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Benefits of wearing Amethyst And Rose Quartz Together

Benefits Of Wearing Amethyst And Rose Quartz Together.

The first thing that needs to be understood is how Amethyst and Rose Quartz crystals work separately and how these crystals incorporate healing power into your life. However, to get the most out of these crystals, it is necessary to understand how the working pattern works with the perfect combination of each other.

Having the right combination of the crystal will help amplify and strengthen the benefits, whereas on the other side if selecting the wrong combination will cancel the energies and even can work negatively. Today in this blog, we will discuss the Amethyst and rose quartz combination, how it works, and how it will work.

The combination of rose quartz and Amethyst works well together. Amethyst can calm our minds, and rose quartz can calm the heart. It gives a complete sense of relaxation, and it feels better. It is a perfect combination for facing tough times, having a break-up, or having a feeling of requiring forgiveness. It is the stone that has an ideal variety to overcome this fear. Similar to this, there are multiple other benefits of the stone.

However, this is different from the information you will have. Here it is necessary to know more about the combination. Below is our detailed explanation and how these stones work separately. Also, how the stone will work in different areas, and you will find the working ways for each crystal.

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Benefits

Amethyst Benefits

Amethyst Stone

To begin with, Amethyst is meant to be one of the most calming and delicate crystals for an individual, and it is known to be a “natural tranquillizer.”

The outcome is that the stone is excellent for people prone to experience anxiety and often find themselves in stress and tension situations. Amethyst has a solid power to protect the individual and, with that, will stop the negative energies that drain the strength and skills of other people.

The association of Amethyst is with the crown chakra. The crystal has energy at the center and the top of our head, which helps relate to our spirituality. If you struggle to meditate or ‘see the bigger picture,’ Amethyst is there for you.

In terms of physical health, the stone helps overcome the problem of headaches and exhaustion. It further allows individuals to fight back the symptoms like stress, high blood pressure, and more.

Rose Quartz Benefits

Rose Quartz Stone

Rose Quartz stone is the ideal stone for individuals, which will help them attract more love and care into their life. It is the crystal of absolute and unconditional love to get in life.

Further, the stone helps provide additional love and manage oneself and others. The association of the stone is with the heart chakra, which is located in the centre of our chest. As a result, the stone can be used to heal the heart. While discussing physical properties, rose quartz can be a great advantage in experiencing respiratory, blood pressure, or immune system issues.

Combine Benefits of Amethyst and Rose Quartz

If discussed separately, rose quartz and Amethyst are known to be powerful crystals. However, together, they combine to be a great amplifier. The combination of the stone in working terms is beautiful. The power of Amethyst is to calm our mind, whereas rose quartz helps calm the heart. As a result, they’ll help you feel a complete sense of relaxation.

In addition, it is a perfect combination helping redirect the energy toward the self instead of outward. Undoubtedly, rose quartz is considered the stone of love, but most importantly, it is the crystal meant for self-love. If this energy, combined with the spiritual help from Amethyst, will help add to understanding the situation with much kindness and truth.

There would not be any chance of being surrounded by self-doubt or negativity. Also, it is the perfect combination for the individual going through a breakup or demanding forgiveness. These stones are very kind, gentle, mature, and nurturing energies and share a feeling of comfort and oneness.

The next is understanding the size of the crystals. The combination of these two crystals is made up 2/3 of the golden triangle. The missing crystal is clear quartz, known for being the master healer, and it also amplifies other energy of other crystals. The triangle is most commonly used to create a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere.

Different Reasons to Use Crystal in Combine

For Relationships (Romantic and Platonic)

To maintain a platonic and romantic relationship, rose quartz is meant to be perfect. The crystal is intended to have the power of love, and without any doubt, it is a beautiful stone. Rock’s ability helps attract more love into life, both from existing and new sources. 

On the other side, Amethyst is equally powerful and worth adorning. The crystal will help individuals grow with healthy relationships and harbour self-love with personal growth. In the ongoing relationship, the best part of the stone is that it helps soothe feelings of jealousy, resentment, or anger, leaving the place open for clear and transparent communication. 

Further, the combination of the stone is helpful in terms of expressing grief and any emotional breakdowns. The energies of both with help individuals feel better, calm themself down through different times, and also will help redirect their energies toward themselves.

For Career and Studies

The best crystal that helps with studying and career is Amethyst. The core reason for this is that it is an excellent crystal that helps maintain focus on the mind and concentration. Amethyst has the power to avoid distractions, whereas rose quartz helps understand and guide the time of stress or unrest. Rose quartz removes self-doubt and replaces it with kindness instead.

In terms of profession, this combination is perfect for those working in stressful environments or fields requiring lots of compassion and empathy.

For Spiritual and Personal Growth

The working of Amethyst is best suited with the third eye and crown chakra. At the same time, rose quartz is meant to work with the heart chakra. The connection of the crown is with and to the universe, whereas the third eye chakra is related to our intuition. The power of love and governing of the heart chakras is all related and associated with love.

It is observed that all seven chakras are connected; if any of the ones is blocked or unbalanced, it will affect the other and end up with any blockage.

Hence, ensuring that all the chakras are working together is required. With the help of meditating with these two stones, we are working with three elements simultaneously. These elements are the crown, third eye, and heart chakra. Considering this step helps us evaluate things and balances our life with an open heart and no judgment to it. Further, it also allows us to identify blockages and the root cause of our issues.

We feel calm and relaxed when wearing or keeping these stones near ourselves. Also, using this combination will help find solutions to the problems towards self and others and will give a need for constant reassurance. Lastly, the stone is a perfect combination for an individual who feels lonely and is restarting love back in their life.

Final Words:

The core point of the blog is to share ideas about using Amethyst and Rose Quartz with their benefits. With Alakik, we assure you that you are at the right place to get these beautiful, charming stones adorned. To know more about the rocks and book your orders, you can send us your inquiry, and our team will assist you with further details.

The Royal Blue Gem: Uncovering the Mystical Powers of Lapis Lazuli

The Royal Blue Gem: Uncovering the Mystical Powers of Lapis Lazuli

Introduction of Lapis Lazuli 

Lapis Lazuli, in simple words, is called ‘lapis,” which is a blue colour metamorphic rock used by people for multiple reasons and thousands of years. It is a high-quality stone and one of the most costly gems. The stone with a solid blue colour has rich specimens, and the one with fewer reflections is made of gold pyrite.

The Science Behind the Lapis Lazuli Benefits

Lapis Lazuli is an auspicious stone, and people have been adorning that since ancient times. The stone’s power is commendable and regarded as wisdom, truth, and self-awareness. Hence, if you want to see a significant change in your life, carrying the stone and seeing the changes is advisable.

Moving ahead, let us share the benefits of the stone and how you can carry them with some excellent outcomes.

1. Boost spirits:- It is the stone that helps build strength, signifies truth and wisdom, and increases intellectuality. The observance depicts that the individual who belongs to the creative field should adorn the stone. Like other stones and rocks, Lapis holds an immense spiritual property and opens ways to psychic abilities that enable and empower the senses. Also, the stone helps boosts inner peace and comfort with wisdom and serenity. Also, adorning the stone will help individuals be self-confident and self-dependent. This stone makes you fearless throughout your journey, increasing your spirit to become more motivated daily.

2. Enhance concentration power:- When nature gives its best, everyone gets its blessings. The stone helps focus on work by enhancing the ability to understand brilliant ideas. Since the stone is directly connected to heaven energy, it is used by the royal and ancient families. It is also called the “Wisdom Keeper,” which synchronizes the mind, body, and spirit. Also, it is an excellent source that builds positivity and helps increase wisdom and power.

3. Stimulates physical and mental well-being:- Wearing Lapis Lazuli for physical and psychological well-being is advisable. It is a valuable tool that helps build inner peace with high power to suffer from emotional breakdowns. It helps heal and cure several issues that a person deals with. It also relieves anger and negative thoughts. Also, it calms the senses and opens the mind with great positivity and health knowledge.

4. Medical benefits:- The stone is associated with multiple features and is a strong astrology power that helps build several medical properties. By wearing this stone, numerous health-related problems are reduced, and it helps get relief from them.

Healing Power Of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Wearing Lapis Lazuli is the most significant source of healing individually, emotionally, and mentally. The stone’s power is considered the next level, which helps boost inner immunity and systems. The most significant influence of the rock is that it helps reduces blood pressure and migraine, purifies blood, soothes inflation, and many more. 

Spiritual Properties Of Lapis Lazuli

The spiritual properties of Lapis lazuli are discussed, and someone can decide and see many more using the auspicious stone. It is the best source of healing property for the individual adorning the beautiful Lapis Lazuli.


1. Where can I Buy Lapis Lazuli?

The best place to buy Lapis lazuli is with Alakik. You can get your order booked with us, and we assure you to have the best quality with the best healing therapy and positivity.

2. What are the Powers Of Lapis Lazuli?

It has excellent power and a robust spiritual ability to build inner peace and soul with a sense of positivity and healing power. 

Uses and Benefits of Rose Quartz Stone

Everyday Uses And Benefits Of Rose Quartz Stone.

What is Rose Quartz?

The crystal/quartz in pink color is known as rose quartz. The stone has charm and attracts people with its subtle color and shine. Another name that goes with the quartz is Hyaline Quartz. The unique crystal’s feature is transparent transparency; it has a vitreous sheen and a light hue of pink color. Quartz belongs to the mineral class and has a hexagonal crystal structure. The beauty of the quartz is it symbolizes compassion and love. Rose Quartz’s blushing beauty tugs the heartstrings of everybody. Also, the best part of the crystal is, it is a delicate and feminine crystal that only screams out loud to shower love at you.

If talking about unconditional love, it would be no surprise that rose quartz Stone symbolizes and represents it. It is a human tendency to keep the crystal close to them or the location or place where the frequency of accessing work is high. Another great feature of rose quartz is it has the power to heal, is rich in harmony, and has a gentle presence.

There are two chakras of the individual who are closely connected with the rose quartz stone. The chakras are the heart chakra and the throat chakra. Adorning the quartz helps in love and addresses all primary goals and forms of love and care for your life. Each type of crystal has a history and a meaning to carry them. The same is fashioned with Rose quartz. It is adorned to be one of the fashioned priceless jewelry. After understanding the importance of the crystal, it has been traded from civilization to civilization, prevailing as a symbol of love, care, ownership, goodwill, and prevention of aging. As the crystal has convinced the people of its surroundings with its importance and uniqueness, it is subsequently considered the majestic rose quartz with passionate power.

The color of rose quartz crystals may differ; people sometimes find the crystal in fresh dawn, while others may have an almost violet hue. As they say, rose quartz Stone goes a term called softer than silk, and it can be Smokey, hazy, or crystal clear. The quartz can inhabit the places between the object that has utter mystery, but still with a process of being comfortable and magnificently anchoring. It has spiritual power and an earthly element that vibrates with seven. The core purpose of having beautiful and elegant rose quartz is to energetically and tenderly unite your delicate heart with genuine and loving compassion.

Benefits Of Rose Quartz Stone.

Let us continue it further and understand the core benefits of having this beautiful Rose Quartz.

Physical Healing

(1) Blood Flow and Heart Health Increases

The capabilities of rose quartz are high, and it has proven to be an excellent crystal for healing in the human body. It has indeed created wonders for spiritual healing. Carrying the rose quartz will help avoid thrombosis and heart attacks, and along with that, it will enhance the complete circulation system of the human body. Using the crystal assures that the heart muscles are smooth and have a definite possibility to heal the heart and give them a strong flow with good health.

(2) Ideal for Pregnancy

There are multiple issues a woman undergoes during her pregnancy months. Hence, the ideal way to keep the would-be mother and the unborn child safe and healthy is recommended to adorn a rose quartz. The research says it uses a strong power of rose quartz that helps them during pregnancy. Another advantage of quartz is that it builds a strong force and unbreakable bond between a new mom and her child. 

(3) Heals Mind and Heart

While discussing rose quartz, another name that goes with it is “The Heart Stone.” The use of the stone is found to help heart-related issues. It continues recovering from the agony and trauma caused by any emotional breakdown. As stated before, rose quartz is linked with our heart chakra and helps calm our minds and soul. For individuals who firmly believe that love is their life, rose quartz is the crystal used more and is known as a calling card. Lastly, the stone is a perfect piece that helps find a gentle and genuine person and raises the feeling of compassion with an additional concern for others. To sum up, rose quartz is best for having a love of life and all time.

(4) Encourages Connections

The rose quartz Stone can rebuild and encourage the connections of individuals who undergo multiple negative thoughts and heart issues. The ideal rock helps boost your relationship with positivity and the power of oneness. Hence, it is advisable to carry rose quartz, as it is the therapist and the healer to rebuild, rethink, and boost our connections and inner peace.

(5) Great Power of Goddess Energy

Rose quartz has a soothing and profound vibration of the power of having the energy of a goddess. It is therefore considered one of the lovely advantages of adorning the stone. It has a feminine divine that comes with an outstanding level of spiritual strength and an atmosphere with great compassion and tenderness. Rose Quartz is a road that will lead you there if you sense the urge to develop your capacity for self-soothing, self-healing, and goddess-sphere upliftment. 

How To Use Rose Quartz? 

There are multiple ways of using the Rose Quartz. Some of them we would discuss are listed below.

– It gives positivity in the bedroom.

– Can be adorned as a piece of beautiful jewellery.

– It can be applied as the best source of beauty regimen.

– Rose Quartz’s heavenly healing abilities.

– It can be used in maintaining connections.

– Best used in FENG SHUI.

– It helps build the power of love and oneness.

– It is known to have the most incredible healing power.

– Ideal for heart and feel of love and care.

  1. Where Can I Buy Rose Quartz?

– Alakik is a one-stop destination where you can buy a beautiful piece of rose quartz.

  1. How to Use Rose Quartz to Attract Someone?

– There are multiple ways the Rose Quartz can be used. The list of the usage is stated in the article.


Alakik brings you an array of spiritual products, Reiki products, and natural stones that will help you meet your requirement with a single inquiry. To order your set of Rose Quartz, you can send us your question, and our team will revert to you.








Gemstone Bracelet

Which hand to wear, Gemstone Bracelet – Left or Right?

Who does not like to flaunt their gemstone bracelet to the public? Well, we all love to show them to the audience and the people around us. But given that, have you ever for a second given thought about wearing a bracelet on the left or the right hand? Indeed none of us would have thought of it. If not taken thought, it is the time to think and understand “which hand to wear a Gemstone Bracelet- Left or Right”?
Today in this blog, we will share the key details that will be beneficial for you to know on which hand the gemstone bracelet needs to be adorned.

Introduction to Gemstone Bracelet

The fundamental question is, which wrist should we wear the bracelets on? The immediate answer is that it depends entirely on the goals and perspectives of every individual. There are multiple reasons and wishes by which an individual wishes to adorn a gemstone bracelet. Whether absorbing positive energies, protecting yourself from negative and ill energies, healing yourself, increasing your memory power, or having good health. We all, since childhood, have heard that the left hand is the receiving hand and the right hand is the giving hand.

It is observe that wearing a crystal on the left hand allows the power to absorb the energy of the stones into the aura. Multiple types of rocks, crystals, and gemstones benefit individuals in and out, with various emotional ups and downs.

Carrying a Gemstone Bracelet in the Left Hand

It is said that the left side is more sensitive and has a lot of emotions and feelings. Wearing a gemstone on the left hand allows the energy of the crystals to help internal changes and infuse the chakras associated with it in the gem.

At night the stones are more responsive, and the power of the rocks increases if wearing them while sleeping on your left arm. The most important thing is to ensure these crystals are clean. 

The jewelry is worn on the left wrist help in many aspects like calming, helping overcome emotions, encouraging the power into new relationships, and more. These stones include rose quartz, amethyst, labradorite, pink tourmaline, amazonite, morganite, and malachite.

Carrying a Gemstone Bracelet in the Right Hand

Now let us go ahead and see how the gemstone bracelet will work if carrying it in the right hand. As we say, the right hand is known as the “giving” hand, and adoring the bracelet on it means you are projecting how you wish to be seen by the rest of the world. Multiple types of stones, crystals, gemstones, and stones can be carried on in the right wrist. 

To understand which gemstone is best or ideal for your use, all you need is to understand it with the right team and experts who have expertise in providing accurate details for life, chakras, positive energies, and kicking off the negative points.

Final Words:

Alakik is a one-stop destination with multiple stones and crystals available under one roof. With the requirement of our clients, we provide the best gemstone bracelets ideal for your use and your internal calmness. So book your order with us today!

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian Meaning: How to Cleanse Mahogany Obsidian

In human life, rocks, stones, and crystals have essential relevance. It is all because of the properties and power they hold and possess with the help of nature. Based on the positions of stars and our requirements, these stones somehow balance our lifestyle. One such stone which we will discuss is silica-rich Mahogany Obsidian. It is obtained through the process of volcanic eruptions. 

The stone’s colour is dark and is a name from the traces of the Mahogany tree. The recognition of the stone is a replication of a natural glass obsidian. It is a natural stone found in the locations where the volcanoes exist. The outline of the stone has the content of magnetite or Hematite in it. Now when discussing the colour of the rock, it is a perfect combination of brick red or brown, and its base material is black.

The lava tends to cool down quickly when it erupts from the volcano. Since the cooling is on the higher side, the crystallization of it is not possible, and thus the only thing formed is Mahogany Obsidian. The rock gemstone has been considered the luckiest gemstone for centuries because of the power and calmness of positivity it carries. Not only this, but it also has the best healing properties. 

In the surroundings, wherever there is negative energy, Mahogany Obsidian tends to be a solid, protective stone that absorbs all its negativity. Mahogany Obsidian is the best rock given by nature to humans, as it acts as a shield against all negative and bad vibes and enhances the vibes of truth. Due to its positive nature, it pulls out all the tension and stress and accelerates growth and happiness in life.

Today, in this blog, we will discuss “How to cleanse Mahogany Obsidian.” Having said this, let us consider knowing the same in detail and how it will work out.

Mahogany Obsidian- It’s Cleansing Method

One of the biggest things that need to be taken care of is that the Mahogany Obsidian should never be placed where it can neglect easily. Hence, it must be cleansed in the proper way and method. Then, to edit the gemstone, they must get it soaked in salt water; the ration of salt and water should be three tablespoons in a half-gallon of water.

For the people who reside near seawater or the ocean, cleaning gemstones is accessible, as they use this purpose. Further, soaking the stone in salt water should be for twelve hours, as this is the time required for its cleansing. However, their cleaning purpose varies for different types of gemstones and the one that does not dissolve in the water.

The second method of cleaning the stone is with the help and use of brown rice. You only need to put brown rice in the bowl and place the stone on its heap top. Once it is done, leave the stone overnight in the rice or, at a minimum, for three to four hours. Then, the stone will be cleansed, and you should not eat the rice used for editing it.

The following method of cleaning the gemstone is keeping it in the sunlight. However, one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the stone’s colour does not fade in the sunlight. Therefore, apart from the daytime, the cleaning of the stone can also be done at night time. Here, all you need to do is keep the rock under the moonlight, as it is equally effective in cleaning.

Final Words:

Upon reading the blog, it mentions the ways and methods of cleaning and how effective the Mahogany Obsidian will be if carried by human beings. To order your gemstone, you only need to connect with the team at Alakik. 

Japa Mala For Meditation and Prayer

Essential Tips for How To Use Japa Mala For Meditation And Prayer.

If you are meditating, practicing yoga, or keeping calm, you would have encountered the term mala beads before. 

Mala beads are commonly known as japa mala or simply a mala. It is a type of holy thread that is considered a prayer bead.It have been used for centuries in all religions, from Hinduism to Catholicism.

In today’s fast-moving life, people across consider using for mindfulness aid regardless of religion or caste. It is the most significant source of soothing inner peace with care and harmony. The traditional count of these beads is 108, in addition to a guru bead. The guru beads are more significant than the rest and have tassels.

Today’s article will share critical details on how to use for meditation and prayers.

Japa Mala: How can they help Us?

Using japa mala or mala beads are beneficial in different aspect of life. Some of the great benefits of it are building strong meditation power, helping reduce stress, improving sleep, health benefits, lowering blood pressure, and more, among other things. 

It is often seen that practicing meditation and prayers can be challenging. It requires effort, strong willpower, and dedication. Considering all these are not easy for beginners, taking the first step is where the Japa mala or mala beads come in. 

There is a saying that the core purpose of using japa mala or mala beads is to keep humans focused while meditating. It helps build inner strength and makes meditation easier. 

To keep the person focused during their meditating time, these japa mala are great ways. There are two ways in which these mala can help make the meditation journey easier and better.

(1) Constant movement of fingers on the beads will help ground you.

(2) A sense of touch on each bead with the chanting of the mantra will keep track of the count and how long the mantras are repeated.

How to use these Japa Mala?

Let us proceed further and understand how these japa mala can be used. There are multiple ways and methods to use these beads to calm yourself during meditation. The best-starting way is to have reasonable control of your breath and the repetition of the mantras.

Good Control on Breath 

The most excellent form of increasing the power of meditation is to have reasonable control of breathing. It is a process that anyone can do from anywhere, but it should be with true peace of mind and thoughts.

Using Japa mala or mala beads for controlling breath, here are some points that can be considered.

(1) Hold the Japa mala in one hand, and drape it across your fingers.

(2) Place your two fingers around one bead and the next one towards the guru beads. 

(3) You can also use your thumb while the mala drapes around your hand while chanting the mantra and meditating.

(4) Keep excellent and complete control of your breath while meditating. 

(5) Maintain the power of inhaling and exhaling the breath.

(6) Keep moving your fingers while chanting mantras and breathing in and out once per bead.

(7) Ensure you finish your japa at the guru beads. It will complete the circle of 108 beads and the count of the mantras.

(8) You can keep repeating the process, complete the cycle of japa mala, and increase your power and strength in meditating.

Continuous Chanting of Mantras

A mantra is a phrase, word, or sound that helps an individual to focus during meditation. It gives a sense of awareness and power to build strength. “Om” is a common mantra that is chanted countless times. 

As an individual, you can also create a mantra that soothes and helps you relax and be silent. Not only it, but the chanting of mantras can also be of the god or the goddess you pray for. The constant process of repeating the mantras is or can depend on the situation and your mental condition. 

Similarly, there are multiple ways and processes in which you can keep continuing the mantras that are best for health and mind. Considering this process will help the individual control their breath and meditation.

Selection of the Correct Beads 

Japa mala, or the mala beads, come in various colors and styles. The process of making these beads are available in different forms. It can be made from seeds, precious or semiprecious stones, wood, or other materials.

Since the selection of the japa mala is to ensure peace, calmness, and relaxation, it is necessary to choose the beads that are right for you and yourself. To know which mala is best for you, you must ensure that you are taking proper support and guidance. It is advisable because human nature demands this.

Final Words:

Alakik is the one-stop destination that helps you choose the mala you seek. With various colors and types, we help our clients select the right Japa mala that is good for their well-being. Connect with our team, and we will assist you in getting the best set of malas.


Merkaba star for healing and spirituality

Merkaba Star: A Unique Way to Use For Healing And Spirituality

Welcome to the land where spirituality and overcoming different life problems are possible with the help of healing stones and crystals. We all love to see stars and get delighted by their shine and divine power. All we know is having a star is impossible, but still, we can have it with us. It can be in the form of a Merkaba star or a crystal. 

The crystal is in a simple star shape but has a great and deep spiritual meaning. It is the star that has the 3D view and has eight points. Each one has a deep sense to it. Let us share and understand the points, Mer for light, Ka for spirit, and Ba for the body. Merkaba is believed to be the purest and the divine star that helps keep the overall circle of our body balanced and stable.

It’s been more than centuries now, and people across are unraveling the mysteries and meaning of the Merkaba. Indeed, finding or capturing all the data in-depth with its scope is only possible. Today’s article will discuss the star that helps and is best for healing and spirituality.

Healing Power of Merkaba Star

Merkaba star has excellent spirituality, which is a great source of healing. Having said this, let us understand the power of the star when it comes to recovery. 
Merkaba star is a powerful tool that can be used in light-seeking and deep healing. It is the star that helps activate the third eye chakra along with encouraging the highest access to the dimensions of love, care, embracement, and many other factors that helps welcome in their life. Here are a few of how Merkaba helps bring peace, balance, spirit, and the flow of prana into our presence.

Merkaba Star- Opening the Pineal Gland –

It is observed that with the ancient prana technique, the Merkaba can be used as it is known as the symmetry of age-old tradition. It is the art that helps restore the flow of prana into the pineal gland. The gland is situated at the center of our forehead and is also known as the third eye chakra. When the glands are activated, it helps reach us to our full potential with the power of encouragement and access to overall thought at the highest realms. It also brings a sense of spiritual awareness.

Merkaba Star- Balances the Brain

Merkaba’s start is all about having an outstanding balance. It is the process that is intricate and known as the hoy star, which helps brings good balance in our life along with the process of restoring and igniting the activities on both sides of the brain. With the lighting up of both sides of the brain, all we can do is have a great understanding, and it also opens ups new ways and opportunities for spiritual growth.

Merkaba Star – Opens the Heart

Merkaba helps to crack the heart and, with all open arms, welcomes the form of unconditional love with the magical presence of the star. The star is a sacred and pure form of geometry and harmony. It will not be wrong to say that it nurtures all the shades of love and invites the kundalini spirit to rise.

Merkaba Star – Connect with the Source

The Merkaba star helps connect with our inner soul and the chakra. It gives a sense of resemblance and chances to create any reality the individual wishes. It also encourages the individual’s inner spirit and provides support to lead a life as expected and dream for.

Raise your Vibrations

The undertaking of Merkaba star helps kick off all the negative vibes and thoughts that stimulate our bodies. It is the process that allows regaining confidence and helps survive with the flow of positive reviews and processes.

Cleanses the Chakras

Merkaba is the powerful force that helps gain our body’s potential and removes the chakras’ blockage. The source of protective power helps to have a clear line across all seven body points. Hence, the star is mean to be a great source of cleaning the chakras and building power.

Merkaba meditation

To heal your inner soul with peace and harmony, all we need is to have a great source of meditation. It is possible with the help of Merkaba star. The star helps expand our sense of awareness, cleanses the chakras, nurtures the intuitive elements of the brain, and puts you back in touch with your own more profound sense of self.
Considering all such points and processes, the Merkaba star is the most incredible energy source that helps increase our meditation and the power of spirituality.

Final Words:

Alakik is the leading name in the industry to help you provide these elegant and resourceful Merkaba stars. To know more about it or to order it, all you can do is connect with us and call it with all comfort and possibilities.

How to Select the Right Healing Crystals


Crystals and stones are ancient cultures that have been accepted since eras. Numerous types of healing crystals and stones promote happiness and positivity. With this said, people across believe that these crystals are having strong power that heals the mind, body, and soul. In fact, it is strongly believed that crystals have strong healing properties. It is the crystals that help promote good energy and are beneficial for the body, and mind. Not only this, but these healing crystals help diminish all negative vibes and thoughts.

Today what we are sharing and discussing is, how can we select the right healing crystals? What are the ways and processes for its selection? Having said this, let us have an understanding of some of the popular crystals. 

Different Types of Healing Crystals

It is the creed ideology and thinking of common people who believe in healing crystals. No matter whichever types of problems you are facing, crystals are the best solutions to them. From health to business, or from love to energy vibes, the ultimate solution is these stones.

  • Clear Quartz– It is the white crystal that is considered to be one of the master healers. The use of this healing crystal is to amplify energy and help balance the energetic system.

  • Obsidian: It is the stone that is known as a protective stone. It helps in overcoming all types of emotional negativity, blockages, and promotes qualitative strength, clarity, and compassion.

  • Rose Quartz: As the name of the crystal itself suggests. It is a stone that is used as a healing crystal for love. It is the stone that provides comfort and calm during times of grief and sorrow. Also, this crystal helps boost love, courage, respect, strength, trust, and self-worth.                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Jasper: One of the most superior crystals. It is known to be used as a supreme nurturer. This also helps heal and fight negative thoughts and vibes along with empowering positive spirit.


  • Citrine: It is the citrine crystal that brings happiness, joy, and motivation. This stone is something that encourages and enhances the mind with creativity and concentration.
  • Turquoise: The cyan colour crystal that is said to help heal the mind, body, and soul. It is known as the good luck crystal charm that balances the emotions and supports spiritual ground.


  • Amethyst: One of the most incredible crystals and stones that is known to be protective, a great healer, and a purifier. This is the stone that is purple in color and helps promote willpower. Not only this but this healing crystal is helping give sound sleep along with demystifying dreams.                                                                                                                                   
  • Tigers Eye: This eye-catching golden stone helps increase power, and boosts highly scalable motivation. It is the crystal that helps you get your own strength that you are in need of. It helps fight fear, anxiety, and guides you with taking proper decisions.                                                
  • Moonstone: If you are feeling lonely and want to start a new life then get this moonstone healing crystal. It helps promote success, good fortune and embarks a new beginning along with new ventures.                                                                                                                                          
  • Bloodstone: It is the most powerful healing crystal that lives up to its name and spreads its power. It is strongly believed that this crystal draws off all negative thoughts, helps encourage sharing ideas, energy, idealism, and more.                                                                             
  • Sapphire: The stone helps attract happiness, prosperity, peace, positivity and intuition. It is in blue color and is known to share wisdom and royalty.                                                                            
  • Ruby: The only healing crystal that is red in color and persists to be a real standout. It helps restore energy levels, self-awareness, truth recognition, and energy level.


Alakik Universal Exports is the leading manufacturer, exporter, distributor, and wholesaler and is known as the one-stop destination for all types of Reiki crystals, stones, healing chakras, chakra sets, and more. The company with years of experience and expertise understands the clients’ requirements and provides the best options for all types of stones and crystals.

To book your order in bulk, or need to know more about these gemstones and crystals, you can connect with our team of experts today. We are just a call and email away from you and your requirement.

The information and the article shared depicts the process that helps you select the right crystal. These healing crystals are the ones that are best for you and your all problems. To select the right crystal or to know how to purchase you can get in touch with the team of Reiki experts.

How to Charge Reiki Crystals

How to Charge Reiki Crystals

What do you do when your mobile is out of charge? And, what do you do when you are tired or fatigued? Just, as your electronic gadgets and body need charging, crystals do too. For mobile, it requires plugging in and the body requires water, food, energy, etc. In the same way, you have to charge crystals. There are many ways and methods to charge these Reiki crystals.

The crystals that are uncharged fail to spread their positivity and good vibes. It is a stage where negativity is getting spread, or the crystals stopped working as they should. Thus, to avoid this, it is necessary to have Reiki crystals cleansing. It is known to be the best way to help them charge in immediately. 

With proper charging of healing stones, they need to be operated and well-programmed. This assists further in manifesting these crystals and works as per your intentions and requirements.

Today, in this blog we are discussing some points on how to charge these Reiki Crystals?

  • Sunlight: Sunlight is the greatest source of natural energy. It helps give strength and power to these crystals. All you need to do is to keep these crystals directly in the sun either for two hours or from sunrise to sunset.

  • Singing Bowl: Sound and Music is the second way to charge these crystals. To create powerful acoustics, a Tibetian singing bowl is hammered that gives energy to Reiki crystals.

  • Chant: The power of chanting mantras, gives a very strong motion of energy that helps charge these crystals.

  • Tuning Fork: Another way to charge these crystals is by tuning the fork. It is a way that charges the crystal with the help of supersonic vibrations that has a frequency of earth and quartz.

  • Gongs and Bells: Gongs and Bells help crystal charge in a proper way. With these sounds, it transfers powerful and healing energies. The charging process can be either for a few minutes or hours.

  • Fire: Fire is known to be the best cleaning method. It helps crystal charge effectively and accurately. With the help of candlelight, you need to pass a crystal to and fro through the power of fire.

  • Visualization/Meditation: It is a traditional ritual that is entirely dependent on strong intuition and guts. Meditation and chanting mantras loud help these crystals charge and spread positive energy.

  • Reiki: It is a Japanese technique that helps charge the crystals. All you need to do is to place the stone on the table and hold your hands. This is followed by the process of meditation and chanting mantras.

  • Water: Another natural source is water that helps crystals be cleansed and charged. The cleaning method can be in the form of running water like a steam, tap, or rain.

  • Aroma: With aromatherapy, these Reiki crystals can be charged and energized. The charging method can either be in the form of herbal incense or smoke. To charge the crystal, you need to soak them in herbs for 10-15 mins, or for an hour or two.

Similarly, there are more methods and natural techniques that help these Reiki crystal charges effectively and precisely. Some of them are listed below.

  • Smudging
  • Crystal Grid
  • Cluster
  • Crystal Wand
  • Crystals
  • Salt
  • Mudra and Yoga
  • Soil
  • Eclipse
  • Moonlight

Alakik, is a renowned manufacturer and exporter of different types of healing crystals, healing products, gemstones, and Reiki crystals. The company is the ultimate exporter based in Gujarat that has one of the widest collections of these stones and crystals. From different types of healing sticks to pyramids, from angels to massage wands, and more we have all available with us.

Get in touch with our team today and book your order with us at the best and most affordable market price. We are available on call, email, and chat support.

The blog shared by us clearly delivers the way and ideas that help charge these Reiki crystals in natural forms. So, with this said choose the right method of charging your crystal and energize them with positivity.


Understanding Merkaba Shaped Crystals And Their Meanings And Uses

Merkaba Crystals is a sacred shape that is believed to have powerful spiritual properties helping us to reach a higher state of consciousness. The word Merkaba can be translated as Mer means light, Ka means spirit and Ba means a body which means that spirit and body are surrounded by light.

How does a Merkaba shaped crystal look?

A Merkaba shaped crystal appears as a star tetrahedron; a 3 dimensional 8 pointed star that is made from two triangular pyramids, one pointing up and the other down.

What does the Merkaba symbol mean?

The Merkaba symbol represents the reuniting of the opposing energies of the higher and lower dimensions. Merkaba speaks about fulfilling your true potential and achieving higher consciousness through raising the frequency of your energies to connect to the higher dimensions.

In sacred geometry, the Merkaba symbol talks about the perfect balance between body and spirit, between above and below and between higher realms and higher consciousness of light.

The Merkaba symbol also refers to the healing energy effect of the divine union between male and female energy, meaning the union of self, the spirit and the body and the self and the divine.

What is a Merkaba crystal used for?

A Merkaba shaped crystal can be used in different ways to help us reach our full potential. It can be made from different crystals with powerful and cleansing properties.    


How can Merkaba and crystals benefit you?

Combining the sacred meaning of the Merkaba symbol with different crystals gives a powerful boost. Wearing Merkaba jewelry and having a crystal in the Merkaba shape is a great way to find inner peace. You can experience the same energy of a super-charged crystal since in the sacred geometry the Merkaba is a symbol of harmonizing and connecting opposite energies.      


Alakik, Universal exports has a wide assortment of Merkaba crystals, to order check our website.