Merkaba Crystals is a sacred shape that is believed to have powerful spiritual properties helping us to reach a higher state of consciousness. The word Merkaba can be translated as Mer means light, Ka means spirit and Ba means a body which means that spirit and body are surrounded by light.
How does a Merkaba shaped crystal look?
A Merkaba shaped crystal appears as a star tetrahedron; a 3 dimensional 8 pointed star that is made from two triangular pyramids, one pointing up and the other down.
What does the Merkaba symbol mean?
The Merkaba symbol represents the reuniting of the opposing energies of the higher and lower dimensions. Merkaba speaks about fulfilling your true potential and achieving higher consciousness through raising the frequency of your energies to connect to the higher dimensions.
In sacred geometry, the Merkaba symbol talks about the perfect balance between body and spirit, between above and below and between higher realms and higher consciousness of light.
The Merkaba symbol also refers to the healing energy effect of the divine union between male and female energy, meaning the union of self, the spirit and the body and the self and the divine.
What is a Merkaba crystal used for?
A Merkaba shaped crystal can be used in different ways to help us reach our full potential. It can be made from different crystals with powerful and cleansing properties.
How can Merkaba and crystals benefit you?
Combining the sacred meaning of the Merkaba symbol with different crystals gives a powerful boost. Wearing Merkaba jewelry and having a crystal in the Merkaba shape is a great way to find inner peace. You can experience the same energy of a super-charged crystal since in the sacred geometry the Merkaba is a symbol of harmonizing and connecting opposite energies.
Alakik, Universal exports has a wide assortment of Merkaba crystals, to order check our website.