Tag Archives: Power stones

Enrich Your Intuition Power With Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

Chakra Healing Stones to Power Your Intuitions

Many people know about intuition but do not have any idea about how to enhance it. The article will lay emphasis on how to develop and enrich great intuitive sense so that you can use your inner intuition effectively. There are many ways to improve your intuition but gemstones and crystals are natural gifts to achieve it.

The chakra healing stones help in trusting your intuition, developing an ability to connect with the spiritual world and develop a strong intuitive sense. The crystals should be used for intuitive development is by holding it in your hand for while meditating, visualizing or sitting quietly for 10 to 20 minutes.

Another method is by laying on your back and placing the chakra healing stones on the third eye for 10 to 20 minutes and while using this method one should be sure that the stone is in accord with third eye chakra. The crystals that can be used for developing your intuition are.  


Aquamarine is a calming, soothing and generous gemstone. It is linked to water element and develops clarity in vision, communication and intuition. It quietens the mind during meditation that helps in bringing out the inner truth and developing powerful intuition. If you are unclear in mind or spirit, you can meditate with aquamarine.


Moss Agate

The stone is healing as well as beautiful. It perfectly balances left and right hemispheres of the brain. The inner wisdom comes out when both the hemispheres are balanced. It gives perseverance and courage and removes stress and anxiety. Less stress and more courage will aid in intuitive development.



Amethyst is well known for healing and protection qualities. You can also activate your Crown chakra and enrich your intuition with the crystal as well. You need to place Amethyst on your Crown chakra while doing meditation and the stone will open up your intuitive power.

Psychic visions, improved meditative experience and accurate intuitive calls are some of the things experienced by frequent amethyst users. The stone has an ability to take you for an adventure ride once it is placed on the crown chakra.



The crystal Quartz works in harmony with the human body because it has silicon dioxide that generates positive energy and encourages clear and open communication. When you are developing you intuition you need clear communication with your inner self that can be done properly by Quartz. The stone brings clarity in your mind that helps in listening to your soul. Whenever in doubt, one should go for quartz.


Azurite develops intellect, intuition and insight. The stone has high vibration frequency that goes well with Third Eye Chakra. Third Eye chakra is the sixth chakra or Ajna located on your forehead between your eyebrows. Ajna is the centre of intuition and it can be developed and enhanced with a stone that goes well with it.


  • Labradorite

The stone opens and cleans all 7 chakras. It is a magical stone because it opens and clears chakra system and awakens psychic powers and intuitive sense.


  • Celestite

Celestite vibrations can contact angels, guardian angles and spirit guides. It also develops psychic energy. The stone lets you access high transpersonal chakras and opens your soul star chakra and crown chakra. These chakras develop psychic gifts like clairsensitive, clairaudience and clairvoyance. 


Thus, we see that the above-mentioned stones can help in enriching your inner self that helps you in taking good decisions. Crown and heart chakras play a vital role in balancing human body. At Alakik, we deal with wholesale chakra stones which can be ordered online and used for opening your chakras which enable proper body functioning.