Healing Crystals Sets Used for Reiki-Alakik-Universal Export

Healing Crystals Sets Used for Reiki – Alakik

What Does The Term “Reiki” Mean? 

The word Reiki is a Japanese word raising the meaning for “universal life energy”. Reiki is a type of elective treatment which refers to “energy healing”. 

This spiritual practice, named Reiki was emerged in the late 1800s and being developed by the giant Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.

This practice of Reiki healing is said to be the transfer of energy from the practitioner’s palms to the patience’s soul also to nurture the flow of energy and cultivate equilibrium of harmony. 

Some Reiki techniques

The techniques involved have names such as:

  • Centering
  • Clearing
  • Beaming
  • Extracting Harmful Energies
  • Infusing
  • Smoothing And Raking The Aura

The Benefits of Reiki 

Quite possibly, the most extraordinary part of Reiki is that singular members report fluctuating responses and encounters after they have gone through treatment. Quite possibly the most well-known advantages detailed is the inclination of serenity, and quiet Reiki makes, just as an incredible feeling of prosperity. Others report impressions of shivering and heat and extraordinary, passionate emotions. Some Reiki patients have said they saw unordinary colors while going through treatment.

The Use Of Healing Crystals Reiki

Crystals have for quite some time been credited to having extraordinary mending properties. Like Reiki, mending with gems is executed through energy. Precious stones are utilized to eliminate poisons from the body, wipe out toxins and amplify positive energy. In any case, how are the recuperating properties of Reiki and gems laced?

crystals used during Reiki treatment, will help to heal and keep up energy balance. In orther words, they will boost up the healing flow/ process.

The Health Benefits Of Reiki 

As per professionals, the recuperating impacts are interceded by directing the general energy known as qi, articulated “chi.” In India, it is called “prana.” This is similar energy engaged with jujitsu work out. It is the existence of powerful life that some accept encompasses us all. 

This energy is said to saturate the body. Reiki specialists call attention to that, while this energy isn’t quantifiable by present-day logical strategies, it tends to be felt by numerous who check it out. 

Reiki is asserted to help unwind, aid the body’s regular recuperating measures, and create enthusiastic, mental, and profound prosperity. 

It is also said to incite profound unwinding, help individuals adapt to challenges, calm enthusiastic pressure, and generally improve prosperity.

Reiki has helped Diagnose: 

  1. Cancer
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Anxiety
  4. Depression 

Learn to more Visit : https://www.alakik.net/about-us 

Metaphysical products for healing

Metaphysical products for healing – Alakik

Knowing Metaphysical Products

Now a day’s youngsters believes more in alternative healing which means a more natural way of healing. A Metaphysical Product for healing is a form of spiritual healing which can be obtained using healthy ways to reach appropriate alignment of the body. A product with Metaphysical energy produces energy and restores the positive aura of an individual when used rightly.

These products will bring in mindfulness and prepare the individual to believe in acceptance through its energy. Metaphysical products can be of different kinds and can lead to a Zen experience when placed in your life.

What is new with Alakik?

At Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌they believe in restoring their ancestral values through the preservation of the healing products. They not just believe in creating the positive space through their product but also keep in mind the finish of the product. Alakik has multiple products with different shapes and sizes, alongside great healing components.

Products at Alakik

At Alakik they deliver huge range of products including Gemstone Pendulums, specimens Feng shui, Tumble stone and much more

  • Chakra Healing Kit for spirituality arousal 

Alakik has a wide range of Chakra Jewelries including silver pendant, Chakra Metal Pendant, Chakra Earrings, Sun Catchers, Buddha Earrings, alongside chakra accessories. The Chakra silver pendant is specially built to represent the 7 spiritual powers in the human body. 

  • Reiki Stones for pulling the right energy

Ranging from Oval Reiki stones to Amethyst Reiki gems they have preserved the properties of healing into different shapes and size keeping in mind the need of the customers. To heal the energy in an individual’s body it is important to identify the right alternative stone that can help in a long run.

Alakik has these amazing ranges of Chips Bottle including gems like Garnet, Green Jade, Peridot helping while performing some sort of meditations or understanding the importance of positive vibes.

  • New Age Healing Crystals that fits your need

Be it releasing bad energy, opening the blocked energy or to create positive energy to boost health, these healing crystals can help individuals through energy grids. These crystals are more like magnets, attracting positive energy and repelling negative energy. One can place these healing crystals to get to interact with the negative energy affecting the Chakras and replacing them with the positive energy.

With the use of such healing powers, the Alakik products tend to enhance the zen around an individual and heal them from within in the form of alternative medication.

How to Use Chakra Stones

How to Use Chakra Stones for best results

Chakras are rightly known as the wheels connected directly to the major nervous system and body organs. Chakra stones are meant to be aligned as they are responsible for all sort of emotional and physical balances. Our body has 7 Chakras and each aligned to a specific system of our body starting from the base of the spine through the tip of the head.

Why do we need Chakra Stones?

When we talk about healing, the Chakra needs to be aligned and there are stones which help in aligning the same. The alter medication is also a common name for the Chakra Stones. It is important to understand the different colours depicting different Chakras as these colours changes when the Chakras are not aligned accordingly. 

We as human being loose the balance of the Chakras resulting in fall outs. Be it emotional, physical or spiritual, we often feel the imbalance in our life and that is the reason it is extremely important to find a more alternative ways to fix it. 

Understanding the Chakra Stones

  • Bloodstone, Ruby, Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian, Jet, and Fire Opal are the main stones to cure the root Chakra avoiding in effecting your overall living instinct
  • Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Aventurine, Brown Citrine, Fire Opal, and Orange Jasper is typically used to align the Sacral Chakra to avoid confusion in your life 
  • Yellow gemstones like Citrine, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite, and Fire Opal helps prevent any inflation in the Solar Plexus Chakra. This shall definitely bring in more confidence and balance the emotional conditions
  • Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, and Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate and Emerald are great for heart related concerns. These stones help the heart Chakra align accordingly
  • Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Calcite are specialized to diminish issues associated to the throat Chakra
  • Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Celestite, Azurite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Iolite, and Fluorite helps prevent any obstruction to cloud the mental clarity in the Third Eye Chakra
  • Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, and Selenite always helps to cherish the positivity and reflect the same from the Crown Chakra when used 

Alakik has all sorts of Chakra Stones to help support the whole body imbalance and works as an alternative medicine keeping it aligned throughout.

Understanding the healing properties of Agate Arrowheads-Alakik-Universal Exports

Understanding the healing properties of Agate Arrowheads

What is Agate stone?

The attractive agate stone is a semi-precious gemstone that is available in a variety of different colours. The wide colour palette of agate stone includes red, blue, white, orange etc. Agate is a microcrystalline variety of silica, mainly chalcedony. Agates often display bands of fine quartz that create beautifully layered patterns. 

What are the healing properties of Agate stone?

  • Agate helps to bring mental, physical and emotional balance while balancing yin/yang energies
  • It helps to achieve self-acceptance
  • It helps to build your self-confidence and guides you to trust your intuition
  • It helps to overcome negativity 
  • It helps in releasing anger and de-stressing your soul
  • It’s a harbinger of good luck and prosperity
  • It helps in healing your relationships 
  • It also helps in enhancing your creative skills
  • It helps to heal diseases related to stomach, skin diseases, irritants & strengthens your immune system

What is Agate stone Arrowhead?

Agate derives its name from Achetes river in Sicily as it was first found there. It is also called an earth rainbow as it is found in nearly every colour. There are different types of agate arrowheads such as blue lace, crazy lace, dendritic lace, fire, laguna and moss agate. 

What are the uses/ purpose of Agate Arrowhead?

Agate Arrowheads can help to inculcate three inner reserves i.e. stability, composure and maturity. It works as a protective amulet when worn while travelling and helps in preventing accidents. 

What are the functions of Agate Arrowhead?

Emotional Healing – Agate Arrowheads help in taking important decisions in life. It helps in self-analysis and finding a true purpose in your life. 

Spiritual Energy – Agate Arrowheads are effective in helping to connect with one’s consciousness thus it aids in the spiritual healing process. 

Physical Healing and Energy – Agate Arrowheads can help in enhancing your concentration levels and analytical abilities. It can also help in treating digestive problems and skin issues. 

Chakra Healing – Agate Arrowheads can help in transforming negative energies into positive ones and it also helps in making your seven chakras more powerful. 

Colour Energy – Agate Arrowheads are available in several colours. Not many know that each of these colours have their energy. Wearing coloured Agate can help to solve individual problems. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is a leading wholesaler of agate arrowheads. Shop beautiful agate arrowheads at wholesale rates from our online website.  

How to Select the Right Chakra Bracelet | Alakik

Chakra Bracelet

What is a Chakra Bracelet?

Chakra bracelet are made of gemstones. Different stones correspond to different chakras on the body. Wearing a chakra bracelet can help to ward off negative energies and helps you stay more balanced and positive. 

Did you know that where you wear the bracelet also holds great importance? Wearing it on the left wrist helps in increasing your creative abilities, improving your intuitive powers and cultivating more openness in your life. However, if you wish to gain more confidence and prioritize taking your stand then you should wear the bracelet on the right wrist.

Chakra stones have the power to absorb various energies and therefore it is important to cleanse and charge them. You can give the gemstones an energetic recharge by keeping them out in full sunlight or under the light of the full moon.   

How does a Chakra Bracelet work?

Gemstones have been used for chakra balancing and healing for thousands of years. Vedic texts explain how the ritual of laying crystals on the body can be used to clear chakras and rebalance energy. It can help to bring this power into your life. The bracelet works as a meditation tool. Just as how you use a mala, you can concentrate on each bead as you meditate, thus drawing energy towards the chakra each bead represents. 

How many types of Chakra Bracelets are available?

There are two types of Chakra bracelets. The first one has seven different gemstones, each representing seven chakras. Another design solely directs the energy on one chakra specifically. The beads of this bracelet are made from a single gemstone targeted towards a specific chakra.

Which Chakra bracelet is right for you

Which Chakra bracelet is right for you?

If you are interested in using Chakra bracelets but don’t know where to start, it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with each of the different chakras. 

  • Root Chakra – If you are looking for root chakra, red jasper chakra beads are the best option. Red Jasper is a member of the quartz family. It strengthens your energy reserves and stamina while reminding the wearer of their innate strength. If you are going through a difficult time in your life, whether at home or the workplace, we recommend you to wear a red jasper gemstone bracelet as it can help to re-energize your root chakra. 
  • Sacral Chakra – For balancing the sacral chakra, Carnelian is the best choice. Known for boosting passion and desire, this gemstone can help to foster and develop sensuality which is one of the major properties of Sacral Chakra.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – In order to energize your Solar Plexus Chakra, we would recommend you a beaded bracelet of tiger’s eye stone. It is helpful for chakra balancing because of its healing properties. It protects you from negative energy and helps in staying more grounded and centered. 
  • Heart Chakra –  Jade gemstones are associated with Heart Chakra. Its vitality helps in strengthening your connections and pushes you to follow your heart. Another alternative stone is Prehnite, which is good for nurturing openness and compassion and is helpful for the heart chakra. 
  • Throat Chakra – Known for fortifying your powers, Aquamarine helps in assisting the Throat Chakra. Aquamarine promotes freedom for self-expression, which is considered one of the key indicators of a healthy Throat Chakra. 
  • Third Eye Chakra – Lapis Lazuli is the best gemstone for Third Eye Chakra. Its vibrant indigo blue color coupled with its healing properties helps in keeping your third eye chakra clear. It also helps in tuning into your intuitive energies. You can wear a crystal bracelet adorned with Lapiz while doing your meditation practice and experience its benefits. 
  • Crown Chakra – The crown chakra is associated with spirituality. Amethyst is a popular choice for representing Crown Chakra. It is useful in cultivating spiritual growth, clearing the mind and dispelling negative energy. Amethyst is the best stone for balancing the Crown Chakra

After knowing all the above details you must reflect on the areas of life in which you need help for personal growth. A single gem-bracelet can help you in balancing your chakra. If you want a simple energy flow in all your seven chakras, you must opt for a chakra bracelet with a gemstone bead for each chakra. 

Alakik‌ Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ provides Chakra bracelets in wholesale quantities. You can visit the website to shop today! 

Advantages of Chakra 925 silver pendant

Know the Advantage of Chakra 925 silver pendant

The Chakra 925 silver pendant represents the 7 spiritual powers in the human body. Including the physical elements  – earth, water, fire, air and ether(space), the elements of light and cosmic energy. 

When you wear this pendant you have the universal force within yourself and healing power that can help to increase your vitality and supports you in getting what you need. The Chakra necklace reduces stress, fear, anger, resentment and other negative emotions. 

Did you know wearing silver jewellery has many health and fitness benefits? Health benefits of silver include the prevention of cold and flu, wound healing and skincare. Also, it contributes greatly to the heating and blood circulation in the human body. It also has the capacity to boost levels of energy and a sense of balance. It is antibacterial, antibiotic, improves blood circulation, removes toxins from the body etc. 

Silver represents the moon and is also important in the yin philosophy of the Chinese race. Its colour is said to bring tranquility and calmness to the wearer. It even strengthens your immune system. 

Get your Chakra 925 Silver Pendant from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ now and reap the health benefits.  

Chakra Jewellery for staying centered and balanced

What are the Chakra Jewellery

Chakra Jewellery helps you to balance and strengthen your mind, spirit and body energy. 

Our body’s chakras are focal points that organize energy for use. Yogis have worked with the body’s chakra system for several years. They have extensively explored this system by mapping and locating the most appropriate herbs, gemstones, sounds, images to optimize each chakra’s energy. 

Photo by Alexey Demidov
Chakra JewelleryThe chakras are energy vortexes in our body through which various aspects of universal energy are ‘stepped down’ for specific uses. While there are many kinds of chakras in our body, the seven major ones are – the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and base. When you want to clear and stabilize your chakras, wearing a piece of gemstone jewellery associated with the chakra of interest is an excellent way to proceed. This is why we have focussed on providing you with Chakra Jewellery that helps in staying centered and balanced. 

The chakras are divided into two areas of energy, connected and balanced by the heart chakra. The upper three chakras take care of mental and spiritual functions and the lower three chakras take care of emotional and physical functions. 

  • Chakra Jewellery for Crown Chakra – The crown chakra connects us to universal knowledge. The crown chakra provides Satchitananda (meaning truth, being and bliss). Chakra jewellery for crown chakra focuses on clear quartz, white howalite and white onyx. The chakra jewellery helps you to calm down and open up and experience your real self. Just as all colours of spectrum unite in colourless light, the highest chakra unites in itself all energies of the lower center’s.
  • Chakra Jewellery for Third eye Chakra – It includes amethyst, rainbow fluorite and lapis lazuli. The third helps in developing wisdom and orders mental functions. It helps in building your intuitive knowledge which aids in taking important decisions. It helps to reveal the divine power within and also reflects the divinity within others. It can help to destroy the dark past and create a golden future. It builds your intellectual capacity, creates new realities and dissolves old ones at the physical level.  
  • Chakra Jewellery for the Throat Chakra – It includes blue lace agate, sodalite and aquamarine. Throat cancer permits us to communicate with spirit and other humans. Most singers, artists and writers have active throat cancers. Wearing chakra jewellery can provide you calmness, serenity and purity. It also helps in finding your individual expression such as expressing your feelings, thoughts etc. It makes one youthful and a good teacher of spiritual science. You can gain a good melodious voice and have a good command over your speech. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Heart Chakra –  It includes rose quartz, rhodonite and aventurine. The heart chakra is the pivotal point between the mental and emotional. This chakra offers love and oneness for all. If this chakra is open, all other chakras align with it. Wearing chakra jewellery can make you feel perpetually happy because of which you have no worries or concerns about worldly pleasures, honors and humiliations. You can live in harmony with your internal and external world. It fills you with love, faith, devotion and duty. It inspires you to live in peace. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Solar Plexus Chakra – It includes citrine, tiger eye, yellow calcite and honey jasper. The solar plexus deals with self-image and our sense of joy. It helps you to conquer sorrow and suffering. Wearing chakra jewellery can help to experience inner peace and also aids in achieving inner harmony with self, you will learn to respect your feelings and accept yourself completely. It helps to experience positive vibrations and you will see that your wishes will also be fulfilled spontaneously. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Sacral Chakra – It includes Carnelian and Orange Agate. The sacral chakra is responsible for maintaining your good relation with others and with your community. Wearing chakra jewel will allow the natural flow of life as well as your feelings. You will experience the creative life energy flowing through your body, soul and mind. You will feel emotionally gratified for everything in your life. It also helps in encouraging primal feelings, sensuality, creativity, awe and enthusiasm. 
  • Chakra Jewellery for Base Chakra – It includes Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Tourmaline, Garnet and Red Jasper. The Base Chakra helps in maintaining good relations with the world and the universe. Wearing chakra jewel, you will experience the spiritual forces in your body and you will gain the ability to work lovingly on a physical plane. It helps to cultivate primal vital energy, the power to succeed, courage, patience and security. 

So if you are looking for chakra jewellery for staying centered and balanced head onto Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌’s website and find the best chakra Products well suited for you. 

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

What are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word Chakra means disk or wheel. In meditation or yoga, chakra means the wheels of energy that can be found throughout the body. There are seven chakras that align the spine, starting at the base of the spine and go up to the crown of the head.

What are Chakra Stones? 

Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour. The vibrations given up by these stones help in realigning chakras, if they are mismanaged. Each Chakra corresponds to certain parts of ourselves be that emotional, physical, mental or spiritual, such that the effects that come from losing that chakra’s balance can be felt. 

What are the Colours of Chakra?

Each chakra has a specific colour which is as follows:

  • The Root or Base Chakra resonates black and red.
  • Sacral Chakra’s colour is Orange.
  • Yellow is for Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Green or Pink is for the Heart Chakra.
  • The Throat Chakra’s colour is Blue.
  • The Third eye chakra’s colour is Indigo.
  • The Crown Chakra is Purple or white. 

Therefore, each Chakra has several stones that can help heal or boost them into proper functioning. 

Which stones to use as Chakra Stones?

Chakras are energy wheels that can be found along the spine. There are seven main chakras that are connected to your body’s physical and emotional problems.

It can prove beneficial if you take the effort to understand what’s going on with your chakras in order to tune in to body, mind and soul. Try to pay attention and understand which Chakras react when you are in problematic situations. Take note of frequent patterns of recurring illness which can help you to understand your imbalanced chakras. 

Once you find out, it’s time to pick the best stones that will help you balance, heal and clear that chakra. Below are the details of seven chakras and what stones you can use to align them if they are imbalanced. 

1. Root Chakra – The Root Chakra is associated with the feelings of being grounded and represents your passion. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red colour. 

For Root Chakra healing, it is recommended to use red and black stones to bring back the balance and put it back in alignment. 

2. The Sacral Chakra – The Sacral Chakra represents your creativity and ability to accept others. It can be found just below the belly button. Its chakra colour is orange. 

To align the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to use Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Aventurine, Orange Jasper and Fire Opal. 

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your intellect and how you view yourself in your world. It is associated with Yellow colour and is found in the upper abdomen. 

If you want to align your solar plexus chakra, you can use yellow gemstones like Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite and Fire Opal. 

4. The Heart Chakra –  The heart chakra represents your ability to love unconditionally and to accept others. Its colours are pink and green and is located at the center of the chest. 

The recommended stones for Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite and Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald and Ruby. 

5. The Throat Chakra – The Throat Chakra represents expression and communication. It can be found in the throat and its colour is blue. 

For throat chakra healing, try using stones like Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite. 

6. The Third Eye Chakra – The Third Eye represents your ability to see and focus on the big picture. It signifies your understanding of the ups and downs of life. Its chakra colour is indigo and it can be found on the forehead right between the eyes. 

For Third Eye chakra healing, you can try stones like Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Celestite and Fluorite. 

7. The Crown Chakra – The Crown Chakra represents divine inspiration. Its chakra colour is violet and white, and it can be found on the top of the head. 

For Crown Chakra healing, try stones like Blue Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone and Selenite. 

Stones and crystals have long been used for healing the body, mind and spirit. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, Universal Exports sells the best chakra stone sets at wholesale prices. You can visit our website to buy them online. 

How to choose the right Chakra Stone Set-Alakik-Universal Exports

How to choose the right Chakra stone set

What are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or vortex. Chakras are a place where cosmic energies flow through your body and which ultimately help to refresh your spirit and empower your life. 

There are seven types of Chakras – 

  • Root – Bloodstone, Hematite, Tiger’s eye, Black Tourmaline
  • Sacral – Moonstone, Coral, Citrine, Carnelian
  • Solar Plexus – Amber, Calcite, Citrine, Malachite
  • Heart – Rose Quartz, Emerald, Jade, Nzuri Moyo
  • Throat – Turquoize, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine
  • Third Eye – Black Obsidian, Amethyst, Purple Fluorite
  • Crown Chakra – Clear Quartz, Selenite, Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond

How to choose the right Chakra stone set?

  • First, check the set of stones typically associated with each chakra. You must know that the chakras can have several stones and you will need to determine which one works best for you. 
  • You may also use your intuition to pick your healing stone. 
  • Crystal healers often say that you don’t choose the crystal, the crystal chooses you. Let your intuition guide your Chakra stone. 
  • Choose the crystal that energizes or calms your soul. Alternatively, if you purchase it online, explore the intrinsic properties of the crystals. Try to match its inherent function to your manifestation. 

We have a few choices for those who want to choose the right crystal.

  • Clear Quartz 

Clear Quartz is powerful and versatile and, therefore, is known as the “Master Healer.” It absorbs frequencies and magnifies magical intentions. It can be useful for healing or to increase positive vibrations.

  • Amethyst

Amethyst is a stunning and distinctive crystal known for its spiritual properties. It helps to tap into our psychic energies and access the higher state of consciousness. It helps to remove negative energies. 

  • Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz signifies love and harmony. It can be useful in welcoming new romance or easing the existing relationship trouble. It’s soothing powers help in opening hearts, embrace passion and celebrate intimacy.

  • Citrine

Citrine mirrors the sun’s warm luminosity. Its energy is optimistic, creative and prosperous. It is a powerful manifestation tool. When infused with sunlight, it will help in radiating positive intentions that transform your dreams into reality. 

  • Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an ultimate protection stone. It helps to remove all the negative energies and emits positive vibrations. It protects you from accidents and mishaps. So if you are clumsy and prone to bad luck, this stone can help to lift your vibration. 

  • Hematite

Hematite calms your negative energy and transforms anxious feelings into a tranquil one. It stimulates concentration and enhances memory. It helps you in taking logical decisions whenever you face any problems. 

  • Red Jasper

It is known as the stone of endurance. It helps in connecting to the Earth and stabilizes the energy of the physical body. Lethargy, low levels of activity and low enthusiasm can all be resolved by Red Jasper. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, Universal Exports sells the best chakra stone sets at wholesale prices. You can visit our website to buy them online. 

How to Use a Chakra Wand-Alakik-Universal Exports

How to Use a Chakra Wand

A chakra wand is also referred to as a crystal wand that comes mainly in a form of different crystals or gemstones. The human body consists of seven chakras that are linked to some of the major organs in the body. The chakra wand plays a vital role in keeping the seven chakras of human body in the right balance. Keeping the chakra wands in the energy centres helps in keeping the body free from all kinds of emotional as well as physical disturbances. These chakra wands prove to be even more powerful as compared to the crystal rocks. The chakra wands have tremendous healing powers that are extremely effective. The healing powers of the chakra wands prove to be more effective on the patient. The energy that is emitted from the chakra wand boosts up the overall healing process, thereby helping the disease to go away faster.

Process to Use

In order to focus and direct energy in the right manner, healing wands are used. Since earlier times, wands have been used for healing by healers across the world. Healing wands are usually used for healing, blessings, sanctifications, and direction of power. These healing wands can be used to heal the whole body or atmosphere, or they can be used on a specific area of the body. They can be used to examine the aura to locate blockages, and then cleanse and heal them. Wands are also used in massage healing. Massaging the body with a wand assists to discharge tension from the body. To prevent scratch or other discomfort to the body smooth, round wands are the best to use in massage. The chakra wand can also be used to meditate.

Steps to Follow

Here are a few major steps to follow in order to use the chakra wand appropriately.

  1. Place the wand in your left hand as left hand is symbolic and is known for receiving energies with pointed side of the wand facing the wrist, rounded end to the fingers.
  2. In order to draw negative energy away from something that may be troubling you, hold the rounded end of the wand towards the area that is troubling you. This will help the negative energy to exit.
  3. After the negative energy has been removed, turn the wand around in such a way that the pointed end is now toward the area, and the rounded end faces to the universe away from the body part as this will replace the removed negative energy with positive energy.

Before following these steps mentioned above, it is recommended to keep the wand in your right hand. Then take a deep breath, and with every gasp that follows breathe in one of the symbols, and then breathe out the symbol into the wand. After this take another deep breath, and transfer the wand to the left hand. 

If you wish to get the best out of these chakra wands, it is of immense importance to go to a trusted, reputed, reliable, and a professional seller. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is undoubtedly the one of the best choices when it comes to buying the best chakra wands. With Alakik Universal Exports, each of the users can be assured to get the authentic wholesale chakra wand. We take pride in being a dependable and experienced seller of genuine products, that too at the best prices. So, whenever there is a need, all that the users need to do is to get in touch with our team.