Best Metaphysical Store in The USA-Alakik-Universal Exports

Best Metaphysical Store in The USA

Are you looking for Best Metaphysical Store in the USA? Alakik`s Metaphysical store is known for its native art called Knapping that shapes and carves an object by chipping one stone against others. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is a family-owned business and our products are exported to foreign countries including Israel, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, USA, New Zealand, etc.

What are the metaphysical products? 

Metaphysical products help in the spiritual healing of an individual. They cleanse you from within and also bring peace of mind which helps us to take away your responsibilities. It also generate energy and aura that required for living a healthy and positive life.

What makes our metaphysical products different?

At our metaphysical store, there are a variety of products available that have crafted with expert knowledge passed down to generations. Our metaphysical products are available in various shapes, sizes, and colors and give you a sense of healing. 

What products are available at our store? 

In Alakik store, we offer various products like Angels, Skulls, Arrowheads, Healing sticks, Massage wands, Merkaba`s, Gemstone Pendulums, metal pendulums, Specimens Feng shui, Natural points, Tumble Stone, Esoteric, Metaphysical, New Age products and many more.


1. Chakra healing kit:

2. Reiki Stones:

3. Gemstones:

4. New Age Healing Crystals:

Take a look at our Metaphysical Products here:

Benefits of Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

Benefits of Chakra Healing Stones

In a human body, seven chakras are wheels of energy that give energy to us. If all the chakras are nurtured and balanced the body is centered, grounded and energetic. The chakras make our bodies clean and are good for one’s well-being and health. 

Chakra stones help in proper energy flow between the chakras, free discomfort and is a proven method for spiritual practice. The rocks are actually semi-precious stones and are known by different names like gemstones, chakra stones, healing stones, etc. 

Benefits of Chakra Healing

It is important for beginners to understand seven chakras and their colors. 

The first chakra point is the base chakra. It is a connection to your root and foundation. If you want to heal the root chakra, you are concentrating on your survival and foundation. 

This chakra associated with the element of earth, preserving, stable and strong energy which defines our relationship with the earth. 

Muladhara represented by a red color that represents the rule of logic and order. It stands for our sexuality and needs for physical strength. The five stones that can be used for this chakra point are:

Tiger Eye: 

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Fire Agate:

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Black Tourmaline 

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It should be kept in mind that every chakra stone has different functions so it is important to read about all of them before choosing the right one. 

The second chakra point is a sacral chakra that is connected to pleasure, sexuality, and well-being. This energy wheels up the spine that is situated in your pelvic or lower abdomen area. This point is connected to sexuality, well-being and pleasures you feel in your lifetime. It is related to creativity that can be fulfilled with a healthy sexual life. 

The wheel is connected with the element of water, mutability, sensitivity, devotion, and thankfulness. The four stones associated with sacral chakra are: 


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The third chakra is solar plexus chakra which is related to self-examination which concentrates on self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. It helps you in making a decision and set a direction you want to take.

The solar plexus is connected to fire where inspiration, passion, excitement, and spontaneousness are created. The four chakra stones that can balance your solar plexus chakra are:


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Our Products

  • Throat Chakra 925 Silver Blue Topaz Pendant:


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Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra that is related to joy, love, and inner peace. It is located at the point of the heart. If the heart chakra is unbalanced, you might experience physical pain in the chest and upper back area or heartbreak.

The chakra is associated with air and symbolizes love, peace, and intelligence. Five chakra stones related to heart chakra are: 


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Our Products

  • White Calcite Tumbles:

Green Aventurine

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Green Tourmaline

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Rose Quartz

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The fifth chakra is called throat chakra and is related to communication, self-expression, and truth. It is located at the center of your throat. It concentrates on your self-expression and communication. It is a passage between the head and heart and how you express yourself and your feelings. 

If you face trouble in transferring a message or react the way you want might have an energy blockage in your throat chakra that needs healing. The element associated is ether and it is called a sound or spirit element. The stones that balance this chakra wheel are:


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Our Products

Tourquise Power Bracelet

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Our Products

Angelite Balls 

Our Products

  • Angelite Balls:


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Aquamarine Chakra 10mm Elastic Bracelet With Charms


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Our Products

Third eye chakra enables you to look at the bigger picture, your mind and seeing something more than what you see in reality. The point is located between the brows and is an all-seeing eye. It can be strengthened by meditation and yoga. 

Intellectual energy is connected to the brain and lets you see a bigger vision of the world. It is not associated with any element because it can connect with all the elements. The stones that can bring positivity to the third eye chakra point are:

Black Obsidian 

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Purple Fluorite 

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The seventh chakra is the crown chakra that is associated with the spiritual world and intuition. It is located in the spiritual level of an individual that is at the top of your head. It is an energy receiver and giver by consciousness.

You project your energy also known as aura and you get spiritual enlightenment for the same energy.If this chakra is well balanced you can see your higher self and past everything. The element related to this chakra is cosmic energy, thought or universe. The chakra stones for crown chakra are: 

Clear Quartz

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Thus, there are many benefits of chakra stones for a healthy and peaceful life. So what are you waiting for? Order an Alakik stone as per your energy blockage today and experience a change in your mind and body

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Wearing a Gemstone-Alakik-Universal Exports

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Wearing a Gemstone

Gemstones are very effective in healing you from inside and give you a positive outlook towards life. Gemstones should be worn by one and all in order to experience its powers. The major reasons why you should start wearing a gem-stone are being elaborated below.

  1. Powers 

Each and every Gemstone has restorative powers. Each and every gem represents a planet and can draw electricity from that planet and direct it to you. The energy of all the gems neutralizes negative energies and fills you with positive energy which makes you look at the life with a positive perspective.

  1. Connection 


Gems increases your concentration and connects you with inner conscience. You can find motive in the incidences where you were uncertain earlier. Gemstone is not restricted to any religion and anyone can wear it.

In olden times, gemstones used to facilitate theory and bring about love and hate. Gemstone is not affiliated to any tradition or religion. Everyone can benefit from wearing a gemstone.

  1. Reminds Your Purpose

This stone-mala reminds you of your purpose. The wearing of gems necklace have a calm effect on the wearer. In the hectic modern life gemstones helps you in restoring inner calm. The gemstones relieve pressure and tension and has a grounding effect.

  1. Healing Powers 

Gemstones offer many healing advantages and gemstone spheres are useful when counting affirmations or mantras. The stones can be bundled in your hand palm and placed on the place of frame you want to direct recovery and strength.

  1. Gemstone Influences

gemstone eggs for healing

Gemstones have a lot of electricity in them and can make us effective. It is false that you experience the power of gemstones on an astrologer’s advice. Gemstones effect complete functioning of an individual’s character.

Start wearing gemstone today to experience positive energy and new vibes which definitely brings a change in life. Order a gemstone from Alakik and change your lifestyle for good. Alakik Universal is one of Manufacturers cum Exporter of New Age healing gemstone products, having a good market in the USA.  

Harness The Power Of The Arrowhead-Alakik-Universal Exports

Harness The Power Of The Arrowhead

Arrowhead was used as a weapon in olden times and its pointed shape could easily pass through the skin of the target. Many stones were used in making an arrowhead. The style and size kept on varying according to the use. In order to fire an arrow, one required great strength, excellent vision, and keen instincts.

The arrowhead was worn around the neck as a talisman to protect oneself from evil. The talisman is a symbol of strength, protection, and courage. Native Americans firmly believed that the arrowhead can allow the wearer to absorb the enemy’s power and remove negative energy.

The arrowhead is still worn or carried by many even after decades. In the modern world, many people believe in this old-age customs. This holds true especially for the descendants of Native Americans.

4inch Arrowhead

How can you utilize the Power of Arrowhead?

People enjoy wearing arrowhead jeweler even today in order to bring positive energy to their lives. Arrowhead also helps in bringing a sense of adventure to the wearer which many people lack these days. Today’s generation normally uses their time by using the Internet, movies, games, social media and other unsatisfactory activities. The power of arrowheads can reawaken the adventurous spirit of an individual.

If you want to harness the power of arrowhead in your life, there are many stones which can crave this piece like:

  • Quartz balances energy, awakens talents, and enhances natural gifts.
  • Obsidian – sharpens senses, protects the owner’s aura, and removes negative energies.
  • Amethyst – self-confidence, spiritual growth, inner strength, cleansing powers.
  • Turquoise – healing properties, promotes inner peace.
  • Rose Quartz – brings, gentle, warm energy, love, and pleasure.
  • Agate – lessens stress and negative energy, heeling energies.
  • Jasper – relieves stress, stabilizes emotions, and enhances insight.
  • Tourmaline – balances feelings and emotions, vitalizes energy around the heart.
  • Labradorite – facilitates positive change, removes negative feelings.

Regardless of the stone used for craving the arrowhead, it has usages in different areas which are courage, strength, and protection.

Read more: The Types of Agate and The Their Uses | Alakik

The importance of arrowheads can be understood by those who wear it. So, what are you waiting for? Order arrowhead jewellery today and bring a positive change to your life. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ are Manufacturer-Exporter of New Age healing products, Metaphysical gemstones, Esoteric crystals along with Agate Arrowheads.

Chakra Stones Necklaces For Spiritual Empowerment-Alakik-Universal Exports

Chakra Stones Necklaces For Spiritual Empowerment

Chakra necklaces are mainly used to align or quieten the chakras present in our body. These stones give you powerful messages, mantras, and inspirations and lead you to self-empowerment. There are seven stones for balancing the body chakras and all of them have unique power which help in balancing the energy of the body.

Benefits of Chakra Stone Necklaces

Chakra Stone Necklace

The benefits of wearing chakra stone necklaces is that they open all your Chakras which allow the energy to flow freely. If the chakras are open and healthy you suffer less both mentally and physically. If you balance your chakras  you can find balance and peace in your mind and life.

The mind of a human being has an incredible power and if you balance and clear your chakras many surprising things await you. Many shifts will happen which can make your life better and orderly.

Multipurpose Necklaces

These stone necklaces can be worn anyway. They can be worn in the form of jewelry, necklaces, talisman, rings and bracelets. All the crystals have general use and many unique properties. These chakra stones can make up for a beautiful necklace for ladies which can enhance their beauty.


Our body has certain energies and vibrations which can either react positively or negatively in a situation. The crystals have been trusted by ancient rishis and munis for calming down your life and yourself. It controls your body in a positive manner and gives it much-required energy.

Take a look at some of our products of Chakra Stones Necklaces:

7 Chakra Bracelets You Need To Wear Right Now-Alakik-Universal Exports

7 Chakra Bracelets You Need To Wear Right Now

There are seven chakras in a human body and all the illnesses in the body are caused when the energy gets blocked in that particular area of the body. 7 chakra bracelets heals the body and regulates the energy flow in body parts to cure all types of health issues.

How Does A Chakra Bracelet Works in Healing?

 Crystal 7 chakra beads elastic bracelets

According to ancient yogic tradition, there are seven wheels inside the body which keep turning in order to maintain energy in your body. They start from spinal base and move till the crown of the head. Each and every chakra is associated with some major body organs as well as nerve bundles. These chakras affect your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

7 chakra bracelet helps in the overall well-being by keeping all the chakras open and aligned for the energy flow in your body parts. The seven colored stones connect your mind, body and soul in a circular manner and align the energy of a human body.

What Happens During Chakra Healing? 

Chakra Healing starts as soon as wear 7 chakra bracelet. All the stones present in the bracelet help in opening up the clogged chakras and give you a fresh start to a new day. They provide you energy and helps in preventing all sorts of illness and ailments. Chakra healing makes you emotionally strong and helps in solving your problems and achieving your goals.

Benefits of Chakra Bracelet 

There are many chakra bracelets healing benefits. Some of them are being elaborated below:

  1. The bracelet helps in relieving stress and staying focused. 
  2. It gives you spiritual awakening and balances your chakras. 
  3. There are positive vibrations in the stones which brings back balance to the chakras and replaces negative thoughts with positive ones. 
  4. It is just like an alternate medicine for curing spiritual, physical and emotional ailments and gives energy to the body.
  5. While meditating or doing yoga you can use this bracelet to attract healing powers of the 7 chakras.
  6. Chakra Bracelets can also help in the recovery of alcoholics and smokers and females who have suffered pain from childbirth or a chronic disease. 

So what are you waiting for? Start wearing the 7 chakra bracelet right now and experience changes in your life and body. 

Here are the list of our 7 Chakra Bracelets Products. Buy Now:

Meaning and Uses of Chakra Stones Based on Colours-Alakik-Universal Exports

Meaning and Uses of Chakra Stones Based on Colours

Chakras are the energy circles that centers inside the human body to help in all processes. It regulates from emotions to organ processes and to the immune system. There are total seven chakras residing in the body and each is associated with chakra stones. Although we normally speak of only seven chakras, the human energy field is made up of thousands of minor chakras in addition to the major seven. Starting from the base of the spine ending at the crown of your head. Each of this chakra has their own colour and vibrational frequency, and it leads to special functions, which makes you a human being. It is important to understand the chakras before we start defining each chakra individually. You are a human being and made of energy. All living things are made of this energy. The energy is the reason it keeps you spiritually, physically, psychologically and emotionally balanced.

The term ‘Chakra’ in Sanskrit means, ‘wheel’. So according to that meaning, chakras are spinning regularly. These are the colourful wheels of energy. To the millennials, chakras are essential in life. The topic of chakras has been originated in India first, around 1,500 B.C. Also, there is the mention of chakras in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is around 200 B.C. 

Seven Chakras and the Associated Colors

chakra healing kit for seven chakra

There are seven types of chakras in a human body and each of the chakra stones are based on the colors that are as listed below.

  • Root: It stays at the base of the spine, and red in colour. It mainly governs survival instincts and grounding.
  • Sacral: Situated in the lower abdomen, orange in colour. Generally, it governs self-worth and esteem, intuition, sexuality.
  • Solar plexus: Stays at the upper abdomen, yellow in colour, controls ego and impulse.
  • Heart: Situated at the center of the chest. Green and controls spirituality and compassion.
  • Throat: Stays at the throat, blue in colour and governs mostly emotion & communication.
  • Third eye: Situated between the eyes, purple and controls imagination, wisdom & rationality.
  • Crown: Situated at the top of the head. Colour is indigo and governs the connection with the divine beings.

So, now it be clearly understood as which are the chakra stones to be used and that too of which colour. But at this point of time, it is to be made sure that the stones so chosen are genuine and brought from a trusted, reputed as well as reliable seller.

Choosing the Right Chakra Stone Jewellery

Choosing the Right Chakra Stone Jewellery

A lot is being heard about the chakra stone jewellery in the recent times. They have become immensely popular which is quite evident from the fact that a large number of people are opting for the same. But at this point of time, there is a very crucial point that needs to be kept in mind. This is regarding the choice of the right chakra stone jewellery. It is exactly the situation where a number of people tend to go wrong. So, here are a few essential tips that wold be of a great help in choosing the right chakra jewellery.

Proper Selection of the Stone

At the beginning, you need to select the ideally suited chakra jewellery stone. Here it would be ideal to consider a stone which necessarily supports the overall energy or is particularly a great fit for any of the specific intention.

Keep the Intention Clear

The chakra stone might have a physical healing purpose, reflect spiritual or emotional aspirations or you might be simply attracted to any of the specific colour that resonates with you on that particular day. It is to be always kept in mind that the power of the chakra jewellery is enhanced by the clarity of the intention of the user and hence it is to made a point to choose very carefully.

Use a Mounting Piece That Does Not Interfere

chakra jewllery

It is extremely important to make use of a mounting piece or string for the chakra jewellery so that it does not interferes with the healing power of the stone in the jewellery. It is ideal to choose neutral elements like thin ropes, pure metals, leather etc.

Decide the Place to be Worn

At the time of selection of the chakra jewellery, the place of wearing of the jewellery is to decide in advance. The wearing of a chakra jewellery around the neck or as a bracelet would certainly be a statement for both the wearer and the viewer. So, it is important where you want to wear the jewellery and move ahead accordingly.

So, at any point of time you wish to wear a chakra stone jewellery, it is to be made sure to go to a trusted and reputed chakra stone jewellery supplier for the getting the premium quality as well as the genuine products.

Call for more PH: +91 2698 222520 / Mobile: +91 98985 41435

Pros and Cons of Wearing Chakra Bracelets-Alakik-Universal Exports

Pros and Cons of Wearing Chakra Bracelets

Chakra bracelets are very popularly worn as a form of bracelet and hence its name. The wearing of the chakra bracelets not only act as a style statement but also produces the healing effect at the same time which is exactly the main reason behind their popularity. But the users should keep in mind at the time of wearing that to get the most out of these bracelets, they should be worn properly. In an addition to this, the users should know the pros and cons of wearing the chakra bracelets which are as discussed below.

Pros of Wearing Chakra Bracelets

chakra bracelet

There are a number of benefits of wearing the chakra bracelets but it is to be made sure that only the genuine crystals are used for the making of the bracelets. At this point of the users should make sure to opt for a reputed seller like Alakik for the getting the hundred percent genuine chakra bracelets. Alakik is one of the most trusted seller of Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ where all the users can be sure of getting authentic products without any compromise in quality and hence the benefits are intact that are as follows.

  • Starts the Process of Healing: All of the ailments of the body of the human beings are linked to the seven chakras. Each of the chakra is associated with some or the other major organs of the human body and has direct relation with some part of the body which can affect the overall health. Now, when any of the chakra is blocked, the flow of energy is also blocked which is the reason as to why the ailments begin to occur. These chakras can be blocked as a result of extreme stress, improper diet, negative thoughts and inadequate exercise. The bracelet necessarily unblocks the chakras and hence begins the healing process.
  • Maintains the Proper Flow of Energy of the Individual: As per the yogic tradition, there are seven wheels present in the human body which turns continuously for the maintenance of proper flow of energy starting from the base of the spine and then moving upwards to the crown of the head. Any disturbance in this energy flow can create problems but the healing bracelet effectively maintains this flow.
  • Helps to Release Blockages: The chakra bracelet is readily used for the purpose of releasing physical, mental as well as spiritual blockages and the same has been carried out for thousands of years before in the ancient civilizations. The healing bracelet facilitates free flow of energy throughout.
  • Produces a Vibrational Effect: When the chakra bracelets are in direct contact with the body, they produce a quite powerful vibrational effect which surges from the crystals in the bracelet into the individual who is wearing the bracelet.
  • Influences the Vibrational Frequency: The vibrational frequency as well as the scheme of colour of the crystals are necessarily used for the purpose of pairing each of the chakra with the specific stones present in the bracelet. The crystals influence the energies of the individual with the help of the vibrational frequency that is aligned with each of the chakra.
  • Revitalising the Chakra: The bracelet emits energy which in turn helps in the activation and revitalisation of each of the chakra depending on the stones used. This is of great help in the recalibration of the vibrational frequency of the individual resulting in a better health and overall well being. Moreover, the crystals so present in the healing bracelet make it easy and convenient for the individuals to take a good care of their spiritual health.

chakra chip bracelet

  • Effects the Aura: The bracelet also has a significant effect on the aura as well as the energy of the person by positively focusing on the emotions and mind of the individuals. This plays a vital role in creating a positive effect in the distressing situations in life. The bracelet acts as a reminder of the specific areas in life which need improvement and healing thereby acting as a meditative function.

Cons of Wearing Chakra Bracelets

There are also a few disadvantages of using the chakra bracelets which are as mentioned below.

  • Stomach Upset: Many times, it happens that the overexposure to the crystals present in the chakra bracelet can cause stomach upset or diarrhoea which indicates that the user is not ready to handle the influx of energy.
  • Energy Tingles: Wearing chakra bracelets can sometimes cause energy tingles which feel like small needles or pins pricking at random places on the body. Also, the users may experience alternating hot and cold flushes.
  • Headaches: Another problem faced by the users is headache which occurs as a result of the crystal’s energy getting modulated with the brain’s energies.

Why Choose Us?

chakra bracelet crystal

At Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ you can very easily and conveniently get the best wholesale chakra bracelet that too at the best price. Most importantly, Alakik has been into this field for long and is one of the leaders in supplying wholesale chakra bracelets which are completely genuine thereby worth buying. So, at any point of time, you are looking forward to the premium quality wholesale chakra bracelets, then no other option would be as good as Alakik in this regard.

How to Use Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

How to Use Chakra Healing Stones?

The chakra healing stones have become quite popular in the recent times owing to the fact of their great healing powers. Now, at any point of time, if you think that your spirit is just feeling whacked out, you can very easily get back into correct alignment with the help of these chakra healing stones. The energies of all of these seven chakra healing stones are designed to perfectly match with the seven chakras of the human body which helps in dissolving the energy blocks along with the re establishment of proper balance. The users just need to create a harmonising body grid with the help of these different coloured healing stones for getting positive vibes in the spirit of the users. 

The Seven Chakra Healing Stones 

We all know that there are seven chakras in the body of the human beings and there are seven different healing stones for the same. Now, it is recommended to check for the authenticity of the stones at the time of purchase. Thus, it would be a very good idea to go for a trusted, reputed and reliable seller to get only the genuine stones. Alakik would undoubtedly be a very good choice in this regard since it is one of the leaders in supplying wholesale chakra healing stones. To make it easier and convenient for the users to understand, here we have listed the seven stones that comes in our wholesale chakra stones.

  • 1 Garnet stone
  • 1 Carnelian stone
  • 1 Citrine stone
  • 1 Aventurine stone
  • 1 Angelite stone
  • 1 Amethyst stone
  • 1 Clear Quartz stone

How to Use? 

After you have got the genuine chakra healing stones in wholesale from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, it is extremely important to use those in the appropriate manner so as to get the desired results. You need to hold the stones in your hand and place them one by one as mentioned below.

  1. First of all, the Garnet stone is to be placed over your root chakra that is at the base of the spine.
  2. Then the Carnelian stone is to be placed over the sacral chakra that is at the lower abdomen.
  3. Next, the Citrine stone is to be over the solar plexus chakra that is at the stomach.
  4. Now, the Aventurine stone needs to be placed over the heart chakra that is at the heart.
  5. After that the Angelite stone is required to be placed over the throat chakra that is at the throat.
  6. Now, the Amethyst stone should be placed over the third eye that is just above between the eyebrows.
  7. Then the Clear Quartz stone needs to be placed over the crown chakra that is at the top of the head.

Now, the users need to leave the stones on the body for eleven minutes for the healing stones to do their work. In this way, the chakra healing stones can be appropriately used for getting the best possible results.

Why Choose Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌?

Alakik is one of the premier wholesalers of the chakra healing stones without any compromise in the quality and authenticity of the of the stones. Hence, the users can get the chakra healing stones from Alakik without any kind of hesitation.