Balancing The Chakras With A Chakra Healing Bracelets

Balancing The Chakras With A Chakra Healing Bracelets

For centuries, the bracelets have been part of the Indian tradition and are worn by both female and male counterparts. It is said that a chakra Healing bracelet would only work if its wearer is a believer because positive energy comes from the mind.

Which hand should you wear the chakra bracelet on?

It is believed that different sides of the body perform different functions. The left side is dubbed as the feminine side, also known as the receiving party. It receives energy from the outside and brings it inside, to bring positive energy. Therefore, it is believed that Chakra Healing Bracelets should occupy your left hand.

The following are some known crystals with their respective purpose as far as 7 chakras are concerned.

  • The Black Tourmaline and Lava Rock are great for removing negative energy.
  • The Rose Quartz crystal bracelets offer more love towards oneself.
  • The Amethyst helps in reducing the stress that comes from different emotions.
  • The Red Tigers Eye bracelet helps in boosting your confidence.
  • The Sunstone bracelet is good for granting wishes and fulfilling desires and wishes.
  • The Prehnite bracelet gives you a better sense of intuition.

On the other hand, the right side is believed to be the giving side. It controls the energy within and emits in the outer world. Here are a few crystals that you should wear on your right hand.

  • The Lava rock or black onyx bracelet should protect your family from negative energy.
  • The Rose Quartz bracelet worn on the right hand makes you more loving in nature.
  • The Amethyst helps in bringing a calming environment.
  • The Sunstone bracelet will disseminate healing and blessings to your loved ones.

How will you benefit from wearing a chakra bracelet?

The chakra bracelet works with positive energy. Chaka Healing bracelets are believed to create a Utopia that boosts happiness and helps people become optimistic in life.   

Alakik, Universal Exports provides a wide range of chakra bracelets. Check our website to shop our products.

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