Tag Archives: chakra jewellery

Rose Quartz Eggs Can Be Used In Matters Of Love, Heart Healing, And Fertility-Alakik

Rose Quartz Eggs Can Be Used In Matters Of Love, Heart Healing, And Fertility

It could be that the person is seeking authentic Rose quartz eggs for sale. This might be because as he/she has been recommended by someone or an expert to use it to enjoy good health, fertility and to get love. Whatever be it, rose quartz eggs do have its own significance, the reason why it is found to be growing in popularity among people across the globe. But before planning to buy one, it is very much important to know more about such type of gemstones. Doing adequate and thorough research is quite crucial to understand more about this gemstone and to make a well informed purchase. Also, it will be useful to buy them only from reputed stores or online sites that have been offering authentic gemstones. This is to avoid fake gemstones that are being offered by some scrupulous traders.

About Rose Quartz Eggs

These are regarded to be fabulous fusion of fertility and love energy. Rather, it is found to be a sacred symbol of egg shape. Rose quartz is rather seen as a source to view the world via rose colored lenses. It is also considered to be among the most desirable of all quartz varieties available across the globe. At times, it is known as the ‘Love Stone’. Being egg shaped, it can be termed to be the perfect fertility symbol and a wonderful creation that is worth the purchase and use.

Click here to take a look at our Gemstone eggs for Sale

Getting to know the magical properties of rose quartz eggs

According to many, it is regarded to be a favorite workhorse gemstone. It can be used regularly for achieving success in any kind of work or on someone. It can be done personal or for anyone in the family or anyone known. Using properly the rose quartz eggs and the correct way does bring plenty of love and happiness in the person. At the same time, it also helps to ease out pain that the person may be suffering from due to some long bygone issues with someone or with anything. It also ensures transforming of energies within and surrounding the home. Using it also helps to calm down nerves and makes the person to have more elegance and grace. The different type of benefits that is provided by such gemstones is enormous and the list simply goes on. It also is found to be useful to open up the Heart Chakra, to heal up the heart space as well as to allow easy flow of communication, while bringing peace to its bearer.

How to use the rose quartz eggs?

Correct placement of the gemstone is of utmost importance to derive its useful benefits. This egg is to be held in hand during meditation, so as to allow flow of rose quartz medicine into and through the body. Besides this, the egg shape develops practical energy conduit, which can be used for identifying and clearing blockages present in the body. Egg top could be used as massage therapy tool, held as well as squeezed with the hand to get relief from stress.

Buying them from reputed online sites will mean, the shopper will get rose quartz egg which is around 1.25” to 1.5”in size that comes gift bagged along with white sage leaf to help clear energies. A card also will accompany the gemstone describing clearly its properties and how it is to be used. Wholesale orders for Rose quartz eggs are accepted by such sites.

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435 or visit: https://www.alakik.net/metaphysical-products

Crystal Spheres Balls Eggs for Sale

Chakra Crystals and Yoga-Alakik-Univerlsa-Exports

Chakra Crystals and Yoga – Alakik Universal Exports

The truth is yoga is being practiced now for thousands of years in India and presently being promoted by the experts across the globe among those who are eager to remain healthy and fit. Yoga is considered to be a powerful form of exercise of the mind and the body, while being completely natural and safe. Practicing yoga on a regular basis helps the person to understand his body’s internal and emotional well being. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, it is something that is overlooked by many. This offers the person the chance to get know about self from within. At the same time, the different yoga pose is said to affect human actions and thoughts. There are seven chakras in the human body whose balance is restored through yoga. One can come across Chakra sets for sale and use it to their benefit.

Chakra balancing

The yoga experts also state that every breath work, meditation and pose has been designed to help the chakras to be correctly balanced. During the yoga class, energy is moved throughout the body, to make the chakras to become more receptive towards receiving crystals’ healing properties. Therefore, for chakra cleansing purpose, crystals are to be used, which will enhance yoga practice, thereby bringing more healing and harmony to the energy body.

The stones are to be laid around the mat for allowing the crystal’s energy to work with the chakras while the person moves during yoga class. Then during savasana, the chakra cleansing grid is placed on the body. Chakra meditation is possible even if the person does not practice yoga. He just needs to lie on his back and in body formation, place the stones.

Required stones

  • 7 chakra stones or one chakra healing bag
  • 2 Selenite Cleansing Crystal or Selenite Cleansing Stone
  • Four Quartz Crystal Points
  • 2 Shungite Stones

The Procedure

Quartz crystal points are to be placed around the mat’s sides in four different directions. While practicing yoga, the 2 shungite stones are to be placed on quartz’s either side at the mat base, with the chakra crystals placed along either side, while the selenite is to be placed at the top edge. While practicing savasana, the chakra crystals are to be laid over the 7 chakras. Then the 2 Shungite stones are to be placed on the feet’s outside after which the 2 Selenite Crystals are to be held in the hand.

These crystals are mainly used to balance energy flow promotion right from the root chakra to crown chakra. It becomes easier to understand better about the body, patterns, beliefs and emotions which hinder or help when trying to attain spiritual growth.

Once the person has confident in having gained better knowledge and understanding of the different types of chakras, its functioning and which one has been blocked or why, then the chakra crystals are to be removed and journal maintained about what has been gained by undergoing this meditation. This exercise is to be repeated for about 21 days for a particular time period. The key here according to the experts is consistency and commitment towards achieving the desired results. The crystals meant for yoga is to be kept in the mat bag and their energy is to be connected every time yoga is practiced.

Those practicing yoga professionally and training others to help lead a better, satisfied and happy life can buy Wholesale Chakra Sets to benefit their students.

Get in touch with us:

Phone : +91 2698 222520
Mobile : +91 98985 41435
E-mail: info@alakik.net

Benefit of Wearing Chakra Jewellery-Alakik-Universal Exports

Benefit of Wearing Chakra Jewellery – Alakik

There are many who are eager to change their fortune and enhance their health for the better. If this is what they desire, then it becomes important for them to make use of Chakra Jewellery. These are not ordinary jewelry items and hence, the aspiring user has to first know what it is all about and the type of benefits that he can enjoy from wearing it.

Know what is Chakra

The fact is more than the jewelry, it is considered to be the chakras that is considered to be quite significant and is to be known in depth, so as to benefit from it. Chakras are actually energy points that are present in the different part of the spiritual body. Also, it is essential to know how they can relate easily to the world that surrounds human beings. Hence, it will be important to understand the fundamental aspects of energetic and magnetic influence that tends to go a long way for knowing how various types of things may affect human being. One can get authentic Wholesale Chakra Jewellery from the reliable online stores.

About Chakras

Chakras literally are translated into ‘energy vortexes’. This is the way how they can be depicted across eastern culture. The human body is said to have seven main chakras, with each corresponding towards specific emotions and feelings in the spine that begins right from the crown to the base. In case, detailed attention is paid to specific emotions, like love, the person is likely to notice that the heart center is pervaded by feelings, for lumbar area, happiness, etc.

However, chakras are not considered to be sensitive towards what is being felt by humans, including that of external influence. As a matter of fact, anything that is touched or viewed tends to have certain energy frequency, which can interact with human beings. For example, a different type of vibration can be experienced being in the bar than that of a meditation center. It is indeed an obvious difference.

Chakra Jewellery to derive higher vibration

Since the energy surrounding cannot influence human energy, it does make sense that one can be receptive towards both good and bad influences. For example, the meditation and bar center! If this is the case, then will it make sense to be surrounded with those elements which can help lift the person rather than lowering down his energy. It is for this main reason that the sages (rishis) of those ancient times in India were said to prescribe metals, precious jewels and stones that needs to be worn at the right place in the human body, contacting the skin. Every item is said to have certain vibration which can affect the wearer. But it is necessary to know that it does involve the person to get into one to one consultation with the specialists and be detailed and specific about understanding his particular needs. There are also present other types of stones which can be of general use. It is for this very reason that it becomes essential for every person to carry with him/her a wide range of high vibration, superior grade jewelry that can serve general purpose. The Wholesale Chakra Jewellery items includes Malachite, Blue Lapis, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Jade, etc.

For more information visit: https://www.alakik.net or Call: +91 98985 41435