Category Archives: – Universal Exports

The types of Agate and the their uses

The Types of Agate and The Their Uses – Alakik

The different banded Chalcedony varieties, a mineral belonging to the Quartz family has been given the name Agate. This product derived its name from Achetes River present in Sicily, the discovery site of Agate. They come banded in stripes or layers, with few varieties having color specks or ‘eye’ markings, while others are solid and fossilized inclusions.

Explore Our Exclusive: Grey Agate Balls Khayaldar Agate | Moss Agate Worry Stones |                                                                        Agate Slice Double Electroplated Pendants Types

Agate are considered to be fascinating and evolving, with over thousands of types being found across the globe. It is their attractive and mesmerizing color bands that brings about magic and wonder to the planet. The different types are enumerated below:

  1. Blue Lace Agate: They have soothing, soft elegance, similar to sky blue waters that are released from the grasp of winter. It’s circular, graceful design is found to have positive, stimulating effect on attitude and emotions. It is rather termed to be a stone of support and encouragement and not protection. The circular flowing energy elevates, uplifts and calms.
  2. Dendritic Agate: It is also called Stone of Plentitude, bringing out fullness and abundance to all life areas, ranging from agriculture to business endeavors. This stone was associated with tree and woodland spirits and ancient Greek dryads.
  3. Crazy Lace Agate: It is also known as Happy Lace or the Laughter Stone. This is associated with Mexican dancing and fiestas, brining about joy to everyone wearing it. It encourages and provides support, thus elevating thoughts and to promote optimism. Circular energy flow is crated through its graceful random lacy pattern design to stimulate the attitude and mind.
  4. Laguna Agate: It is regarded to be the world’s most praised banded agate and popular for its vibrant shades of scarlet and red including for tight banding. It is found in Chihuahua area of Mexico.
  5. Fire Agate: It is called spiritual flame of pure perfection, known to carry wonderful mystery that is locked within  deep brown crystal. The fiery embers are seen to ignite if the stone is touched.
  6. Moss Agate: This stone throughout all cultures and history, is popularly termed to be agriculture and gardeners’ crystal. Tribal priests of those days had considered it to be a mysterious stone having miraculous healing properties. They are known to come with power for interacting with human organic system. Hence, it found use as talisman that was won by warriors with an objective to become strong and victorious.

Our Agate Product :  Blue Lace Agate 5pcs Geometry Set |Moss Agate Worry Stones


This stone is said to come with numerous beneficial properties, some of which are given below:

  • It promotes maturity, composure and inner stability. Its protective, warm properties help to encourage self confidence and security.
  • During pregnancy, it is stated to be a wonderful crystal. New mothers will find it easier to avoid those ‘baby blues’ that are at times experienced after the birth of the baby. Wearing this stone can help to encourage lactation.
  • The burning undesirable things can be stopped with this stone. It also helps those trying to juggle with multiple jobs and commitments.

     Visit Our Blog To Knowing About Agate Arrowhead Products

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The Difference between Reiki and Spiritual Healing

Difference between Reiki and Spiritual Healing – Alakik

Reiki healing for many lay people will seem to be much similar to that of spiritual healing. The latter is said to channelize energy into the recipient from any higher source through the hands. However, some major differences are present between Reiki and Spiritual healing, some of which are given below:

                  Explore Our : Reiki Direction Sets | Worrystone Reiki Sets

Difference between Reiki and Spiritual Healing

  1. Origins: It is through the Victorian Spiritualist Churches that spiritual healing is said to have grown. Reiki is Japanese, being common with Acupuncture, Shiatsu, OiGong and Tai Chi, Shintoism, Mystical Buddhism, etc. Its origins are said to be connected with Christianity, while some churches offer spiritual healing.
  2. Ways to connect to energy: It is through practice that spiritual healers tend to learn to connect and draw energy. Practitioners of Reiki have to go through ‘connection ritual’, which provides them with consistent and strong connection to source from day one. But spiritual healers are required to put more effort and time for achieving the same. Spiritual healers view themselves as ‘attuning’. While for Reiki, ‘Attunement’ is considered to be a special ritual connection performed on the Reiki student upon attending the course.
  3. Self treatments: More emphasis is laid upon self treating in Reiki, regarded to be the system’s essential part. However, it is not the same with spiritual healing.
  4. Treating methods: People are treated by spiritual healers by making them to sit on a chair. It is in the aura that the healing is performed. On the other hand, people are treated by Reiki specialists when lying down upon the treatment couch. Hands-on approach is used instead of hands-off approach.
  5. Using Symbols: The manner in which Reiki is practiced and taught, symbols are regarded to be the system’s integral part that is used in connection rituals known as attunements and for treating others. The Reiki practitioner is provided by the symbols with more conscious control over the energy that is being worked upon. The symbols ideally are to be used intuitively instead of imposed in manipulated academic fashion. Symbols are not used for spiritual healing.
                              Take a Look At Our Blog  What is Reiki And it’s Benefits

Beliefs: It is the common belief of spiritual healers that astral plane entities make them vulnerable as they open towards the energy. Adequate steps are taken towards safeguarding themselves. This is achieved through bubbly visualization of light surrounding them, close their chakras and close themselves after the completion of the treatment. Few spiritual healers require others to ‘stand on guard’ while they treat. This is not believed by Reiki people and such steps are not required to be performed, since energy is inherently protective. Protection is necessary for preventing the practitioner from facing problems from those upon whom they have been working for. Reiki prevents this and also stops that drained feeling on completion of the session. Reiki is said to come with inbuilt protection and for this nothing is to be done.                                       

What is chakra and it's benefits | Alakik

What is Chakra And it’s Benefits – Alakik

People have been using Chakra Jewelry and Chakra Sets since ages, but what is Chakra? It means wheel in Sanskrit. Chakra refers to the wheel of energy fields or centers exist in your body. Each energy center is connected to a specific organ.

Learn about aura

What is aura? It is the energy that surrounds the living and non living things. When it comes to human body, there are seven layers of aura and each aural layer is directly connected to a chakra. The fist layer stands very close to your body and each additional layer gets further and further away.

If you are enjoying optimal mental and physical health, your aura extends beyond your body in all directions. When you are depressed or sick, the aura stays close to your body. Activating and balancing chakras ensure optimal release of powerful energy and your aura and vibrational frequency undergo tremendous transformation.

Click here for – Chakra Sets to help with your Aura

 Fast paced life and overwhelming demands

You are living in a highly demanding world. The stress and strain involved with personal as well as official life has become almost unbearable for many. Dip in energy levels creates a negative impact and the productivity suffers badly. Many people are prisoners of negative thoughts and their physical, mental and financial health have been taking a beating these days.

Click here to take a look at wearable Chakra jewellery

 If that is the case with you, you need to surround yourself with things that lift you up. That is exactly why ancient rishis and gurus recommended keeping stones, metals and jewels in close contact with your skin. Top quality chakra stones have very specific vibrations that lift you up unbelievably to restore the vitality and vigor you need to face the challenges in life.

 Seven Chakras

There are seven chakras in our body and they are the centers in your body through which energy flows. When energy gets blocked in the seven chakras, you become highly vulnerable to physical or mental discomforts. In order to get rid of the discomforts, you need to keep this energy flowing smoothly and freely. Click here to take a look at some chakra jewelry.

 1) Root Chakra (Mooladhara)

This chakra is located at the base of the spine and it encompasses the colon, bladder and the first three vertebrae. Root chakra represents your foundation and you feel connected to the universe when it functions properly.

 2) Sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)

This chakra is situated above the pubic bone and just below the navel. It can be described as your creativity or sexual centre. Your pleasure and basic emotions are deeply connected to the sacral chakra.

 3) Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

It is located above the navel and emotional issues like self esteem, self confidence and self worth are closely connected with this chakra.

4) Heart chakra (Anahata)

This chakra is located in your chest. It is your source of love and connection and this chakra works as a bridge between your mind, emotions, spirit and body.

 5) Throat chakra (Vishuddha)

The location of this chakra is your throat and it is deeply connected with your verbal expression.

6) Third eye chakra (Ajna)

It is located in the forehead exactly between the eyebrows. This chakra is the center of intuition and if you align it properly, your intuitive and imaginative skills reach new heights.

 7) Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

It is located at the very top of the head; in fact at the crown of the head. It is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection.

Explore our Chakra and Reiki sets with the 7 Chakras.

The human body is in constant flux between balance and imbalance. When you become aware of which chakra is out of balance and align it properly, the imbalance can be corrected. Proper alignment of all seven chakras located in your body keeps your mental, physical and emotional health at an optimal level.

What Is Reiki And It’s Benefits - Alakik

What is Reiki Set And it’s Benefits – Alakik

Two Japanese words Rei and Ki constitute the word Reiki. Reiki stands for ‘universal life energy. The energy available in the universe nourishes and maintains all living things. When the flow of this energy goes uninterrupted, proper balance and harmony within and around us becomes a reality

 Comprehensive Method Of Approach

Reiki is a non-invasive complimentary therapy that is used for stress reduction and relaxation and it also promotes healing in the best way possible. This method treats the whole person including mind, body, spirit and emotions creating amazing beneficial effects.

Click here if you are looking for Reiki Sets

 The Importance of Strengthening Your Life Force

Life force can be described as a subtle energy that surrounds and flows through pathways called chakras, nadis and meridians. This life force promotes cell nourishment and it keeps the cells highly active and vibrant. When your life force comes own, you feel unhealthy and become highly susceptible to various types of diseases. Strengthening your life force helps your body heal and achieve optimal balance.

Your Thoughts and Feelings Influence The Energy Flow

Your thoughts and feelings influence the life force. When you nurture negative thoughts and emotions, the flow of your life force gets disturbed and this situation adversely affects your body organs. Quite naturally, your mental, emotional and physical health starts deteriorating. If you want to get rid of this problem, you need to learn how to channelize your energy flow effectively.

For Exclusive Reiki Sets for Sale click here

 Channelization of energy 

During a Reiki therapy session, a patient has to lie down a table or couch or sit down on a chair. The practitioner gently places his/her hands in a series of nonintrusive positions on or near the body. The Reiki energy flows from the practitioner to the patient for providing the best healing effects. This procedure is a simple, safe and natural method of spiritual healing that anybody can make use of and it compliments all other therapeutic techniques to help people get rid of side effects and promote recovery.

Explore Embossed Reiki Sets to help you channelize your energy.

 Learn about The Benefits Of Reiki

This therapeutic practice creates deep relaxation and it helps you release stress and tension permanently. The self healing abilities of your body improve considerably and you can enjoy better sleep as well. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, reiki can be used to control it. Moreover, Reiki offers amazing relief from acute injuries and chronic problems like headaches, asthma and eczema can be addressed with the help of this procedure. You can break addictions from different substances and effective pain management also becomes a reality. Other prominent health benefits of reiki include cleansing dangerous toxins, reducing side effects of drugs, fast recovery from drug therapy after chemotherapy and surgery, strengthening immune system, slowing down the aging process and many more.

Find the best in Reiki sets at Alakik – we are wholesalers and export Worldwide.

Reiki improves the vibrational frequency of your body and it removes energy blockages to promote spiritual growth and harmony. You do not need to worry about any side effects and, your overall health and wellbeing will undergo tremendous transformation as well.

Get the best in Reiki Sets at Alakik

About Reiki products

When it is about business and you want to do good for people with your business then you just cannot compromise on quality. Reiki products are available in abundance in different shops and online stores. However not all of the stores sell quality and authentic products. Thus it becomes very important to know about the Reiki products and its authenticity. If you are new in this business then you need a wholesale partner who would not only provide you with the best quality products but also help you in having the largest variety of Reiki sets.

About Alakik

Alakik is one of the pioneering online stores and Reiki sets exporters who are into wholesale of the largest variety of Reiki sets. The company also export Reiki sets to various parts of the world.  When you are planning to become a retailer in Reiki products and want to help people with the best and most authentic products for Reiki it is best to contact Alakik. The company has acquired quite a good reputation around the world in providing the best Reiki sets to people who practice Reiki on a regular basis. In order to get healed through Reiki it becomes very important to initiate the seven chakras and channels in your body so that the positive energy flows better. Along with the Reiki products this positive energy can heal faster and better.

How can Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ help you?

The range of Reiki products that Alakik offers is just amazing. So when you are looking for a wide range of products for your retail customers then switch to Alakik. You can buy at wholesale Reiki sets at unbelievable prices and get the best and guaranteed quality too.  As Reiki sets exporters Alakik has earned fame and thus when you retail their product your business become an instant hit too. Located in Gujarat Alakik provides exquisite and exclusive range of wholesale Reiki sets that are really stunning to look at. They use precious stones and crystals to manufacture these products so that the effect of healing is faster and better.

Top Quality Chakra Sets

Top Quality Wholesale Chakra Sets – Alakik

Holistic healing has dominated Indian continent from a very early age. Since ancient times Indian sages have found the medicinal value of Ayurveda and from then on till this age Ayurveda and naturopathy has healed many lives. Asian continent and especially Japan has contributed immensely in the fields of holistic healing by offering the world with Reiki – the touch therapy. Reiki has been healing people of physical and mental diseases throughout the world. Reiki is based on the philosophy of initiating the seven chakras in our body. These chakras are the root of healing. Practicing Reiki can only activate these chakras so that one can start healing himself mentally and physically. Click here to take a look at our wholesale Chakra Sets for sale.

About the Reiki chakras and their significance

In Reiki it is believed that there are seven main chakras in our body. These chakras actually reside in our spirits or soul which is enlightened by the initiation and use of Reiki. These chakras are capable of receiving and providing positive energy flow. Reiki believes that cure is only possible through the activation and transfer of positive energy through these chakras.

The seven main chakras are:

Crown chakra
The Third Eye Chakra
The Throat Chakra
Heart Chakra
Solar plexus chakra
Sacral Chakra
Root Chakra

All these chakras need proper balancing to provide you with healing. So to balance these chakras you will need the Reiki chakra sets. Reiki Chakra sets are available online at various stores and you can get them at wholesale rates too. Wholesale chakra sets are available in different variety. Each of these varieties has their own function and can heal or cure different types of ailments. These sets are generally available with the wholesale chakra sets exporters who export these chakras to different parts of the world. Alakik is one of the pioneering wholesale chakra sets exporters who offer different variety of chakra sets for different uses. They provide the best quality material to manufacture these sets so that their clients can have the best healing. These charka sets come in different types of precious and semi precious stones.                              

Buy Reiki chakra sets

When you are planning to buy Reiki charka sets, make sure you buy it from a wholesale chakra sets exporter because they have the best ones. Alakik provides the best chakra sets and you can visit their website to know more about Reiki and how to use these chakra sets in the seven chakras in order to balance the flow of positive energy in your body and heal.

Reiki is one of the most preferred holistic treatments available in the whole world nowadays. More and more people are getting benefitted by this touch and distance therapy that is curing people of their physical and mental illness that are chronic or serious. Wholesale chakra sets of Reiki are the best things you can have to inculcate more positive energy in your mind and body while balancing the flow of energy perfectly. When you have a chakra set and practice Reiki everyday you become eternally blessed with good health.

Different Pendulums in Demand

Different Pendulums in demand

To start with the in-depth study about pendulums, let us first know what is a pendulum and for what purpose it is used by us! In a normal parlance, a pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot in order to swing freely in the air. Being almost six to eight inches long, the pendulum is made up of semi precious stones like citrine, amethyst, smokey quartz, clear crystal quartz and many more. There are many ways in which the pendulums are used in the current times out of which some are measuring, tuning and majorly – spiritual practices.

Peeking into a spiritual world, a pendulum is an extension of the person who wears it where its movements results from meridians in your body or contact with your higher self. As the history goes, these pendulums were highly used for healing purposes like spiritual protection against evil forces, self cleansing act or even for guidance. Pendulums are even used to ask questions by connecting your subconscious mind with your body’s energy. However, the accuracy here depends highly on the responses given either consciously or subconsciously.

Talking about the current scenario, this historical belief has evolved with time, but just to increase its usage. People’s belief over it is intact, in fact has increased over time. Hence, the demand of these pendulums has seen an upward graph and people from all over the world is greatly influenced with the same. There are different types of pendulums that are used for healing purpose and some of them are:

  • Crystal pendulum
  • Wooden pendulum
  • Herkimer pendulum
  • chakra pendulum
  • Reiki pendulum
  • Ball pendulum

These pendulums are of different healing purpose and depending upon your problem or need, you should select the one. Now, the next question that may pop up in your mind is from where to get the required pendulum? And the answer to it is just one: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌!

Universal Exports having its base in India is quite popular and well known in serving all its international clients with the healing stones requirement. Providing all sorts of requirements with right quality and right time, it has gained recognition over time and now has become one stop destination to cater such requirements. So if you are intending to get one of these pendulums for any respective reasons of healing, the one and only place to resort is the Universal Exports. It serves with all types of healing stones including the above mentioned variety of pendulums. So, you can be sure of fulfilling all your healing stone requirements under one roof. With international relations, it assures with timely delivery and best products.  So what are you waiting for? All you need is to discover your healing stone need and order the respective demand from Universal Exports to assure a proper healing treatment and cure for lifetime! For more information visit: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Crystals Can Impact Your Life in Many Ways

Crystals Can Impact Your Life in Many Ways - UNIVERSAL EXPORTS

Crystals are the stones that have been evergreen since years. In fact, with time, its demand has risen by leaps and bounds. The other reason of having crystal is the benefits that come attached with it – the ability to subtly but profoundly change our aura, energy as well as health! Nowadays crystals are used in many things apart from jewelry. You may find them in watches, clocks, some showpieces, crystal jewelry, crystal pendulum, but this is very true that these crystals change our lives for better in many ways! Let’s peep into six main areas where crystals can impact greatly in one’s life!

The first and foremost quality of crystals is that they are known as the best healers. Crystals can restore our cells and organs to their maximum functioning levels.  As we all know, there are various types of crystals and every crystal has its own respective benefits attached to it. Like, red stones such as Bloodstone and Jasper can help with curing of blood disorders. If you have a stomach problem, the crystals that can prove an aid to you are orange and yellow stones such as Citrine, Amber and Carnelian. If you have weak cells and are advised for cell growth or need to attract money to you – green crystals such as Green Aventurine and Peridot can become the perfect healers. For throat issues, hit on to light Blue stones like Blue Lace Agate and Blue Chalcedony! The other crystals like Amethyst is known to cure headache, Unikite helps woman trying to get pregnant and Blue Chalcedony helps the newly turned moms.

With constant usage of the above mentioned crystals for their respective purpose, you’ll definitely feel a difference when you wear them continually. Apart from this, the other crystals that can be helpful in different ways are placing a Pyrite in your wallet to assure it has money in it, having hard time financially can be overcome by wearing Citrine.

 Likewise, there are many crystals that increases your romantic life – pink stone known for enhancing romantic energy, wearing watermelon tourmaline makes you feel worthy of a great relationship . The third way in which a crystal can impact your life is to make your path smooth if you are encountering career problems. Keep a large piece of Garnet on your work desk to reignite your lost passion for work. The other crystals like Clear Quartz, Bloodstone, and Serpentine help you in energizing a team, removing obstacles and drawing money respectively.

For emotions, Rhodonite is a crystal that can help us to embrace the sad or angry situation and release it with love. The best crystals that one can wear to increase the intuition are Labradorite, Moonstone and Apopyhyllite. In short, wear, meditate and carry these crystals along to get the best of the benefits from them! And to avail them, the one stop destination is none other than Universal Exports that deals in every kind of crystals. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ provides these crystals all over world and cater to every kind of crystal demands with a quick delivery!

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Spiritual Energy – Alakik Universal Exports

Spiritual Energy-Universal

Have you ever experienced some different kind of energy when you suddenly walked into a room or silence of a library, the buzz of a concert or the love and happiness that comes with a wedding ceremony? Well, in the 60’s and 70’s, these feelings were considered as a vibe which has now been altered and known as energy! Anyway, be it a vibe or energy, it’s all the same thing as these are the waves of energy particles that vibrate at different frequencies. And to be more precise, this energy is not just because of the location, it is within us as well.

This is so true that every human is filled with spiritual energy that is generated from the food we eat, emotions we feel or the thoughts that strike us. The ratio goes in a way that more the vibrations our body feels, healthier we become! Hence, it is very necessary to have positive and uplifting thoughts as well as emotions that can support our health as well as our mood.

If you have noticed, you will know the difference of how you feel when you focus on problems occurring in your life and judging other people or their situations. On the other hand, think about the goodness that has happened with you all your life. And now observe the change that how you feel. These positive and good thoughts have their own vibrations affecting your body emotions and hence contributing to your overall flow of energy.

It is hundred percent true that you will definitely feel light when your energy is flowing with ease. Imagine what and how happy life it would be if you remain in such an energized and a happy state! Basically, as a spiritual being, we tend to be in a state of ease, amusement and lightness unless we let the negative clouds hover around our minds and emotional bodies. If it happens so, we forget who we really are this situation makes our bodies to over react leading to complicated thoughts, heavy emotions and unbalanced actions. But, with this spiritual energy, one can reconnect to his true self by following the neutrality and wisdom, redirect the negative and heavy thoughts into positive and lighter ones, clear the emotions and shift the energy. Thus, if one is centered in is spiritual self, he can quickly and easily come out of the negative aura.

There are various spiritual energy tools that can make you feel and experience its existence. Some of the tools include centering, grounding, and aura, have your energy, and shift your energy. It is believed that operating more through our spiritual awareness can help us to easily shift our energy and stay healthy. If you are intending to have some spiritual energy through healing stones, the best and the premium dealer of the same is Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ that cater the healing stones requirement all over world. Get connected with Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ and learn more about what and how healing stones can help with the spiritual energy to stay fit and lead a healthy life.

For more visit : Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Universal exports | Crystal Ball


The word ‘crystal’ gives an enlightening effect to any human any day! ‘Crystal’ itself attracts the people in some or the other way and the most prominent reason for it is its beauty! The term crystal ball is taken by a layman as a gypsy woman who wears dangling earrings and bracelets, who has dark curls wrapped up in a bright scarf trying to divine your future. But apart from this perception of layman, today’s people largely use these crystal balls in Feng Shui practices, Gypsy Divination, Buddhist rituals, transcendental meditation and Wicca. These crystal balls may either be smooth or facetted, opaque or clear transparent ones and are available in three types – leaded glass, natural crystal and laboratory grown crystal.

Natural crystal as the name says comes from naturally occurring veins of the crystals and is majorly used in jewelry industry.  The popular gemstones like diamonds, emeralds, citrines and amethyst are cut from this section of crystals that has the feature of few inclusion and flaws. Those natural crystals that command a high value are definitely the ones that have a high level of clarity in them!

The laboratory grown crystals are similar to those used by electronics industry, because, though having the amplifying and storage properties, these crystals are known to be considerably cheaper. As these crystals are man-made, the crystalline structure is perfect having distinctive vibrant qualities differing from natural crystals.

Leaded glass crystals contain a small amount of lead which enhances the reflective qualities of glass making it very apt and suitable in manufacture of crystal ware like Swarovski and Waterford. Presently, leaded glass is a form of crystal that is used largely for the costume jewelry.

Being found in both, faceted and smooth forms, these balls are available at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ as faceted crystal balls as well as droplets found on chandeliers.  The faceted crystal balls are majorly used in Feng Shui and are hung on windows to transmute the negative energies entering homes into a positive energy. One thing to note is that Universal Exports serve you with varied size of the crystal balls depending on the amount of energy that you wish to or are trying to transform!

Additionally, crystals are said to be best as earth energy enhancers. So, displaying six smooth crystal balls in center of your living room ensures that everything in your life goes well and smoothly. Moreover, it is even considered as an aid during meditation. These crystal balls from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌become a gateway for developing one’s physical ability by acting as a natural amplifier.

With so many benefits attached with the crystal balls, people from all over the world consider it to be of great use and use it as per their required needs. It is very easy to get your choice of crystal balls now at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ as it renders you with all your related requirements easily. All you need is to mention the type of crystal ball that you wish to have and Universal Exports will cater your needs anywhere in the country.

For more Visit: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌