Tag Archives: Chakra Healing


The Healing Power of Gemstone Healing Crystals: How They Can Enhance Your Well-being

When we talk about healing therapies, there is always a saying that Gemstone Healing Crystals are the best and most natural therapy. The process plays an essential role in individuals’ lives and helps them in all possible ways regarding energy healing.

Today, this blog will discuss how these natural healing crystals can heal and enhance your well-being.

Understanding the Science Behind Gemstone Healing Crystals

For the uninitiated, it is a strong belief that the healing crystals have a strong power regarding healing properties. The Gemstone carries a hidden spiritual power which helps overcome fear, fight back depression, bring peace and prosperity, calmness, and feel relaxed. The list that benefits individuals is endless and has many more positive upbringings. It is often noticed that not only individuals but also celebrities across the globe use them as they strongly believe in vouching for their efficacy. 

The art of Gemstone healing crystals has been used since the ancient era and is known to be a form of the best medication which heals naturally and effectively. Further, it also helps align the body Chakras, which causes an imbalance in our mind and soul. 

A report states that using crystals is one of the most influential and realistic forms of practising self-care and finding great positivity and happiness. The popularity of healing crystals is increasing significantly, and people strongly believe in the whole process with excellent outcomes.

Now, if you think there is a science behind Gemstone healing crystals, let us clarify: that is not such a proven method that highlights knowing the scientific approach. Also, nothing needs to be detailed about these healing Gemstones’ power in treating or curing conditions. However, the fact remains clear, and it signifies that Gemstones are a true gift from nature as they induce a strong power in relaxation and have a sense of resemblance from nature to every individual.

The Top 10 Gemstone Healing Crystals for Physical and Emotional Well-being

While discussing and wanting to know the top Gemstones that have a solid power to help our physical and emotional well-being come back, here is the list. You can also learn about these healing crystals in depth from us.

  • Clear Quartz
  • Obsidian
  • Rose quartz
  • Jasper
  • Citrine
  • Turquoise
  • Amethyst
  • Tiger’s eye
  • Moonstone
  • Bloodstone
  • Sapphire
  • Ruby

The Specific Benefits of Each Gemstone Crystal and How to Use Them

The next thing that needs to be known is the unique benefits of all these Healing Gemstones with a proper guide. Let us take the discussion further with actual outcomes and easy to understand the whole process. At this moment, we are in the respective scenarios where the above-listed Gemstone crystal works and is beneficial.

Healing Crystals for Health

There is a saying: “Good health in today’s fast lifestyle is an individual’s most significant wealth”. Having said this, we are currently listing the Healing Gemstone Crystals that are beneficial and known to be healing crystals for health-related problems.

Clear quartz is a universal consideration when your entire health system gets drained. The only crystal that is known as a master healer is clear quartz. It is a strong belief that the quartz supports the entire energetic system because it is a master healer.

Jasper: When nature helps you heal better when you are living a stressful life, Jasper healing crystals come as an aid. It is a nurturing stone that works perfectly to help you overcome and be a supporter when stress is lifting you more, and you are looking for calmness.

Obsidian: Another great healing gemstone that helps individuals let go of things and boost emotional levels with positive experiences.

Amethyst: If you are lacking in increasing your willpower and self-confidence, then you should opt for Amethyst. It is also beneficial for healing and purifying and significantly boosts self-confidence.

Bloodstone: Any blood-related issues are resolved using the compelling power of Bloodstone. It also helps improve blood circulation and is a supportive healing therapy for blood-related concerns.

Healing Crystals for Wealth

There is a list of healing crystals that will help you overcome your concern about wealth. Before proceeding further, check on the Healing Gemstones which provide effective results.

Tiger’s eye: You can keep the stone with you, which has a proven record of providing motivation and reducing fear.

Citrine: The gemstone is believed to have great work when you need a kick spark to increase your enthusiasm, creativity, and concentration.

Turquoise: Use the stone with full faith as it helps attract good luck and great power to soothe emotional balance.

Sapphire: Another name for Sapphire is known to live a healthy and prospered life. It is the stone known for prosperity.

Jade: It has the power to share good luck and is also known to be bestowed with prosperity.

Healing Crystals for Love

Illuminate with the power of healing crystals, which helps and encourages you to increase Love and trust with your partner. 

Rose Quartz: The stone is best known for showing its power for Love. It is, therefore, referred to as the stone of Love with a great belief that the stone helps boost and encourage Love and trust.

Moonstone: For anyone who is losing their interests and strength, Moonstone is known to be a perfect blessing. It prompts the feeling of inner strength and increases its strength and power.

Ruby: The perfect healing crystal believed to support sexuality and sensuality

Incorporating Gemstone Healing Crystals into Your Daily Life: Tips and Techniques

If you look forward to incorporating this Gemstone as a part of healing crystals, you must understand its complete process. Here is where you can use these Healing Gemstones in routine life. Could you have a look into it?

  1. Meditation
  2. Jewellery
  3. Carry Them
  4. Under Your Pillow
  5. Home Décor
  6. Crystal Rollers

Finding Authentic Gemstones: Tips on Choosing Genuine and Ethically Sourced Crystals

We at Alakik Universal Export have a complete guide which states in detail about these crystals and how beneficial it is when an individual or Reiki practitioner uses them. You can get the complete guide with us with a proper understanding of its benefits and usage.

Conclusion: Embrace the Healing Power of Gemstone Healing Crystals for a Balanced and Harmonious Life

With years of experience and understanding of this Gemstone’s core necessity, we promise you that you will be getting the best Gemstone that heals and balances your life with perfection and simplicity.

Understanding the 7 Chakras of Human Body

Understanding the 7 Chakras of Human Body

Seven Chakras in the Human Body 

What are the seven chakras in the human body? How important are they for us? Multiple more questions arise in our minds while discussing the chakras available in our bodies. The seven chakras are important in the human body and play a vital energy or prana shakti flows. These are known as energy chakras in our bodies.  

If any of these chakras stop functioning or are blocked, it leads to illness and disturbances in the natural process in our bodies. As an individual, an individual needs to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep our energy flowing freely. 

Let us proceed further and understand the chakras available in the human body and how they affect us. Also, we will discuss what imbalance does to our personality and organs and how to set it correctly by balancing these chakras with yoga asanas or poses.

Understanding Seven Chakras of the Human Body  blog

Understanding Seven Chakras of the Human Body 

  1. Muladhara Chakra

Element: Earth 
Color: Red
Mantra: LAM
Location: Base of the spine between the anus and genitals

How it affects the body: The Muladhara Chakra influences the overall health of the human body. Its core health areas are bones, teeth, nails, anus, prostrate, adrenals, kidneys, lower digestive functions, excretory functions, and sexual activity. 

This imbalanced chakra leads to tiredness, poor sleep, lower back pain, constipation, depression, and other eating disorders. To overcome this imbalance, it is necessary to have regular yoga practices that are best for your body and inner peace.

  1. Swadishthana Chakrasvadishtana

Element: Water
Color: Orange
Mantra: VAM
Location: Situated at the base of the pubis between the genitals and the sacral nerve plexus

How it affects the body: If an individual deals with their emotional identity, creativity, desire, and self-gratification, all is due to Swadishthana Chakra. The chakra governs the sexual organs, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine, and autoimmune system.

If this chakra is imbalanced, it leads to multiple problems like lower back pain, sciatica, decreased libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, low resistance to infection and viruses, tiredness, hormonal imbalances, and menstrual problems.

To balance these chakras, an individual has to follow designated yoga poses that give a sense of balance in the body and mind.

  1. Manipura Chakra manipura

Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Mantra: RAM
Location: At the level of the umbilicus corresponding to the gastric or solar plexus

How it affects the body: The chakra deals with an individual’s sense of belonging, emotional and mental understanding, and self-esteem. The functioning of the chakra is for the upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, middle spine, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, and stomach.

Manipura Chakra imbalanced will/may lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, anorexia/bulimia, or low blood pressure.

  1. Anahata Chakra anahata

Element: Air
Colors: Green or pink
Mantra: YAM
Location: On the cardiac plexus in the region of the heart

How it affects the body: It affects a person’s social identity and influences traits like trust, forgiveness, unconditional love, wisdom, compassion, and issues of the soul. To deal with it, it is necessary to have proper functioning in our body, and it is possible with the help of yoga. An imbalance can cause issues related to the thoracic spine, upper back and shoulder problems, asthma, heart conditions, shallow breathing, and lung diseases.

  1. Vishuddhi Chakra vishuda

Element: Sound or Ether
Color: Blue
Mantra: HAM
Location: On the level of the throat, the nerve plexus of the pharynx region

How it affects the body: Any kind of personality traits a human faces is due to Vishuddhi Chakra. It deals in communication, creativity, faith, truthfulness, self-awareness, and expression. The physical problem that governs are the throat, the thyroid, and parathyroid gland, trachea, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, neck and shoulders, arms, hands, esophagus, mouth, teeth, and gums.

  1. Ajna Chakra ajna

Element: Light
Colors: Indigo
Mantra: AUM or OM
Location: Between the eyebrows (third eye)

How it affects the body: It deals with self-awareness, wisdom, intellect, clairvoyance, implementation of ideas, detachment, insight, understanding, and intuitive reasoning. The functions of the chakra is related to the brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal glands, and the neurological system. Any imbalance could lead to headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning disabilities, panic, depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, or spinal dysfunctions.

To maintain proper balance and overcome the problem all is required is to regularly do Yoga and Asanas.

  1. Sahasrara Chakra sahasrara

Element: Conscience
Colors: Violet or White
Mantra: Silence
Location: Crown of the head 

How it affects the body: Sahasrara Chakra influences intuitive knowledge, connection to spirituality, integration of mind-body-spirit, and conscious awareness. It empowers the center of the head and midline above the ears, brain, nervous system, and the pineal gland. If you find any of the problems like chronic exhaustion and sensitivity to light and sound it means that your chakra is imbalance.

Imbalance is a part of life, however, having a practice of regular yoga, sadhana, and asanas, will overcome the traits in our body and can lead to a healthy and better life.

How Yoga can help Balance our Chakras ? yoga

To balance these essential seven chakras in our body, the best therapy is to opt for Yoga. It is the natural process that helps balance these chakras in our body.

When a chakra, i.e., the energy wheel in our body, is stuck, the body shows side effects, and it is necessary to get the movement and release the prana (energy). The natural therapy to regain power is practicing yoga postures, which are great ways to remove stale or stuck control from the body. 

Considering doing yoga benefits in inviting fresh air and energy into our body through yoga poses that help us breathe and calm our inner self.

The practice of yoga is ultimately a process that leads to a state of the union, which helps create a form in our body where energy and positive vibes can flow easily in our body. The base is from the spine (the Root Chakra) and goes beyond the top of the head (the crown chakra). 

When the energy and power freely flow in our body, all we can achieve is a state of union with cosmic energy and vibes that flow through all living things. When each chakra in our body is unblocked with this method, it spins like a wheel in our body.

Yoga is the best practice for balancing physical and spiritual immunity in our bodies. The poses of yoga not only exercise our body but also helps manage our mind, thoughts, emotions, and spirit, making it the perfect practice for balancing the chakras.

Final Words: At Alakik , we help procure different types of Chakras and Reiki crystals that are ideal for human practice. To order it all you can do is connect with us and get the best deals and delivery with designated time. 

How Does The Chakra Pendulum Balance Your Body Energy?

How Does The Chakra Pendulum Balance Your Body Energy?

The chakra pendulum helps evaluate the health of all the energies present in your body. The best part is anyone can use the simple pendulum to balance their chakra. As you wear the pendulum in the form of a pendant or bracelet, you will get to know the location of every chakra present in your body and its movement. It makes the cleaning process an easy one.

What Constitutes the Pendulum?

The pendulum has numerous elements, including wood, crystal, metal, or glass. It comes in various sizes and shapes. Besides, the blunt edge brings the body into a meditative state. It helps to align the chakras in the body to maintain the alignment of the energy centers.

The chakra pendulum, being one of the deviation tools, detects the energy blockage of our body. As you wear the pendulum, it helps in cleansing the order while keeping the energies grounded. Along with that, the pendulum helps balance the chakras present in our bodies.

How Does The Chakra Pendulum Balance Your Body Energy?

Many times a person may experience a blockage of energy in their mind and body. The pendulum acts as a healing tool while helping the body maintain its spiritual and physical health. Apart from balancing and healing our bodies, the wearer can also experience the cleansing of their system. As a person wears the pendulum consisting of chakra gemstones, it helps them to move in the direction of invisible positive energy.

Balance Your Body Energy with the Pendulum

As you hold the pendulum over the seven chakras of the body, it helps to remove the energy blocks and imbalances present in the chakras. The person using the pendulum can start with the crown Chakra on the top portion of the head. You can hold the pendulum an inch above the crown chakra to receive the optimum advantage. It will help the chakra automatically to pick up on a subtle vibration. In the same way, you can move on to the next six chakras. You can also carry a pendulum chart to balance your energy efficiently.

Sometimes even after following the steps properly, the chakra may not work. During such a situation, you need to clean the pendulum regularly. These pendulums absorb every kind of energy. Therefore if you do not cleanse, it will not function properly for you. You can put it under a running tap or wash it by soaking it in a bowl with a mixture of water and sea salt.

To understand whether the pendulum is working well, you need to choose your eyes to experience its energy vibes.

Why Choose Us?

Alakik, being one of the global exporters, provides the best quality and authentic gemstone items. You can rely on our Chakra sets and pendulum to experience its advantages. As you pick up the energy field pendulum, it will help you to receive an abundance of positive energy around you. At the same time learning to use the pendulum will help you connect with your higher self and progress on the journey of your inner growth. To tap into the power, rely on our Chakra products.

Healing Crystals

What Are Healing Crystals, And Do They Actually Work?

Over the past few ages, new-age wellness trends like salt therapy, past life regression therapy, and crystal therapy entered the mainstream. Using crystals as a form of self-care became popular. You can find various crystals on social media, on the yoga shelves in studios, and perhaps on your co-worker’s desk. Most people believe that crystals are conduits for the healing energy of the earth when used correctly.

People have been using crystal therapies for centuries to treat themselves holistically for various ailments. However, the use of these beautiful minerals dates back to Egyptian times when they used these minerals to purge evil spirits.

What Are Healing Crystals?

Healing Crystals

Crystals are stones with unique physical characteristics, such as a specific formation and ordering of atoms, affecting electrical charge and light refraction. Crystal healing emphasizes these qualities and the way in which they affect your body’s vibrations, functionality, and electrical charge. Using healing crystals can be very relaxing as they induce a sense of relaxation in the environment.

How Do Healing Crystals Work?

According to experts, crystals act as a power for healing as they allow positive, fruitful energy to flow through your body and eliminate negative and toxic energy. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals work by channelizing your energy levels, thereby focusing on healing the body from the inside.

The healing crystal possesses particular vibrations and frequencies arising from their molecular composition. From the way they move and interact, these vibrations and energies work to benefit and uplift your mood, mind, and health considerations. The healing crystals act like a magnet, absorbing the negative energies and offering fresh vibes.

Since the extraction of crystals is natural, they harness the energies of the sun, moon, and oceans and improve your state. When you place a crystal or hold it over a body, it interacts with the body’s chakra, offering spiritual, emotional, and physical cleansing.

These crystals vibrate at the same pitch as humans, maximizing their healing abilities. Due to the comfor5ting feeling, placing a crystal on the body helps you connect better and feel at ease. Balancing crystals help match the misaligned energy levels.

Do Healing Crystals Work?

Crystals are pretty and mystical, and they capture the imagination. They are one of the popular trends in alternative medicine. Since you are thinking about adding crystals to your wellness routine, it is vital to be realistic about the disorders they heal.

Psychological disorders

Crystals work excellently in overcoming psychological disorders like anxiety and depression. Instead, you can use them to create a sense of being grounded and centered with your doctor’s or your psychologist’s advice.

Pain and illness

Some crystal practitioners believe that crystals help with real, physical ailments. Using crystals will not hurt you; however, it is essential to follow your doctor’s guidance regarding physical injury, illness, and chronic pain.

Why Choose Alakik for Your Healing Crystals?

Alakik, founded by the late Mr. Haji Shaikh Hussain, is a reputed name in business since 1962. Located in Khambhat, the birthplace of Agate Stone, we emerged as a premium manufacturer and exporter of semi-precious Agate Stone and New Age Healing Supplies. We are a premier wholesaler of healing crystals and other crystals.

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler – Alakik

The Leading wholesaler of Chakra Sets

Manifest your goals and desires with the right chakra stone. As you choose quality chakra sets, it would help you to balance your inner spiritual level to increase your inner guidance. The chakra stone helps to increase positivity and remove negative vibes.

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

The chakra set consists of various stones, including Amethyst, Crystal, Yellow Aventurine, Peach Aventurine, Green Aventurine, Lapis, Sodalite, and Red Jasper. This set helps to organize and balance the certain process of your life on the emotional, mental and physical levels. Each of these stones helps connect with the emotional, physical, and spiritual sides of our body.

Alakik happens to be the leading wholesaler of such chakra sets. As they have been in this business since their 4th generation, they have a massive manufacturing experience. The best part is one can rely on their product without any doubt. As you get a cost-efficient product at wholesale price, you can experience the different aspects of healing with the diverse stones present in the chakra set.

Balance your chakras

If you imagine your body to be a car, then the tires are the chakras. As one tire gets unbalanced, you can experience unnecessary wear and tear in your car. Therefore it becomes extremely important to balance your chakras. This can help to keep the mind, body, and spirit working in harmony.

One can understand how essential it is to balance the chakras. Using the chakra set, one can immediately improve the energy flow of the body while balancing the different chakras present in the body. The energy-healing chakra stones increase positive energy and reduce stress. It also aids in improving the overall health of the person using the chakra set. Therefore, tap into the specific energies to balance the chakras.

Benefits of using chakra sets

Leading Chakra Sets Wholesaler - Alakik

There are numerous benefits that one can get while using the chakras. As you get the right chakra set from Alakik, you can experience some of these benefits:

  • Improve your confidence and self-esteem
  • Increase your mental focus
  • Communicate more clearly
  • Keep your feelings grounded and safe
  • Experience healthy relationship

Being the universal exporter, Alakik pays a great focus on quality. The brand was initially founded by the late Mr. Haji Sheikh Hussain. The expertise, knowledge, and experience in the field make Alakik the best. In addition to that, they do not chemically treat or dye the gemstone to enhance its color. As a wholesaler, manufacturer, and distributor, they undertake a 100% guarantee of the stones they provide.

With the motto of providing excellent quality products at the best price, makes their products ready for the competition in the international markets.

Why should you choose Alakik?

Choosing Alakik to buy your chakra sets would be the biggest decision. Along with that, you can also get the best quality gemstone pendulum, tumble stone, energy generators, and metaphysical crystals. We provide the customer with 100% satisfaction as our products are high-grade products. We design our gemstones using the latest and upgraded machines and equipment. You can buy our product using online payments. Make the best choice and surround yourself with the positive aura of chakra products from Alakik.




Chakra Bracelets

How To Use Chakra Bracelets & Its Benefits

Know the Benefits of Chakra Bracelets

Most people misunderstand the chakra to be any religious symbol. But in reality, the chakras are not part of religion.

Basically, throughout our body, we have 7 chakras that are the wheels of natural energy. One must have a balance between all the chakras.

To maintain the balance between the chakras, one should look for the healing powers of crystals. As a person uses the stone crystal, it absorbs all the negative energy while balancing the flow of energy. For centuries people are using the chakra bracelet to keep the seven energies or chakras in balance.

Wear your Chakra Bracelet on the Correct Hand

Different sides of our bodies have different functions. To make the bracelet work, you must wear it on the left-hand side. It would help to receive the energy and cause internal shifts of the chakra and balance them.

Chakra Bracelets

As you wear the bracelet on your hand, you will not feel any sudden surge of energy throughout your body. However, you may experience tranquility, mental calmness, and clearness.

One must not think that wearing more than one bracelet would let you receive an abundance of positive energy. However, one must be careful while combining different stones, as each of them has its effects.

Besides, the person wearing the bracelet must pay close attention to the surrounding energy and map them out before choosing to wear more than one bracelet.

Chakra Bracelets Benefits

As the wheels of our lives are spinning faster, therefore people tend to drain easily. To drain the emotional equilibrium, people are looking forward to the bracelets.

Chakra Bracelets

Let us look at some of the benefits of using bracelets.

  • Creativity

The chakra bracelet would remove the blockage that hinders the productivity of the person. It amplifies the creativity, sixth sense, communication level, and inner strength of the person. The changes that the wearer would go through maximize their true potential.

  • Mental Health

The bracelet has the power to make you feel peaceful and mentally calm. Whenever a person feels anxious and troubled about a specific task, the bracelet would help to align the scattered thoughts while making the person feel confident.

  • Physical Health

One of the benefits of wearing the bracelet is improved physical health. Every chakra stone helps to remove the obstructions that occur in the seven centers or chakras of the body. This effect enables the person to avoid serious heart conditions, reduce migraine or stress and improve digestive problems.

  • Self-confidence

Due to the benefits of the bracelet, you may not feel any negative energy around you. It would give you a boost of confidence and help to increase your self-esteem.

Why Choose Us

If you want to restore the harmony of your chakra with the best quality bracelet, you must choose us. We have the experience and expert knowledge to provide the best quality product. The direct wholesale price without the middleman will provide you with a budget buy. The excellent craftsmanship and genuine stones would make your purchase worthwhile.

We provide 100% satisfaction to the customer with excellent quality and the right price.


How To Get The Most From your chakra bracelet?

How To Get The Most From your chakra bracelet?

Chakras are seen as an invisible medium of connection between your physical and spiritual being. Most of the problems that you face in your life are due to the negative energies within you and your surroundings that block your chakras. The hardest battle is to ward off these energies and focus your mind on the positive. Here’s when chakra bracelets come to your rescue as they remove the negative and bring in the positive energies. The chakra bracelet is made from stones and crystals that help you in balancing your chakras.

Benefits Of Wearing A Chakra Bracelet 

There are many ways through which chakra bracelets subtly change your life and body for the better. Here are a few chakra bracelet benefits you must make the most of:

  • Positive energy – The chakra bracelets attract positive energies from your surroundings and work to give you a happy and healthy life.
  • Emotional Balance- After wearing the chakra bracelet, you may start experiencing changes in your emotional behavior and become more understanding. It helps in calming your emotions and helps them to keep in balance.
  • Helps open chakra- The problems you face in your life are caused due to the blockage of your chakras. The bracelet works to unblock these chakras and helps in removing your problems.
  • Maintain a healthy mind and body – The chakra bracelet attracts positive energies that keep both your mind and body perfectly healthy and fit.

Types Of Chakras And Their Associated Chakra Bracelets

There are 7 types of chakras in our body. Read our exclusive chakra bracelet recommendations for balancing all the 7 chakras. 

The Root Chakra (Muladhara): The Root Chakra maintains your sense of stability and security. An imbalance of this chakra leaves you feeling anxious and insecure.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Root Chakra:

  • Garnet: The red color of the stone harmonizes with the red rays of the root chakra. It provides emotional stability and gives a sense of security and confidence.
  • Hematite: This stone attracts the energy from your aura and helps you to stay grounded and focused. 
  • Red Jasper: This red stone is best known for cleansing your chakra and eliminating the negative energy. It helps you overcome challenges and obstacles in life effectively.

The Sacral Chakra (Swadhishtana): The Sacral Chakra influences your creativity, your relationships and provides you with a sense of control over your life. The imbalance of this chakra can leave you feeling aimless, demotivated, etc.

 Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Sacral Chakra:

  • Unakite: It is a combination of the grounding and calming power of red jasper and epidote. It signifies and helps enhance creative and artistic design along with emotions of love in the wearer.
  • Carnelian: The warmth and energy of this stone gives you the feeling of compassion, motivation and enhances your positive energies by unblocking your chakra.
  • Sunstone: This bracelet is known to cleanse your Sacral Chakra by providing a free flow to your energies. Wearing this would give you happiness, free you from stress and negativity and enhance your intuition.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): The Third Chakra, also known as Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for boosting your confidence and self-esteem. The blockage of this chakra can cause low-esteem, feelings of failure, etc.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • Yellow Jasper: It gives spiritual and inner strength along with clarity of mind. It fills you with positive energies.
  • Lemon Quartz: It aims at strengthening and improving the concentration of the wearer. It also ensures the filtration and magnification of the wearer’s thoughts.
  • Amber: The stone bracelet eliminates the imbalances of the third chakra and embeds qualities like balanced emotions, clearance of negative thoughts and energies.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): The Heart Chakra gaps the bridge between the upper chakras (spiritual) and the lower chakras (materialistic). It also manages and influences the ability of a person to give and receive love from others and oneself. An imbalance of this chakra can make you feel lonely and unloved. 

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Heart Chakra:

  • Rose Quartz: The pastel pale pink color of rose quartz crystal is the representation of pure love. The one who wears this bracelet is filled with love towards oneself and others. 
  • Green Jade: This crystal bracelet is a symbol of courage, wisdom and justice. This helps the wearer become courageous at heart and at the same time open up his heart to receive and give out love.
  • Aventurine: As beautiful and shiny this crystal is, it also blesses the wearer with abundant prosperity, confidence and fills him with positive energies. 

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):  The Throat chakra is considered to give voice to your heart chakra, in other words, it is responsible for giving voice to your powerful thoughts and guides you to communicate at your best. An imbalance in the Throat Chakra might make it difficult for you to express your feelings effectively. 

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Throat Chakra:

  • Lapis Lazuli: This blue stone bracelet gives the wearer the courage to speak up, be more expressive, communicate better and speak about his feelings efficiently.
  • Aquamarine: This bracelet helps to reduce stress and overthinking and fills the wearer’s mind with positive thoughts. It helps the wearer to be open about his feelings without being afraid of what others think. 
  • Angelite: This beautiful pale blue stone bracelet connects you with the angel realm, meaning it connects you to your deeper self. The healing properties of Angelite awaken your intuition power.

Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna): The powers of this chakra are beyond what one sees at the surface level. This chakra opens up the world of intuition or the vision of one’s soul. Anyone with a powerful Third-Eye Chakra is blessed with powerful foresight. The imbalance of this chakra can leave the person becoming more indecisive and doubtful.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing Your Third-eye Chakra:

  • Azurite: This wonderful bracelet is the best for those who wish to tap into the hidden depth and powers of their mind. It also helps them identify and follow their soul. 
  • Moonstone: The moonstone bracelet is believed to bring emotional stability and clarity of mind. It instills intuitive powers and thoughts in the wearer.
  • Purple Fluorite: A bracelet made of purple-fluorite is considered one of the best peace-giving stone bracelets. It enhances mental ability and accuracy. It helps the wearer to gain a better spiritual understanding. 

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The highest chakra i.e. the crown chakra is situated at the top of the head is responsible for one’s connection to spirituality. Mastering this can bring in an abundance of the real powers of mind and a great level of consciousness.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Crown Chakra:

  • Clear Quartz: The white crystals of this bracelet are considered one of the best healers. It helps in amplifying and stimulating positive energies throughout one’s body and improves memory and concentration in the person who wears it. 
  • Howalite: This calming stone soothes the body, mind and spirit. It cools down your temper, connects you to vibrations that open your mind and provides a better understanding for a clear vision.
  • White Agate: This bracelet improves concentration skills, enhances analytical powers, releases stress and other mental issues so the person wearing it gets a clear mind. It eliminates feelings like anxiety and depression from the wearer by attracting positive energies towards his mind.

The Chakra Bracelets help to bridge and synchronize our energies or the proper functioning of our 7 chakras. 

Alakik Universal Exports provides wholesale chakra bracelets at the best prices. Visit our website to have a glance at our products.


Wearing Chakra Jewelry is Beneficial for you! Here’s Why!

Before understanding why chakra jewelry ought to be essential for your day-by-day gems decisions, it helps understand what chakras are and how they help your wellbeing and prosperity. Numerous worldwide societies and yogic practices train that the body contains seven chakras. 

Energy focuses on your body that emphasizes specific feelings and keeps the energy streaming appropriately through your body. Keeping your chakras adjusted or adjusted helps balance your passion and actual wellbeing. Finding out about and focusing on the lopsided characteristics in your chakras can help you feel focused, stimulated, and settled. 

The recuperating chakra jewellery gems comprises rings, studs, wristbands, and chakra pieces of jewelry. Among every one of this frill, a chakra accessory is the best piece that accompanies various styles and diamonds of wanted tones. In any case, each addition will doubtlessly have seven stones. 

When these seven precious stones in jewelry come regarding your body, it is accepted to bring profound, mental, and actual advantages. Wearing a chakra accessory is said to pull in limitless euphoria and abundance by carrying positive energy to you.

Stones Used In Chakra Necklace 

  • Clear Quartz : This unmistakable and clear expert healer stone advantages you in any issue. Alongside giving you enthusiastic, physical, and mental dependability, this recuperating stone lifts astuteness, brings unrestricted love for you. And on the chance that you need to intensify your energy and open your chakras, you can utilize precious stone quartz in your accessory. 
  • Rose Quartz : The stone of affection brings harmony, love, and agreement to you. Anybody experiencing enthusiastic shakiness or relationship issues, get these stones in the jewelry to determine any problems. It helps you adjust your actual heart, stirs trust, quiets your brain by delivering you from stress, strain, dread, tension, or any concerns. 
  • Amethyst : Accessible in various tones of violet tone, it tends to be utilized for all reasons. Using it in your chakra neckband improves your general well-being, gives the brain clearness and helps pressure and uneasiness. It additionally recuperates addictive personal conduct standards and works with contemplation. 
  • Aventurine : You can get this recuperating gem in red, blue, yellow, peach, green, and different tones that pull in apparent emotions. Those looking for genuine connections can wear a chakra neckband with Aventurine precious stones. The green-shaded stone is alluded to as a karma stone. It brings you favorable luck and new freedoms in your day-to-day existence. It likewise alleviates heart afflictions and upgrades your confidence. 
  • Citrine : This yellow-shaded gem is a delightful one with mending properties. It eases you from monetary inconveniences, upgrades innovativeness, gives clearness in considerations, helps actual endurance, upholds digestion, and helps you in defeating challenges. 
  • Carnelian : Those lacking certainty and inspiration can wear this gem in chakra neckbands. It fabricates certainty, helps you make moves, conquers dread, and detoxifies your body from different harmful routines like medications, liquor, and so on. 
  • Dark Tourmaline : This gemstone shields its wearers from hurtful electromagnetic frequencies. Be it home or office; it gets you far from negative vibes all over.  Different sorts of gems can be utilized in your chakra neckband to keep your body chakras adjusted and keep an alluring and elegant glance simultaneously.

Benefits of wearing Chakra Jewelry 

  • Chakra jewels quiet the faculties so that if a point comes in everybody’s day-to-day existence when they feel discouraged and unpleasant, also, in depressed spots of life, when an individual needs more energy left to take on this conflict. 
  • Chakra Jewellery help during these provoking occasions to quiet an individual’s nerves and feelings to confront the issues emphatically by assembling their musings in a coordinated manner. 
  • Chakra adornments assist the positive vibrations with coming inside the most profound pieces of the body. The energy courses through the body and opens up the hubs that have impeded for quite a while. It helps you remain kind and merciful, yet also helps you feel grounded all the more that you find yourself from the inside and become familiar with the genuine significance of life. 
  • Wearing chakra jewelry assists you with remaining sound genuinely as well as profoundly. It gives the wearer an equilibrium and stable passionate strength. 
  • You get impacted by various energies in a day, whether fortunate or unfortunate; they cause you to feel depleted and flattened. However, by wearing Chakra jewels in close contact with the skin, your body delivers the negative vibes consumed by these adornments, so you feel loose and quiet. 
  • Chakra gems additionally calm down the tactile framework helping the wearer from having agonizing afflictions like cerebral pains or headaches and improving care. 
  • It also guarantees the body’s energy arrangement by giving a safeguard against cynicism by purging and detoxifying the body to realign the chakras.  The gems comprising stones help in points of view to give an equilibrium and solidness to the human body. 
  • Chakra gemstones help your fearlessness, confidence, and relational abilities by purging your brain to eliminate the disarray as the main priority and give you a superior viewpoint of your environmental factors. 
Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

What are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word Chakra means disk or wheel. In meditation or yoga, chakra means the wheels of energy that can be found throughout the body. There are seven chakras that align the spine, starting at the base of the spine and go up to the crown of the head.

What are Chakra Stones? 

Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour. The vibrations given up by these stones help in realigning chakras, if they are mismanaged. Each Chakra corresponds to certain parts of ourselves be that emotional, physical, mental or spiritual, such that the effects that come from losing that chakra’s balance can be felt. 

What are the Colours of Chakra?

Each chakra has a specific colour which is as follows:

  • The Root or Base Chakra resonates black and red.
  • Sacral Chakra’s colour is Orange.
  • Yellow is for Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Green or Pink is for the Heart Chakra.
  • The Throat Chakra’s colour is Blue.
  • The Third eye chakra’s colour is Indigo.
  • The Crown Chakra is Purple or white. 

Therefore, each Chakra has several stones that can help heal or boost them into proper functioning. 

Which stones to use as Chakra Stones?

Chakras are energy wheels that can be found along the spine. There are seven main chakras that are connected to your body’s physical and emotional problems.

It can prove beneficial if you take the effort to understand what’s going on with your chakras in order to tune in to body, mind and soul. Try to pay attention and understand which Chakras react when you are in problematic situations. Take note of frequent patterns of recurring illness which can help you to understand your imbalanced chakras. 

Once you find out, it’s time to pick the best stones that will help you balance, heal and clear that chakra. Below are the details of seven chakras and what stones you can use to align them if they are imbalanced. 

1. Root Chakra – The Root Chakra is associated with the feelings of being grounded and represents your passion. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red colour. 

For Root Chakra healing, it is recommended to use red and black stones to bring back the balance and put it back in alignment. 

2. The Sacral Chakra – The Sacral Chakra represents your creativity and ability to accept others. It can be found just below the belly button. Its chakra colour is orange. 

To align the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to use Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Aventurine, Orange Jasper and Fire Opal. 

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your intellect and how you view yourself in your world. It is associated with Yellow colour and is found in the upper abdomen. 

If you want to align your solar plexus chakra, you can use yellow gemstones like Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite and Fire Opal. 

4. The Heart Chakra –  The heart chakra represents your ability to love unconditionally and to accept others. Its colours are pink and green and is located at the center of the chest. 

The recommended stones for Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite and Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald and Ruby. 

5. The Throat Chakra – The Throat Chakra represents expression and communication. It can be found in the throat and its colour is blue. 

For throat chakra healing, try using stones like Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite. 

6. The Third Eye Chakra – The Third Eye represents your ability to see and focus on the big picture. It signifies your understanding of the ups and downs of life. Its chakra colour is indigo and it can be found on the forehead right between the eyes. 

For Third Eye chakra healing, you can try stones like Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Celestite and Fluorite. 

7. The Crown Chakra – The Crown Chakra represents divine inspiration. Its chakra colour is violet and white, and it can be found on the top of the head. 

For Crown Chakra healing, try stones like Blue Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone and Selenite. 

Stones and crystals have long been used for healing the body, mind and spirit. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, Universal Exports sells the best chakra stone sets at wholesale prices. You can visit our website to buy them online. 


Benefits of Energy Generating Crystals

Crystal have a powerful and valuable secret with all their beauty. They release energy or vibrations and influence our lives subtly when worn. Their healing effects and striking beauty made every culture in world history to search for them far and wide where they could find these crystals. The royalty had to pay a price for getting these gemstones. 

Two major reasons why these crystals were so important were that they were symbol of wealth and naturally beautiful and secondly, they have energetic and raw influence over mind, body and spirit. In India, the concept of gemstone became important because it was used as a prescription. For example, if a person fell sick or if there was negativity in someone’s astrological chart specific stones had to be worn in specific places to waver the bad effects. 

Energy Generating Crystals : An Overview

Generator Crystals are used to recharge gemstones or direct energy in a certain manner. Energy Generator crystals are good for those who believe in alternate healing processes, direct and generate energy in precise regular patterns and pulses when programmed for specific functions. 

The crystals end in six facets all coming to a perfect point at the top-center of the crystal. Generators are also called as Projector Crystals. A generator crystal can be as big as a tall building or as small as 1/4th inch. The stones are very powerful despite their size and should be treated with care and respect.  

Energy Generators function as per their name. They generate and project energy. Generator like all stones is a different individual with its own experience and unique frequency transmission. It can be cloudy at base and clear at the tip or vice versa. It might contain rainbows, phantoms, inclusions or can be completely clear. 

Uses of Crystal Energy Generators 

Some energy generators generate a lot of energy that can shatter and crack other crystals in its reach so it is important to place and use them properly. If you have any kind of doubt on how crystal energy works you can experiment with your generator. However, you have to be prepared for what you experience as it cannot be nice after one point. 

Generators are very powerful mediation tools that focus and gather your energy and concentration and then amplifies it and sends wherever you want. They act as good instructors when you are learning not to damage anything while using and focusing power and energy responsibly. If you want to feel in control and strong carry a generator wherever you go. 

Benefits of Energy Generating Crystals in our life:

  1. Balances energy directly and quickly
  2. An excellent choice for businessmen 
  3. First-rate meditation tool
  4. Good choice for leaders of any type
  5. Recharges all energy systems, including other crystals 
  6. Ideal for storing and focusing energy 
  7. Best psychic protection tool 
  8. Connects you to Higher and Inner Self directly 
  9. Good for concentrating, projecting and generating energy 
  10. Maintains and generates energy during spiritual exercises 

We have a variety of crystal generators and gemstones at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ which will help you in focusing on your goal and connect you with your soul.