmness.

Obsidian: Another great healing gemstone that helps individuals let go of things and boost emotional levels with positive experiences.

Amethyst: If you are lacking in increasing your willpower and self-confidence, then you should opt for Amethyst. It is also beneficial for healing and purifying and significantly boosts self-confidence.

Bloodstone: Any blood-related issues are resolved using the compelling power of Bloodstone. It also helps improve blood circulation and is a supportive healing therapy for blood-related concerns.

Healing Crystals for Wealth

There is a list of healing crystals that will help you overcome your concern about wealth. Before proceeding further, check on the Healing Gemstones which provide effective results.

Tiger’s eye: You can keep the stone with you, which has a proven record of providing motivation and reducing fear.

Citrine: The gemstone is believed to have great work when you need a kick spark to increase your enthusiasm, creativity, and concentration.

Turquoise: Use the stone with full faith as it helps attract good luck and great power to soothe emotional balance.

Sapphire: Another name for Sapphire is known to live a healthy and prospered life. It is the stone known for prosperity.

Jade: It has the power to share good luck and is also known to be bestowed with prosperity.

Healing Crystals for Love

Illuminate with the power of healing crystals, which helps and encourages you to increase Love and trust with your partner. 

Rose Quartz: The stone is best known for showing its power for Love. It is, therefore, referred to as the stone of Love with a great belief that the stone helps boost and encourage Love and trust.

Moonstone: For anyone who is losing their interests and strength, Moonstone is known to be a perfect blessing. It prompts the feeling of inner strength and increases its strength and power.

Ruby: The perfect healing crystal believed to support sexuality and sensuality

Incorporating Gemstone Healing Crystals into Your Daily Life: Tips and Techniques

If you look forward to incorporating this Gemstone as a part of healing crystals, you must understand its complete process. Here is where you can use these Healing Gemstones in routine life. Could you have a look into it?

  1. Meditation
  2. Jewellery
  3. Carry Them
  4. Under Your Pillow
  5. Home Décor
  6. Crystal Rollers

Finding Authentic Gemstones: Tips on Choosing Genuine and Ethically Sourced Crystals

We at Alakik Universal Export have a complete guide which states in detail about these crystals and how beneficial it is when an individual or Reiki practitioner uses them. You can get the complete guide with us with a proper understanding of its benefits and usage.

Conclusion: Embrace the Healing Power of Gemstone Healing Crystals for a Balanced and Harmonious Life

With years of experience and understanding of this Gemstone’s core necessity, we promise you that you will be getting the best Gemstone that heals and balances your life with perfection and simplicity.

Benefits Of Wearing A Gemstone Bracelet - Alakik.net

Benefits Of Wearing A Gemstone Bracelet – Alakik.net

Gemstone Bracelet 

A bracelet to calm the aura and balance your chakras. Yes! You heard that right. Sometimes certain gemstones offer numerous benefits. For thousands of years, bracelets are known to balance, cleanse and heal our system with the help of their metaphysical properties.

Benefits Of Wearing A Gemstone Bracelet - Alakik.net

Moreover, you can directly place The Gemstone pendulum bracelet on the body to receive its powerful vibratory effect. It helps to transfer positive energy from the gemstone of the chakras to the wearer.

One can wear gemstone bracelets for aesthetic purposes. As you adorn the bracelet, it helps to transfer positive and pure energy from the environment to your body. The best part is you can wear the chakra pendulum bracelet daily and see a transformation in your life.

Here are Some Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone Bracelet

You need to wear it on the left wrist if you intend to attract positive energy. But if you want to manifest certain energy or intention, you need to choose the right wrist.

  • Unique Design

Apart from working as a healing metaphysical jewelry piece, you can style it with your outfit to bring out elegance. Whether you want a boho look or a chic and sophisticated look, chakra bracelets can never fail you.

  • Use a Reminder

Whenever you take out the bracelets to wear, you will remember your goals and intentions. Therefore, it acts as a reminder every time you wear it.

  • Efficient in Bringing Out Spiritual Peace

Crystals and gemstones are highly effective tools for meditation. You can wear it around your waist or as a bracelet to enjoy calming and balancing benefits.

Benefits Of Wearing A Gemstone Bracelet - Alakik.net

Every gemstone present in the bracelets has its unique benefits. You can enjoy these qualities if you wear the pendulum bracelets day and night. The Amethyst present in the bracelets helps to give the power to fight stress and anxiety. Similarly, Rose quartz heals emotional problems while enhancing self-esteem and self-acceptance. The other gemstones work accordingly.

Moreover, you need to keep the bracelet clean to enjoy its full benefits. To bring back your balance, you can clean it with pure water or uncooked brown rice.

You can wear these gemstone bracelets day to day. Whether you are in the office or at any casual party, these bracelets would work two ways for you. The array of gemstones present in the bracelet offers perseverance and strength to the wearer. You can also experience an awakening of your intuition. Some of you may also develop psychic abilities. Therefore these bracelets can benefit an individual in numerous ways. The grounding and protective stones present in the bracelet can help to connect an individual with the spirits of nature and images of the earth.

Why Choose Alakik?

To select your finest piece, you can pay us a visit online. The majestic beauty of the authentic chakra bracelet would be a real treasure for you. It would attract harmony, love, and peace while cleansing your negative vibes. You can order your custom-made chakra bracelet from us and bring balance to your life.



Crystals stones for healing

10 Most Powerful Crystals & Stones For Healing

Crystals & Stones For Healing

In ancient tradition, people used to take the help of crystals to ward off bad energies from their life. Countless individuals experienced the profound benefits of the healing powers of crystals.

Crystals have unique properties that affect individuals in powerful and nuanced ways. One can add them to draw out the negative energies that hinder the growth of life. Here are the most powerfulthe healing powers of crystals. that one can use.

  • Rose Quartz

As you take the help of this crystal, it helps to promote self-love and inner feeling of peace. The stone is also known to dispel negativity from one’s life.

  • Citrine

Using this crystal, would help one stay close to money, wealth, and gold. This ideal stone would welcome stability, prosperity, and wealth in life. It also strengthens the nerve impulses while helping your brain function shortly and actively.

  • Seven Chakras

The combination of the seven stones helps activate, balance, and amplify the energies present in all the chakras. It heals root chakras, along with, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and crown chakra.

  • Green Jade

It relates to the heart and helps filter out toxins from the blood. Wearing green jade attracts friendship, luck, good fortune, and harmony.

  • Lapis Lazuli

This crystal is also known as the stone of truth. It helps to heal vocal cords, throats, and larynx. It is related to the throat chakra. As you use this crystal, it helps to wash away the unnecessary thoughts while assisting you make a fair judgment. People suffering from depression can use this stone to overcome the problem.

  • Amethyst

Amethyst showcases rich purple hues. It has a direct connection to the heart and desires. The stone is associated with the upper body chakras. Therefore it helps to go to the nervous system while relieving fear, stress, and anxiety.

  • Amazonite

The stone helps to heal emotional and medical issues and purify cheese. One can use it to clean the chakras and balance them

  • Black Onyx

It is known as the stone of detection and is best used for meditation. The stone helps to encourage happiness and good fortune. As you use this healing stone, it helps to heal past life issues or wounds.

  • Sunstone

It is available in diverse colors and helps to stimulate self-healing power. Sunstone helps to encourage self-worth, self-confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm. This stone is known to play a great role in clearing and energizing all the chakras.

  • Tiger’s Eye

It helps in treating throat, eye, and reproductive organs. One can use the stone to align the spinal column and alleviate pain while repairing broken bones.

This healing crystal helps promote the clarity of thoughts and get rid of self-doubt, fear, and anxiety.

Why Alakik For Your Healing Crystals?

One cannot go wrong when it is time to choose the crystal. We offer the best crystals that would work for you. Over time our crystals would help you to straighten up things. But we recommend you to use the crystal consistently while maintaining good energetic hygiene. Choose Alakik and surround yourself with the powerful stones that can aid in your endeavors.


How to get the most out of your healing wands

How to get the most out of your healing wands

Since the old periods, crystal and Healing wands have been utilized for rehabilitating all over the earth. Today, wands are nonetheless a widespread healing device utilized by massage therapists, meridian therapists, reiki power healers, and meditators. 

Wands arrive in several varied contours and sizes, and multiple variations of stones. Wands may be big or thick, and the shaft can be shiny or faceted. The extended shape of a wand enables the stone to supervise its recovery power in an upright line. The wand’s level will concentrate the crystal’s power so that it can be utilized on a particular part of the body. 

Procedures of Healing: 

Wands can be utilized in several varied directions to heal. They can be utilized to rebuild the whole body or tone, or they can be utilized on a particular spot of the body and just on a specific chakra. They can similarly be utilized to survey the auric area to discover bottlenecks, and then cleanse them. Caressing the body with a gem wand enables the discharge of anxiety from the physique, while the stone’s healing power is transported to the body. Sharp wands are utilized in reflexology by gripping the stone’s point at distinct pressure degrees on the hands and bottoms, to restore illnesses in specific parts of the body.

Selecting Your Wand:

Wands appear in a mixture of gemstones and tumblers, so there are numerous kinds of wands to select from. Various stones have varied healing powers and influence the body, feeling, and chakras distinctly. So it is good to retain a variety of wands to utilize for a combination of numerous motives. You might want to create a collection of wands made from a mixture of gemstones.

When choosing a wand to utilize for a particular goal, you should select one prepared from a gemstone that is adequate for your expectation. It is reasonable to understand enough about the healing features of various gemstones so that you can choose a stone that reverberates best with the objective that you hope to utilize. For instance; clear quartz stone is outstanding for collecting, packing, directing, and disseminating power. 

Know Your Wand:

It is a reasonable intention to spend time with your wand to get aware of its power and to reconcile with it. The fairer you understand your wand, the nicer it will help you. You may expect to clasp it while you ponder, or stand with it while understanding its contour, composition, and strength as you visually assess it. 


The capability of one’s goal rides the power of a wand, so it is a reasonable notion to scheme your wand for its planned objective, particularly if it is certain. If you have selected a stone that matches the curing properties of your motive, the wand should handily ratify programming.

Get in touch with the team of Alakik Universal Export for possessing such magical wands with their distinct healing properties which will help you make your life easier, happier, and more focused. 

worry stone

How to use Worry Stones – Alakik Universal Exports

The rising changes around us with the fall of pandemic have built in a lot of stress and anxiety among people. The reasons behind them can be traced down to loss of job, poor health, isolation, death in family and more. But the common result that ends up in each scenario is development of stress and anxiety among the people. This has resulted in people look for solutions using medicines, addictions and more all of which showcases side effects when used for a long term. To bring down on the long term impact and yet provide a solution for stress and anxiety, Alakik brings to people worry stones. A miraculous solution based on ancient astrological science and created by the nature in its lap, a solution that removes your anxiety and stress by just the mere connection of physical contact. 

Let’s take a look at what is worry stone and how it can benefit you!

What is Worry Stone?

Worry stones also known as thumb stones, palm stones, soothing stones, fidget stones, or sensory stones are polished and smooth gemstones usually available in the shape of an oval with a thumb-sized indentation. The smoothness that the stone receives: is created by continuous flow of water in the nature. Worry stones that are found in nature are usually between 2cm to 4.5cm in their size. Worry stones are used by individuals by holding the stone between the thumb and the index finger. Then gently the thumb is moved back and forth across the stone to get the desired result of calmness. This action of moving one’s thumb back and forth across the stone helps to reduce stress and anxiety of an individual.

The historical and geographical connection of Worry Stone

The historical literature review showcase the existence of and use of worry stone dates back to 1500 B.C. However, there is no genuine confirmation as to where, how and why it was first used in the history. But as astrological and astronomical sciences gained major ground in history, the usage of worry stone has been seen to take a major growth throughout the world. Folk practice showcases, worry stones have many origins and the variations on the concept originate in ancient Greece, Bharat, Tibet, Ireland, and multiple Native American tribes. 

Recent historical literature study showcases that geographical existence of worry stones has been majorly mapped down to places that have continuous flow of natural water. This clearly indicates the existences of worry stone throughout the globe rather than the limiting understanding of its existence in a particular location. 

The Concept of Using Worry Stone

The concept of a worry stone began by the simple action of picking a smooth stone and fiddling with the stone. Worry stones made by sea water were generally used by Ancient Greeks. Native American tribes would continuously give them to younger generations, creating a sense of connection from previous family members. They also believed these worry stones were considered a sacred item and they were extra special if they were made out of quartz. 

This created a psychological vantage point of worry stone throughout the history making it significant to the users as a connecting agent with their family tree, helping the stone reach greater representation and demand across the globe. 

Usage of Worry Stone

Based on observation and study across cognitive behavior therapy, it was discovered that the use of worry stones is one of many folk practices that can function as psychologically healthy self-soothing exercises. Further studies highlights these types of techniques are ideal for early stage of treatment for patient suffering from stress and anxiety. The main reason behind this is displacing ability of worry stone to any destructive coping methods (nail-biting, scratching, lip-biting, etc.) that the patient may have developed. The usage of worry stones helps ready the patient to safely confront anxiety or trauma. 

Worry stones are simple and intuitive enough to be useful in therapeutic contexts where complexity and unfamiliarity are paramount concerns, such as when offering short-term treatment to refugees or children with post-traumatic stress disorder. After a patient has mastered a more sophisticated relaxation script for anxiety management, the worry stone itself can serve as a physical ‘relaxation script reminder’; the patient may notice an impulse to use the object, and thereby become aware of their own anxiety. The rubbing of the stone can create a sense of relaxation making the mind more relaxed and generating a sense of calmness. There are also people that may use them during meditation practices; this is known to center a person’s concentration benefiting the meditation.

Benefit of Using Worry Stone

There are many different of types of benefits that can be derived with the usage of worry stone. Some of the certain benefits that can be mastered with the usage of worry stone are as follow:

Stress Relief: The usage of worry stone by means of contact whether through wearing one or fidgeting with one, functions as huge stress buster for individuals suffering from stress. 

Notion of Physical Touch: People suffering from depression, stress and anxiety often finds it difficult to perform regular calming exercises like breathing. Based on a study conducted by Ashley Leavy and Love light school of crystal, it was discovered that using a physical touch with the worry stone made it possible for such individual’s to perform breathing exercise much easily. 

Anxiety Relief: The usage of the worry stone showcase as a continuous physical contact and displacement of dangerous habit like nail biting, while passing down a calmness using contact. This in turn helps individual to overcome anxiety very easily especially if they are in the early stages. 

Acupressure functionality: The worry stone can help absorb your worries, given that it is an element from the earth. And thanks to our acupressure points in the thumbs, worry stones can not only help you calm your worries but also make you feel a little happier in the moment, too.

These clearly highlight the different way a worry stone can benefit an individual over time.  

When should an individual use worry stone?

There are different performing functionalities when a worry stone can be of great use for an individual. Below listed are some of the occasional times when an individual can look forward to use a worry stone:

When Stressed: If an individual is thoroughly stress, worry stone can help them bring calmness and with cognitive behavioral scientific proof of worry stone being effective to stress, this an ideal situation for an individual to use worry stone. 

During Meditation: Worry stone showcases a great contact force for those who have issues to self activities like breathing exercise. It is for those individual who cannot meditate on their own because of lack of composure. The usages of worry stone in such situations are an ideal contact force to ensure composure helping such individuals to meditate easily.  

Before Sleeping: Stress and anxiousness have a knack for striking at the worst times—like when you’re trying to fall asleep. During such stress and anxious situation: having a worry stone works as a distraction. This allows you to remove your focus from such stress and anxiety and bring you to a dilution of blank thoughts. This in turn allows you to sleep very easily. 

During Conversation: Speech challenges are common among many, especially if the conversation is related to a very difficult topic. In such a scenario having a worry stone provide composure to an individual at many different levels. Firstly it functions as a stress buster, secondly it helps improve blood flow through acupressure, thirdly it creates a temporary glee that helps individuals to cope with the situation and lastly with the de-stressing of the anxiousness it help individual acquire composure to speak. 

During Walking: Walking is a good form of exercise to detox as well as de-stress for all age of individual. In such a situation acupressure vantage point of worry stone can be of great use, as it helps improve the positive connotation of the exercise by a huge margin. 

This clearly showcase the different times you can use a worry stone to have the maximum benefit out of it. 

So if you are an individual facing too much of stress, anxiety and depression whether it be from personal, professional or medical stand point of view, then worry stone is an ideal solution for you. If you are looking for best quality worry stone get in touch with us, we would be glad to help you. 

Why Choose Us?

We at Alakik is one of the largest global exporter of all kind of stones whether it is metaphysical, gem or something else. Every stone that we sell are handpicked to ensure the best of the quality material are passed down to our customers. All our stones go through thorough lab testing and quality check process before we finalize them for sale. This helps us maintain impervious quality and genuinely across all our products. So if you are individual looking for right place to purchase a worry stone, what can be better than purity and surety we offer on all our stone. So without any worry please get in touch with us today to purchase the best of quality worry stone that will help you get stress a free life.  


Top 5 Healing Crystals to Increase Energy in 2023| Alakik

With new year comes new aura and fresh vibrations, the exercise of donning crystals as a means of assimilating their healing power is an old exercise. Historically, crystals have been detected as a kind of medication, with notions obtained from historical structures of Paganism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 

When it gets to an energetic cure, every crystal has distinct properties and purposes. Many are declared to be beneficial in passionate matters, and some are utilized to apodictic wealth, while others maintain inspiration for anger management issues. Each crystal heals us in some or another way.

Here are Top 5 Healing Crystals you should own

  1.   Clear Quartz

Let’s begin with clear quartz as it is considered the “ace” crystal of curing and healing. It assists to empty the mind and stabilize the power of the body while supporting the immune system.

The universe and our bodies will constantly strive to rebuild themselves when we permit them to – you must have discerned how nature takes back evacuated areas, and surveys have noticed how our physiques initiate to mend themselves as shortly as we quit smoking a cigarette. This is heightened when we don these precious crystals. Clear quartz reliefs memory and attention, so it can be extremely helpful during incubation and menopause. 

  1.   Turquoise

Turquoise is a rock assumed to be one of the promising stones that aid in healing since multiple sources deemed the stone to be a strong bridge between paradise and the world that can assist us in balancing our sentiments. Also, Turquoise is believed to be a lucky charm.

  1.   Rose Quartz

This crystal is incredibly popular. Rose quartz is normally utilized as a meditation stone as it talks directly to the soul chakra. It heals sentimental scars, aggravates a feeling of self-love, and arouses the natural kindness that is present within us all. 

  1.   Amethyst

This purple-colored stone is incredibly sacred and is a means of attaching to the third eye. The component closely associated with the third eye chakra is the pituitary gland, which regulates various cognitive and hormonal tasks. When the third eye isn’t operating, we can suffer from frequent headaches, sleeplessness, burnout, hormone unevenness, and many other related symptoms. Amethyst can support in balancing all of this, and multiple have experienced relief in these symptoms.

  1.   Bloodstone

This healing crystal has a remarkable impression of opaque green with red specs, it’s moreover asserted to purify the blood by pulling away pessimistic energy. It encourages you to strengthen a sense of hustle, excitement, and courage, so it can be beneficial if you’ve hit a rock bottom. 

Each crystal holds its curing properties, and numerous other crystals can be utilized to accomplish optimistic stuff in life. Crystals must be utilized alongside a profound zeal to greet positivity, prosperity, and pleasure into your existence. Alakik Universal Export trades for such valuable crystals and stones that have high healing properties.

how healing stones work

An insight into how healing stones work? – Alakik

First of all, advocates accept that precious stones are courses for the recuperating energy of the earth when utilized accurately. Gems and healing stones radiate positive, elevating, stimulating, and quieting vibrations that assist you with accomplishing a more tranquil brain and a rejuvenated actual condition. 

Every gem is said to affect the brain and body differently. Precious stones’ vibrations emerge from the extraordinary way their particles and atoms move and collaborate. 

These vibrations and energies can, at that point, apparently influence our human bodies—and brains. 

“Our bodies are dynamic, electromagnetic organic entities—we have physical, passionate, mental, and profound energy coursing through us constantly,” Mercree says. “Gems are a fun and interesting approach to help direct and impact that energy towards more noteworthy wellbeing when utilized with the correct goal.” 

Even though it might sound a piece, blunder, bohemian, our predecessors have esteemed gems for a long time. “People have utilized stones for mending and fiery purposes for millennia,” 

What do healing stones do? 

“There’s no logical exploration that backs up the case that gems can be utilized to fix sickness. Since sicknesses are not brought about by regrettable energy or frequencies, precious stones actually can’t cure the infection in the manner that gem advocates clarify. 

Be that as it may, we should not dismiss the force of gems so quick. While there’s no logical proof that they can fix ailments, they could have some psychological and surprisingly actual advantages because of the supposed self-influenced consequence, Mysore notes. “Like how we put confidence in the force of supplication and other strict convictions, putting trust in recuperating stones may not be so fantastical.” 

Also, healing crystals and precious stones presumably aren’t doing you any damage. Except if you’re overspending on a costly remedial treatment or just depending on precious stones to help your prosperity, Mysore says that adding a few jewels to your life can build your positive energy and certainty or help you remember a goal.

How Do Chakra Stones Work? 

Gems and gemstones have properties that work with recuperating, and the act of utilizing them to fix illnesses goes back millennia. 

In school, they instruct us that stones are abiotic, while people and creatures are known as biotic. All in all, we are alive; they are definitely not. 

At the point when we come into contact with specific precious stones, numerous incredible things can occur. 

Features of Healing Stones: 

  • The utilization of chakra stones or worry stone otherwise known as gem recuperating is a type of elective medication; 
  • Each stone has been relegated various properties dependent on what healers have seen over the long haul. For instance, dark is one of the shadings associated with the root chakra on the grounds that Black Onyx is said to recuperate and reinforce this energy community; 
  • The interaction is a straightforward one and includes squeezing the stones against your body, permitting them to dispose of enthusiastic blockage and advance clearness; 
  • Like many thousands all throughout the planet, you can make this training an individual piece of your self-care schedule. 


Alakik Universal Exports has the latest in healing stones. They are incorporated in the form of various bracelets, hoops, neckbands, and rings for more visit our website.