Category Archives: Chakra Healing Stones

Chakra Pendant

Choose Right Chakra Pendant for Yourself

As individuals, we all have been fascinated with jewellery and desire to adorn them with grace and charm. Some of them can be worn occasionally, while some are worn regularly. The jewellery, which can be routinely adorned, helps us protect ourselves from evil eyes and negativity, balancing chakras and maintaining a balance in our health. Today, we will discuss choosing the right pendant chakra, which benefits our health and body physique.

Now, the question is choosing the best chakra jewellery that helps meet your goals and desires and maintains a balance in your regular lifestyle. The crystals and gemstones available come in different shapes, sizes, and colours and have different characteristics. The selection of this gemstone or crystals is entirely based on the individual’s personality and how they resonate with them. 

Before you decide to purchase chakra jewellery, it is essential for you to understand its benefits, healing powers, and uses. There is a common misconception about using chakras because they are believed to resemble religious symbols. However, we need to change the thought as these are not religious in the traditional sense.

Let us discuss this and help you choose the chakra pendant that benefits you and your personality.

Defining Chakra Stones

Since the ancient era, there has been a strong belief that chakra stones possess remedial properties. It has a vital essence of healing power, thus known as the healing stone. The core abilities believed for these stones are that they heal deep wounds and help bring prosperity. It continues with happiness and maintaining a proper balance in life and good health.

Discussing the chakra stones, all seven types of rocks have unique strengths and healing abilities. It is also believed that in some cases, these chakra stones or pendants are most advantageous to dealing with family and financial issues, including love issues. Also, to be more precise, these crystals are best known to be a protective shield that helps from harmful energy and evil eyes.

List of 7 Different Chakras

  • Crown chakra — violet
  • Third eye chakra — indigo
  • Throat chakra — blue
  • Heart chakra — green
  • Solar plexus chakra — yellow
  • Sacral chakra — orange
  • Root chakra — red

Each chakra listed above is connected to our body part, colour, emotional aspect, and illness. These chakras are further defined into five parts, which are connected to each chakras. 

5 Parts to Each Chakra:

  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Feelings
  • Energy
  • Spiritual

Types of Chakra Jewelry you can choose from.

Sterling Silver Chakra Necklace

You can select the chakra pendant by wearing it as a necklace piece. The silver material adorned with seven chakra stones is a necklace, which restores the inner energy and refreshes the soul. The best thing about the necklace is its pleasing contrast and attractive appearance.

Chakra Silver Chain Pendant Jewelry

Another way you can keep yourself stable, secure, and safe is by wearing a chakra silver chain pendant. Again, it is a great way to adore it as a piece of jewellery connected to your body. It also helps us work on our intuition and feel connected with the universe. Another reason you can select this as a pendant is because it increases confidence, energy, and peace in the mind and soul. Your self-esteem will grow as you wear this pendant.

Final Words: 

Alakik Universal Exports is the wholesaler in the industry to help you make your purchase easy and with 100% authentic products. You can order the Chakra pendant with us, and we assure you that it will be delivered in time. From understanding the requirement for the chakra pendant to getting it delivered to your doorstep, this is the ultimate motto of our company. You can send us your inquiry; our team will assist you further.

How To Select The Right Chakra Stone-Alakik-Universal Exports

How To Select The Right Chakra Stone?

The reason for working with chakra stones or gems is that each stone has the motivation behind amplifying or adjusting the energy community you’re zeroing in. To pick a mending rock, you need to take a gander at a few stone credits, including its fiery quality, shading, and the automatic or individual reverberation you have with it.

Chakra Stone Jewelry 

In case you’re wearing a mending stone as gems, you may consider a stone that upholds your general energy or fits a particular goal. The precious stone could have an actual recuperating reason, reflect passionate or otherworldly desires – or you may pull in to a shading that impacts you that day. Recall that the clearness of your aim expands the stone force. So ensure you pick cautiously. 

We propose to utilize a kind of string or mounting piece that doesn’t meddle with the stone mending power. Like thin ropes, calfskin, or pure metals, silver or gold, nonpartisan materials are acceptable choices. 

You are wearing chakra stone gems around your neck or armband as an assertion both for yourself and other people. Stones are excellent enhancers and may emanate or pull in energy both in and out through their typical characteristics, symbolic and social implications, just as the individual affinities you have with them.

How Do Healing Stones Work? 

Chakra stones are utilized to enact, balance, or enhance the energy of the chakras. Gem mending depends on the conviction that stones or gems have a characteristic recuperating recurrence to add to moving or adjusting point around them. On account of chakra stones, every gem’s vibrational mark relates or reverberates with unique energy places. 

You may utilize expectation and instinct to actuate the recuperating force of the stones. A dynamic creative mind or perceptions could help get to space where you can use stones or gems in the mix with chakra recuperating. 

Energy is diverted and amplified through the gem. It at that point influences or enters in reverberation with the vibration or recurrence of the chakra you’re zeroing in.

Approaches To Choose A Privileged Chakra Stone. 

1) Have a look clearly, that jumps out at you right away. Try not to tap on it and don’t peruse anything about it- record the names. Here are a few inquiries to assist you with this progression. 

  • Which one are you attracted to in light of its excellence? 
  • Which one pulls you vigorously as you ignore your eyes every one of the various stones? 
  • Which one feels like it’s shouting to you? 
  • Which ones are shouting to you to contact them? 

2) Now invest a little energy looking at each changed stone (again without perusing anything about them). As you do that, be keeping watch for the accompanying: 

  • Notice any feelings that surface as you look at a stone. 
  • How does its appearance cause you to feel? 
  • Close your eyes and envision grasping it – notice if your hand turns out to be warm or on the off chance that you feel any sensations or unobtrusive vibrations. 
  • Request that your higher self guides you and follow your instinct. 

3) Find out if anyone promptly attracted to likewise established a long term connection with significantly more than one you invested a little energy looking into the picture. Provided that this is true, those are the ones to begin. 

4) Click on the stones you were attracted to the most in stages 1 and 2 and read about them. Our conjecture is you’ll be astounded at the amount they line up with what you are searching for in your life at this moment.


Using Red Jasper for Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

Red Jasper is a beautiful, vibrant, rich and deep red colored stone with dark gray streaks from the family of Microcrystalline Quartz Stone. Red Jasper name can be traced back to ancient languages like Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Arabic and Latin. The stone is found in India, America, Russia, France and Brazil. 

All the Red Jaspers connect with the Earth and can be placed on base Chakra for energizing and stabilizing human body. If you lay it over each and every chakra it will boost, cleanse and realign aura and chakras. This will also help in balancing yin and yang energies as well as aligning the emotional, physical and mental aspects to ethereal realm.  

The stone helps in stimulating the base or root chakra which is located at the spinal base and controls the energy for kinesthetic movement and feeling. It is a foundation for spiritual and mental energy for the body. The physically out of balance symptoms include low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, need for constant stimulation and lethargy. 

If spiritual energies are out of balance one can feel lightly disconnected from reality or distant. If the Base Chakra is balanced properly, the physical body regains stamina and strength and spiritual energy is reignited in sense of one’s own power and security. It leads to spontaneous leadership and independence. 

The stone can be used in form of talisman and amulet. At Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, there is an availability of red jasper stone in different forms and shapes. One can buy the stone according to their choices and preferences. 

Enrich Your Intuition Power With Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

Chakra Healing Stones to Power Your Intuitions

Many people know about intuition but do not have any idea about how to enhance it. The article will lay emphasis on how to develop and enrich great intuitive sense so that you can use your inner intuition effectively. There are many ways to improve your intuition but gemstones and crystals are natural gifts to achieve it.

The chakra healing stones help in trusting your intuition, developing an ability to connect with the spiritual world and develop a strong intuitive sense. The crystals should be used for intuitive development is by holding it in your hand for while meditating, visualizing or sitting quietly for 10 to 20 minutes.

Another method is by laying on your back and placing the chakra healing stones on the third eye for 10 to 20 minutes and while using this method one should be sure that the stone is in accord with third eye chakra. The crystals that can be used for developing your intuition are.  


Aquamarine is a calming, soothing and generous gemstone. It is linked to water element and develops clarity in vision, communication and intuition. It quietens the mind during meditation that helps in bringing out the inner truth and developing powerful intuition. If you are unclear in mind or spirit, you can meditate with aquamarine.


Moss Agate

The stone is healing as well as beautiful. It perfectly balances left and right hemispheres of the brain. The inner wisdom comes out when both the hemispheres are balanced. It gives perseverance and courage and removes stress and anxiety. Less stress and more courage will aid in intuitive development.



Amethyst is well known for healing and protection qualities. You can also activate your Crown chakra and enrich your intuition with the crystal as well. You need to place Amethyst on your Crown chakra while doing meditation and the stone will open up your intuitive power.

Psychic visions, improved meditative experience and accurate intuitive calls are some of the things experienced by frequent amethyst users. The stone has an ability to take you for an adventure ride once it is placed on the crown chakra.



The crystal Quartz works in harmony with the human body because it has silicon dioxide that generates positive energy and encourages clear and open communication. When you are developing you intuition you need clear communication with your inner self that can be done properly by Quartz. The stone brings clarity in your mind that helps in listening to your soul. Whenever in doubt, one should go for quartz.


Azurite develops intellect, intuition and insight. The stone has high vibration frequency that goes well with Third Eye Chakra. Third Eye chakra is the sixth chakra or Ajna located on your forehead between your eyebrows. Ajna is the centre of intuition and it can be developed and enhanced with a stone that goes well with it.


  • Labradorite

The stone opens and cleans all 7 chakras. It is a magical stone because it opens and clears chakra system and awakens psychic powers and intuitive sense.


  • Celestite

Celestite vibrations can contact angels, guardian angles and spirit guides. It also develops psychic energy. The stone lets you access high transpersonal chakras and opens your soul star chakra and crown chakra. These chakras develop psychic gifts like clairsensitive, clairaudience and clairvoyance. 


Thus, we see that the above-mentioned stones can help in enriching your inner self that helps you in taking good decisions. Crown and heart chakras play a vital role in balancing human body. At Alakik, we deal with wholesale chakra stones which can be ordered online and used for opening your chakras which enable proper body functioning. 

Benefits of Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

Benefits of Chakra Healing Stones

In a human body, seven chakras are wheels of energy that give energy to us. If all the chakras are nurtured and balanced the body is centered, grounded and energetic. The chakras make our bodies clean and are good for one’s well-being and health. 

Chakra stones help in proper energy flow between the chakras, free discomfort and is a proven method for spiritual practice. The rocks are actually semi-precious stones and are known by different names like gemstones, chakra stones, healing stones, etc. 

Benefits of Chakra Healing

It is important for beginners to understand seven chakras and their colors. 

The first chakra point is the base chakra. It is a connection to your root and foundation. If you want to heal the root chakra, you are concentrating on your survival and foundation. 

This chakra associated with the element of earth, preserving, stable and strong energy which defines our relationship with the earth. 

Muladhara represented by a red color that represents the rule of logic and order. It stands for our sexuality and needs for physical strength. The five stones that can be used for this chakra point are:

Tiger Eye: 

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Fire Agate:

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Black Tourmaline 

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It should be kept in mind that every chakra stone has different functions so it is important to read about all of them before choosing the right one. 

The second chakra point is a sacral chakra that is connected to pleasure, sexuality, and well-being. This energy wheels up the spine that is situated in your pelvic or lower abdomen area. This point is connected to sexuality, well-being and pleasures you feel in your lifetime. It is related to creativity that can be fulfilled with a healthy sexual life. 

The wheel is connected with the element of water, mutability, sensitivity, devotion, and thankfulness. The four stones associated with sacral chakra are: 


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The third chakra is solar plexus chakra which is related to self-examination which concentrates on self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. It helps you in making a decision and set a direction you want to take.

The solar plexus is connected to fire where inspiration, passion, excitement, and spontaneousness are created. The four chakra stones that can balance your solar plexus chakra are:


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  • Throat Chakra 925 Silver Blue Topaz Pendant:


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Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra that is related to joy, love, and inner peace. It is located at the point of the heart. If the heart chakra is unbalanced, you might experience physical pain in the chest and upper back area or heartbreak.

The chakra is associated with air and symbolizes love, peace, and intelligence. Five chakra stones related to heart chakra are: 


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  • White Calcite Tumbles:

Green Aventurine

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Green Tourmaline

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Rose Quartz

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The fifth chakra is called throat chakra and is related to communication, self-expression, and truth. It is located at the center of your throat. It concentrates on your self-expression and communication. It is a passage between the head and heart and how you express yourself and your feelings. 

If you face trouble in transferring a message or react the way you want might have an energy blockage in your throat chakra that needs healing. The element associated is ether and it is called a sound or spirit element. The stones that balance this chakra wheel are:


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Tourquise Power Bracelet

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Angelite Balls 

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  • Angelite Balls:


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Aquamarine Chakra 10mm Elastic Bracelet With Charms


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Third eye chakra enables you to look at the bigger picture, your mind and seeing something more than what you see in reality. The point is located between the brows and is an all-seeing eye. It can be strengthened by meditation and yoga. 

Intellectual energy is connected to the brain and lets you see a bigger vision of the world. It is not associated with any element because it can connect with all the elements. The stones that can bring positivity to the third eye chakra point are:

Black Obsidian 

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Purple Fluorite 

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The seventh chakra is the crown chakra that is associated with the spiritual world and intuition. It is located in the spiritual level of an individual that is at the top of your head. It is an energy receiver and giver by consciousness.

You project your energy also known as aura and you get spiritual enlightenment for the same energy.If this chakra is well balanced you can see your higher self and past everything. The element related to this chakra is cosmic energy, thought or universe. The chakra stones for crown chakra are: 

Clear Quartz

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Thus, there are many benefits of chakra stones for a healthy and peaceful life. So what are you waiting for? Order an Alakik stone as per your energy blockage today and experience a change in your mind and body

How to Use Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

How to Use Chakra Healing Stones?

The chakra healing stones have become quite popular in the recent times owing to the fact of their great healing powers. Now, at any point of time, if you think that your spirit is just feeling whacked out, you can very easily get back into correct alignment with the help of these chakra healing stones. The energies of all of these seven chakra healing stones are designed to perfectly match with the seven chakras of the human body which helps in dissolving the energy blocks along with the re establishment of proper balance. The users just need to create a harmonising body grid with the help of these different coloured healing stones for getting positive vibes in the spirit of the users. 

The Seven Chakra Healing Stones 

We all know that there are seven chakras in the body of the human beings and there are seven different healing stones for the same. Now, it is recommended to check for the authenticity of the stones at the time of purchase. Thus, it would be a very good idea to go for a trusted, reputed and reliable seller to get only the genuine stones. Alakik would undoubtedly be a very good choice in this regard since it is one of the leaders in supplying wholesale chakra healing stones. To make it easier and convenient for the users to understand, here we have listed the seven stones that comes in our wholesale chakra stones.

  • 1 Garnet stone
  • 1 Carnelian stone
  • 1 Citrine stone
  • 1 Aventurine stone
  • 1 Angelite stone
  • 1 Amethyst stone
  • 1 Clear Quartz stone

How to Use? 

After you have got the genuine chakra healing stones in wholesale from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, it is extremely important to use those in the appropriate manner so as to get the desired results. You need to hold the stones in your hand and place them one by one as mentioned below.

  1. First of all, the Garnet stone is to be placed over your root chakra that is at the base of the spine.
  2. Then the Carnelian stone is to be placed over the sacral chakra that is at the lower abdomen.
  3. Next, the Citrine stone is to be over the solar plexus chakra that is at the stomach.
  4. Now, the Aventurine stone needs to be placed over the heart chakra that is at the heart.
  5. After that the Angelite stone is required to be placed over the throat chakra that is at the throat.
  6. Now, the Amethyst stone should be placed over the third eye that is just above between the eyebrows.
  7. Then the Clear Quartz stone needs to be placed over the crown chakra that is at the top of the head.

Now, the users need to leave the stones on the body for eleven minutes for the healing stones to do their work. In this way, the chakra healing stones can be appropriately used for getting the best possible results.

Why Choose Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌?

Alakik is one of the premier wholesalers of the chakra healing stones without any compromise in the quality and authenticity of the of the stones. Hence, the users can get the chakra healing stones from Alakik without any kind of hesitation.


Learn to Balance your Energy Body with Chakra Healing Stones

There are a total of seven chakras in the body of the human beings which exist at seven different points along the body. Each of the chakras is associated with a different set of systems as well as organs. The chakra can be considered similar to a wheel but it itself operates like a ball of energy that necessarily interpenetrates the physical body. The chakras do not exist physically and it is not visible. They are actually aspects of consciousness which interacts with the physical as well as energetic body via two of the major vehicles that are the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras so present in the body is associated with the nine endocrine glands of the human body and also with a specific group of nerves referred to as plexus thereby making them crucial elements for the purpose of healing.

The Chakra System

 The chakra system is actually the field of precise as well as gentle energy that helps in animating the physical bodies. Now, at any point of time, these physical bodies are out of the alignment, the affected individuals can be necessarily pulled in a number of directions along with a feeling of ‘off-centre’. This results in diverting the individual from the state of natural well being. This is exactly where the chakra healing stones come to the rescue of the individuals. These healing stones are placed over the seven chakras of our body and then balanced in the proper manner so as to come up with the desired results. The balancing necessarily shows us the direction as well as the size of the energy that the chakra is emitting. The level of energy will reveal imbalance, balance or any kinds of energy blocks. It helps in the proper diagnosis and thereby plays a crucial role in properly balancing thereby playing a crucial role in the maintenance of good energy, spirit and physical well being. 

Balancing is the Key

Balancing of the chakras with the help of the healing stones is certainly the key to healing. It cannot be said that one chakra is better than the others or are more important for the purpose of healing. The body always wants to achieve energetic balance in the chakras. But moving too far in any one of the direction that is either under reactive or overreactive in any one of the seven chakras can necessarily give rise to some of the negative effects in the body which in turn can be counterproductive to the energy of the body and the chakra healing process. When a chakra is under reactive it kicks another chakra into overdrive which then results in the pulling of extra energy away from that part of the body. Thus, balancing the chakras is certainly the key in crystal healing. 

How the Balancing is Done?

Now, it can be clearly understood that balancing the energy of the body with the help of the healing stones plays a crucial role in the overall healing process. To begin with the process of balancing, the healing crystals are placed at certain positions on the body and then the forces of gravity and inertia help to create movement. But at that point of time when no force is caused on the weight, there is something that starts to happen naturally and that too completely all by itself. The energy helps to move the weight with a slight help from the unconscious mind of the individual. The healing stones feel just magical even at the time when they are completely still. Then they start moving for the purpose of detecting the invisible energy which is present around the individual. 

Thus, properly balancing the energy body with the help of the healing crystals plays a crucial role in the overall healing process by providing the desired results. 

Uses of Healing Stones -Alakik Universale Exports in USA

Looking To Learn About How To Use Healing Stones?

The artform of crystal healing has existed in human civilization for over thousand years. Ingrained from the ancient Indian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greece civilization, Crystal Healing has been an undeniable segment of natural medicines. Crystals resonate their individual signatures of energy. When a healing stones electromagnetic field comes in contact with that of a human, the flow of energy starts through the various meridians. This activates the chakras, stimulates electrical nerve impulses, starts the hormonal glands activity and re-generates cellular metabolism, organs and tissues.

Healing Crystal fro Sale- Alakik Universal Exports There includes a plethora of ways, healing Stone can be used. These include:

1. Carrying them in a pocket: This is one of the mot effective and prevalent ways to use a crystal and restore its impact.
2. Under a bed or pillow: Crystals can be used to encourage the special effects of healing while sleeping.
3. Ear Olives: There are oval and longish crystals which can be used to place on the external part o the ear.
4. Ointments: Ointments from Healing crystals can be made by having the gem essences mixed with a base of an ointment comprising of bee-wax and jojoba oil (1:5).
5. Energetic Treatment: The body fluids can be allowed to flow by having them laid on the body.
6. Using them as a jewellery: This is the most seen and heard form of using a healing crystal. It can be worn as a bracelet, neck-lace and pendant etc.
7. Stone circle: Lying or sitting in a full complete circle of crystals can help to take in strong and positive crystal energies.
8. Holding in the hand: This application works using the hand’s reflexology zones.
9. Holding in the mouth: Through a localized effect, this application works within the mouth as well as mucous membranes.
10. Massaging: Healing crystals can be moved around the skin for massaging purposes.

Related Topic:  How Do Healing Stones Work?

Make your experience with healing crystals unique and positive with our whole sale healing stones.

Take a look at our exclusive healing products:

Crystal Quartz Pranic Diamonds:
Crystal Quartz Chakra Disintegrator:
Black Agate Diamonds Energy Generators:
Black Jasper Disintegrator:
Mix Gemstone Pranic Diamonds: