Tag Archives: chakra sets

Chakra Sets

The Power of 7: Understanding Each Chakra Stone in Your Chakra Crystal Set

Have you ever heard of chakra stones? These colourful gems possess strong powers and are believed to have healing properties that align with the seven chakras of our body. Each Chakra has its significance and is based on the colour associated with different physical and emotional characteristics. Chakra stones can be adorned as jewellery, used in meditation, and used as energy healing. In this blog post, we’ll explore the true meaning of chakras and how they are associated with our bodies. 

What Are Chakra Stones?

Chakras are the energy centres of the body, believed to be located along the spine. To be more precise, there are seven main chakras, and each represents different aspects of our being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These chakras are said to be connected by channels or pathways, which allow energy to flow through the body.

The word Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word for wheel. As the wheel turns and keeps going, the same way the chakras often depict the meaning of a spinning wheel of energy in our body. It is said that when these chakras are stable and in the correct position, there is a perfect balance and smooth functioning of the flow in our body. However, if any of these chakras are blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances and health issues.

The body has seven main chakras, each associated with a different colour, location, and purpose. Each Chakra also has a symbol and mantra that can be used to activate and balance its energy.

Overview of the 7 Chakra Stones

The seven chakra crystals, also known as chakra stones, are associated with the seven energy centres in the body, including the Root chakra, the Sacchakra, the Solar Plexus, the heart chakra, the Throat chakra, the Third Eye chakra, and the Crown chakra. Each crystal is linked to a specific chakra and is believed to help balance and align that chakra.

Root Chakra: Grounding with Red Jasper

Red Jasper is known to have a strong association with our root chakra. It is well known among crystal enthusiasts and has a significant meaning to our root chakras. Being one of the leading Wholesale Chakra Sets exporters at Alakik, we assure you that we will get a genuine product because we understand the reason and importance of red jasper. Our root chakras are responsible for our sense of security and protection in the world and are activated and harmonized only by the red jasper. The stone is essential for maintaining well-being and stability in life.

Sacral Chakra: Energizing with Carnelian

Carnelian is a vibrant orange-red stone closely linked to our sacral chakra. It has a substantial property, as it develops the power to uplift and energize the chakra properties. Carnelian is an excellent companion for bringing balance and vitality to this energy centre. The sacral chakra is one of the best for boosting creativity and enhancing a person’s emotional well-being. It also depicts the power to increase energy and support our reproductive health system. 

Solar Plexus Chakra: Empowerment with Yellow Citrine

Yellow Citrine is an effective stone associated with confidence and abundance. As one of the recommended Wholesale Chakra Sets providers, we assure our clients that they will receive genuine yellow citrine connected to our solar plexus chakra. The best advantages of the stone are to boost self-esteem, increase personal power, and manifest goals and desires.

Heart Chakra: Healing with Green Aventurine

Our heart is the most essential part of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure its safety, and for that, apart from regular health checks, Green Aventurine is said to be the shield when it comes to protecting the heart. The best part of the stone is that it helps change one’s behaviour by releasing old disappointments and habits. The stone can enhance creativity, increase patience, and bring tranquillity. It is also meant to protect against electromagnetic radiation. 

Throat Chakra: Communication with Blue Lapis Lazuli

If you are facing issues or need more confidence in communicating, it is advisable to use Blue Lapis Lazuli. It is the stone associated with our throat chakra, and it is best to present oneself through healthy communication. Enhancing the spiritual connection from the inner self to the divine powers will also benefit the individual.

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition with Amethyst

Heal yourself with the power of amethyst. It helps increase the meditation power and maintain proper balance between the third eye, brow, or Anja chakra.

Crown Chakra: Spiritual Connection with Clear Quartz

For great connection and healthy spiritual connection, the crown chakra must be stimulated, as it has the significant power of being the bridge to a higher state of consciousness. 

How to Choose the Right Wholesale Chakra Set Provider

It is one of the most significant concerns when it comes to the purchase of chakra sets. As a buyer, the client may find multiple suppliers or providers, but it is not clear which one is providing genuine chakra sets. To make it easy and convenient for the client, at Alakik Universal Exports, you not only will find 100% authentic chakra sets but also a team available to assist the buyer with their queries.


Alakik Universal Exports is the one-stop provider for buyers who want wholesale chakra sets under one roof. With over a decade of experience, we assure you you get the best products that are not only tested for the users but also genuine. You can get more details about it by sending us your inquiry. Based on the details, we will share the best results of the products with 100% deliverables and outcomes.

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler – Alakik

The Leading wholesaler of Chakra Sets

Manifest your goals and desires with the right chakra stone. As you choose quality chakra sets, it would help you to balance your inner spiritual level to increase your inner guidance. The chakra stone helps to increase positivity and remove negative vibes.

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

The chakra set consists of various stones, including Amethyst, Crystal, Yellow Aventurine, Peach Aventurine, Green Aventurine, Lapis, Sodalite, and Red Jasper. This set helps to organize and balance the certain process of your life on the emotional, mental and physical levels. Each of these stones helps connect with the emotional, physical, and spiritual sides of our body.

Alakik happens to be the leading wholesaler of such chakra sets. As they have been in this business since their 4th generation, they have a massive manufacturing experience. The best part is one can rely on their product without any doubt. As you get a cost-efficient product at wholesale price, you can experience the different aspects of healing with the diverse stones present in the chakra set.

Balance your chakras

If you imagine your body to be a car, then the tires are the chakras. As one tire gets unbalanced, you can experience unnecessary wear and tear in your car. Therefore it becomes extremely important to balance your chakras. This can help to keep the mind, body, and spirit working in harmony.

One can understand how essential it is to balance the chakras. Using the chakra set, one can immediately improve the energy flow of the body while balancing the different chakras present in the body. The energy-healing chakra stones increase positive energy and reduce stress. It also aids in improving the overall health of the person using the chakra set. Therefore, tap into the specific energies to balance the chakras.

Benefits of using chakra sets

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

There are numerous benefits that one can get while using the chakras. As you get the right chakra set from Alakik, you can experience some of these benefits:

  • Improve your confidence and self-esteem
  • Increase your mental focus
  • Communicate more clearly
  • Keep your feelings grounded and safe
  • Experience healthy relationship

Being the universal exporter, Alakik pays a great focus on quality. The brand was initially founded by the late Mr. Haji Sheikh Hussain. The expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field make Alakik the best. In addition to that, they do not chemically treat or dye the gemstone to enhance its color. As a wholesaler, manufacturer, and distributor, they undertake a 100% guarantee of the stones they provide.

With the motto of providing excellent quality products at the best price, makes their products ready for the competition in the international markets.

Why should you choose Alakik?

Choosing Alakik to buy your chakra sets would be the biggest decision. Along with that, you can also get the best quality gemstone pendulum, tumble stone, energy generators, and metaphysical crystals. We provide the customer with 100% satisfaction as our products are high-grade products. We design our gemstones using the latest and upgraded machines and equipment. You can buy our product using online payments. Make the best choice and surround yourself with the positive aura of chakra products from Alakik.




How to Use Chakra Stones

How to Use Chakra Stones for best results

Chakras are rightly known as the wheels connected directly to the major nervous system and body organs. Chakra stones are meant to be aligned as they are responsible for all sort of emotional and physical balances. Our body has 7 Chakras and each aligned to a specific system of our body starting from the base of the spine through the tip of the head.

Why do we need Chakra Stones?

When we talk about healing, the Chakra needs to be aligned and there are stones which help in aligning the same. The alter medication is also a common name for the Chakra Stones. It is important to understand the different colours depicting different Chakras as these colours changes when the Chakras are not aligned accordingly. 

We as human being loose the balance of the Chakras resulting in fall outs. Be it emotional, physical or spiritual, we often feel the imbalance in our life and that is the reason it is extremely important to find a more alternative ways to fix it. 

Understanding the Chakra Stones

  • Bloodstone, Ruby, Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian, Jet, and Fire Opal are the main stones to cure the root Chakra avoiding in effecting your overall living instinct
  • Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Aventurine, Brown Citrine, Fire Opal, and Orange Jasper is typically used to align the Sacral Chakra to avoid confusion in your life 
  • Yellow gemstones like Citrine, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite, and Fire Opal helps prevent any inflation in the Solar Plexus Chakra. This shall definitely bring in more confidence and balance the emotional conditions
  • Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, and Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate and Emerald are great for heart related concerns. These stones help the heart Chakra align accordingly
  • Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Calcite are specialized to diminish issues associated to the throat Chakra
  • Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Celestite, Azurite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Iolite, and Fluorite helps prevent any obstruction to cloud the mental clarity in the Third Eye Chakra
  • Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, and Selenite always helps to cherish the positivity and reflect the same from the Crown Chakra when used 

Alakik has all sorts of Chakra Stones to help support the whole body imbalance and works as an alternative medicine keeping it aligned throughout.

Advantages of Chakra 925 silver pendant

Know the Advantage of Chakra 925 silver pendant

The Chakra 925 silver pendant represents the 7 spiritual powers in the human body. Including the physical elements  – earth, water, fire, air and ether(space), the elements of light and cosmic energy. 

When you wear this pendant you have the universal force within yourself and healing power that can help to increase your vitality and supports you in getting what you need. The Chakra necklace reduces stress, fear, anger, resentment and other negative emotions. 

Did you know wearing silver jewellery has many health and fitness benefits? Health benefits of silver include the prevention of cold and flu, wound healing and skincare. Also, it contributes greatly to the heating and blood circulation in the human body. It also has the capacity to boost levels of energy and a sense of balance. It is antibacterial, antibiotic, improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body etc. 

Silver represents the moon and is also important in the yin philosophy of the Chinese race. Its colour is said to bring tranquility and calmness to the wearer. It even strengthens your immune system. 

Get your Chakra 925 Silver Pendant from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ now and reap the health benefits.  

Chakra Jewellery for staying centered and balanced

What are the Chakra Jewellery

Chakra Jewellery helps you to balance and strengthen your mind, spirit and body energy. 

Our body’s chakras are focal points that organize energy for use. Yogis have worked with the body’s chakra system for several years. They have extensively explored this system by mapping and locating the most appropriate herbs, gemstones, sounds, images to optimize each chakra’s energy. 

Photo by Alexey Demidov
Chakra JewelleryThe chakras are energy vortexes in our body through which various aspects of universal energy are ‘stepped down’ for specific uses. While there are many kinds of chakras in our body, the seven major ones are – the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base. When you want to clear and stabilize your chakras, wearing a piece of gemstone jewellery associated with the chakra of interest is an excellent way to proceed. This is why we have focussed on providing you with Chakra Jewellery that helps in staying centered and balanced. 

The chakras are divided into two areas of energy, connected and balanced by the heart chakra. The upper three chakras take care of mental and spiritual functions and the lower three chakras take care of emotional and physical functions. 

  • Chakra Jewellery for Crown Chakra – The crown chakra connects us to universal knowledge. The crown chakra provides Satchitananda (meaning truth, being and bliss). Chakra jewellery for crown chakra focuses on clear quartz, white howalite and white onyx. The chakra jewellery helps you to calm down and open up and experience your real self. Just as all colours of spectrum unite in colourless light, the highest chakra unites in itself all energies of the lower center’s.
  • Chakra Jewellery for Third eye Chakra – It includes amethyst, rainbow fluorite and lapis lazuli. The third helps in developing wisdom and orders mental functions. It helps in building your intuitive knowledge which aids in taking important decisions. It helps to reveal the divine power within and also reflects the divinity within others. It can help to destroy the dark past and create a golden future. It builds your intellectual capacity, creates new realities and dissolves old ones at the physical level.  
  • Chakra Jewellery for the Throat Chakra – It includes blue lace agate, sodalite and aquamarine. Throat cancer permits us to communicate with spirit and other humans. Most singers, artists and writers have active throat cancers. Wearing chakra jewellery can provide you calmness, serenity and purity. It also helps in finding your individual expression such as expressing your feelings, thoughts etc. It makes one youthful and a good teacher of spiritual science. You can gain a good melodious voice and have a good command over your speech. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Heart Chakra –  It includes rose quartz, rhodonite and aventurine. The heart chakra is the pivotal point between the mental and emotional. This chakra offers love and oneness for all. If this chakra is open, all other chakras align with it. Wearing chakra jewellery can make you feel perpetually happy because of which you have no worries or concerns about worldly pleasures, honors and humiliations. You can live in harmony with your internal and external world. It fills you with love, faith, devotion and duty. It inspires you to live in peace. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Solar Plexus Chakra – It includes citrine, tiger eye, yellow calcite and honey jasper. The solar plexus deals with self-image and our sense of joy. It helps you to conquer sorrow and suffering. Wearing chakra jewellery can help to experience inner peace and also aids in achieving inner harmony with self, you will learn to respect your feelings and accept yourself completely. It helps to experience positive vibrations and you will see that your wishes will also be fulfilled spontaneously. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Sacral Chakra – It includes Carnelian and Orange Agate. The sacral chakra is responsible for maintaining your good relation with others and with your community. Wearing chakra jewel will allow the natural flow of life as well as your feelings. You will experience the creative life energy flowing through your body, soul and mind. You will feel emotionally gratified for everything in your life. It also helps in encouraging primal feelings, sensuality, creativity, awe and enthusiasm. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Base Chakra – It includes Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Garnet and Red Jasper. The Base Chakra helps in maintaining good relations with the world and the universe. Wearing chakra jewel, you will experience the spiritual forces in your body and you will gain the ability to work lovingly on a physical plane. It helps to cultivate primal vital energy, the power to succeed, courage, patience and security. 

So if you are looking for chakra jewellery for staying centered and balanced head onto Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌’s website and find the best chakra Products well suited for you. 

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

What are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word Chakra means disk or wheel. In meditation or yoga, chakra means the wheels of energy that can be found throughout the body. There are seven chakras that align the spine, starting at the base of the spine and go up to the crown of the head.

What are Chakra Stones? 

Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour. The vibrations given up by these stones help in realigning chakras, if they are mismanaged. Each Chakra corresponds to certain parts of ourselves be that emotional, physical, mental or spiritual, such that the effects that come from losing that chakra’s balance can be felt. 

What are the Colours of Chakra?

Each chakra has a specific colour which is as follows:

  • The Root or Base Chakra resonates black and red.
  • Sacral Chakra’s colour is Orange.
  • Yellow is for Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Green or Pink is for the Heart Chakra.
  • The Throat Chakra’s colour is Blue.
  • The Third eye chakra’s colour is Indigo.
  • The Crown Chakra is Purple or white. 

Therefore, each Chakra has several stones that can help heal or boost them into proper functioning. 

Which stones to use as Chakra Stones?

Chakras are energy wheels that can be found along the spine. There are seven main chakras that are connected to your body’s physical and emotional problems.

It can prove beneficial if you take the effort to understand what’s going on with your chakras in order to tune in to body, mind and soul. Try to pay attention and understand which Chakras react when you are in problematic situations. Take note of frequent patterns of recurring illness which can help you to understand your imbalanced chakras. 

Once you find out, it’s time to pick the best stones that will help you balance, heal and clear that chakra. Below are the details of seven chakras and what stones you can use to align them if they are imbalanced. 

1. Root Chakra – The Root Chakra is associated with the feelings of being grounded and represents your passion. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red colour. 

For Root Chakra healing, it is recommended to use red and black stones to bring back the balance and put it back in alignment. 

2. The Sacral Chakra – The Sacral Chakra represents your creativity and ability to accept others. It can be found just below the belly button. Its chakra colour is orange. 

To align the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to use Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Aventurine, Orange Jasper and Fire Opal. 

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your intellect and how you view yourself in your world. It is associated with Yellow colour and is found in the upper abdomen. 

If you want to align your solar plexus chakra, you can use yellow gemstones like Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite and Fire Opal. 

4. The Heart Chakra –  The heart chakra represents your ability to love unconditionally and to accept others. Its colours are pink and green and is located at the center of the chest. 

The recommended stones for Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite and Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald and Ruby. 

5. The Throat Chakra – The Throat Chakra represents expression and communication. It can be found in the throat and its colour is blue. 

For throat chakra healing, try using stones like Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite. 

6. The Third Eye Chakra – The Third Eye represents your ability to see and focus on the big picture. It signifies your understanding of the ups and downs of life. Its chakra colour is indigo and it can be found on the forehead right between the eyes. 

For Third Eye chakra healing, you can try stones like Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Celestite and Fluorite. 

7. The Crown Chakra – The Crown Chakra represents divine inspiration. Its chakra colour is violet and white, and it can be found on the top of the head. 

For Crown Chakra healing, try stones like Blue Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone and Selenite. 

Stones and crystals have long been used for healing the body, mind and spirit. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, Universal Exports sells the best chakra stone sets at wholesale prices. You can visit our website to buy them online. 


Chakra Sets that help relieve stress

Chakra stones are said to be a great stress buster as they relieve you from all the worries and tensions and lets you think of the future. The stones have been worn by people since ages and are trusted by people from all over the world. Some of the chakra sets which can help in relieving the stress of an individual are. 


  • An eight stone set with engraved chakra symbols include stones like amethyst, lapis lazuli, green aventurine for heart chakra, blue aventurine/sodalite, orange calcite, red jasper, yellow aventurine, clear quartz along with a carry pouch. 
  • Raw stones set will help you connect with nature. The stones are honey calcite, red calcite, green quartz, pineapple calcite, ametrine, celestite and clear quartz. 
  • Multi-coloured stones help in free flow of energy. The stones in the set are orange kyanite, malachite, sodalite, red jasper, yellow apatite, aquamarine and amethyst spirit quartz. 
  • The rainbow of terminated quartz points helps in balancing yourself. The terminated points are of green jade, lapis lazuli, red jasper, orange aventurine, amethyst, blue aventurine and golden quartz.
  • You can opt for raw stones if you are a lover of natural beauty. The stones are hematite, amethyst, sodalite, cernealian, citrine, green aventurine and clear quartz along with a pouch. 
  • Pyramids help in opening your energy centers easily. The pyramid set of stones include orange aventurine, amethyst, red jasper, yellow aventurine, sodalite, lapis lazuli and green aventurine. 
  • A beginner crystal set includes raw stones like rose quartz piece, citrine point, clear quartz point, tiger eye’s piece, hematite piece, amethyst point and black tourmaline red. 
  • A rainbow sacred geometry set include yellow aventurine octahedron, sodalite merkaba star, amethyst sphere, lapis lazuli icosahedron, green aventurine dodecahedron, orange aventurine cube and red jasper tetrahedron stones along with a wooden box to store them. 
  • You can go for a merkaba stone set which has lapis lazuli, jasper, red aventurine, red jasper, amethyst, blue aventurine and aventurine. 
  • You can start your journey with a starter chakra set which comes with a abalone shell and sage along with necklace, red jasper, citrine, green aventurine, tiger’s eye, amethyst, sodalite, clear quartz and wooden stand. 
  • Oval shaped stones which can fit in the palm of your hand are red jasper, carnelian, green aventurine, yellow aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst and clear quartz. 
  • The cubed stone set looks like paperweight but is filled with energy. The stones are green aventurine, peach aventurine, yellow aventurine, clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, red jasper and a pouch. 
  • Orgonite chakra set can help you in turning your bad vibes into good along with the stones carnelian, citrine, cherry quartz, amethyst, brass, seraphinite, chalcedony and clear crystal quartz inside an orgone heart. 
  • The thumb sized worry stones are yellow jade, green aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue aventurine, carnelian and red jasper with an information card and pouch. 
  • Raw and natural crystal chakra set has amethyst, blue calcite, sodalite, tiger eye, red jasper, orange calcite and kambaba jasper. 


If you are looking to buy chakra sets online, search no further and visit alakik website. Here we have housed all kinds of chakra sets for people with different tastes. 

Pros and Cons of Wearing Chakra Bracelets-Alakik-Universal Exports

Pros and Cons of Wearing Chakra Bracelets

Chakra bracelets are very popularly worn as a form of bracelet and hence its name. The wearing of the chakra bracelets not only act as a style statement but also produces the healing effect at the same time which is exactly the main reason behind their popularity. But the users should keep in mind at the time of wearing that to get the most out of these bracelets, they should be worn properly. In an addition to this, the users should know the pros and cons of wearing the chakra bracelets which are as discussed below.

Pros of Wearing Chakra Bracelets

chakra bracelet

There are a number of benefits of wearing the chakra bracelets but it is to be made sure that only the genuine crystals are used for the making of the bracelets. At this point of the users should make sure to opt for a reputed seller like Alakik for the getting the hundred percent genuine chakra bracelets. Alakik is one of the most trusted seller of Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ where all the users can be sure of getting authentic products without any compromise in quality and hence the benefits are intact that are as follows.

  • Starts the Process of Healing: All of the ailments of the body of the human beings are linked to the seven chakras. Each of the chakra is associated with some or the other major organs of the human body and has direct relation with some part of the body which can affect the overall health. Now, when any of the chakra is blocked, the flow of energy is also blocked which is the reason as to why the ailments begin to occur. These chakras can be blocked as a result of extreme stress, improper diet, negative thoughts and inadequate exercise. The bracelet necessarily unblocks the chakras and hence begins the healing process.
  • Maintains the Proper Flow of Energy of the Individual: As per the yogic tradition, there are seven wheels present in the human body which turns continuously for the maintenance of proper flow of energy starting from the base of the spine and then moving upwards to the crown of the head. Any disturbance in this energy flow can create problems but the healing bracelet effectively maintains this flow.
  • Helps to Release Blockages: The chakra bracelet is readily used for the purpose of releasing physical, mental as well as spiritual blockages and the same has been carried out for thousands of years before in the ancient civilizations. The healing bracelet facilitates free flow of energy throughout.
  • Produces a Vibrational Effect: When the chakra bracelets are in direct contact with the body, they produce a quite powerful vibrational effect which surges from the crystals in the bracelet into the individual who is wearing the bracelet.
  • Influences the Vibrational Frequency: The vibrational frequency as well as the scheme of colour of the crystals are necessarily used for the purpose of pairing each of the chakra with the specific stones present in the bracelet. The crystals influence the energies of the individual with the help of the vibrational frequency that is aligned with each of the chakra.
  • Revitalising the Chakra: The bracelet emits energy which in turn helps in the activation and revitalisation of each of the chakra depending on the stones used. This is of great help in the recalibration of the vibrational frequency of the individual resulting in a better health and overall well being. Moreover, the crystals so present in the healing bracelet make it easy and convenient for the individuals to take a good care of their spiritual health.

chakra chip bracelet

  • Effects the Aura: The bracelet also has a significant effect on the aura as well as the energy of the person by positively focusing on the emotions and mind of the individuals. This plays a vital role in creating a positive effect in the distressing situations in life. The bracelet acts as a reminder of the specific areas in life which need improvement and healing thereby acting as a meditative function.

Cons of Wearing Chakra Bracelets

There are also a few disadvantages of using the chakra bracelets which are as mentioned below.

  • Stomach Upset: Many times, it happens that the overexposure to the crystals present in the chakra bracelet can cause stomach upset or diarrhoea which indicates that the user is not ready to handle the influx of energy.
  • Energy Tingles: Wearing chakra bracelets can sometimes cause energy tingles which feel like small needles or pins pricking at random places on the body. Also, the users may experience alternating hot and cold flushes.
  • Headaches: Another problem faced by the users is headache which occurs as a result of the crystal’s energy getting modulated with the brain’s energies.

Why Choose Us?

chakra bracelet crystal

At Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ you can very easily and conveniently get the best wholesale chakra bracelet that too at the best price. Most importantly, Alakik has been into this field for long and is one of the leaders in supplying wholesale chakra bracelets which are completely genuine thereby worth buying. So, at any point of time, you are looking forward to the premium quality wholesale chakra bracelets, then no other option would be as good as Alakik in this regard.

Chakra Crystals and Yoga-Alakik-Univerlsa-Exports

Chakra Crystals and Yoga – Alakik Universal Exports

The truth is yoga is being practiced now for thousands of years in India and presently being promoted by the experts across the globe among those who are eager to remain healthy and fit. Yoga is considered to be a powerful form of exercise of the mind and the body, while being completely natural and safe. Practicing yoga on a regular basis helps the person to understand his body’s internal and emotional well being. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, it is something that is overlooked by many. This offers the person the chance to get know about self from within. At the same time, the different yoga pose is said to affect human actions and thoughts. There are seven chakras in the human body whose balance is restored through yoga. One can come across Chakra sets for sale and use it to their benefit.

Chakra balancing

The yoga experts also state that every breath work, meditation and pose has been designed to help the chakras to be correctly balanced. During the yoga class, energy is moved throughout the body, to make the chakras to become more receptive towards receiving crystals’ healing properties. Therefore, for chakra cleansing purpose, crystals are to be used, which will enhance yoga practice, thereby bringing more healing and harmony to the energy body.

The stones are to be laid around the mat for allowing the crystal’s energy to work with the chakras while the person moves during yoga class. Then during savasana, the chakra cleansing grid is placed on the body. Chakra meditation is possible even if the person does not practice yoga. He just needs to lie on his back and in body formation, place the stones.

Required stones

  • 7 chakra stones or one chakra healing bag
  • 2 Selenite Cleansing Crystal or Selenite Cleansing Stone
  • Four Quartz Crystal Points
  • 2 Shungite Stones

The Procedure

Quartz crystal points are to be placed around the mat’s sides in four different directions. While practicing yoga, the 2 shungite stones are to be placed on quartz’s either side at the mat base, with the chakra crystals placed along either side, while the selenite is to be placed at the top edge. While practicing savasana, the chakra crystals are to be laid over the 7 chakras. Then the 2 Shungite stones are to be placed on the feet’s outside after which the 2 Selenite Crystals are to be held in the hand.

These crystals are mainly used to balance energy flow promotion right from the root chakra to crown chakra. It becomes easier to understand better about the body, patterns, beliefs and emotions which hinder or help when trying to attain spiritual growth.

Once the person has confident in having gained better knowledge and understanding of the different types of chakras, its functioning and which one has been blocked or why, then the chakra crystals are to be removed and journal maintained about what has been gained by undergoing this meditation. This exercise is to be repeated for about 21 days for a particular time period. The key here according to the experts is consistency and commitment towards achieving the desired results. The crystals meant for yoga is to be kept in the mat bag and their energy is to be connected every time yoga is practiced.

Those practicing yoga professionally and training others to help lead a better, satisfied and happy life can buy Wholesale Chakra Sets to benefit their students.

Get in touch with us:

Phone : +91 2698 222520
Mobile : +91 98985 41435
E-mail: info@alakik.net

Benefit of Wearing Chakra Jewellery-Alakik-Universal Exports

Benefit of Wearing Chakra Jewellery – Alakik

There are many who are eager to change their fortune and enhance their health for the better. If this is what they desire, then it becomes important for them to make use of Chakra Jewellery. These are not ordinary jewelry items and hence, the aspiring user has to first know what it is all about and the type of benefits that he can enjoy from wearing it.

Know what is Chakra

The fact is more than the jewelry, it is considered to be the chakras that is considered to be quite significant and is to be known in depth, so as to benefit from it. Chakras are actually energy points that are present in the different part of the spiritual body. Also, it is essential to know how they can relate easily to the world that surrounds human beings. Hence, it will be important to understand the fundamental aspects of energetic and magnetic influence that tends to go a long way for knowing how various types of things may affect human being. One can get authentic Wholesale Chakra Jewellery from the reliable online stores.

About Chakras

Chakras literally are translated into ‘energy vortexes’. This is the way how they can be depicted across eastern culture. The human body is said to have seven main chakras, with each corresponding towards specific emotions and feelings in the spine that begins right from the crown to the base. In case, detailed attention is paid to specific emotions, like love, the person is likely to notice that the heart center is pervaded by feelings, for lumbar area, happiness, etc.

However, chakras are not considered to be sensitive towards what is being felt by humans, including that of external influence. As a matter of fact, anything that is touched or viewed tends to have certain energy frequency, which can interact with human beings. For example, a different type of vibration can be experienced being in the bar than that of a meditation center. It is indeed an obvious difference.

Chakra Jewellery to derive higher vibration

Since the energy surrounding cannot influence human energy, it does make sense that one can be receptive towards both good and bad influences. For example, the meditation and bar center! If this is the case, then will it make sense to be surrounded with those elements which can help lift the person rather than lowering down his energy. It is for this main reason that the sages (rishis) of those ancient times in India were said to prescribe metals, precious jewels and stones that needs to be worn at the right place in the human body, contacting the skin. Every item is said to have certain vibration which can affect the wearer. But it is necessary to know that it does involve the person to get into one to one consultation with the specialists and be detailed and specific about understanding his particular needs. There are also present other types of stones which can be of general use. It is for this very reason that it becomes essential for every person to carry with him/her a wide range of high vibration, superior grade jewelry that can serve general purpose. The Wholesale Chakra Jewellery items includes Malachite, Blue Lapis, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Jade, etc.

For more information visit: https://www.alakik.net or Call: +91 98985 41435