Tips To Setup A Reiki Grid-Reiki Wholesale in USA

Tips To Setup A Reiki Grid – Reiki Wholesale

Reiki is basically a healing technique which is based on the principle of palm healing or simply hands on healing. In this case, the therapist can transfer or channel energy into the body of the patient by means of touch especially the palms. This is done in order to activate the natural process of healing in the patient for the restoration of both physical as well as mental well being of the patient.

Reiki Grid

A reiki grid is actually a special grouping of the healing stones that are necessarily laid out in a particular formation for some specific purposes. The grid needs of be created and at the same time empowered with a sacred intention as well as a prayer. Each of the crystals or stone within the grid so created amplifies both qualities and energy of the other stones present in the grid.

Setting Up the Grid

Now, it becomes very important to set up the grid in the right manner. The grid can be created by using 14 crystals and charging each of them with reiki energy so as to make sure that they consistently send reiki to yourself or someone else whose picture or name has been placed in the grid at the time of creating it. Here are some important tips on setting up a reiki grid.

  • First and foremost, 14 crystals need to be chosen. 12 of them are for the outer section, one would be central and one would be the master. You can use pendulum, scanning, muscle testing, intuition or just choose those you feel like.
  • All the chosen ones need to be purified as per requirement. Then you need to charge all of them with reiki by using all the symbols particularly HSZSN.
  • Now, you need to staple or stick the photo of the World Peace Crystal Grid on a cardboard piece. Then the 12 outer crystals should be placed as per the photo. The crystals need to be fixed in place with a transparent double backed tape.
  • In the next step, place your picture or of someone whom you want to heal in the middle with a positive affirmation on the back. Now, the central crystal needs to be put on the top of the photo by simply sticking the photo as well as the crystal in place with the help of a double backed tape.
  • Then the grid is needed to be charged on a daily basis. This is to be done charging the master crystal at first and then use the same for the purpose of charging the grid.
  • Finally, the pictures or names of those who require healing need to be placed or a goal needs to be written inside the grid who will be constantly receiving reiki. The healing requests can be placed under the grid or outside it as well.

Related Topic:Tips To Create The Perfect Reiki-Grid

Get your own wholesale reiki set and simply follow these simple steps mentioned above which would easily help you in setting up the reiki grid in an effective way.

Wear A Healing Pendulum As A Pendant-Healing Pendulum Wholesaler in USA

Can You Wear A Healing Pendulum As A Pendant?

The use of healing pendulums has become a common thing in the recent times. There are a number of people who prefer to use these pendulums for getting the desired healing. The healing pendulums as can be understood from the name plays a significant role in the overall process of healing of the individuals.Selenite 8 Facet Pendulum With Chakra Buddha Chain

Wearing a Healing Pendulum

Anyone who intends to use the healing pendulum needs to necessarily wear it. The wearing of the healing pendulum promotes the healing process and the individuals start to feel the change in them. But at this point of time, it is extremely important as to how to wear the healing pendulum.

Golden Quartz Chakra Wands pendulum necklace

Wearing as a Jewellery or Pendant

When it comes to wearing of these healing pendulums, there are a number of people who decide to wear them as a jewellery or a pendant. Now, the question that arises here is whether the healing pendulum can be worn as a pendant or not. The experts are of the viewpoint that any of the pendulums which are designated for the purpose of healing, should not be worn as any decorative jewellery. If the pendulums are made up of gemstones, then the users should know that the energies of these crystals can actually be to overwhelming to comfortably wear on your body.

There are many who are quite sensitive to the vibrations of the crystals. The energies of the crystals can feel quite draining or simply the opposite that is too highly charged. But the individual who is wearing the pendulum with gemstones might not be aware of the fact, that the wearing of the stone is the reason of this disturbance or the out-of-sync feeling. These stones absorb and transform energies so it is best that these are not worn as a pendant or any other form of decorative jewellery. But if you still want to go for it, then there is some attractive brown glass as well as metal pendulums which are fashioned into pendants for being worn around the neck. The wholesale chakra pendants can be of a great help if you want to wear a healing pendulum as a pendant.

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435

Wearing Chakra Jewellery-Chakra Wholesale in USA

Why Should You Be Wearing Chakra Jewellery?

Chakra is an ancient Indian word that signifies the cycle of life. And as evolution says the story of life is an cyclic event, evolving to be the better. Chakra jewellery has been symbolic representation of the betterment for the human evolution. That in itself holds the power to heal.

Ever wonder why?

How it heals?

Well human body in itself are made up of 7 chakra’s namely Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Nabi-Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahasrara. Each chakra is further subdivided into 17 sub chakras other than Ajna which is a combination of 12 chakras, where all these chakras come together to create the essence called life.

In order to rejuvenate the basic 7 chakras and improve life chakra jewellery is curved with extreme pristine to provide the maximum benefits to your bodily chakra. How chakra jewellery aid you in your day to day life.

Where to wear

One of the best places to wear your chakra jewellery is around your chest region, because it marks the centre chakra and have clinical control over all the chakra’s in your body. So it is suggestible that you wear your chakra jewellery in forms of pendant.

Chakra Double Round with centre Ruby Pendant for Sale-Alakik Universal Exports USA

Why to wear

Chakra jewellery controls all the 7 essential chakra’s of your body providing a rejuvenating essence that will aid you in overcome most of diseases even the negative thought processes.

7-chakras of your body providing a rejuvenating essence

Click here for the Benefit of Wearing Chakra pendant

How Chakra Jewellery helps

  • High frequency positive vibrations that help you force out of the various negative energies.
  • It helps to draw back harmony into your life.
  • It improves your energy level and provides you with calmness.
  • It increases dopamine level in your body so that your body get ample rest.
  • Improve and boosts your immunity system so that you can fight diseases and other external factors that are harmful for your body.

With a large list advantages that Chakra jewel provide, think no more order Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ from us to help improve your life.

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Tips To Create The Perfect Reiki-Grid-Reiki wholesale in usa

Tips To Create The Perfect Reiki-Grid

Reiki Grid is an amazing technique of assisting distant healing by using crystals and placing them in a grid. It is created based on the unique, extraordinary theory and network of World Peace Crystal Grid. It is plausible to build a pattern or grid using 14 crystals as well as charging them with a high level of Reiki energy. Hence, they shall continuously keep sending Reiki to anyone whose place or picture is placed in the grid. This kind of advanced technique is more efficient than using a singular crystal. In this way, the effect of Reiki can be sent at the same time to many people. Just like a single crystal, the steps are almost similar.


They include:

1. Selecting 14 crystals by seeking a suggestion in findings the ones that shall best suit for the Reiki Grid.
2. Twelve crystals will be needed for the grid’s exterior part, one shall be needed right in the centre and another one to be used as the Master Crystal.
3. The crystal to be placed in the centre can be either a double or single terminated crystal,crystal ball, crystal pyramid or even a crystal cluster.
4. Unlike the crystal to be placed in centre, the master crystal is a longer crystal, almost resembling like a laser. It should be having an energy off the Yang type and must be utilized for directing Reiki into the Reiki Grid.
5. It is imperative to check with a pendulum or even a same kind of method that any stones or crystals one selects shall work, to be used in the Reiki Grid. Then, the cleansing process is needed for later charging them in the same way.

 Black Jasper Karuna Reiki Set
6. After charging them, one can use it along with a World Peace Crystal Grid picture. With the help of this picture, the Reiki Grid shall be linked with some fabulous World Peace Crystal Grid’s energies, charged once every month by individuals from different parts of the world. To initiate the healing process, these energies shall be adding effectiveness and strength as well as ensure a higher consciousness level.

Related Topic: How To Use Energy Generator Crystals For Wellness And Balance?

Mind, Body and Spirit with Wholesale Metaphysical Crystals

Supercharging the Mind, Body and Spirit with Wholesale Metaphysical Crystals

Metaphysical crystals have been there on the planet even before human came into existence, and have been a resource to the formation of the earth. With development of society and human thriving ahead to create a better life these crystals have been part of human desire for long, adoring the beauty of fingers to other body parts, reflecting an essence of pristine, class and status.

All these reflection have been carried out using crystals for thousands of years now, without even having a clear knowledge about how these crystals have been aiding mankind for generations.

Ever wonder why peace of mind is not directly proportional to wealth even though we stride everyday to achieve more of it. Because we forget the greatest wealth that we have is our own body. To ensure you achieve the peace of mind and a healthy body we have been striving all along to bring you the best quality metaphysical crystals at a wholesale scheme, that not only make it easy for you to achieve it, but also ensure that you feel supercharged while you take a walk with our metaphysical crystals down your daily life.

Take a peek down the window of our body and open up to the power of supercharged healing with our metaphysical crystals:

Clearing Metaphysical Crystals

Clearing: Metaphysical crystals works as a magnet to pull out all the negative energy surrounding you and provide you with an essence of cool breeze and creates a Garden of Eden that will help you focus and take great positive strides in your life. This also ensures that you have your peace of mind at home, at work and in every aspects of your daily routine.

Energizing: Nature provides us with all that we need for the very essence of life! Sunlight likewise other than providing with mere vitamin D can be used in a more eccentric way to energize your mind body and soul, for that all you need is a metaphysical crystal. When sunlight or deflected light of sun from the moon hit the metaphysical crystal it creates a positive radiation around you that not only rejuvenate your neurons but also helps in a smoother blood flow, that in turn keep you energized throughout the day and let you walk that extra mile you always dreamt off in your daily life.

Balancing: Too much of anything will spoil the food! Metaphysical crystals help you keep and maintain a healthy balance of energy in your daily life that will help you to get proper rest and peace in your day to day life, and allow you to take more clear and positive decisions which used to lay in the shadows of crowded mind earlier.

Related Topic: The Best Place To Purchase New Age Metaphysical Products

Reborn, rejuvenate and break free with the supercharging essence of metaphysical crystals.

Take a look at our exclusive healing products:

Crystal Quartz Pranic Diamonds:
Crystal Quartz Chakra Disintegrator:
Black Agate Diamonds Energy Generators:
Black Jasper Disintegrator:
Mix Gemstone Pranic Diamonds:

The Right Way To Wear Healing Crystal Jewellery For Maximum Results-Alakik Universal Exports

The Right Way To Wear Healing Crystal Jewellery For Maximum Results

Timeless Healing crystals

Healing crystals can have extraordinary advantages if worn as jewellery. Since times immemorial, the striking uniqueness in a crystal has drawn innumerable crystal lovers. Always in vogue, Healing crystals and their spiritual quality makes them a substantial demand even today. The vicious circle and its monotony has urged many urban dwellers to seek for meaningful life. The effect of some healing crystals has been wondrous to render some miraculous curing.

Key Healing Crystals- what they cure and how?

 Aquamarine Elastic Bracelet With Tire BeadAquamarine: They enable treating thyroid and Pituitary Glands if a person suffers from growing problems. It also helps to treat Hay fever. The crystal can be worn as a necklace, bracelet as a polished and drilled piece of jewellery.

Amber Facetted PendulumAmber: It helps to cure head-aches which happens because of changes in hormonal changes, digestive issues and hormonal issues. One must wear a neck-lace or even a pendant having a direct body contact.

Tourquie Beads Earring with OmTurquoise, Magnesite and Diaspor: It helps to relieve heart burn. The crystal can be worn as a earrings, neck-lace, bracelet or even as a pendant.

Rose quartz: It addresses heart Rhythm disturbances. Any irregularity in heartbeat results in irregularity of life’s rhythm. Rose quartz helps to enhance rest, re-creation, sleep, closeness with a strong security sense. A pendant or a necklace can be worn with a direct body contact on heart.

Lapis Lazuli Pub HeartsLapis Lazule: It helps to solve issues like Hoarseness, a disorder causing partial voice loss due to an upper respiratory-tract’s infection. A Lapis Lazuli can help to enhance the hoarseness of voice. A neck-lace or a pendant can be worn which has close contact with the throat area.

Emerald Chips Power BraceletEmerald: It cures chronic head-colds and head-aches owing to fever and inflammation. Wearing a necklace with direct body contact for a longer times helps to heal head-aches.

Epidot Baby Orgone PyramidEpidot: It enables re-building the human immune system post a serious illness for normalizing the boy functions. It also helps in stress and deals with severely painful experiences. It is importance to wear it as a neck-lace or pendant.

Chakra Double Round with centre Ruby PendantRuby: It helps to address different kinds off impotence which happens because of weakness and emotional reasons. It promotes an active sex life and gives back passion into life. It can be worn as a bracelet, neck-lace or a pendant.

Amethyst geometry engrave tumble setAmethyst : It is useful for tension and head-aches which originates from eye-strain. For insect bites also, Amethyst gives a cooling effect and relieve from itching. There are other health issues, an Amethyst can help with like nausea, Diarrhoea etc. It can be worn as a neck-lace or a pendant.

What Chakra wholesale can Guarantee?

Chakra Wholesale can guarantee 100% genuine and authentic healing crystals for all its customers. It ensures catering to the various healing issues of customers and solving them with crystal-based healing techniques. With jewellery as carriers of these healing crystals, people can address their health issues by wearing them as attractive bracelet, pendants or just as necklaces.

Take a look at our exclusive products:

Uses of Healing Stones -Alakik Universale Exports in USA

Looking To Learn About How To Use Healing Stones?

The artform of crystal healing has existed in human civilization for over thousand years. Ingrained from the ancient Indian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greece civilization, Crystal Healing has been an undeniable segment of natural medicines. Crystals resonate their individual signatures of energy. When a healing stones electromagnetic field comes in contact with that of a human, the flow of energy starts through the various meridians. This activates the chakras, stimulates electrical nerve impulses, starts the hormonal glands activity and re-generates cellular metabolism, organs and tissues.

Healing Crystal fro Sale- Alakik Universal Exports There includes a plethora of ways, healing Stone can be used. These include:

1. Carrying them in a pocket: This is one of the mot effective and prevalent ways to use a crystal and restore its impact.
2. Under a bed or pillow: Crystals can be used to encourage the special effects of healing while sleeping.
3. Ear Olives: There are oval and longish crystals which can be used to place on the external part o the ear.
4. Ointments: Ointments from Healing crystals can be made by having the gem essences mixed with a base of an ointment comprising of bee-wax and jojoba oil (1:5).
5. Energetic Treatment: The body fluids can be allowed to flow by having them laid on the body.
6. Using them as a jewellery: This is the most seen and heard form of using a healing crystal. It can be worn as a bracelet, neck-lace and pendant etc.
7. Stone circle: Lying or sitting in a full complete circle of crystals can help to take in strong and positive crystal energies.
8. Holding in the hand: This application works using the hand’s reflexology zones.
9. Holding in the mouth: Through a localized effect, this application works within the mouth as well as mucous membranes.
10. Massaging: Healing crystals can be moved around the skin for massaging purposes.

Related Topic:  How Do Healing Stones Work?

Make your experience with healing crystals unique and positive with our whole sale healing stones.

Take a look at our exclusive healing products:

Crystal Quartz Pranic Diamonds:
Crystal Quartz Chakra Disintegrator:
Black Agate Diamonds Energy Generators:
Black Jasper Disintegrator:
Mix Gemstone Pranic Diamonds:

What Is Reiki Therapy and How Can It Help You Heal?

Every person wants to have a healthy mind and body. Unfortunately, the imbalanced lifestyle along with the never-ending work do not let your mind and body be at peace. Dump medicines and opt for the best healing process of Reiki therapy to have a good emotional as well as physical health. Let us know in the following lines more about Reiki.

A Note on Reiki

In Reiki, a person’s disease gets cured by way of passing on the positive energy through the palm of the practitioner into the patient’s body. It is a kind of energy healing process which was first started in Japan. The therapist transfers the universal energy into the person’s body by using the palms in a right way over the person’s body, especially on the part where the patient feels ache. In modern days, alongside of using palms, various Reiki crystal stones have been used for healing the health conditions.

Reikie Sets for Sale-Alakik-Universal Exports

The Advanced Reiki Therapy

The present age calls for using Reiki crystal stones for healing all types of physical and emotional problems. Upon knowing about your emotional or physical pain, the therapist uses the right kind of Reiki crystal on the part of your body to release the clogged energy all over your body, giving you a permanent relief from your pain. If you know the use of Reiki, then there are reiki sets for sale in the online stores from where you can choose your type of Reiki sets.


How the Reiki Therapy Can Heal Your Disease?

There are seven chakras which are present in a human’s body. The role of these chakras is to release energy. If there are imbalances in any of these chakras, then you experience emotional and physical disturbances. From depression and anxiety to other chronic health disorders, a person can be afflicted to physical and emotional problems which can be healed by practicing the Reiki therapy. In order to surmount the physical and emotional health-related challenges, the use of Reiki can be highly beneficial. The therapist tries to find out whether you have an imbalance in any of the chakras. If there is an imbalance in the chakra, then the therapist finds out the precise area of the chakra and then uses the application of Reiki to get you rid of the pain as soon as possible.

Do not let the emotional or physical hardships come in the way of your happy life. Contact the wholesaler of Reiki sets and get yourself the most appropriate one for the perfect healing you are looking forward to.

Gen in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435

The Perfect Six Crystals for Your Home-Alakik-Universal-Exports

The Perfect Six Crystals for Your Home – Alakik

Nowadays, people use crystals for decorating their indoor zone. Do you know crystals can bring positivity in your house? Let us know about the healing sides of crystals which also serve as a decorative purpose in your home.

How Can Crystals Be Useful to You?

The daily tensions, conflicts at home and the anxiety drain a person’s energy. You need positive vibes which will help you keep going. Therefore, it is necessary to keep crystal stones at your place. The crystal rocks not only deck up your home, but also, they infuse a positive energy in your living zone and in your life too. In the online stores, you will come across various attractive healing crystals for sale. It is necessary to select the right crystals for your home. Not all crystals are designed to be kept in your drawing room. There are various places where you can keep the aesthetic crystals.

Related: How To Use Energy Generator Crystals For Wellness And Balance?

The Perfect Six Crystals for Your Home

1. The Pink Rose Quartz: If you want to enhance your love life, then the pink colour Rose Quartz crystal should be placed in the bedroom. This crystal stone emits gentle energy along with compassion and love in the air. Buy Now:

2. Erase Negative Energy with Black Tourmaline: Although you can keep black tourmaline crystal stone at any place of your house, it is best to keep near the entrance of your home in order to erase negative energy from your home. This crystal will also help balance in your life. Take a look at our product:

3. Get Your Mind Focused with Amethyst Crystal: If you are not able to decide things instantly or you are not able to concentrate on your work, then the Amethyst crystal stone will work best for you. Get clear thoughts, remove misconceptions and have a relaxed mind by placing the Amethyst crystal stones on your desk. Buy Now :

4. Be in High Spirits with Selenite Crystals: Do you go through mood swings? Do you feel low? Keep beautiful Selenite crystal stones in the living room to be in a good mood. Although these stones appear to be delicate, the crystals emit angelic vibes in the surroundings of your home. Order Now:

5. The Highly Energized Calcite Crystals: Cure your depression naturally by placing either yellow or orange Calcite crystal stones in your kitchen. The sterling Calcite crystals spreads a soft energy all over the kitchen, keeping your depression at bay.

6. Get High Vibrations with Clear Quartz Crystals: The master stone of all crystals is the Clear Quartz. Upon having this crystal stone should be placed near the doorway of your home, you will get high vibrations which will help you keep highly energetic. Take a look at our arrowheads:

So, make sure to get hold of the crystals mentioned above from a trusted wholesale healing crystal store to see the positive difference in your life.

Get in touch with us: +91 98985 41435

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Meaning of Merkaba And Its Use-Alakik Universal Exports

Meaning of Merkaba And Its Use – Alaki

Our body and mind work in sync when our energy field is active. To keep our health in a good condition, we need to keep the energy field healthy which is possible by staying away from stress, tension and anxiety. You can de-stress yourself and stay away from anxiety as well by using merkaba crystals. What is merkaba? How merkaba crystals are used? Let us know about merkaba in brief in the following lines.

Meaning of Merkaba

The name merkaba might sound little strange to the ears. But, the use of merkaba proves to be beneficial for human beings. Merkaba is generally an Egyptian term. The word Merkaba is divided into three parts. ‘Mer’ signifies a spiritual light which revolves around a human being. ‘Ka’ signifies the spirit and ‘Ba’ signifies the body of a human being.

Benefits of Merkaba

The energy that rotates around our body forms geometrical shapes. The energy moves in high speed. Due to our imbalanced lifestyle and stressful life, this energy field does not move at a rapid speed. As a result, we feel stressed, depressed and dejected. It is necessary to keep the energy field highly active at all times. Therefore, we need to incorporate merkaba in our daily lives, so that we can feel energetic. The useful merkaba star for sale is readily available at the online as well as offline stores.

Uses of Merkaba

Merkaba can be used in the form of meditation and by using crystals. The purpose of the merkaba meditation is to unclog the clogged energy. When there will be a good flow of energy, you will attain a better health and a peace of mind. With the right breathing patterns, you will be able to invigorate the seven chakras which will help you live a healthy life.

The other way is to use the merkaba crystals. You can target the specific energy field by using the merkaba crystals. There are various merkaba crystals whose uses are different.

1. Red Jasper Merkaba: This crystal sends positive energy in your body. It also purifies the aura and helps stabilize the root chakra. One can attain an emotional stability with this red jasper merkaba crystal. Click here to Buy Now:

2. Yellow Aventurine Crystal: Erase self-doubt and enhance self-confidence in your life by using yellow aventurine crystal. The Solar Plexus Chakra gets boosted by using this powerful crystal which further opens the door of opportunities in your life. Order Now:

3. Crystal Quartz Merkaba: This crystal has many benefits. It boosts the spiritual development and wisdom of an individual. The energy gets restored in your body by way of a proper balance and concentration which is brought by the crystal stone. The natural crystal quartz merkaba star is the master crystals of all other crystal stones. Buy Now:

Merkaba Stars for Sale-Alakik-Universal ExportsKeep your health vibrant by incorporating the merkaba crystals and see the positive changes happen in your life.

Take a look at Merkaba star Products:

Get in touch with us call: +91 98985 41435