How To Get The Most From your chakra bracelet?

How To Get The Most From your chakra bracelet?

Chakras are seen as an invisible medium of connection between your physical and spiritual being. Most of the problems that you face in your life are due to the negative energies within you and your surroundings that block your chakras. The hardest battle is to ward off these energies and focus your mind on the positive. Here’s when chakra bracelets come to your rescue as they remove the negative and bring in the positive energies. The chakra bracelet is made from stones and crystals that help you in balancing your chakras.

Benefits Of Wearing A Chakra Bracelet 

There are many ways through which chakra bracelets subtly change your life and body for the better. Here are a few chakra bracelet benefits you must make the most of:

  • Positive energy – The chakra bracelets attract positive energies from your surroundings and work to give you a happy and healthy life.
  • Emotional Balance- After wearing the chakra bracelet, you may start experiencing changes in your emotional behavior and become more understanding. It helps in calming your emotions and helps them to keep in balance.
  • Helps open chakra- The problems you face in your life are caused due to the blockage of your chakras. The bracelet works to unblock these chakras and helps in removing your problems.
  • Maintain a healthy mind and body – The chakra bracelet attracts positive energies that keep both your mind and body perfectly healthy and fit.

Types Of Chakras And Their Associated Chakra Bracelets

There are 7 types of chakras in our body. Read our exclusive chakra bracelet recommendations for balancing all the 7 chakras. 

The Root Chakra (Muladhara): The Root Chakra maintains your sense of stability and security. An imbalance of this chakra leaves you feeling anxious and insecure.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Root Chakra:

  • Garnet: The red color of the stone harmonizes with the red rays of the root chakra. It provides emotional stability and gives a sense of security and confidence.
  • Hematite: This stone attracts the energy from your aura and helps you to stay grounded and focused. 
  • Red Jasper: This red stone is best known for cleansing your chakra and eliminating the negative energy. It helps you overcome challenges and obstacles in life effectively.

The Sacral Chakra (Swadhishtana): The Sacral Chakra influences your creativity, your relationships and provides you with a sense of control over your life. The imbalance of this chakra can leave you feeling aimless, demotivated, etc.

 Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Sacral Chakra:

  • Unakite: It is a combination of the grounding and calming power of red jasper and epidote. It signifies and helps enhance creative and artistic design along with emotions of love in the wearer.
  • Carnelian: The warmth and energy of this stone gives you the feeling of compassion, motivation and enhances your positive energies by unblocking your chakra.
  • Sunstone: This bracelet is known to cleanse your Sacral Chakra by providing a free flow to your energies. Wearing this would give you happiness, free you from stress and negativity and enhance your intuition.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): The Third Chakra, also known as Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for boosting your confidence and self-esteem. The blockage of this chakra can cause low-esteem, feelings of failure, etc.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • Yellow Jasper: It gives spiritual and inner strength along with clarity of mind. It fills you with positive energies.
  • Lemon Quartz: It aims at strengthening and improving the concentration of the wearer. It also ensures the filtration and magnification of the wearer’s thoughts.
  • Amber: The stone bracelet eliminates the imbalances of the third chakra and embeds qualities like balanced emotions, clearance of negative thoughts and energies.

Heart Chakra (Anahata): The Heart Chakra gaps the bridge between the upper chakras (spiritual) and the lower chakras (materialistic). It also manages and influences the ability of a person to give and receive love from others and oneself. An imbalance of this chakra can make you feel lonely and unloved. 

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Heart Chakra:

  • Rose Quartz: The pastel pale pink color of rose quartz crystal is the representation of pure love. The one who wears this bracelet is filled with love towards oneself and others. 
  • Green Jade: This crystal bracelet is a symbol of courage, wisdom and justice. This helps the wearer become courageous at heart and at the same time open up his heart to receive and give out love.
  • Aventurine: As beautiful and shiny this crystal is, it also blesses the wearer with abundant prosperity, confidence and fills him with positive energies. 

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):  The Throat chakra is considered to give voice to your heart chakra, in other words, it is responsible for giving voice to your powerful thoughts and guides you to communicate at your best. An imbalance in the Throat Chakra might make it difficult for you to express your feelings effectively. 

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Throat Chakra:

  • Lapis Lazuli: This blue stone bracelet gives the wearer the courage to speak up, be more expressive, communicate better and speak about his feelings efficiently.
  • Aquamarine: This bracelet helps to reduce stress and overthinking and fills the wearer’s mind with positive thoughts. It helps the wearer to be open about his feelings without being afraid of what others think. 
  • Angelite: This beautiful pale blue stone bracelet connects you with the angel realm, meaning it connects you to your deeper self. The healing properties of Angelite awaken your intuition power.

Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna): The powers of this chakra are beyond what one sees at the surface level. This chakra opens up the world of intuition or the vision of one’s soul. Anyone with a powerful Third-Eye Chakra is blessed with powerful foresight. The imbalance of this chakra can leave the person becoming more indecisive and doubtful.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing Your Third-eye Chakra:

  • Azurite: This wonderful bracelet is the best for those who wish to tap into the hidden depth and powers of their mind. It also helps them identify and follow their soul. 
  • Moonstone: The moonstone bracelet is believed to bring emotional stability and clarity of mind. It instills intuitive powers and thoughts in the wearer.
  • Purple Fluorite: A bracelet made of purple-fluorite is considered one of the best peace-giving stone bracelets. It enhances mental ability and accuracy. It helps the wearer to gain a better spiritual understanding. 

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The highest chakra i.e. the crown chakra is situated at the top of the head is responsible for one’s connection to spirituality. Mastering this can bring in an abundance of the real powers of mind and a great level of consciousness.

Recommended Chakra Bracelets For Balancing The Crown Chakra:

  • Clear Quartz: The white crystals of this bracelet are considered one of the best healers. It helps in amplifying and stimulating positive energies throughout one’s body and improves memory and concentration in the person who wears it. 
  • Howalite: This calming stone soothes the body, mind and spirit. It cools down your temper, connects you to vibrations that open your mind and provides a better understanding for a clear vision.
  • White Agate: This bracelet improves concentration skills, enhances analytical powers, releases stress and other mental issues so the person wearing it gets a clear mind. It eliminates feelings like anxiety and depression from the wearer by attracting positive energies towards his mind.

The Chakra Bracelets help to bridge and synchronize our energies or the proper functioning of our 7 chakras. 

Alakik Universal Exports provides wholesale chakra bracelets at the best prices. Visit our website to have a glance at our products.

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