Balancing your Chakras with Chakra Pendants-Alakik-Universal Exports

Balance Chakras with Chakra Pendants

Chakra pendants are extremely useful in balancing the chakras. This is the exact reason as to why a lot of people use these pendants for the purpose of balancing the chakras. These are actually very simple tools that help us in the detection of the energetic field. These pendants are tuned to precise vibrations for the achievement of the desired results. The chakra pendants are very popular tools that play a crucial role in clearing, healing, and balancing our bodies.

How is Chakra Balancing Done?

design orgone pendant

As can be understood from the name, a pendant is worn around the neck. Now the chakra pendant hangs from a fixed point. The forces of gravity as well as inertia help in the creation of movement. But at the time when no force is caused on the weight, there is something that begins to happen all by itself that is natural. The energy helps in the movement of the weight with very little help from our unconscious mind. The chakra pendants feel just magical for even when they are totally still, they start moving for the purpose of detecting of the invisible energy that is around us.

About the Chakra System

The chakra system is basically the field of gentle and precise energy that helps in animating the physical body. Now, at the time when these physical bodies are out of the alignment, the individuals can necessarily be pulled in a number of directions along with a feeling of ‘off center’ which in turn diverts the individual form the state of natural well-being. Now, when these chakra pendants are placed over the seven chakras of our body, they move in both directions that is to and from from the center position which necessarily shows us the direction as well as the size of the energy that the chakra is emitting. The level of energy will reveal imbalance, balance or any kinds of energy blocks. It helps in the proper diagnosis and thereby plays a crucial role in properly balancing thereby helping us in the maintenance of good energy, spirit and physical well being.

So, if you are planning to balance your chakras with the help of the chakra pendants, make sure to contact Alakik to buy wholesale chakra pendants where you can choose the most appropriate one for yourself.

7 Chakra Gemstone Jewellery-Benefits-Alakik-Universal Exports

7 Chakra Gemstone Jewellery – Benefits

We all know that there are seven chakras in our body and for each of the chakra there is a specific gemstone. Now, the 7 chakra gemstone Jewellery is a type of Jewellery that contains all of the seven gemstones for each of the seven chakras of the human body. The seven chakra gemstone Jewellery can be in the form of bracelets, pendants, pencils, balls, pyramids, and pendulums. There are a number of benefits of wearing these 7 chakra gemstone Jewellery which is as listed below.

Helps to Connect

The seven chakra gemstone Jewellery helps the individual in connecting properly and opening the chakras that are blocked. This, in turn, helps in the free flowing of the energy which is highly beneficial for the overall well being of the individuals. It also helps in the stimulation of centric energies of the body.

Great Healing Powers

The gemstone jewellery possesses great healing powers and has enough capability to heal the individual from a huge number of conditions. It readily enhances the overall health of the individual thereby promoting physical, mental, spiritual as well as emotional well being.

Reduction of Stress

The seven chakra gemstone jewellery is extremely helpful in the reduction of stress and anxiety thereby inducing a calmness which is highly beneficial for a stress free life. It brings about overall prosperity in the life of the individual.

Brings an Overall Prosperity

The gemstone jewellery readily helps in the improvement of intellect power, self-respect, and creativity. It acts as a blessing in the life of the individual by bringing good luck in life. The seven chakra gemstone jewellery also helps in the enhancement of both physical as well as emotional balance by the removal of anxiety and fear. It simply bestows the individual with love and brings about overall prosperity in life.

Elimination of Negative Energy

The gemstone jewelleries are quite vital in the elimination of all the negative energy from the body which changes the life of the individual in a quite positive way by getting rid of health problems or any other problems in life.

So, now it can be quite clearly understood how the 7 chakra gemstone jewellery benefits the individuals. So, if you intend to avail the benefits, you need to make sure that you select a trusted and reputed Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌so that you necessarily get the genuine chakra gemstone jewelleries.

Benefits of Chakra Healing Bracelet-Alakik-Universal Exports

Benefits of Chakra Healing Bracelet

The healing crystals have gained a lot of popularity in the recent times. This is because of the fact that these crystals have an effect on the seven chakras of our body. As time has evolved, people have found different ways of wearing these crystals since a direct body contact is mandatory for them to work and bring about the healing effect. Recently, the chakra healing bracelet what has become very popular. The crystals are worn as a form of bracelet which not only acts as a style statement but also produces the healing effect at the same time.

But one thing is to be kept in mind at the time of wearing is that to get the most out of these bracelets, they should be worn properly. In an addition to this, if you wish to wear bracelet, then it is important that you know the benefits that you get from it.

Healing Benefits of Chakra Healing Bracelet:

  • Begins the Healing Process

All of the ailments of the body of the human beings are linked to the seven chakras and each of the chakra is associated with some or the other major organs of the human body and has direct relation with some part of the body which can affect the overall health. Now, when any of the chakra is blocked, the flow of energy is also blocked which is the reason as to why the ailments begin to occur. These chakras can be blocked as a result of extreme stress, improper diet, negative thoughts and inadequate exercise. The bracelet necessarily unblocks the chakras and hence begins the healing process.

  • Maintains the Proper Flow of Energy of the Individual

As per the yogic tradition, there are seven wheels present in the human body which turns continuously for the maintenance of proper flow of energy starting from the base of the spine and then moving upwards to the crown of the head. Any disturbance in this energy flow can create problems but the healing bracelet effectively maintains this flow.

  • Releases Blockages

The bracelet is readily used for the purpose of releasing physical, mental as well as spiritual blockages and the same has been carried out for thousand of years before in the ancient civilizations. The healing bracelet facilitates free flow of energy throughout.

  • Produces a Vibrational Effect

When the healing bracelet is in direct contact with the body, they produce a quite powerful vibrational effect which surges from the crystals in the bracelet into the individual who is wearing the bracelet.

  • Influences the Vibrational Frequency

The vibrational frequency and the scheme of color of the crystals are necessarily used for the purpose of pairing each of the chakra with the specific stones present in the bracelet. The crystals influence the energies of the individual with the help of the vibrational frequency that is aligned with each of the chakra.

  • Revitalizing the Chakra

The bracelet emits energy which in turn helps in the activation and revitalization of each of the chakra depending on the stones used. This is of great help in the re calibration of the vibrational frequency of the individual resulting in a better health and overall well being. Moreover, the crystals so present in the healing bracelet make it easy and convenient for the individuals to take a good care of their spiritual health.

  • Effects the Aura

The braceletalso has a significant effect on the aura as well as the energy of the person by positively focusing on the emotions and mind of the individuals. This plays a vital role in creating a positive effect in the distressing situations in life. The bracelet acts as a reminder of the specific areas in life which need improvement and healing thereby acting as a meditative function.

Thus, it can be clearly understood as to how vital role that the chakra healing bracelet plays in the life of the ones who wear it.

How to Select the Best 7 Chakra Bracelet-Alakik-Universal Exports

Chakra Bracelet, Its Meaning and Benefits

The chakras refer to the wheels of energy in the body of the human beings. The chakra basically covers the seven centers of the energy in the human body from the root or the base up to the crown of the body. A proper flow of energy is quite essential for the maintenance of physical, mental as well as spiritual health. For effectively doing the same, you need the help of healing stones which helps in the proper balancing of the chakras. In this situation, the chakra stones bracelet would be an ideal choice which not only can be worn as an ornament but also helps in balancing of the chakras as well.

What is a Chakra Bracelet?

The chakra bracelets which consists of the seven healing stones each of which serves a specific purpose in healing one or more of the chakras. The seven pillars of healing stones in the chakra bracelet is beaded together. The stones bracelet can be worn by anybody irrespective of the gender as well as the age. Since the bracelet contains the seven colors of the rainbow that represents the seven chakras or the energy centers of the body, they induce a healing effect which is highly beneficial. Thus, the chakra healing stone needs to be selected as per the specific need that one has in mind.

What are the Benefits of Chakra Bracelets? 

chakra bracelet

The stone bracelet provides a number of benefits to the individuals who wear them but it is needed to be kept in mind that the healing stones should necessarily touch the body in order to get the desired benefits.

  • The bracelet has great healing powers whose efficacy is determined by level of energy present in the stones. The bracelet is made up of a variety of gemstones and the thing cannot be neglected is the coloring since the color combination induces the specific healing effect. So, when you are intending to choose the best seven chakra bracelet, keep the color in mind.
  • It helps the individuals to easily connect with the positive energy that surrounds them which taps into a state of healing, calmness and tranquility. The crystals have the power to absorb all the negative energy that is around and leaves the individual with only positive energy.
  • The bracelet helps in making in the body as well as the mind very conscious of the mental state and at the same time, it utilizes the energy within for the purpose of releasing the positive energy cycle. It necessarily encourages the ones who wear the bracelet to be much more optimistic and opened to the world of possibilities around.
  • There are a number of health benefits that can be obtained from the stone bracelet. There are a number of situations where the bracelet comes to the rescue like failing heart, mental instability, addiction, pains and a number of other health related issues.
  • The bracelet plays a vital role in sharpening the mental focus which in turn allows the individual to lead a life full of energy and positivity.

Alakik`s Chakra Product Range

If you are looking forward to any of the chakra stones bracelet, then without any hesitations come to us. We have a wide range of collection of the bracelet with a combination of different stones. Coming to us would necessarily make sure that you will find exactly the combination that you are looking forward to. The selection of the seven chakra bracelet should be done according to the following.

  • Particular chakra you want to stress on
  • Specific healing effect that you are looking for
  • Be clear with your intention
  • Keep the color in mind

So, now, it is quite clear as to how to select the best seven chakra bracelet. Our chakra bracelet product range is simply phenomenal where there is nothing that you cannot find and hence come to us soon to start off with your healing process sooner.

The Most Effective Healing Stones-Alakik

The Most Effective Healing Stones for 2023

The healing stones have created a lot of hype in the recent times. The main reason behind the fact is their highly effective nature which is exactly why the people prefer to use these stones. But each of the gemstone healing stones have a different way of working and they are used for playing different roles. So, at the time of selecting the stones, you need to be very careful. 

What are the Most Effective Healing Stones ?

  • Amethyst

One of the most powerful healing stones, Amethyst which works perfectly for the people with the zodiac signs of Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces and Capricorn. The stone is very effective in curing drunkenness as well as hangovers along with helping people in connecting to their spirituality and improvement in the psychic ability.

  • Rose Quartz

Indian Rose Quartz Tumble Stone

It is another of the powerful healing stones which is also referred to as the love crystal. This stone is thus used for keeping and attracting love. Additionally, it plays a vital role in protecting relationships as well. The stone is good for healing the heart from any disappointments as well as pain. Rose Quartz is suited for the people with the zodiac signs of Taurus and Virgo.

  • Iron Pyrite

This gemstone healing crystal is great for the deterring of negative energy or any other types of physical danger which an individual might face. The crystal is helpful in the activation of the intellect and memory is a better way. Iron Pyrite is suited for the people with the zodiac sign Leo.

  • Tiger Eye

A great healing crystal for the purpose of maintaining and growing wealth. Tiger Eye helps in the creation of awareness and proper understanding. The stone is also suitable for calming you down when you feel stressed and is particularly suited for the ones with Capricorn zodiac sign.

  • Hematite

Hematite Worry Stone

Hematite is used for grounding and balancing the people in their life. This stone is ideal when you are stressed and you need to be calm as well as centered. Hematite is such a gemstone healing crystal that it helps in the clearing away of all sorts of negative feelings that occur from anxiety or stress. Hematite is great for the people with Aquarius and Aries as their zodiac signs.

  • Raw Emerald

Raw Emerald is another of the healing stone that helps you with love and this is the reason as to why it is referred to as the stone for successful love. This stone promotes focus encourage loyalty, clears negativity and enhances sensitivity. Raw Emerald is perfect for the ones with Gemini, Aries and Taurus as their zodiac signs.

Apart from the gemstone healing crystals mentioned above, there are a number of others and we recommended you to consult an expert before the choice of the stones so as to get the best possible results that too within a very short span of time.

To Buy Healing Stones call us : +91 98985-41435

How To Select The Perfect Chakra Pendants-Alakik

How To Select The Perfect Chakra Pendants?

The chakra pendants are also referred to as the healing stones each of which has the phenomenal capacity of balancing or magnifying the different energy centres of the body. Now, here at this point of time, you need to choose the stone as per the energy centre you intend to focus on. The selection of the chakra sets is a matter of immense importance in thus regard. So, for the selection of the perfect chakra sets, you need to keep a few things in mind which are as listed below.

Checking the Chakra

First of all, you need to check the set of stones for the pendants which are typically associated with each of the chakra. Here you need to keep it in mind that the chakras might have a number of stones associated with it.

Purpose of Use

Now, you know one chakra might have more than one stones associated with it and this is the reason as to why you should be sure of the purpose for which you want to use it. Most importantly, you need to make sure to select the one that is best suited and ideal for the circumstance or the purpose for which you intend to use the same.

Related Topic: What is Chakra And it’s Benefits

Check the Physical Attributes

Finally, for the selection of the perfect chakra pendants, you need to have a close look at their physical attributes such as the energetic quality, its colour and the intuitive or personal resonance which you have with the pendant when you hovering over the stone with your hand.

So, now you clearly know as to how to choose the perfect chakra pendants and in this regard, choosing from the wholesale chakra sets would be the most appropriate thereby the highly preferred choice of the users.

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435

Guide To New Age Healing Stones-Alakik-Universale Exports

Guide To New Age Healing Stones

Healing stones have a gained a lot of popularity in the recent times. The benefits so obtained from these healing stones have further increased their popularity among the people and a huge portion of the population have opted for it. Researches have revealed that there has been an increase of about 40 percent in Google searches for “crystal healing”. This clearly indicates the popularity of the healing stones.  In an addition to this, the celebrity endorsement has fuelled this popularity even more. But there are still a lot of people who are confused about the usage as well as working of the healing stones. So, to eliminate the confusion, here we have prepared a complete guide for the new age healing stones.

Idea About Healing Stones and Crystal Healing

 The healing stones are basically stones which occur naturally and have great healing powers. These crystals are able harness the life giving elements of the earth as well as the universe such as the energy of the sun, moon and the oceans. By harnessing the energy, the healing stones are able to create a healing effect which is referred to as crystal healing.

How Do They Work?

The central idea behind the use of the new age healing stones and crystal healing is that the crystals carry some energies in then which helps in the creation of a positive effect. Very similar to the magnets, the healing stones use energy for either attracting or repelling. When these healing stones are placed over certain parts of the body, they begin to interact with the energy fields of the individual which are referred to as chakras. Crystal healing helps in transforming, vibrating, moving, pulsing, and shifting as per the properties as well as the energetic signature of the healing crystal being used.

Selection of Your Intention is Important

At the time of using healing stones, the most important thing is to be clear of the intention for which you are using the. It is of immense significance to set your intention clear before opting for crystal healing to get the best possible results within a short period of time.

Choosing the Stone

The ultimate step is to choose the most appropriate healing stones. For any particular intention, there might be more than one stones associated with it. Thus, it becomes extremely important to properly choose the stone so as to get the best results.

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435

Choosing The Right Chakra Jewellery-Alakik-Universale Exports

Choosing The Right Chakra Jewellery

A lot is being heard about chakra jewellery in recent times. They have become immensely popular which is quite evident from the fact that a large number of people are opting for the same. But at this point of time, there is a very crucial point that needs to be kept in mind. This is regarding the choice of the right chakra jewellery. It is exactly the situation where a number of people tend to go wrong. So, here are a few essential tips that would be of a great help in choosing the right chakra jewel.

Proper Selection of the Stone

At the beginning, you need to select the ideally suited chakra stone. Here it would be ideal to consider a stone which necessarily supports the overall energy or is particularly a great fit for any of the specific intention.

  • Keep the Intention Clear

The chakra stone might have a physical healing purpose, reflect spiritual or emotional aspirations or you might be simply attracted to any of the specific colour that resonates with you on that particular day. It is to be always kept in mind that the power of the chakra jewels is enhanced by the clarity of the intention of the user and hence it is to made a point to choose very carefully.

  • Use a Mounting Piece That Does Not Interfere

It is extremely important to make use of a mounting piece or string for the chakra jewellery so that it does not interferes with the healing power of the stone in the jewellery. It is ideal to choose neutral elements like thin ropes, pure metals, leather etc.

  • Decide the Place to be Worn

At the time of selection of the chakra product, the place of wearing of the jewellery is to decide in advance. The wearing of a chakra jewellery around the neck or as a bracelet would certainly be a statement for both the wearer and the viewer. So, it is important where you want to wear the jewellery and move ahead accordingly.

Related Topic: Benefit of Wearing Chakra Jewellery

So, when you wish to wear a chakra jewellery, make sure to go to a trusted and reputed Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ for the getting the premium quality products.

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435

Using Healing Crystals In Day To Day Life-Healing Crystal Wholesale

Using Healing Crystals In Day To Day Life

The use of the healing crystals in day to day life has become quite a common occurrence in the recent times. This clearly proves how popular these healing crystals have become. The new age healing crystals plays a crucial role in benefiting the individuals who use these on a regular basis. Now, there are many who want to make use of these crystals but they are of the viewpoint that they are not very easy to use which is not exactly the case. Some of the easiest and convenient ways to use the healing crystals in day to day life are as listed below.

Holding a Crystal at The Time of Mediation

This is basically the simplest way available to make use of a healing crystal. You can simply start hold the crystal in one hand or in both hands as you meditate. This gives you a feeling of sinking deep into the earth thereby creating a grounding effect making you feel lighter.

Creation of a Crystal Grid

The crystal grids are actually used for the purpose of transformation of the energy in a space. You need to pic the healing stones that perfectly align with your intention and simply set these crystals up in a grid by creating a pattern that is symmetrical. All of these crystals work together for the manifestation of the intention where the symmetrical pattern of the grid so created helps in its quicker accomplishment.

Carrying a Crystal

Another of the very simple way of using the healing crystal is to carry the crystals along with you. The greater you are in contact with the crystal, more aware you would be of its energy. So, it is a very good idea that you carry the crystal in your purse or pocket.

Putting Crystals on the Body

Placing the crystals wand on your body can play a significant role and the effect is completely different as compared to simply holding them. If you are dealing with any specific chakra, you need to pick up that corresponding crystal and simply place it on your body to feel the difference.

Using the Crystals While Doing Yoga

The use of these healing crystal at the time of doing yoga can be a very simple way of using them yet they are effective. Using the crystals during yoga encourages a much deeper state of healing meditation.

Related Topic: Universal Exports: The best wholesaler of new age healing crystals

Thus, it can be clearly understood that the use of the healing crystals can be done in quite simple ways in our daily lives.

Understanding Healing Crystals-Alakik Universal Exports

Understanding Healing Crystal – Alakik

The healing crystals have been a very common term nowadays. These crystals are being readily used by a number of persons and there have been successful results as well. So, these healing crystals have become one of the hot topics of discussion. These healing crystal have proved their healing power which is the main reason as to why many people go for it. But still there are some who are hesitating to go for the healing stones. So, here a complete guide about the healing crystals to help you out on the same.

What are Healing Crystal?

The healing crystal are basically stones that occur naturally and have fantastic healing powers. These crystals actually harness the life giving elements of the universe and the earth. By harnessing the energy of the sun, moon and the oceans, these healing crystal or stones connect us the earth as soon as we are in contact with these. The curative effects of these healing crystals depends upon the individual’s own experience but started off, these crystals would certainly show their positive effect.

What the Crystals Do?

The healing stones harness the healing power by the manifestation of the intention of the individuals and what they actually want to create in their lives. Coming to the basics of the crystals these otherworldly stones connect us to the earth because of the fact they are tangible physical forms which have some powerful vibrations in them. This particular energy keeps on continuing to connect with the individual when these intention crystals are placed close to the skin or the environment where they are. With each thought as well as intention the healing crystal pick up on the unique vibrational energy of the individual and necessarily amplifies the positive vibrations which the individuals are cultivating.

 Unique Chakra Healing Kit Box

With the use of the healing crystals, you can necessarily expect a physical as well a mental healing thereby ensuring an overall well being of the individual. The crystals can be used to heal almost anything. These healing crystals help in the acceleration of the meditation practices where you need to align your seven chakras and even you can induce trance states in the appropriate conditions. Actually, there is no limit of the types or level of healing that can be obtained from these healing crystals with its proper application. While looking for the healing aspect of the mind, these healing crystals help in clearing, energizing and balancing. So, get your own wholesale metaphysical crystals and begin with your process of healing.

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435