What Is Reiki And It’s Benefits - Alakik

What is Reiki Set And it’s Benefits – Alakik

Two Japanese words Rei and Ki constitute the word Reiki. Reiki stands for ‘universal life energy. The energy available in the universe nourishes and maintains all living things. When the flow of this energy goes uninterrupted, proper balance and harmony within and around us becomes a reality

 Comprehensive Method Of Approach

Reiki is a non-invasive complimentary therapy that is used for stress reduction and relaxation and it also promotes healing in the best way possible. This method treats the whole person including mind, body, spirit and emotions creating amazing beneficial effects.

Click here if you are looking for Reiki Sets

 The Importance of Strengthening Your Life Force

Life force can be described as a subtle energy that surrounds and flows through pathways called chakras, nadis and meridians. This life force promotes cell nourishment and it keeps the cells highly active and vibrant. When your life force comes own, you feel unhealthy and become highly susceptible to various types of diseases. Strengthening your life force helps your body heal and achieve optimal balance.

Your Thoughts and Feelings Influence The Energy Flow

Your thoughts and feelings influence the life force. When you nurture negative thoughts and emotions, the flow of your life force gets disturbed and this situation adversely affects your body organs. Quite naturally, your mental, emotional and physical health starts deteriorating. If you want to get rid of this problem, you need to learn how to channelize your energy flow effectively.

For Exclusive Reiki Sets for Sale click here

 Channelization of energy 

During a Reiki therapy session, a patient has to lie down a table or couch or sit down on a chair. The practitioner gently places his/her hands in a series of nonintrusive positions on or near the body. The Reiki energy flows from the practitioner to the patient for providing the best healing effects. This procedure is a simple, safe and natural method of spiritual healing that anybody can make use of and it compliments all other therapeutic techniques to help people get rid of side effects and promote recovery.

Explore Embossed Reiki Sets to help you channelize your energy.

 Learn about The Benefits Of Reiki

This therapeutic practice creates deep relaxation and it helps you release stress and tension permanently. The self healing abilities of your body improve considerably and you can enjoy better sleep as well. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, reiki can be used to control it. Moreover, Reiki offers amazing relief from acute injuries and chronic problems like headaches, asthma and eczema can be addressed with the help of this procedure. You can break addictions from different substances and effective pain management also becomes a reality. Other prominent health benefits of reiki include cleansing dangerous toxins, reducing side effects of drugs, fast recovery from drug therapy after chemotherapy and surgery, strengthening immune system, slowing down the aging process and many more.

Find the best in Reiki sets at Alakik – we are wholesalers and export Worldwide.

Reiki improves the vibrational frequency of your body and it removes energy blockages to promote spiritual growth and harmony. You do not need to worry about any side effects and, your overall health and wellbeing will undergo tremendous transformation as well.

Reiki Stones and Their Uses for Chakra Healing

In Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, a chakra is considered to be a node or energy point in the subtle body. It is believed that they are the part of the ingenious body or Nadi which is the meeting point of the energy of non-physical nature. It is believed that Nadi is the channels in the psycho-spiritual body through which human life force or vital energy or Prana moves. From different theological texts and teachings, you can learn about the different types of chakras. According to the Tantric texts, the subtle human body has many chakras. But amongst them, only seven chakras are considered the most important ones. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Many describe it as a spinning wheel of light.

A Brief about Chakra Healing

It is believed that within our physical body there resides a body double, a spiritual body which contains the chakras. They are those centers of activity which receive, assimilate and express life force energy. This force energy maintains a person’s physical, spiritual and mental functions. The force energy absorbs natural energies to and from the universe celestial entities and nature helps to transmit them. The activities of chakras influence our body shape, glandular process, chronic physical ailments, behaviors, and thoughts. If one chakra is blocked or is wide open or any disruption in the chakras results in an imbalance which is manifested in all areas of life. Reiki is one of the methods by which we can influence our chakras.

Healing Power of Reiki Stones 

There are very few tools and resources at our disposal that can align our entire body with healing that works. Chakra healing is considered the easiest way to have all your centers aligned. This is a science. Reiki stone is one of the most important tools of chakra healing. Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist MikaoUsui. The word reiki has been derived from two Japanese words, Rei meaning god’s wisdom and ki meaning life force energy. This Reiki means life force energy that has been guided spiritually. There are a number of ways of healing with reiki stones. The most common way is to lay on the stones, this can activate all your energy centers that are your 7 chakras. This will help you to release the energy unblocking those centers in your body.

Reiki stones can be used for chakra healing on its own. There is an abundance of reiki products that can be available in different shops and online stores, but the availability of quality and authentic products are very less. It is very important to know about the quality and authenticity of reiki products before you buy them. If you are new, then you definitely need a wholesale partner, who will provide you with the authentic and wide range of wholesale reiki sets. Alakik being one of the pioneering online stores and reiki set exporter is an authentic and reliable store. They have a wide variety of reiki sets for sale. Doing good to people through their business is the main objective of alakik.

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Chakra Stone Benefits & Importance in Our Life

The term chakra has been derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disc. Chakras are the hot spot of energy pathways known as meridians, they are the areas where the density of energy stays in its highest form, and thus exchanging energy with the outside world gets easier. Energy through the chakras passes to our etheric energy field or aura and to the outside world and vice versa. It is believed that this energy exchange is what gives you that psychic sense of our surroundings, this flow of energy directly affects our thoughts, emotions, state of mind and health. Everything we do influences our chakras. Our fast paced lifestyle today disrupts our chakras, which leads to diseased mind, body and spirit. Crystals and gemstones can balance our chakras. Chakra stones include red jasper, golden quartz, peach Adventurin, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite. These stones can be used to heal and balance our chakras.

Importance of 7 Chakras In Our Life

There are many seven chakras, which are considered most important. This includes:

  1. Muladhara chakra or red chakra locating at the base of the spine, which is associated with health, our connection to earth, family passion, and moving forward in life. Disruption of which causes loneliness, insecurity, unconfident, depressed, addiction, phobias and obsessions.
  2. Orange chakra or Svadhisthana locating at the base of spine is associated with creativity, energy, confidence, unbalanced sacral chakra causes eating disorder, addiction, unbalanced emotions.
  3. Solar plexus or Manipuri locates at diaphragm associated with our physical centre , disruption of which causes lack of memory.
  4. Green chakra or Anahata is located at the heart and associated with love and compassion, unbalanced heart chakra will make you feel detached to the earthly world.
  5. Blue chakra or Vishuddha is located at the throat, have a close association with communication an unbalance throat chakra causes nervousness, anxiety.
  6. Indigo chakra is located between and just above our eye is associated with the mind, ideas, thought, dreams, disruption of the balance of which causes headache, migraine nightmares.
  7. Violet or purple chakra is located at the crown of the head and is associated with spirituality and divine wisdom. An unbalanced crown chakra causes confusion, loss of faith.

Benefits Of Balanced Seven Chakras

A balance seven chakras have immense importance in our lives. It helps to maintain our physical and mental well being by reducing depression, anxiety, diabetes, obesity, food allergies, eating disorders, stress and increases our confidence, attachment to worldly life. Its functions in our life are indispensable. Chakra stones and crystals by their healing property can make your life worth living.

There are many shops nowadays that sells wholesale chakra sets, but all shops don’t sell authentic products and these products fail to provide you effective results. It is very important to buy these products from an authentic and reliable wholesaler. Alakik is that one stop shop you can trust without any second thought. This wholesale chakra set exporter are not only trustworthy but also provides you wholesale chakra stones at a reasonable price. For chakra crystals, this place is the one stop shop.

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ for more information.

Get the best in Reiki Sets at Alakik

About Reiki products

When it is about business and you want to do good for people with your business then you just cannot compromise on quality. Reiki products are available in abundance in different shops and online stores. However not all of the stores sell quality and authentic products. Thus it becomes very important to know about the Reiki products and its authenticity. If you are new in this business then you need a wholesale partner who would not only provide you with the best quality products but also help you in having the largest variety of Reiki sets.

About Alakik

Alakik is one of the pioneering online stores and Reiki sets exporters who are into wholesale of the largest variety of Reiki sets. The company also export Reiki sets to various parts of the world.  When you are planning to become a retailer in Reiki products and want to help people with the best and most authentic products for Reiki it is best to contact Alakik. The company has acquired quite a good reputation around the world in providing the best Reiki sets to people who practice Reiki on a regular basis. In order to get healed through Reiki it becomes very important to initiate the seven chakras and channels in your body so that the positive energy flows better. Along with the Reiki products this positive energy can heal faster and better.

How can Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ help you?

The range of Reiki products that Alakik offers is just amazing. So when you are looking for a wide range of products for your retail customers then switch to Alakik. You can buy at wholesale Reiki sets at unbelievable prices and get the best and guaranteed quality too.  As Reiki sets exporters Alakik has earned fame and thus when you retail their product your business become an instant hit too. Located in Gujarat Alakik provides exquisite and exclusive range of wholesale Reiki sets that are really stunning to look at. They use precious stones and crystals to manufacture these products so that the effect of healing is faster and better.

Top Quality Chakra Sets

Top Quality Wholesale Chakra Sets – Alakik

Holistic healing has dominated Indian continent from a very early age. Since ancient times Indian sages have found the medicinal value of Ayurveda and from then on till this age Ayurveda and naturopathy has healed many lives. Asian continent and especially Japan has contributed immensely in the fields of holistic healing by offering the world with Reiki – the touch therapy. Reiki has been healing people of physical and mental diseases throughout the world. Reiki is based on the philosophy of initiating the seven chakras in our body. These chakras are the root of healing. Practicing Reiki can only activate these chakras so that one can start healing himself mentally and physically. Click here to take a look at our wholesale Chakra Sets for sale.

About the Reiki chakras and their significance

In Reiki it is believed that there are seven main chakras in our body. These chakras actually reside in our spirits or soul which is enlightened by the initiation and use of Reiki. These chakras are capable of receiving and providing positive energy flow. Reiki believes that cure is only possible through the activation and transfer of positive energy through these chakras.

The seven main chakras are:

Crown chakra
The Third Eye Chakra
The Throat Chakra
Heart Chakra
Solar plexus chakra
Sacral Chakra
Root Chakra

All these chakras need proper balancing to provide you with healing. So to balance these chakras you will need the Reiki chakra sets. Reiki Chakra sets are available online at various stores and you can get them at wholesale rates too. Wholesale chakra sets are available in different variety. Each of these varieties has their own function and can heal or cure different types of ailments. These sets are generally available with the wholesale chakra sets exporters who export these chakras to different parts of the world. Alakik is one of the pioneering wholesale chakra sets exporters who offer different variety of chakra sets for different uses. They provide the best quality material to manufacture these sets so that their clients can have the best healing. These charka sets come in different types of precious and semi precious stones.                              

Buy Reiki chakra sets

When you are planning to buy Reiki charka sets, make sure you buy it from a wholesale chakra sets exporter because they have the best ones. Alakik provides the best chakra sets and you can visit their website to know more about Reiki and how to use these chakra sets in the seven chakras in order to balance the flow of positive energy in your body and heal.

Reiki is one of the most preferred holistic treatments available in the whole world nowadays. More and more people are getting benefitted by this touch and distance therapy that is curing people of their physical and mental illness that are chronic or serious. Wholesale chakra sets of Reiki are the best things you can have to inculcate more positive energy in your mind and body while balancing the flow of energy perfectly. When you have a chakra set and practice Reiki everyday you become eternally blessed with good health.

All About Crystal Turtle and How to Use It – Alakik

All About Crystal Turtle and How to Use It.

It is believed that the animals dominate a certain power in nature and have incredible energy associated to particular elements. We must have some or the other time come across the statues of decorative animals at work places or even homes but never tried to solve the mystery behind it! So let’s find out its significance today!

Feng Shui is a very prominent word and people of today widely follow it while taking decisions related to certain things of their life.  Feng Shui is associated with animals as it helps solidify the environment with special signification. Out of all, the most famous and commonly used animal guardian is the tortoise. So, what does it signify in the Chinese culture?

The turtle is most commonly represented as a figurine that is made up of hard and decorative stone. As we all know a turtle is blessed with a long life, it indicates long life of a person, hence recommended to old people in order to increase their longevity. Not only this, the wholesale crystal turtle is known to remove negative energy around the people, so when kept at work place or home can render the people with positivity. It is given the tag of ‘Good luck turtle’ as it is associated with overall good health and positive energy.

So, these new age healing crystals are very effective in kicking out the problems in one’s life.  To be specific, the crystal turtle is effective because it adorns the following qualities in it: longevity, good health, positive energy and protection. The crystal turtle is made from glass which is considered to be a positive element in Chinese culture. The best place to keep the crystal turtle is near a window so that it is able to send the colors of rainbow and also spread the good and positive energy all around.

This wholesale crystal jewelry can even be used for gifting purpose as it comes with a bag of advantages to which the one receiving the gift will definitely consider it worth. So are you the one in search of this crystal turtle to keep one for your home or to gift your friend? If yes, hit on to one and only Universal Exports – the one who is known to provide wholesale crystal jewelry of all kinds. You can even get wholesale crystal bracelet or any other kind of accessory that you wish for at Universal Exports. So why to wait for, grab one crystal turtle and other crystal jewelry of your choice and keep it at the recommended place to get a perfect solution to your problem. You can definitely get the positive results as soon as you place the crystal turtle as per the recommended place. Also, not to forget, you can very well gift one to your dear friend or relative if you feel he or she is in dire need of the same. Universal Exports is sure to cater your requirements with the right product and at its earliest! For more information visit: https://www.alakik.net/platonic-solid-crystals

Exclusive Reiki Sets from the Best Wholesale Reiki Sets Seller – Alakik


‘Reiki’ came into existence some years ago and it spread far and wide immediately because of its assistance in healing people’s life and problems. People across the globe found it very effective due to which these Reiki sets began to be sold everywhere so that anyone who is facing such healing trouble can resort to it easily which has lead to a demand for wholesale reiki sets.

Reiki nowadays comes in various forms like Reiki pendant set and so on. The crystals from which these are made up of are actually free form palm stones that are chosen individually as per their clarity and energy. Another thing made sure while selecting them is their matched size. Also, these stones are engraved with the sacred Reiki symbol and also embellished with gold.

As we know, each of the Reiki symbols has a different use and has the respective unique energy as well as vibrational pattern of healing. The Reiki pyramid can be used on people or can be placed even at homes or work environment. It is believed that these Reiki pyramid or any other form of stones are lovely to hold. It is also recommended to clean them on regular basis so that if there are any negative or low vibrations around, they are removed easily.

There are several advantages attached with Reiki that induces the people to have faith and use it more to heal their problems in day to day life. Some of the benefits of Reiki include:

  • It promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit and dissolves energy blocks.
  • It enhances energy levels
  • It helps body release the tension and stress while creating deep relaxation
  • It improves focus and clears the mind.
  • Helps with good sleep
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Supports the immune system and relieves pain
  • Emotional cleansing and spiritual growth is attained
  • Compliments medical treatment
  • Also boosts up the creativity, and much more…

As there is a never ending list of Reiki, people have developed a great faith over it and by and large get involved in it all across the globe. The best part is you can even get it on wholesale basis. If you are one amongst them who wants to take one of the benefits of this, resort to a premium wholesaler – Universal Exports which is known to provide wholesale Reiki sets to the national as well as international clients. Yes, Universal Exports has accumulated years’ experience of providing variety of wholesale Reiki sets to the people at large. Also available in the form of Reiki pendant set and wholesale Reiki Tower , Universal Exports caters to its clients’ requirements and demands and makes sure to deliver them on time. Hence, resort to this trusted destination of Reiki sets i.e. Universal Exports and get free from your troubles in life very soon! For more information visit: http://www.alakik.net/reiki-sets

Tumbled Stones – Beautiful Polished Stones

Tumbled Stones - Beautiful Polished Stones

Certain things, though are not having any defined way of using, are still loved by people across the globe. People of today love to adorn themselves with latest things that take the toll in the market. Moreover, to walk hand in hand with the fashion and remain updated is yet another aspect that these people focus their lives on! One such upcoming trend that has off lately grabbed the attention of the people is tumbled stones. Now, what are tumble stones?

Tumble stones are the ones that are more considered as fashionable objects and so large number of people is inclined towards having a unique selection of the same. Knowing more about the same, the polished stones have no peculiar usage but people love it for its looks, they also play with them, or just put them in pockets, stroke them, keep them under the pillow, wear them around the neck or use them as per their desire.

The tumbled gemstones have experienced an increasing demand these days. As we all know, the age old practices says that crystals are used as great healers and this has evolved in recent years and reintroduced with amazing response amongst the people of today. Even the people who are non believers of these healing stones also thought to give it a try.  As the astonishing results due to these healing stones can convert them into believers! Because of the experiences of people from decades, the polished gemstones have definitely helped in healing the problems of people and are still continued.

If you are looking for such colorful tumble stones for some or the other purpose or even for no reason, come and have a glance at wonderful polished rocks supplied by the Universal Exports. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is known to provide the stock of tumble stones that are natural minerals. These natural minerals are tumble polished to a high degree to form attractive smooth rounded stones which are comfortable to hold and stimulating to the senses.

So these polished gemstones can be used for healing purposes as well as for the non believers as they can possess these aesthetically pleasing objects the way they desire. Universal exports being a premium gemstone provider in India, ensures to provide a variety of tumbled stone that you can use the way you wish to – be it for healing purpose, be it to decorate your house, be it to keep by your side, be it to keep in your pocket, be it to play games and so on! Hence, this tumbled stone demand of yours can be easily fulfilled with one and only best gemstone provider of India i.e. Universal Exports.

For more information visit: https://www.alakik.net/tumble-stones

Find the Best Healing Crystals at Alakik Universal Exports

Find the Best Healing Crystals at Universal Exports

No doubt that world has gone way ahead as compared to the times when mobile phone did not exist even in wildest of the imaginations. Yet, you’ll come across many big and small things of that era even today. People of that time have been able to leave a long lasting faith and the best example for this is the healing stones! Yes, these healing stones which were discovered way back used to heal diseases and the social problems of one’s life. This belief has remain intact even today as people not from a particular country but all across the globe demand respective healing stones to cure their problems related to diseases or life.

The only change one can observe is the introduction of these stones in various forms. People also use it as an accessory! These stone are now available in the form of crystal pendulum, crystal jewelry, chakra crystal bracelet and many more. The list is really very big and it all depends upon your need and demand for the same!

Hence, these new age healing crystals have a lot more to offer as compared to the ancient times. If you want it just as an accessory, you can easily avail a large variety in the form of bracelet, locket, or even as a proper jewelry. And if not a jewelry, you also get in different kinds like pendulum and so on! So, it is totally up to you in which form you want your desired healing stone.

So, if you are the one who is interested in getting your share of healing stones and are confused about from where to get it, here is the one and only answer – Universal Exports. Yes, widely known as a premium wholesaler in healing stones, it has achieved a great name not only in India but all across the globe. It is known to export these stones to the clients spread worldwide. With these widespread collection at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, one can be rest assured that he will be getting any kind of healing stones that too in the demanded form.

Like if you are looking for a chakra crystal bracelet or a simple crystal pendulum, just resort to the major hub of healing stones i.e. Universal Exports! And you can even get the other varieties over here like crystal pendulum. Moreover, if not for personal use but you are interested in the wholesale crystal jewelry for some or the other reasons, then without any doubt, resort to this place as this is definitely an ideal solution for anyone who wants to indulge in wholesale.

In short, make sure to contact the one and only Universal Exports whenever you desire to have any kind of healing crystals or stones. It will surely help you out with the best quality crystals, at the right price at its earliest! For more information visit: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Knowing About Agate Arrowhead Products – Alakik

Wholesale Agate Arrowhead Products

Not just gold, diamond or platinum, but the fairer sex has extended their cravings of jewelry to precious stones that sparkle and adds on to their beauty. Yes, these stones come in various size, shape and color and they are undoubtedly beautiful. As we all have heard about the precious stones like Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, there are other entrants to this league that serves the purpose of both: beauty and health! And these are none other than healing stones!

Not only women, the arrowhead products have captured a great attention among the younger generation in today’s scenario. Like for instance, if you see a young boy enter a store filled with various types of stones and rocks, his eyes is sure to widen looking at the beautiful range of arrowheads placed over there! Their basic interest or eye catcher is the wide range of gemstone arrowhead products!

An arrowhead, to define, is a usually sharpened tip added to an arrow in order to make it more dangerous and deadly. Known to be an archeological artifact, this arrowhead is into use from the Stone Age which has just evolved with time in terms of appearance, usage and designs. Available in pretty versions, people use it as key rings, necklaces, pendants and much more.

Agate arrowhead products are yet another craze amongst younger generation because of certain reasons attached to it. Firstly, these products come in beautifully designed arrow shapes in different colors that allure them to buy it then and there. Next, one can wear it as different accessory in form of necklace, rings and so on! Third – it is inexpensive in nature and hence is easily possible for everyone to get one share of them as per their choice and demand. It should be noted that each of this agate arrowheads is made with using same method as it used to in ancient times.  The advantage of this is getting a unique look for every handmade arrowheads.

So, if you are one among them who is in search of such beautiful agate arrowhead, without any further delay, contact Universal Exports to avail your favorite product easily. The varieties of agate arrowhead products available at Universal Exports are:

  • Arrowhead key rings
  • Arrowhead necklaces
  • Arrowhead pendants
  • And many more

Universal exports being a wholesale provider even provide wholesale black obsidian arrowheads to cater to customers’ demands. All you need is select from the available range of arrowhead products at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ and rest back to get its delivery at its earliest. You can be assured to get the best and your desired choice of arrowhead product! For more information visit: https://www.alakik.net/arrowheads