Category Archives: Chakra Sets Wholesaler

Chakra Sets

The Power of 7: Understanding Each Chakra Stone in Your Chakra Crystal Set

Have you ever heard of chakra stones? These colourful gems possess strong powers and are believed to have healing properties that align with the seven chakras of our body. Each Chakra has its significance and is based on the colour associated with different physical and emotional characteristics. Chakra stones can be adorned as jewellery, used in meditation, and used as energy healing. In this blog post, we’ll explore the true meaning of chakras and how they are associated with our bodies. 

What Are Chakra Stones?

Chakras are the energy centres of the body, believed to be located along the spine. To be more precise, there are seven main chakras, and each represents different aspects of our being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These chakras are said to be connected by channels or pathways, which allow energy to flow through the body.

The word Chakra is an ancient Sanskrit word for wheel. As the wheel turns and keeps going, the same way the chakras often depict the meaning of a spinning wheel of energy in our body. It is said that when these chakras are stable and in the correct position, there is a perfect balance and smooth functioning of the flow in our body. However, if any of these chakras are blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances and health issues.

The body has seven main chakras, each associated with a different colour, location, and purpose. Each Chakra also has a symbol and mantra that can be used to activate and balance its energy.

Overview of the 7 Chakra Stones

The seven chakra crystals, also known as chakra stones, are associated with the seven energy centres in the body, including the Root chakra, the Sacchakra, the Solar Plexus, the heart chakra, the Throat chakra, the Third Eye chakra, and the Crown chakra. Each crystal is linked to a specific chakra and is believed to help balance and align that chakra.

Root Chakra: Grounding with Red Jasper

Red Jasper is known to have a strong association with our root chakra. It is well known among crystal enthusiasts and has a significant meaning to our root chakras. Being one of the leading Wholesale Chakra Sets exporters at Alakik, we assure you that we will get a genuine product because we understand the reason and importance of red jasper. Our root chakras are responsible for our sense of security and protection in the world and are activated and harmonized only by the red jasper. The stone is essential for maintaining well-being and stability in life.

Sacral Chakra: Energizing with Carnelian

Carnelian is a vibrant orange-red stone closely linked to our sacral chakra. It has a substantial property, as it develops the power to uplift and energize the chakra properties. Carnelian is an excellent companion for bringing balance and vitality to this energy centre. The sacral chakra is one of the best for boosting creativity and enhancing a person’s emotional well-being. It also depicts the power to increase energy and support our reproductive health system. 

Solar Plexus Chakra: Empowerment with Yellow Citrine

Yellow Citrine is an effective stone associated with confidence and abundance. As one of the recommended Wholesale Chakra Sets providers, we assure our clients that they will receive genuine yellow citrine connected to our solar plexus chakra. The best advantages of the stone are to boost self-esteem, increase personal power, and manifest goals and desires.

Heart Chakra: Healing with Green Aventurine

Our heart is the most essential part of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure its safety, and for that, apart from regular health checks, Green Aventurine is said to be the shield when it comes to protecting the heart. The best part of the stone is that it helps change one’s behaviour by releasing old disappointments and habits. The stone can enhance creativity, increase patience, and bring tranquillity. It is also meant to protect against electromagnetic radiation. 

Throat Chakra: Communication with Blue Lapis Lazuli

If you are facing issues or need more confidence in communicating, it is advisable to use Blue Lapis Lazuli. It is the stone associated with our throat chakra, and it is best to present oneself through healthy communication. Enhancing the spiritual connection from the inner self to the divine powers will also benefit the individual.

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition with Amethyst

Heal yourself with the power of amethyst. It helps increase the meditation power and maintain proper balance between the third eye, brow, or Anja chakra.

Crown Chakra: Spiritual Connection with Clear Quartz

For great connection and healthy spiritual connection, the crown chakra must be stimulated, as it has the significant power of being the bridge to a higher state of consciousness. 

How to Choose the Right Wholesale Chakra Set Provider

It is one of the most significant concerns when it comes to the purchase of chakra sets. As a buyer, the client may find multiple suppliers or providers, but it is not clear which one is providing genuine chakra sets. To make it easy and convenient for the client, at Alakik Universal Exports, you not only will find 100% authentic chakra sets but also a team available to assist the buyer with their queries.


Alakik Universal Exports is the one-stop provider for buyers who want wholesale chakra sets under one roof. With over a decade of experience, we assure you you get the best products that are not only tested for the users but also genuine. You can get more details about it by sending us your inquiry. Based on the details, we will share the best results of the products with 100% deliverables and outcomes.

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler – Alakik

The Leading wholesaler of Chakra Sets

Manifest your goals and desires with the right chakra stone. As you choose quality chakra sets, it would help you to balance your inner spiritual level to increase your inner guidance. The chakra stone helps to increase positivity and remove negative vibes.

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

The chakra set consists of various stones, including Amethyst, Crystal, Yellow Aventurine, Peach Aventurine, Green Aventurine, Lapis, Sodalite, and Red Jasper. This set helps to organize and balance the certain process of your life on the emotional, mental and physical levels. Each of these stones helps connect with the emotional, physical, and spiritual sides of our body.

Alakik happens to be the leading wholesaler of such chakra sets. As they have been in this business since their 4th generation, they have a massive manufacturing experience. The best part is one can rely on their product without any doubt. As you get a cost-efficient product at wholesale price, you can experience the different aspects of healing with the diverse stones present in the chakra set.

Balance your chakras

If you imagine your body to be a car, then the tires are the chakras. As one tire gets unbalanced, you can experience unnecessary wear and tear in your car. Therefore it becomes extremely important to balance your chakras. This can help to keep the mind, body, and spirit working in harmony.

One can understand how essential it is to balance the chakras. Using the chakra set, one can immediately improve the energy flow of the body while balancing the different chakras present in the body. The energy-healing chakra stones increase positive energy and reduce stress. It also aids in improving the overall health of the person using the chakra set. Therefore, tap into the specific energies to balance the chakras.

Benefits of using chakra sets

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

There are numerous benefits that one can get while using the chakras. As you get the right chakra set from Alakik, you can experience some of these benefits:

  • Improve your confidence and self-esteem
  • Increase your mental focus
  • Communicate more clearly
  • Keep your feelings grounded and safe
  • Experience healthy relationship

Being the universal exporter, Alakik pays a great focus on quality. The brand was initially founded by the late Mr. Haji Sheikh Hussain. The expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field make Alakik the best. In addition to that, they do not chemically treat or dye the gemstone to enhance its color. As a wholesaler, manufacturer, and distributor, they undertake a 100% guarantee of the stones they provide.

With the motto of providing excellent quality products at the best price, makes their products ready for the competition in the international markets.

Why should you choose Alakik?

Choosing Alakik to buy your chakra sets would be the biggest decision. Along with that, you can also get the best quality gemstone pendulum, tumble stone, energy generators, and metaphysical crystals. We provide the customer with 100% satisfaction as our products are high-grade products. We design our gemstones using the latest and upgraded machines and equipment. You can buy our product using online payments. Make the best choice and surround yourself with the positive aura of chakra products from Alakik.




Chakra Crystals and Yoga-Alakik-Univerlsa-Exports

Chakra Crystals and Yoga – Alakik Universal Exports

The truth is yoga is being practiced now for thousands of years in India and presently being promoted by the experts across the globe among those who are eager to remain healthy and fit. Yoga is considered to be a powerful form of exercise of the mind and the body, while being completely natural and safe. Practicing yoga on a regular basis helps the person to understand his body’s internal and emotional well being. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, it is something that is overlooked by many. This offers the person the chance to get know about self from within. At the same time, the different yoga pose is said to affect human actions and thoughts. There are seven chakras in the human body whose balance is restored through yoga. One can come across Chakra sets for sale and use it to their benefit.

Chakra balancing

The yoga experts also state that every breath work, meditation and pose has been designed to help the chakras to be correctly balanced. During the yoga class, energy is moved throughout the body, to make the chakras to become more receptive towards receiving crystals’ healing properties. Therefore, for chakra cleansing purpose, crystals are to be used, which will enhance yoga practice, thereby bringing more healing and harmony to the energy body.

The stones are to be laid around the mat for allowing the crystal’s energy to work with the chakras while the person moves during yoga class. Then during savasana, the chakra cleansing grid is placed on the body. Chakra meditation is possible even if the person does not practice yoga. He just needs to lie on his back and in body formation, place the stones.

Required stones

  • 7 chakra stones or one chakra healing bag
  • 2 Selenite Cleansing Crystal or Selenite Cleansing Stone
  • Four Quartz Crystal Points
  • 2 Shungite Stones

The Procedure

Quartz crystal points are to be placed around the mat’s sides in four different directions. While practicing yoga, the 2 shungite stones are to be placed on quartz’s either side at the mat base, with the chakra crystals placed along either side, while the selenite is to be placed at the top edge. While practicing savasana, the chakra crystals are to be laid over the 7 chakras. Then the 2 Shungite stones are to be placed on the feet’s outside after which the 2 Selenite Crystals are to be held in the hand.

These crystals are mainly used to balance energy flow promotion right from the root chakra to crown chakra. It becomes easier to understand better about the body, patterns, beliefs and emotions which hinder or help when trying to attain spiritual growth.

Once the person has confident in having gained better knowledge and understanding of the different types of chakras, its functioning and which one has been blocked or why, then the chakra crystals are to be removed and journal maintained about what has been gained by undergoing this meditation. This exercise is to be repeated for about 21 days for a particular time period. The key here according to the experts is consistency and commitment towards achieving the desired results. The crystals meant for yoga is to be kept in the mat bag and their energy is to be connected every time yoga is practiced.

Those practicing yoga professionally and training others to help lead a better, satisfied and happy life can buy Wholesale Chakra Sets to benefit their students.

Get in touch with us:

Phone : +91 2698 222520
Mobile : +91 98985 41435

What is chakra and it's benefits | Alakik

What is Chakra And it’s Benefits – Alakik

People have been using Chakra Jewelry and Chakra Sets since ages, but what is Chakra? It means wheel in Sanskrit. Chakra refers to the wheel of energy fields or centers exist in your body. Each energy center is connected to a specific organ.

Learn about aura

What is aura? It is the energy that surrounds the living and non living things. When it comes to human body, there are seven layers of aura and each aural layer is directly connected to a chakra. The fist layer stands very close to your body and each additional layer gets further and further away.

If you are enjoying optimal mental and physical health, your aura extends beyond your body in all directions. When you are depressed or sick, the aura stays close to your body. Activating and balancing chakras ensure optimal release of powerful energy and your aura and vibrational frequency undergo tremendous transformation.

Click here for – Chakra Sets to help with your Aura

 Fast paced life and overwhelming demands

You are living in a highly demanding world. The stress and strain involved with personal as well as official life has become almost unbearable for many. Dip in energy levels creates a negative impact and the productivity suffers badly. Many people are prisoners of negative thoughts and their physical, mental and financial health have been taking a beating these days.

Click here to take a look at wearable Chakra jewellery

 If that is the case with you, you need to surround yourself with things that lift you up. That is exactly why ancient rishis and gurus recommended keeping stones, metals and jewels in close contact with your skin. Top quality chakra stones have very specific vibrations that lift you up unbelievably to restore the vitality and vigor you need to face the challenges in life.

 Seven Chakras

There are seven chakras in our body and they are the centers in your body through which energy flows. When energy gets blocked in the seven chakras, you become highly vulnerable to physical or mental discomforts. In order to get rid of the discomforts, you need to keep this energy flowing smoothly and freely. Click here to take a look at some chakra jewelry.

 1) Root Chakra (Mooladhara)

This chakra is located at the base of the spine and it encompasses the colon, bladder and the first three vertebrae. Root chakra represents your foundation and you feel connected to the universe when it functions properly.

 2) Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)

This chakra is situated above the pubic bone and just below the navel. It can be described as your creativity or sexual centre. Your pleasure and basic emotions are deeply connected to the sacral chakra.

 3) Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

It is located above the navel and emotional issues like self esteem, self confidence and self worth are closely connected with this chakra.

4) Heart chakra (Anahata)

This chakra is located in your chest. It is your source of love and connection and this chakra works as a bridge between your mind, emotions, spirit and body.

 5) Throat chakra (Vishuddha)

The location of this chakra is your throat and it is deeply connected with your verbal expression.

6) Third eye chakra (Ajna)

It is located in the forehead exactly between the eyebrows. This chakra is the center of intuition and if you align it properly, your intuitive and imaginative skills reach new heights.

 7) Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

It is located at the very top of the head; in fact at the crown of the head. It is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection.

Explore our Chakra and Reiki sets with the 7 Chakras.

The human body is in constant flux between balance and imbalance. When you become aware of which chakra is out of balance and align it properly, the imbalance can be corrected. Proper alignment of all seven chakras located in your body keeps your mental, physical and emotional health at an optimal level.

Reiki Stones and Their Uses for Chakra Healing

In Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, a chakra is considered to be a node or energy point in the subtle body. It is believed that they are the part of the ingenious body or Nadi which is the meeting point of the energy of non-physical nature. It is believed that Nadi is the channels in the psycho-spiritual body through which human life force or vital energy or Prana moves. From different theological texts and teachings, you can learn about the different types of chakras. According to the Tantric texts, the subtle human body has many chakras. But amongst them, only seven chakras are considered the most important ones. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Many describe it as a spinning wheel of light.

A Brief about Chakra Healing

It is believed that within our physical body there resides a body double, a spiritual body which contains the chakras. They are those centers of activity which receive, assimilate and express life force energy. This force energy maintains a person’s physical, spiritual and mental functions. The force energy absorbs natural energies to and from the universe celestial entities and nature helps to transmit them. The activities of chakras influence our body shape, glandular process, chronic physical ailments, behaviors, and thoughts. If one chakra is blocked or is wide open or any disruption in the chakras results in an imbalance which is manifested in all areas of life. Reiki is one of the methods by which we can influence our chakras.

Healing Power of Reiki Stones 

There are very few tools and resources at our disposal that can align our entire body with healing that works. Chakra healing is considered the easiest way to have all your centers aligned. This is a science. Reiki stone is one of the most important tools of chakra healing. Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist MikaoUsui. The word reiki has been derived from two Japanese words, Rei meaning god’s wisdom and ki meaning life force energy. This Reiki means life force energy that has been guided spiritually. There are a number of ways of healing with reiki stones. The most common way is to lay on the stones, this can activate all your energy centers that are your 7 chakras. This will help you to release the energy unblocking those centers in your body.

Reiki stones can be used for chakra healing on its own. There is an abundance of reiki products that can be available in different shops and online stores, but the availability of quality and authentic products are very less. It is very important to know about the quality and authenticity of reiki products before you buy them. If you are new, then you definitely need a wholesale partner, who will provide you with the authentic and wide range of wholesale reiki sets. Alakik being one of the pioneering online stores and reiki set exporter is an authentic and reliable store. They have a wide variety of reiki sets for sale. Doing good to people through their business is the main objective of alakik.

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Chakra Stone Benefits & Importance in Our Life

The term chakra has been derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disc. Chakras are the hot spot of energy pathways known as meridians, they are the areas where the density of energy stays in its highest form, and thus exchanging energy with the outside world gets easier. Energy through the chakras passes to our etheric energy field or aura and to the outside world and vice versa. It is believed that this energy exchange is what gives you that psychic sense of our surroundings, this flow of energy directly affects our thoughts, emotions, state of mind and health. Everything we do influences our chakras. Our fast paced lifestyle today disrupts our chakras, which leads to diseased mind, body and spirit. Crystals and gemstones can balance our chakras. Chakra stones include red jasper, golden quartz, peach Adventurin, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite. These stones can be used to heal and balance our chakras.

Importance of 7 Chakras In Our Life

There are many seven chakras, which are considered most important. This includes:

  1. Muladhara chakra or red chakra locating at the base of the spine, which is associated with health, our connection to earth, family passion, and moving forward in life. Disruption of which causes loneliness, insecurity, unconfident, depressed, addiction, phobias and obsessions.
  2. Orange chakra or Svadhisthana locating at the base of spine is associated with creativity, energy, confidence, unbalanced sacral chakra causes eating disorder, addiction, unbalanced emotions.
  3. Solar plexus or Manipuri locates at diaphragm associated with our physical centre , disruption of which causes lack of memory.
  4. Green chakra or Anahata is located at the heart and associated with love and compassion, unbalanced heart chakra will make you feel detached to the earthly world.
  5. Blue chakra or Vishuddha is located at the throat, have a close association with communication an unbalance throat chakra causes nervousness, anxiety.
  6. Indigo chakra is located between and just above our eye is associated with the mind, ideas, thought, dreams, disruption of the balance of which causes headache, migraine nightmares.
  7. Violet or purple chakra is located at the crown of the head and is associated with spirituality and divine wisdom. An unbalanced crown chakra causes confusion, loss of faith.

Benefits Of Balanced Seven Chakras

A balance seven chakras have immense importance in our lives. It helps to maintain our physical and mental well being by reducing depression, anxiety, diabetes, obesity, food allergies, eating disorders, stress and increases our confidence, attachment to worldly life. Its functions in our life are indispensable. Chakra stones and crystals by their healing property can make your life worth living.

There are many shops nowadays that sells wholesale chakra sets, but all shops don’t sell authentic products and these products fail to provide you effective results. It is very important to buy these products from an authentic and reliable wholesaler. Alakik is that one stop shop you can trust without any second thought. This wholesale chakra set exporter are not only trustworthy but also provides you wholesale chakra stones at a reasonable price. For chakra crystals, this place is the one stop shop.

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ for more information.