Category Archives: Chakra

Chakra Pendant

Choose Right Chakra Pendant for Yourself

As individuals, we all have been fascinated with jewellery and desire to adorn them with grace and charm. Some of them can be worn occasionally, while some are worn regularly. The jewellery, which can be routinely adorned, helps us protect ourselves from evil eyes and negativity, balancing chakras and maintaining a balance in our health. Today, we will discuss choosing the right pendant chakra, which benefits our health and body physique.

Now, the question is choosing the best chakra jewellery that helps meet your goals and desires and maintains a balance in your regular lifestyle. The crystals and gemstones available come in different shapes, sizes, and colours and have different characteristics. The selection of this gemstone or crystals is entirely based on the individual’s personality and how they resonate with them. 

Before you decide to purchase chakra jewellery, it is essential for you to understand its benefits, healing powers, and uses. There is a common misconception about using chakras because they are believed to resemble religious symbols. However, we need to change the thought as these are not religious in the traditional sense.

Let us discuss this and help you choose the chakra pendant that benefits you and your personality.

Defining Chakra Stones

Since the ancient era, there has been a strong belief that chakra stones possess remedial properties. It has a vital essence of healing power, thus known as the healing stone. The core abilities believed for these stones are that they heal deep wounds and help bring prosperity. It continues with happiness and maintaining a proper balance in life and good health.

Discussing the chakra stones, all seven types of rocks have unique strengths and healing abilities. It is also believed that in some cases, these chakra stones or pendants are most advantageous to dealing with family and financial issues, including love issues. Also, to be more precise, these crystals are best known to be a protective shield that helps from harmful energy and evil eyes.

List of 7 Different Chakras

  • Crown chakra — violet
  • Third eye chakra — indigo
  • Throat chakra — blue
  • Heart chakra — green
  • Solar plexus chakra — yellow
  • Sacral chakra — orange
  • Root chakra — red

Each chakra listed above is connected to our body part, colour, emotional aspect, and illness. These chakras are further defined into five parts, which are connected to each chakras. 

5 Parts to Each Chakra:

  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Feelings
  • Energy
  • Spiritual

Types of Chakra Jewelry you can choose from.

Sterling Silver Chakra Necklace

You can select the chakra pendant by wearing it as a necklace piece. The silver material adorned with seven chakra stones is a necklace, which restores the inner energy and refreshes the soul. The best thing about the necklace is its pleasing contrast and attractive appearance.

Chakra Silver Chain Pendant Jewelry

Another way you can keep yourself stable, secure, and safe is by wearing a chakra silver chain pendant. Again, it is a great way to adore it as a piece of jewellery connected to your body. It also helps us work on our intuition and feel connected with the universe. Another reason you can select this as a pendant is because it increases confidence, energy, and peace in the mind and soul. Your self-esteem will grow as you wear this pendant.

Final Words: 

Alakik Universal Exports is the wholesaler in the industry to help you make your purchase easy and with 100% authentic products. You can order the Chakra pendant with us, and we assure you that it will be delivered in time. From understanding the requirement for the chakra pendant to getting it delivered to your doorstep, this is the ultimate motto of our company. You can send us your inquiry; our team will assist you further.

Understanding the 7 Chakras of Human Body

Understanding the 7 Chakras of Human Body

Seven Chakras in the Human Body 

What are the seven chakras in the human body? How important are they for us? Multiple more questions arise in our minds while discussing the chakras available in our bodies. The seven chakras are important in the human body and play a vital energy or prana shakti flows. These are known as energy chakras in our bodies.  

If any of these chakras stop functioning or are blocked, it leads to illness and disturbances in the natural process in our bodies. As an individual, an individual needs to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep our energy flowing freely. 

Let us proceed further and understand the chakras available in the human body and how they affect us. Also, we will discuss what imbalance does to our personality and organs and how to set it correctly by balancing these chakras with yoga asanas or poses.

Understanding Seven Chakras of the Human Body  blog

Understanding Seven Chakras of the Human Body 

  1. Muladhara Chakra

Element: Earth 
Color: Red
Mantra: LAM
Location: Base of the spine between the anus and genitals

How it affects the body: The Muladhara Chakra influences the overall health of the human body. Its core health areas are bones, teeth, nails, anus, prostrate, adrenals, kidneys, lower digestive functions, excretory functions, and sexual activity. 

This imbalanced chakra leads to tiredness, poor sleep, lower back pain, constipation, depression, and other eating disorders. To overcome this imbalance, it is necessary to have regular yoga practices that are best for your body and inner peace.

  1. Swadishthana Chakrasvadishtana

Element: Water
Color: Orange
Mantra: VAM
Location: Situated at the base of the pubis between the genitals and the sacral nerve plexus

How it affects the body: If an individual deals with their emotional identity, creativity, desire, and self-gratification, all is due to Swadishthana Chakra. The chakra governs the sexual organs, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine, and autoimmune system.

If this chakra is imbalanced, it leads to multiple problems like lower back pain, sciatica, decreased libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, low resistance to infection and viruses, tiredness, hormonal imbalances, and menstrual problems.

To balance these chakras, an individual has to follow designated yoga poses that give a sense of balance in the body and mind.

  1. Manipura Chakra manipura

Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Mantra: RAM
Location: At the level of the umbilicus corresponding to the gastric or solar plexus

How it affects the body: The chakra deals with an individual’s sense of belonging, emotional and mental understanding, and self-esteem. The functioning of the chakra is for the upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, middle spine, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, and stomach.

Manipura Chakra imbalanced will/may lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, anorexia/bulimia, or low blood pressure.

  1. Anahata Chakra anahata

Element: Air
Colors: Green or pink
Mantra: YAM
Location: On the cardiac plexus in the region of the heart

How it affects the body: It affects a person’s social identity and influences traits like trust, forgiveness, unconditional love, wisdom, compassion, and issues of the soul. To deal with it, it is necessary to have proper functioning in our body, and it is possible with the help of yoga. An imbalance can cause issues related to the thoracic spine, upper back and shoulder problems, asthma, heart conditions, shallow breathing, and lung diseases.

  1. Vishuddhi Chakra vishuda

Element: Sound or Ether
Color: Blue
Mantra: HAM
Location: On the level of the throat, the nerve plexus of the pharynx region

How it affects the body: Any kind of personality traits a human faces is due to Vishuddhi Chakra. It deals in communication, creativity, faith, truthfulness, self-awareness, and expression. The physical problem that governs are the throat, the thyroid, and parathyroid gland, trachea, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, neck and shoulders, arms, hands, esophagus, mouth, teeth, and gums.

  1. Ajna Chakra ajna

Element: Light
Colors: Indigo
Mantra: AUM or OM
Location: Between the eyebrows (third eye)

How it affects the body: It deals with self-awareness, wisdom, intellect, clairvoyance, implementation of ideas, detachment, insight, understanding, and intuitive reasoning. The functions of the chakra is related to the brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal glands, and the neurological system. Any imbalance could lead to headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning disabilities, panic, depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, or spinal dysfunctions.

To maintain proper balance and overcome the problem all is required is to regularly do Yoga and Asanas.

  1. Sahasrara Chakra sahasrara

Element: Conscience
Colors: Violet or White
Mantra: Silence
Location: Crown of the head 

How it affects the body: Sahasrara Chakra influences intuitive knowledge, connection to spirituality, integration of mind-body-spirit, and conscious awareness. It empowers the center of the head and midline above the ears, brain, nervous system, and the pineal gland. If you find any of the problems like chronic exhaustion and sensitivity to light and sound it means that your chakra is imbalance.

Imbalance is a part of life, however, having a practice of regular yoga, sadhana, and asanas, will overcome the traits in our body and can lead to a healthy and better life.

How Yoga can help Balance our Chakras ? yoga

To balance these essential seven chakras in our body, the best therapy is to opt for Yoga. It is the natural process that helps balance these chakras in our body.

When a chakra, i.e., the energy wheel in our body, is stuck, the body shows side effects, and it is necessary to get the movement and release the prana (energy). The natural therapy to regain power is practicing yoga postures, which are great ways to remove stale or stuck control from the body. 

Considering doing yoga benefits in inviting fresh air and energy into our body through yoga poses that help us breathe and calm our inner self.

The practice of yoga is ultimately a process that leads to a state of the union, which helps create a form in our body where energy and positive vibes can flow easily in our body. The base is from the spine (the Root Chakra) and goes beyond the top of the head (the crown chakra). 

When the energy and power freely flow in our body, all we can achieve is a state of union with cosmic energy and vibes that flow through all living things. When each chakra in our body is unblocked with this method, it spins like a wheel in our body.

Yoga is the best practice for balancing physical and spiritual immunity in our bodies. The poses of yoga not only exercise our body but also helps manage our mind, thoughts, emotions, and spirit, making it the perfect practice for balancing the chakras.

Final Words: At Alakik , we help procure different types of Chakras and Reiki crystals that are ideal for human practice. To order it all you can do is connect with us and get the best deals and delivery with designated time. 

How to Unblock the 7 Chakras

The reasons we face issues in our lives are rooted in the chakras. Also, the reasons for many of the problems we face in this world are rooted in our chakras. These chakras need to have a proper balance, and if the same are not, many things go awry.

It is necessary to know about these chakra systems and what needs to be worth mending and why it is worth investing time. We have created a guide to help you understand how to unblock these chakras.

Chakras are energy points that are essential for both physical and mental well-being. These chakras have a strong relationship with our body systems and their functionality. To maintain balance and unblock these chakras, it is necessary to follow the right food, essential oils, crystals, and proper yoga pose.

Each chakra has its role in our healthy functioning and being. Let’s take a look into each and how to maintain the balance.

Table of Content

Introduction to Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word developed from a wheel or circle. It is an energy point at the canter of the body. It is a process that corresponds to different parts of the body that affects the entire nervous system of the body.

In the body, there are 114 chakras, but seven major ones run along the root to the crown. These are the seven chakras we will be discussing today in this blog. Each of these chakras represented is by a different colour, element, and vibration.

The 7 Main Chakras

Here are the seven main chakras:

  • The Root Chakra
  • The Sacral Chakra
  • The Solar Plexus Chakra
  • The Heart Chakra
  • The Throat Chakra
  • The Third Eye Chakra
  • The Crown Chakra

How to Unblock the 7 Chakras and Restore it

These seven chakras play an important role throughout our life and body. Each chakra has its power and strength to stimulate energy and maintain balance in the body.

If you think you might have one or two chakra blocks, the next step is to unblock these chakras. You must be thinking about how it is possible and where to start.

The best way to do this is, to begin with, the root chakra and work your way up along the spine, one chakra at a time.

To unblock these chakras, mentioned below are some of the steps that restore the power and energy in these chakras and our bodies.

  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga practice
  • Moving your body in different ways
  • Changing your diet
  • Working with crystals
  • Journaling & other self-reflection practices


Alakik Universal Exports is the leading name in the industry that delivers all types of Reiki crystals and Chakras globally. We have a wide range of chakras collection that is best for the human body. You can connect with us over email or on call to let us know your requirement. We will provide the best quotes and assure you of the delivery of these crystals, stones, and chakras within the stipulated period of time.


Chakra Sets that help relieve stress

Chakra stones are said to be a great stress buster as they relieve you from all the worries and tensions and lets you think of the future. The stones have been worn by people since ages and are trusted by people from all over the world. Some of the chakra sets which can help in relieving the stress of an individual are. 


  • An eight stone set with engraved chakra symbols include stones like amethyst, lapis lazuli, green aventurine for heart chakra, blue aventurine/sodalite, orange calcite, red jasper, yellow aventurine, clear quartz along with a carry pouch. 
  • Raw stones set will help you connect with nature. The stones are honey calcite, red calcite, green quartz, pineapple calcite, ametrine, celestite and clear quartz. 
  • Multi-coloured stones help in free flow of energy. The stones in the set are orange kyanite, malachite, sodalite, red jasper, yellow apatite, aquamarine and amethyst spirit quartz. 
  • The rainbow of terminated quartz points helps in balancing yourself. The terminated points are of green jade, lapis lazuli, red jasper, orange aventurine, amethyst, blue aventurine and golden quartz.
  • You can opt for raw stones if you are a lover of natural beauty. The stones are hematite, amethyst, sodalite, cernealian, citrine, green aventurine and clear quartz along with a pouch. 
  • Pyramids help in opening your energy centers easily. The pyramid set of stones include orange aventurine, amethyst, red jasper, yellow aventurine, sodalite, lapis lazuli and green aventurine. 
  • A beginner crystal set includes raw stones like rose quartz piece, citrine point, clear quartz point, tiger eye’s piece, hematite piece, amethyst point and black tourmaline red. 
  • A rainbow sacred geometry set include yellow aventurine octahedron, sodalite merkaba star, amethyst sphere, lapis lazuli icosahedron, green aventurine dodecahedron, orange aventurine cube and red jasper tetrahedron stones along with a wooden box to store them. 
  • You can go for a merkaba stone set which has lapis lazuli, jasper, red aventurine, red jasper, amethyst, blue aventurine and aventurine. 
  • You can start your journey with a starter chakra set which comes with a abalone shell and sage along with necklace, red jasper, citrine, green aventurine, tiger’s eye, amethyst, sodalite, clear quartz and wooden stand. 
  • Oval shaped stones which can fit in the palm of your hand are red jasper, carnelian, green aventurine, yellow aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst and clear quartz. 
  • The cubed stone set looks like paperweight but is filled with energy. The stones are green aventurine, peach aventurine, yellow aventurine, clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, red jasper and a pouch. 
  • Orgonite chakra set can help you in turning your bad vibes into good along with the stones carnelian, citrine, cherry quartz, amethyst, brass, seraphinite, chalcedony and clear crystal quartz inside an orgone heart. 
  • The thumb sized worry stones are yellow jade, green aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue aventurine, carnelian and red jasper with an information card and pouch. 
  • Raw and natural crystal chakra set has amethyst, blue calcite, sodalite, tiger eye, red jasper, orange calcite and kambaba jasper. 


If you are looking to buy chakra sets online, search no further and visit alakik website. Here we have housed all kinds of chakra sets for people with different tastes. 

Meaning and Uses of Chakra Stones Based on Colours-Alakik-Universal Exports

Meaning and Uses of Chakra Stones Based on Colours

Chakras are the energy circles that centers inside the human body to help in all processes. It regulates from emotions to organ processes and to the immune system. There are total seven chakras residing in the body and each is associated with chakra stones. Although we normally speak of only seven chakras, the human energy field is made up of thousands of minor chakras in addition to the major seven. Starting from the base of the spine ending at the crown of your head. Each of this chakra has their own colour and vibrational frequency, and it leads to special functions, which makes you a human being. It is important to understand the chakras before we start defining each chakra individually. You are a human being and made of energy. All living things are made of this energy. The energy is the reason it keeps you spiritually, physically, psychologically and emotionally balanced.

The term ‘Chakra’ in Sanskrit means, ‘wheel’. So according to that meaning, chakras are spinning regularly. These are the colourful wheels of energy. To the millennials, chakras are essential in life. The topic of chakras has been originated in India first, around 1,500 B.C. Also, there is the mention of chakras in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is around 200 B.C. 

Seven Chakras and the Associated Colors

chakra healing kit for seven chakra

There are seven types of chakras in a human body and each of the chakra stones are based on the colors that are as listed below.

  • Root: It stays at the base of the spine, and red in colour. It mainly governs survival instincts and grounding.
  • Sacral: Situated in the lower abdomen, orange in colour. Generally, it governs self-worth and esteem, intuition, sexuality.
  • Solar plexus: Stays at the upper abdomen, yellow in colour, controls ego and impulse.
  • Heart: Situated at the center of the chest. Green and controls spirituality and compassion.
  • Throat: Stays at the throat, blue in colour and governs mostly emotion & communication.
  • Third eye: Situated between the eyes, purple and controls imagination, wisdom & rationality.
  • Crown: Situated at the top of the head. Colour is indigo and governs the connection with the divine beings.

So, now it be clearly understood as which are the chakra stones to be used and that too of which colour. But at this point of time, it is to be made sure that the stones so chosen are genuine and brought from a trusted, reputed as well as reliable seller.

The Science Behind Crystal Chakra Healing and Balancing

There are many who are interested to use crystal healing and chakra stones for balancing and enjoying life. Different cultures across the globe have been for ages practicing chakra and crystal balancing on the human body for purposes of healing. People in huge numbers are eager to know the science that actually goes behind chakra balancing and crystal healing.

How the inert stone can benefit the human body in a powerful way? The rising demand for Wholesale Chakra Stones is sufficient proof of its increasing popularity.

More about Crystal Healing

The answer to the above question is said to lie in a particular phenomenon known as piezoelectric effect. Taking into account a quartz watch, it is best possible to understand more about piezoelectric effect. A small quartz piece, if slightly bent is likely to put out continuous voltage, which in turn keeps the watch in running condition with great accuracy. The same thing and effect is derived by the human body with gemstones and crystals. They are said to place small charge which interacts with the human bio-magnetic field, thus developing more balance and harmony in life.

Find the Best Healing Crystals at Alakik-Universal ExportsUnique and effective

Every stone is stated to have its own unique vibration similar to that of every person. It is for this reason that the specific stones required to balance the chakras will vary from one person to the other and different suggestions can be noticed across numerous chakra books written.

Determining the right gemstone

In order to enjoy the effects of the powerful gemstone, it is very much important to get the right one that suits the person’s needs and requirements. The correct way is to determine if the specific gemstone perfectly is found suitable or meets the needs of the specific chakra. It will be wise to examine the gemstone by placing it on the person’s body and check with the body’s subtle and find out how it tends to respond to it.

Even a friend can be requested to place the different gemstones on the body, keeping the eyes in closed condition and to determine which of the chakra feels the best when placed. The body’s response to the gemstone is to be always trusted upon. In case, the stone gives out that bad feeling when placed on the body, then it should be immediately removed.

Simple rule to follow

A good rule that needs to be followed for chakra balancing will be to identify if the chakra color is similar to that of the tone. It will be good to boost as well as balance the chakra. Therefore, the following needs to be understood:

  • The primary chakra stone is to be red toned and
  • The secondary on is to be orange toned.

Certain stones such as quartz can be found in various types of hues, which are allowed to be used for different types of chakras. This again will depend upon its shade.

Selecting the right type

While checking out the type of gemstone to be used for every Chakra stones for healing, one should take into consideration the secondary colors. The common types found are pink for heart chakra and black for root chakra. But, it does not necessarily mean that each stone which heals a specific chakra will be that chakra’s secondary or primary color, since exceptions do exist.

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Balance Your Chakras - Alakik - Universal Exports

Balance Your Chakras With These Tools – Alakik

Due to daily life stressors, there may take place within the body and mind imbalances in several ways. It is as physical symptoms that they are noticed that correlates directly to the body chakras or energy centers as they are known.

Significance of Reiki

Reiki helps people to connect with themselves. It is also stated to be a wonderful way towards addressing various physical ailments and can be achieved through healing with the energy body. The overall health of the energy body is reflected by the health of the physical body. Diseases may crop up in the energy body initially. If physical issues are noticed, then it can be because of the body communicating with what has been neglected within. It is for this reason, there is a need to cultivate clear, healthy chakra system. For example, patients desiring to get cure for physical pain, chest pain or neck pain or digestive issues may not be due to injury. Some emotional block or probably holding pattern can be discovered within.

Effectiveness of Reiki

Reiki is regarded to be an effective and powerful modality that helps in clearing as well as re-balancing the body energy centers. It is through proper Reiki practice that the blocked chakras can be effectively and efficiently cleared.

Know the Different Chakras Present

  • Root Chakra: It is between the anus and the genitals that it is located and deals with problems surrounding survival, connection to Earth, tribal and identity issues. Survival fears arise if the chakra is found to be imbalanced, both financially and security wise for self and family. In this area, blockage could take place due to family problems, traumatic events, major life changes, etc.
  • Sacral Chakra: It is the second type that is located just below the navel by about 1” to 2”. It deals with power, sex, gender, money, procreation, creativity and emotions. With the chakra being imbalanced, there can be issues pertaining to sexual potency, abundance, control, power and relationships. Reiki can bring to the surface such suppressed emotions and to heal effectively.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: It is just above the navel by about 1” to 2” that it is located and is the power center., where self protection and self esteem is connected with. It is rather a sign of giving out power and takes place, if the person is feeling discomfort. There could be noticed physical imbalances as bulimia, anorexia, adrenal or liver dysfunction, stomach ulcers, fatigue or indigestion. The blockages get lifted with the performance of Reiki.
  • Heart Chakra: This chakra is located at the chest center. It helps to tap into self love, higher selves, divine love as well as Christ Consciousness. With it being imbalanced, imbalances in the region can be physically experienced. Reiki can help the person to become more compassionate and the blockages can be cleared to help accept lover from the others.
  • Throat Chakra: It is at the throat base that this chakra is located and helps people to speak truth. This also deals with issues related to communication, will to live and creativity. Imbalances in it may develop thyroid problems, sore throat, TMJ, scoliosis or swollen glands. Reiki can help the person to express himself and to follow his dreams.

The above are the five chakra types whose imbalances can be cured with practicing of Reiki.

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