Category Archives: Chakra Stone Jewellery

Wholesale Chakra Stone Sets

How to Choose the Best Wholesale Chakra Stone Sets for Your Spiritual and Healing Needs.

Chakra stones are believed to play major roles in the world of spiritual healing and wellness. The stones align and balance your body’s energy centers, popularly known as chakras. Read on from this buying guide how you can choose the best wholesale chakra stone sets for considerably adding to your spiritual and healing practices. Learn below in this guide how to choose the ideal chakra stone sets.

Understanding the Chakras

The chakra system consists of seven main chakras that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Each chakra is associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual functions. Here is a brief overview of the seven chakras:

Root (or Base) Chakra:This chakra is found at the base of the spine and deals with survival, security, and grounding. The stones that are ideal for balancing this chakra are red jasper and black obsidian.

Sacral Chakra: This chakra below the navel is related to creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. Therefore, such stones as carnelian and orange calcite are usually put on this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Located in the upper abdomen, it stands for personal power, self-esteem, and confidence. This chakra is balanced using yellow material or stones, for example, citrine and yellow jade.

Heart Chakra: Located precisely in the center of the chest, this chakra relates to love, compassion, and emotional well-being. This chakra works best with green stones like green aventurine and pink stones like rose quartz.

Throat Chakra: Situated at the throat, it deals with aspects of communication, truth, and self-expression. It is balanced by blue stones like blue lace agate and sodalite.

Third Eye Chakra: Located between the eyebrows, this chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and mental clarity. Indigo stones like lapis lazuli and amethyst are used for this chakra.

Crown Chakra: This chakra is located at the top of the head and is representative of spiritual connection and enlightenment. Quartz crystal clear stones and amethyst are good for this chakra.

The order of the chakras starts at the bottom of your spine (the base)and moves upwards to your head (the crown)

Selecting the Right Chakra Stone Sets

When choosing the best wholesale chakra stone sets, consider the following factors:

  1. Intended Purpose: Begin by deciding on a chakra or chakras that you would like to focus on. All chakras have specific colors and stones associated with them. For instance, if you want to feel grounded and more safe, then look for those including stones for the Root Chakra.
  2. Quality of Stones: The stones in the wholesale sets should be of high quality. One would naturally like to have stones that are more natural than synthetically prepared because of their authentic vibes and healing properties.
  3. Stone Variety: Some good chakra stone sets probably contain stones of many types for each chakra. It is this variety that will let you try them out and know which one really resonates with your energy.
  4. Size and Shape: The stone’s size and shape can also influence their usability: small stones are such that one can easily transport them about and have them be convenient for crystal grids, while larger stones are great to meditate with or simply hold onto while doing a healing session.
  5. Supplier Reputation: Have sellers who provide you with correct information about the stones: origin, healing properties, etc. This will ensure that you buy only those stones that are originally effective and authentic.

How to Use Your Chakra Stone Sets

Knowing how to use your wholesale chakra stone sets properly is crucial once you’ve made your selection.

  1. Meditation: Hold or place on corresponding chakra points, during meditation for enhanced energy flow and balance.
  2. Crystal Grids: Create crystal grids with your stones to amplify their healing vibrations. Place the stones in geometric patterns that resonate with your intentions.
  3. Wearable Jewelry: One can wear Chakra stone jewelry to stay energized throughout the day. Welcome necklaces, bracelets, and rings with stones that associate with the proper chakras you would want to be working on.
  4. Healing Sessions: One can wear Chakra stone jewelry to stay energized throughout the day. Welcome necklaces, bracelets, and rings with stones that associate with the proper chakras you would want to be working on.
How to Use Chakra Stones

How to Use Chakra Stones for best results

Chakras are rightly known as the wheels connected directly to the major nervous system and body organs. Chakra stones are meant to be aligned as they are responsible for all sort of emotional and physical balances. Our body has 7 Chakras and each aligned to a specific system of our body starting from the base of the spine through the tip of the head.

Why do we need Chakra Stones?

When we talk about healing, the Chakra needs to be aligned and there are stones which help in aligning the same. The alter medication is also a common name for the Chakra Stones. It is important to understand the different colours depicting different Chakras as these colours changes when the Chakras are not aligned accordingly. 

We as human being loose the balance of the Chakras resulting in fall outs. Be it emotional, physical or spiritual, we often feel the imbalance in our life and that is the reason it is extremely important to find a more alternative ways to fix it. 

Understanding the Chakra Stones

  • Bloodstone, Ruby, Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian, Jet, and Fire Opal are the main stones to cure the root Chakra avoiding in effecting your overall living instinct
  • Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Aventurine, Brown Citrine, Fire Opal, and Orange Jasper is typically used to align the Sacral Chakra to avoid confusion in your life 
  • Yellow gemstones like Citrine, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite, and Fire Opal helps prevent any inflation in the Solar Plexus Chakra. This shall definitely bring in more confidence and balance the emotional conditions
  • Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, and Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate and Emerald are great for heart related concerns. These stones help the heart Chakra align accordingly
  • Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Calcite are specialized to diminish issues associated to the throat Chakra
  • Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Celestite, Azurite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Iolite, and Fluorite helps prevent any obstruction to cloud the mental clarity in the Third Eye Chakra
  • Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, and Selenite always helps to cherish the positivity and reflect the same from the Crown Chakra when used 

Alakik has all sorts of Chakra Stones to help support the whole body imbalance and works as an alternative medicine keeping it aligned throughout.

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

What are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word Chakra means disk or wheel. In meditation or yoga, chakra means the wheels of energy that can be found throughout the body. There are seven chakras that align the spine, starting at the base of the spine and go up to the crown of the head.

What are Chakra Stones? 

Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour. The vibrations given up by these stones help in realigning chakras, if they are mismanaged. Each Chakra corresponds to certain parts of ourselves be that emotional, physical, mental or spiritual, such that the effects that come from losing that chakra’s balance can be felt. 

What are the Colours of Chakra?

Each chakra has a specific colour which is as follows:

  • The Root or Base Chakra resonates black and red.
  • Sacral Chakra’s colour is Orange.
  • Yellow is for Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Green or Pink is for the Heart Chakra.
  • The Throat Chakra’s colour is Blue.
  • The Third eye chakra’s colour is Indigo.
  • The Crown Chakra is Purple or white. 

Therefore, each Chakra has several stones that can help heal or boost them into proper functioning. 

Which stones to use as Chakra Stones?

Chakras are energy wheels that can be found along the spine. There are seven main chakras that are connected to your body’s physical and emotional problems.

It can prove beneficial if you take the effort to understand what’s going on with your chakras in order to tune in to body, mind and soul. Try to pay attention and understand which Chakras react when you are in problematic situations. Take note of frequent patterns of recurring illness which can help you to understand your imbalanced chakras. 

Once you find out, it’s time to pick the best stones that will help you balance, heal and clear that chakra. Below are the details of seven chakras and what stones you can use to align them if they are imbalanced. 

1. Root Chakra – The Root Chakra is associated with the feelings of being grounded and represents your passion. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red colour. 

For Root Chakra healing, it is recommended to use red and black stones to bring back the balance and put it back in alignment. 

2. The Sacral Chakra – The Sacral Chakra represents your creativity and ability to accept others. It can be found just below the belly button. Its chakra colour is orange. 

To align the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to use Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Aventurine, Orange Jasper and Fire Opal. 

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your intellect and how you view yourself in your world. It is associated with Yellow colour and is found in the upper abdomen. 

If you want to align your solar plexus chakra, you can use yellow gemstones like Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite and Fire Opal. 

4. The Heart Chakra –  The heart chakra represents your ability to love unconditionally and to accept others. Its colours are pink and green and is located at the center of the chest. 

The recommended stones for Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite and Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald and Ruby. 

5. The Throat Chakra – The Throat Chakra represents expression and communication. It can be found in the throat and its colour is blue. 

For throat chakra healing, try using stones like Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite. 

6. The Third Eye Chakra – The Third Eye represents your ability to see and focus on the big picture. It signifies your understanding of the ups and downs of life. Its chakra colour is indigo and it can be found on the forehead right between the eyes. 

For Third Eye chakra healing, you can try stones like Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Celestite and Fluorite. 

7. The Crown Chakra – The Crown Chakra represents divine inspiration. Its chakra colour is violet and white, and it can be found on the top of the head. 

For Crown Chakra healing, try stones like Blue Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone and Selenite. 

Stones and crystals have long been used for healing the body, mind and spirit. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, Universal Exports sells the best chakra stone sets at wholesale prices. You can visit our website to buy them online. 

Chakra Stones Necklaces For Spiritual Empowerment-Alakik-Universal Exports

Chakra Stones Necklaces For Spiritual Empowerment

Chakra necklaces are mainly used to align or quieten the chakras present in our body. These stones give you powerful messages, mantras, and inspirations and lead you to self-empowerment. There are seven stones for balancing the body chakras and all of them have unique power which help in balancing the energy of the body.

Benefits of Chakra Stone Necklaces

Chakra Stone Necklace

The benefits of wearing chakra stone necklaces is that they open all your Chakras which allow the energy to flow freely. If the chakras are open and healthy you suffer less both mentally and physically. If you balance your chakras  you can find balance and peace in your mind and life.

The mind of a human being has an incredible power and if you balance and clear your chakras many surprising things await you. Many shifts will happen which can make your life better and orderly.

Multipurpose Necklaces

These stone necklaces can be worn anyway. They can be worn in the form of jewelry, necklaces, talisman, rings and bracelets. All the crystals have general use and many unique properties. These chakra stones can make up for a beautiful necklace for ladies which can enhance their beauty.


Our body has certain energies and vibrations which can either react positively or negatively in a situation. The crystals have been trusted by ancient rishis and munis for calming down your life and yourself. It controls your body in a positive manner and gives it much-required energy.

Take a look at some of our products of Chakra Stones Necklaces:

Choosing the Right Chakra Stone Jewellery

Choosing the Right Chakra Stone Jewellery

A lot is being heard about the chakra stone jewellery in the recent times. They have become immensely popular which is quite evident from the fact that a large number of people are opting for the same. But at this point of time, there is a very crucial point that needs to be kept in mind. This is regarding the choice of the right chakra stone jewellery. It is exactly the situation where a number of people tend to go wrong. So, here are a few essential tips that wold be of a great help in choosing the right chakra jewellery.

Proper Selection of the Stone

At the beginning, you need to select the ideally suited chakra jewellery stone. Here it would be ideal to consider a stone which necessarily supports the overall energy or is particularly a great fit for any of the specific intention.

Keep the Intention Clear

The chakra stone might have a physical healing purpose, reflect spiritual or emotional aspirations or you might be simply attracted to any of the specific colour that resonates with you on that particular day. It is to be always kept in mind that the power of the chakra jewellery is enhanced by the clarity of the intention of the user and hence it is to made a point to choose very carefully.

Use a Mounting Piece That Does Not Interfere

chakra jewllery

It is extremely important to make use of a mounting piece or string for the chakra jewellery so that it does not interferes with the healing power of the stone in the jewellery. It is ideal to choose neutral elements like thin ropes, pure metals, leather etc.

Decide the Place to be Worn

At the time of selection of the chakra jewellery, the place of wearing of the jewellery is to decide in advance. The wearing of a chakra jewellery around the neck or as a bracelet would certainly be a statement for both the wearer and the viewer. So, it is important where you want to wear the jewellery and move ahead accordingly.

So, at any point of time you wish to wear a chakra stone jewellery, it is to be made sure to go to a trusted and reputed chakra stone jewellery supplier for the getting the premium quality as well as the genuine products.

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