Tag Archives: Chakra Bracelet

How To Get The Most From your chakra bracelet?

How To Get The Most From your chakra bracelet?

Chakras are seen as an invisible medium of connection between your physical and spiritual being. Most of the problems that you face in your life are due to the negative energies within you and your surroundings that block your chakras. The hardest battle is to ward off these energies and focus your mind on the positive. Here’s when chakra bracelets come to your rescue as they remove the negative and bring in the positive energies. The chakra bracelet is made from stones and crystals that help you in balancing your chakras.

Benefits Of Wearing A Chakra Bracelet 

There are many ways through which chakra bracelets subtly change your life and body for the better. Here are a few chakra bracelet benefits you must make the most of:

  • Positive energy – The chakra bracelets attract positive energies from your surroundings and work to give you a happy and healthy life.
  • Emotional Balance- After wearing the chakra bracelet, you may start experiencing changes in your emotional behavior and become more understanding. It helps in calming your emotions and helps them to keep in balance.
  • Helps open chakra- The problems you face in your life are caused due to the blockage of your chakras. The bracelet works to unblock these chakras and helps in removing your problems.
  • Maintain a healthy mind and body – The chakra bracelet attracts positive energies that keep both your mind and body perfectly healthy and fit.

Types Of Chakras And Their Associated Chakra Bracelets

There are 7 types of chakras in our body. Read our exclusive chakra bracelet recommendations for balancing all the 7 chakras. 

The Root Chakra (Muladhara): The Root Chakra maintains your sense of stability and security. An imbalance of this chakra leaves you feeling anxious and insecure.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Root Chakra:

  • Garnet: The red color of the stone harmonizes with the red rays of the root chakra. It provides emotional stability and gives a sense of security and confidence.
  • Hematite: This stone attracts the energy from your aura and helps you to stay grounded and focused. 
  • Red Jasper: This red stone is best known for cleansing your chakra and eliminating the negative energy. It helps you overcome challenges and obstacles in life effectively.

The Sacral Chakra (Swadhishtana): The Sacral Chakra influences your creativity, your relationships and provides you with a sense of control over your life. The imbalance of this chakra can leave you feeling aimless, demotivated, etc.

 Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Sacral Chakra:

  • Unakite: It is a combination of the grounding and calming power of red jasper and epidote. It signifies and helps enhance creative and artistic design along with emotions of love in the wearer.
  • Carnelian: The warmth and energy of this stone gives you the feeling of compassion, motivation and enhances your positive energies by unblocking your chakra.
  • Sunstone: This bracelet is known to cleanse your Sacral Chakra by providing a free flow to your energies. Wearing this would give you happiness, free you from stress and negativity and enhance your intuition.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): The Third Chakra, also known as Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for boosting your confidence and self-esteem. The blockage of this chakra can cause low-esteem, feelings of failure, etc.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • Yellow Jasper: It gives spiritual and inner strength along with clarity of mind. It fills you with positive energies.
  • Lemon Quartz: It aims at strengthening and improving the concentration of the wearer. It also ensures the filtration and magnification of the wearer’s thoughts.
  • Amber: The stone bracelet eliminates the imbalances of the third chakra and embeds qualities like balanced emotions, clearance of negative thoughts and energies.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): The Heart Chakra gaps the bridge between the upper chakras (spiritual) and the lower chakras (materialistic). It also manages and influences the ability of a person to give and receive love from others and oneself. An imbalance of this chakra can make you feel lonely and unloved. 

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Heart Chakra:

  • Rose Quartz: The pastel pale pink color of rose quartz crystal is the representation of pure love. The one who wears this bracelet is filled with love towards oneself and others. 
  • Green Jade: This crystal bracelet is a symbol of courage, wisdom and justice. This helps the wearer become courageous at heart and at the same time open up his heart to receive and give out love.
  • Aventurine: As beautiful and shiny this crystal is, it also blesses the wearer with abundant prosperity, confidence and fills him with positive energies. 

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):  The Throat chakra is considered to give voice to your heart chakra, in other words, it is responsible for giving voice to your powerful thoughts and guides you to communicate at your best. An imbalance in the Throat Chakra might make it difficult for you to express your feelings effectively. 

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Throat Chakra:

  • Lapis Lazuli: This blue stone bracelet gives the wearer the courage to speak up, be more expressive, communicate better and speak about his feelings efficiently.
  • Aquamarine: This bracelet helps to reduce stress and overthinking and fills the wearer’s mind with positive thoughts. It helps the wearer to be open about his feelings without being afraid of what others think. 
  • Angelite: This beautiful pale blue stone bracelet connects you with the angel realm, meaning it connects you to your deeper self. The healing properties of Angelite awaken your intuition power.

Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna): The powers of this chakra are beyond what one sees at the surface level. This chakra opens up the world of intuition or the vision of one’s soul. Anyone with a powerful Third-Eye Chakra is blessed with powerful foresight. The imbalance of this chakra can leave the person becoming more indecisive and doubtful.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing Your Third-eye Chakra:

  • Azurite: This wonderful bracelet is the best for those who wish to tap into the hidden depth and powers of their mind. It also helps them identify and follow their soul. 
  • Moonstone: The moonstone bracelet is believed to bring emotional stability and clarity of mind. It instills intuitive powers and thoughts in the wearer.
  • Purple Fluorite: A bracelet made of purple-fluorite is considered one of the best peace-giving stone bracelets. It enhances mental ability and accuracy. It helps the wearer to gain a better spiritual understanding. 

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The highest chakra i.e. the crown chakra is situated at the top of the head is responsible for one’s connection to spirituality. Mastering this can bring in an abundance of the real powers of mind and a great level of consciousness.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Crown Chakra:

  • Clear Quartz: The white crystals of this bracelet are considered one of the best healers. It helps in amplifying and stimulating positive energies throughout one’s body and improves memory and concentration in the person who wears it. 
  • Howalite: This calming stone soothes the body, mind and spirit. It cools down your temper, connects you to vibrations that open your mind and provides a better understanding for a clear vision.
  • White Agate: This bracelet improves concentration skills, enhances analytical powers, releases stress and other mental issues so the person wearing it gets a clear mind. It eliminates feelings like anxiety and depression from the wearer by attracting positive energies towards his mind.

The Chakra Bracelets help to bridge and synchronize our energies or the proper functioning of our 7 chakras. 

Alakik Universal Exports provides wholesale chakra bracelets at the best prices. Visit our website to have a glance at our products.

How to Select the Right Chakra Bracelet | Alakik

Chakra Bracelet

What is a Chakra Bracelet?

Chakra bracelet are made of gemstones. Different stones correspond to different chakras on the body. Wearing a chakra bracelet can help to ward off negative energies and helps you stay more balanced and positive. 

Did you know that where you wear the bracelet also holds great importance? Wearing it on the left wrist helps in increasing your creative abilities, improving your intuitive powers and cultivating more openness in your life. However, if you wish to gain more confidence and prioritize taking your stand then you should wear the bracelet on the right wrist.

Chakra stones have the power to absorb various energies and therefore it is important to cleanse and charge them. You can give the gemstones an energetic recharge by keeping them out in full sunlight or under the light of the full moon.   

How does a Chakra Bracelet work?

Gemstones have been used for chakra balancing and healing for thousands of years. Vedic texts explain how the ritual of laying crystals on the body can be used to clear chakras and rebalance energy. It can help to bring this power into your life. The bracelet works as a meditation tool. Just as how you use a mala, you can concentrate on each bead as you meditate, thus drawing energy towards the chakra each bead represents. 

How many types of Chakra Bracelets are available?

There are two types of Chakra bracelets. The first one has seven different gemstones, each representing seven chakras. Another design solely directs the energy on one chakra specifically. The beads of this bracelet are made from a single gemstone targeted towards a specific chakra.

Which Chakra bracelet is right for you

Which Chakra bracelet is right for you?

If you are interested in using Chakra bracelets but don’t know where to start, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with each of the different chakras. 

  • Root Chakra – If you are looking for root chakra, red jasper chakra beads are the best option. Red Jasper is a member of the quartz family. It strengthens your energy reserves and stamina while reminding the wearer of their innate strength. If you are going through a difficult time in your life, whether at home or the workplace, we recommend you to wear a red jasper gemstone bracelet as it can help to re-energize your root chakra. 
  • Sacral Chakra – For balancing the sacral chakra, Carnelian is the best choice. Known for boosting passion and desire, this gemstone can help to foster and develop sensuality which is one of the major properties of Sacral Chakra.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – In order to energize your Solar Plexus Chakra, we would recommend you a beaded bracelet of tiger’s eye stone. It is helpful for chakra balancing because of its healing properties. It protects you from negative energy and helps in staying more grounded and centered. 
  • Heart Chakra –  Jade gemstones are associated with Heart Chakra. Its vitality helps in strengthening your connections and pushes you to follow your heart. Another alternative stone is Prehnite, which is good for nurturing openness and compassion and is helpful for the heart chakra. 
  • Throat Chakra – Known for fortifying your powers, Aquamarine helps in assisting the Throat Chakra. Aquamarine promotes freedom for self-expression, which is considered one of the key indicators of a healthy Throat Chakra. 
  • Third Eye Chakra – Lapis Lazuli is the best gemstone for Third Eye Chakra. Its vibrant indigo blue color coupled with its healing properties helps in keeping your third eye chakra clear. It also helps in tuning into your intuitive energies. You can wear a crystal bracelet adorned with Lapiz while doing your meditation practice and experience its benefits. 
  • Crown Chakra – The crown chakra is associated with spirituality. Amethyst is a popular choice for representing Crown Chakra. It is useful in cultivating spiritual growth, clearing the mind and dispelling negative energy. Amethyst is the best stone for balancing the Crown Chakra

After knowing all the above details you must reflect on the areas of life in which you need help for personal growth. A single gem-bracelet can help you in balancing your chakra. If you want a simple energy flow in all your seven chakras, you must opt for a chakra bracelet with a gemstone bead for each chakra. 

Alakik‌ Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ provides Chakra bracelets in wholesale quantities. You can visit the website to shop today! 

Understanding the Benefits of Chakra Bracelets and its Uses in Current Times-Alakik-Universal Exports

Understanding the Benefits of Chakra Bracelets and its Uses in Current Times

The chakra bracelets, as can be understood from the name, are a specialized type of bracelets containing gemstones or crystals. These chakra bracelets serve a great purpose in the maintenance of good health. But before you buy these bracelets, it becomes quite essential to know about their benefits as well as the uses for appropriate use. 

Starts the Internal Healing Process of the Body

The diseases and ailments in the human body are linked to the seven chakras. Each of the seven chakras are associated some of the major organs of our body. These chakra bracelets have a direct effect on the seven chakras of our body. Now, if any of these chakras are blocked, the energy flow in the body is restricted, thereby inducing the occurrence of ailments. Wearing the chakra bracelets plays a vital role in unblocking the chakras, thereby starting the healing process in the body. 

Opens Blockages

The chakra bracelet plays an extremely significant role in opening of physical, mental as well as spiritual blockages. This has been previously carried out over a thousand years ago in the ancient civilizations. In recent times, these bracelets have gained a lot of popularity, since these have great healing effect and help in the facilitation of free flow of energy throughout the body.

Appropriate Maintenance of Energy Flow

The human body consists of seven wheels according to the yogic tradition. These wheels are quite crucial for maintaining a proper flow of energy starting from the base of the spine and then moving upwards to the crown of the head. Any kind of disturbances in the flow of energy leads to various types of physical as well as mental problems. Wearing the chakra bracelets maintains the flow of energy smoothly in an uninterrupted manner. 

Creates a Vibrational Effect 

Wearing the chakra bracelet creates a direct contact with the body which in turn produces a very powerful vibrational effect. The vibrational effect basically surges from the crystals in the chakra bracelet into the individual who is wearing it. 

Effects the Aura

The chakra bracelet has a vital effect on the aura and the energy of the person. It happens by positively focusing on the emotions as well as the mind of the individuals. It plays an essential role in the creation of a positive effect in different types of distressing situations in life. The chakra bracelet acts as a reminder of a few specific areas in life that need improvement and healing, thereby playing the role of a meditative function. 

Revitalises the Seven Chakras in the Body

The chakra bracelet emits energy, which in turn helps in the revitalization of each of the seven chakras of the human body depending on the gemstones or crystals used in the chakra bracelet. It is immensely important in the recalibration of the vibrational frequency of the wearer, thereby resulting in better health along with overall well-being. Moreover, the gemstones or crystals present in the chakra bracelet make it easy for individuals to take good care of their spiritual health.

Now, you have a very clear idea about the wide range of benefits and uses of chakra bracelets. But if you wish to get the most out of these chakra bracelets, it is of immense importance to make sure that you get the genuine products. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is a leading dealer of authentic chakra bracelets. We have been into this field for a few decades now, and each of the users can be assured of getting genuine chakra bracelets. Alakik Universal Exports is considered to be one of the most trusted, reputed, and reliable sellers of wholesale chakra bracelets so the users can go for it without any kind of hesitation. 

7 Chakra Bracelets You Need To Wear Right Now-Alakik-Universal Exports

7 Chakra Bracelets You Need To Wear Right Now

There are seven chakras in a human body and all the illnesses in the body are caused when the energy gets blocked in that particular area of the body. 7 chakra bracelets heals the body and regulates the energy flow in body parts to cure all types of health issues.

How Does A Chakra Bracelet Works in Healing?

 Crystal 7 chakra beads elastic bracelets

According to ancient yogic tradition, there are seven wheels inside the body which keep turning in order to maintain energy in your body. They start from spinal base and move till the crown of the head. Each and every chakra is associated with some major body organs as well as nerve bundles. These chakras affect your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

7 chakra bracelet helps in the overall well-being by keeping all the chakras open and aligned for the energy flow in your body parts. The seven colored stones connect your mind, body and soul in a circular manner and align the energy of a human body.

What Happens During Chakra Healing? 

Chakra Healing starts as soon as wear 7 chakra bracelet. All the stones present in the bracelet help in opening up the clogged chakras and give you a fresh start to a new day. They provide you energy and helps in preventing all sorts of illness and ailments. Chakra healing makes you emotionally strong and helps in solving your problems and achieving your goals.

Benefits of Chakra Bracelet 

There are many chakra bracelets healing benefits. Some of them are being elaborated below:

  1. The bracelet helps in relieving stress and staying focused. 
  2. It gives you spiritual awakening and balances your chakras. 
  3. There are positive vibrations in the stones which brings back balance to the chakras and replaces negative thoughts with positive ones. 
  4. It is just like an alternate medicine for curing spiritual, physical and emotional ailments and gives energy to the body.
  5. While meditating or doing yoga you can use this bracelet to attract healing powers of the 7 chakras.
  6. Chakra Bracelets can also help in the recovery of alcoholics and smokers and females who have suffered pain from childbirth or a chronic disease. 

So what are you waiting for? Start wearing the 7 chakra bracelet right now and experience changes in your life and body. 

Here are the list of our 7 Chakra Bracelets Products. Buy Now:

How to Select the Best 7 Chakra Bracelet-Alakik-Universal Exports

Chakra Bracelet, Its Meaning and Benefits

The chakras refer to the wheels of energy in the body of the human beings. The chakra basically covers the seven centers of the energy in the human body from the root or the base up to the crown of the body. A proper flow of energy is quite essential for the maintenance of physical, mental as well as spiritual health. For effectively doing the same, you need the help of healing stones which helps in the proper balancing of the chakras. In this situation, the chakra stones bracelet would be an ideal choice which not only can be worn as an ornament but also helps in balancing of the chakras as well.

What is a Chakra Bracelet?

The chakra bracelets which consists of the seven healing stones each of which serves a specific purpose in healing one or more of the chakras. The seven pillars of healing stones in the chakra bracelet is beaded together. The stones bracelet can be worn by anybody irrespective of the gender as well as the age. Since the bracelet contains the seven colors of the rainbow that represents the seven chakras or the energy centers of the body, they induce a healing effect which is highly beneficial. Thus, the chakra healing stone needs to be selected as per the specific need that one has in mind.

What are the Benefits of Chakra Bracelets? 

chakra bracelet

The stone bracelet provides a number of benefits to the individuals who wear them but it is needed to be kept in mind that the healing stones should necessarily touch the body in order to get the desired benefits.

  • The bracelet has great healing powers whose efficacy is determined by level of energy present in the stones. The bracelet is made up of a variety of gemstones and the thing cannot be neglected is the coloring since the color combination induces the specific healing effect. So, when you are intending to choose the best seven chakra bracelet, keep the color in mind.
  • It helps the individuals to easily connect with the positive energy that surrounds them which taps into a state of healing, calmness and tranquility. The crystals have the power to absorb all the negative energy that is around and leaves the individual with only positive energy.
  • The bracelet helps in making in the body as well as the mind very conscious of the mental state and at the same time, it utilizes the energy within for the purpose of releasing the positive energy cycle. It necessarily encourages the ones who wear the bracelet to be much more optimistic and opened to the world of possibilities around.
  • There are a number of health benefits that can be obtained from the stone bracelet. There are a number of situations where the bracelet comes to the rescue like failing heart, mental instability, addiction, pains and a number of other health related issues.
  • The bracelet plays a vital role in sharpening the mental focus which in turn allows the individual to lead a life full of energy and positivity.

Alakik`s Chakra Product Range

If you are looking forward to any of the chakra stones bracelet, then without any hesitations come to us. We have a wide range of collection of the bracelet with a combination of different stones. Coming to us would necessarily make sure that you will find exactly the combination that you are looking forward to. The selection of the seven chakra bracelet should be done according to the following.

  • Particular chakra you want to stress on
  • Specific healing effect that you are looking for
  • Be clear with your intention
  • Keep the color in mind

So, now, it is quite clear as to how to select the best seven chakra bracelet. Our chakra bracelet product range is simply phenomenal where there is nothing that you cannot find and hence come to us soon to start off with your healing process sooner.

Chakra Crystals and Yoga-Alakik-Univerlsa-Exports

Chakra Crystals and Yoga – Alakik Universal Exports

The truth is yoga is being practiced now for thousands of years in India and presently being promoted by the experts across the globe among those who are eager to remain healthy and fit. Yoga is considered to be a powerful form of exercise of the mind and the body, while being completely natural and safe. Practicing yoga on a regular basis helps the person to understand his body’s internal and emotional well being. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, it is something that is overlooked by many. This offers the person the chance to get know about self from within. At the same time, the different yoga pose is said to affect human actions and thoughts. There are seven chakras in the human body whose balance is restored through yoga. One can come across Chakra sets for sale and use it to their benefit.

Chakra balancing

The yoga experts also state that every breath work, meditation and pose has been designed to help the chakras to be correctly balanced. During the yoga class, energy is moved throughout the body, to make the chakras to become more receptive towards receiving crystals’ healing properties. Therefore, for chakra cleansing purpose, crystals are to be used, which will enhance yoga practice, thereby bringing more healing and harmony to the energy body.

The stones are to be laid around the mat for allowing the crystal’s energy to work with the chakras while the person moves during yoga class. Then during savasana, the chakra cleansing grid is placed on the body. Chakra meditation is possible even if the person does not practice yoga. He just needs to lie on his back and in body formation, place the stones.

Required stones

  • 7 chakra stones or one chakra healing bag
  • 2 Selenite Cleansing Crystal or Selenite Cleansing Stone
  • Four Quartz Crystal Points
  • 2 Shungite Stones

The Procedure

Quartz crystal points are to be placed around the mat’s sides in four different directions. While practicing yoga, the 2 shungite stones are to be placed on quartz’s either side at the mat base, with the chakra crystals placed along either side, while the selenite is to be placed at the top edge. While practicing savasana, the chakra crystals are to be laid over the 7 chakras. Then the 2 Shungite stones are to be placed on the feet’s outside after which the 2 Selenite Crystals are to be held in the hand.

These crystals are mainly used to balance energy flow promotion right from the root chakra to crown chakra. It becomes easier to understand better about the body, patterns, beliefs and emotions which hinder or help when trying to attain spiritual growth.

Once the person has confident in having gained better knowledge and understanding of the different types of chakras, its functioning and which one has been blocked or why, then the chakra crystals are to be removed and journal maintained about what has been gained by undergoing this meditation. This exercise is to be repeated for about 21 days for a particular time period. The key here according to the experts is consistency and commitment towards achieving the desired results. The crystals meant for yoga is to be kept in the mat bag and their energy is to be connected every time yoga is practiced.

Those practicing yoga professionally and training others to help lead a better, satisfied and happy life can buy Wholesale Chakra Sets to benefit their students.

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E-mail: info@alakik.net