How to Use A Chakra Wand on Yourself for Chakra Healing?

As we know that there exist seven chakras which are responsible for maintaining a stability in our physical and emotional health-related conditions. When these chakras fail to work properly, then you go through physical and emotional hardships. By using a chakra wand on yourself can truly help heal your disease quickly. Let us know in the next lines how you can use the chakra wand on yourself.

What Is A Chakra Wand?

A chakra wand or a crystal wand comes mainly in a form of various gemstones. The role of a chakra wand is to keep the seven chakras in balance. Keeping the chakra wands in the energy centres will keep your body free from emotional and physical disturbances. The chakra wands are more powerful than the crystal rocks. The healing powers of the chakra wands prove to be more effective on the patient. The energy that emits from the chakra wand heals the disease faster.

Related: All You Need To Know About Using Healing Crystal Wands

Boost Your Aura

The non-physical field of energy which is also known as aura exists around a person. If the chakras fail to work properly, then your aura will be affected. Therefore, it is necessary to boost the chakra with the help of the chakra wand or crystal wand. The chakras will start working again when the chakra wands are placed on the affected chakra points. The vibrations that are released from the chakra wands will boost the chakras, keeping your mind and body healthy. All you need is the massage wands for chakra healing from a reputed and trusted seller which will help you get rid of the physical, emotional as well as the spiritual disturbances.

Chakra Wand for Sale-Alakik-Universal ExportsHow to Use A Chakra Wand on Yourself?

To get better and effective results, you should use a chakra wand on yourself in a right way. When you use a chakra wand, you should inhale and exhale deep breaths. Keep pushing or pressing the chakra wand on the point where you are experiencing pain. It is best to push the chakra wand on the meridian lines or in the affected areas of the body to feel relieved from the pain. For instance, if you are experiencing a back ache due to poor posture, then you should push the chakra wand which is designed mainly for healing back ache should be pushed gently around the sacrum and on the hip bones followed by a light massage in a circular motion.

Read more: Focus And Direct Energy Better With Chakra Healing Wands

Be at ease and keep your body free from pain by using chakra wands. Get hands on the high-quality massage wands wholesale products from a reputed online store for getting the best results.

Take a look at Category of our Chakra wand products:

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What To Do Before Your Reiki Session For Healing

What To Do Before Your Reiki Session For Healing?

Reiki is a Japanese technique which is essentially used to reduce stress and relax and can help to promote healing. It is administered by hands and is based on the thought that unseen life force energy flows through us. It increases the vibratory level of the energy field around the physical body where the negative thoughts are attached. Mentioned below are some of the things that should be done prior to the Reiki session for healing:

  • It is important to give at least 30 minutes before the session to sit and reflect, especially checking in with how the body is feeling and anything that one is noticing with regards to thoughts, emotions or physical sensations. Take some time to breathe and reflect on any intentions you want to set for the session.
  • Make sure that you have eaten and hydrated several hours before the session so that you will feel comfortable and not engrossed by thirst or hunger. Therefore, it is always better to avoid heavy meals beforehand as this will prevent your body’s energy from focusing on digestion while receiving treatment.
  • Ensure that you are feeling comfortable. You should wear comfortable clothes so that you do not feel any discomfort during the session. It is better that you use the restroom prior to the session, and in case the position you are in for your session is uncomfortable in any way, communicate this to your practitioner, as they will help you to stay as comfortable as possible.

Take a look the Chakra Healing Sticks

These are some of the common things that should be done prior to the Reiki session for healing. However, as the steps may vary from one individual to the other, it is always better to check with the Reiki practitioner for their recommendations as this will ensure that the suggestions are in alignment with your unique healing path.

Reiki for sale-Alakik Universale ExportsNow if you are looking forward to wholesale Reiki sets for sale, Alakik offers some of the best sets. The best thing about contacting Alakik is that you can get these entire Reiki sets for sale at the most cost-effective price rate.

Read more : Increase Energy Flow With Reiki Symbols

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What is Agate-And Its Healing Properties-Alakik-Universale-Exports

What is Agate? And Its Healing Properties

Agate is an ornamental stone that primarily consist of cryptocrystalline silica, chalcedony along with microgranular quartz. These ornamental stones are characterized by the fineness of grain and variety of color. Even though agate can be found in several types of host rock, they are usually related with volcanic rocks and are common in several metamorphic rocks.

Although the color of agate differs depending on the type, this popular stone is well-known for its beauty and can be identified by its transparent shine and signature bands. Agate is formed as a result of igneous rock combined with the silica deposits in groundwater. The multicolored bands that give the semi-valuable stone its brand are layers of agate deposits that build up on top of each other. Agates come in a range of colors such as brown, pink, white, red, black, purple, yellow and gray. This cryptocrystalline mineral is made up of silicon dioxide and is found popularly around the world in places such as Egypt, Brazil, Nepal, India, Germany, Italy, the USA and Mexico.

Take a look at the category of Agate Arrowheads healing properties:

The meaning of Agate differs from civilization to civilization, for instance the followers of Islam as well as Babylonians used to believe that agate can ward off the tragedies and evil eye. On the other hand the Egyptians and Persians believed that agate can provide protection against natural disasters such as lightning and has the ability to deliver powers of speech. Chinese believed that agate can offer spiritual protection, and can stimulate one’s life force while cleansing their mind to make space for fortune and good luck.

The healing properties of agate are slow and steady. Their properties bring harmony to all aspects of emotional, spiritual and physical. Blue lace agate heals properties ease the nervousness within the throat, and allow flexibility between mind and mouth. On the other hand, moss agate which is a light green colored stone is known to help people who are seeking the courage for long lasting stamina. Those struggling with addiction or want to implement healthy habits; moss agate healing properties are advantageous for them.

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Energy Generator Crystals For Wellness And Balance-Alakik-Universal Exports

How To Use Energy Generator Crystals For Wellness And Balance?

What is an Energy Generator Crystal?

An energy generator crystal is basically a six faced crystal which is tapered at a single point. Each of the crystals have unique features and qualities and have individualized purposes as well. They come in various textures – clear, cloudy or an infusion of both. It can contain phantoms or rainbows and even kinds of inclusion.

How to use the energy generator crystal?

Energy generator crystals are renowned to be used in various purposes, like – during meditation, in healing, to provide with support, wellness & balance in life and to give charge to other types of crystals. It depends on the components of the crystal that for which purpose it is to be used.

You can place it anywhere, in your bedroom, dining space or your office cabin. Slowly, you will have the feel of its protective spirit, its vitalizing energy and transmuting power. Often, there is a lot of strain at your workplace. This crystal will help you to keep your mind calm and drive away all sorts of pessimistic energies that are surrounding you. Calmness of positive vibes would be felt by you in no time.

These energy generator crystals work either by placing them on specific parts of the body or by using them in the procedure of Reiki or any other conventional practice of therapeutics. These have the power to recharge, store back or enhance the energy that flows within your bodily system. There are primary seven chakras, which begins from down the spine till the place above head. In case, there is several crystals for a particular chakra, make sure to form a grid like pattern combining other crystals by the use of the generator. A kind of generator with amethyst can be used during healing because it acts both as a tranquilizer as well as a cleaner.

Energy Generator Crystal For Sale-Alakik universal exports

Using energy generator for meditation

While meditating, an energy generator crystal can be used to keep within the circle or as a company during the practice. This enhances the amount of concentration in work. Thus, a balance which was previously missing gets restored. For instance – Rose Quartz energy generator has the function of helping in the process of creativity, artistic mind, imaginative process etc. Based on the parts where you lack, or the challenges you face, selects your energy generator crystal to give you a smooth flow in life.

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What Is Orgone Energy And How Does It Work

What Is Orgone Energy And How Does It Work?

Knowing about Orgone Energy

Recently, orgone pyramids have been recognized as a famous energy tool which is very effective in circles of healing. The healing effect is formed when the power of the orgone helps in maintaining a proper balance of the electromagnetic forces surrounding us. We cannot deny the fact that we live in a vast sea of technological web – Wi-Fi, cellphones, laptop etc. This causes immense electronic pollution such as fatigue, irritation, etc. Orgone energy is known to heal any negative effects associated with that.

The Orgone Theory

Orgone theory was first developed during the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich who was an Austrian psychoanalyst. He mentioned the presence of a bio-energetic life force that is etheric in nature which has a hand in animating our surrounding environment. What Reich wanted to specifically point out is that the orgone energy provides a proper balance thus keeping the physical as well as mental health of an individual intact. The Positive Orgone Energy is patterned and comprehensible while Deadly Orgone Energy being static in nature is prone to decay and destruction. The psychoanalyst therefore built certain things, such as – the Orgone Accumulator Box gathered and transferred the energy of orgone into the patient. This vibrating energy has been informed to heal faster, increment growth in plants and have optimistic effects on cancer.

How does the orgone energy actually work?

Although the effects are quite powerful, the real question is how does the thing work? To begin with, in the Casimir effect, there are two metal surfaces placed in close contact to each other however never touching. Now, that produces photons from the energized electromagnetic waves. All these experiments are held out in vacuum, so that the energy that comes out from a zero source which is termed as “Zero Point”. These points provide a healing effect since the electromagnetic waves are quite patterned and not sporadic in nature. Quartz, for instance, adds comprehensible effects to the orgonite grid thus enhancing the positivity already present in it.

The effects of Orgone energy

Orgone is such an energy providing tool that is both physically as well as mentally liberating. The energy of orgone is put into pyramids which then gives positive response to it. Many people have been noticed to get better sleep, jolly mood and increased vitality since the use of this energy stone.

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Facts About Gemstone Treatments-Alakik-Universal Exports

Facts About Gemstone Treatments – Alakik

What are Gemstones?

Gemstones are some naturally occurring stones from the rocks or the organic material which are cut and polished to make into a precious stone or ornaments or jewellery. These stones have also said to possess healing properties which is another main reason why they are so much preferred.

Treatment with Gemstones

Due to some healing properties of the gemstones, they are being readily used for a number of treatment procedures. Moreover, these procedures of treatment with the help of the gemstones have yielded successful results which is they have become even more popular. The practice of carrying out treatment with the help of gemstones is ancient and dates back to about more than 6000 years. There are evidences to prove that the gemstones were used for treatment by the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia.

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Facts About the Treatments

If you wish to go for the gemstone treatments or are hesitating to go for it, you should be aware of all the facts about the treatments and its working procedures which are as discussed below.

  • First of all, you should be aware of the fact that gemstone treatments are alternative medical technique used for curing ailments and giving protection against diseases.
  • In this procedure of treatment, the gemstones help to conduct the healing by allowing the flow of positive and healing energy into the body throwing out the negative energy.
  • Is spite of this gemstone treatment received so much popularity in the recent times, this treatment is not so popular with the medical scientists and doctors who refer to this procedure of treatment as a pseudoscience.
  • In scientific terms, there is no clear evidence that gemstones can be used for curing diseases. This is because the diseases are never caused as a result of energy flowing in the body.
  • There have been no scientific studies which prove that the gemstones can be differentiated by either colour or chemical composition for the treatment of a particular ailment.

Gemstones Products For Sale-Alakik-Universal ExportsBut you should know that the gemstone treatments have always remained extremely popular at the health spas and the New Age health clinics. So, you can certainly go for it since if the stones are not able to cure you, they won’t do any harm as well.

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Healing Stones And Their Benefits-healing stones for sale

Healing Stones And Their Benefits – Alakik

The fact is, it is for centuries that healing stones are being used all over the world to fix ailments, both physical and mental, and to increase prosperity and inner peace in oneself. With gemstones, the life energy is drawn within the center persistently. Once it moves toward the center, the life force is seen to be determined.

It is this attentiveness that fuels up life force revolution compelling them to convert to gemstone power, thus making its power to set free using probable healing powers. It encourages as well as restores the person’s health. There are available different types of healing stones for sale. It will be extremely crucial to go through each and every crystal stone that is present and understand their properties very carefully, so as to benefit from it, physically and mentally. But the stone will work only if it is genuine and authentic. Unfortunately, there are being sold fake ones as genuine ones by some scrupulous traders, which will not provide that magical healing effect as desired.

Curing Properties

The gemstones are said have in them natural curing properties and its enchantment and exquisiteness has been long recognized and harnessed effectively. Crystal jewelry was even worn by those primitive Stone Age people, both women and men. These stones are said to have defensive and enhancing functions, to defend users against all types of harm. The stones were used by ancient people for the purpose of beautification, fortification, to view the future and to cure ailments.

The earliest Egyptians were said to be regularly the gemstones as charisma and talisman. According to Greek mythology, these stones are referred to as objects of immense power. Besides this, the Americans, Aztecs and the Mayans had used these stones in launches and rituals. Expensive stones were used in the body armor worn by the ‘Jewish High Priest’, as it offered the user with great power. The stones are also said to help the person’s energy much better, to sanitise space, improve intuition, magnetize wealth, boost self-confidence and mental abilities, and magnetize love and to bring profusion into their lives.

Meanings of Gemstones

The wholesale healing stones that are available today are said to provide similar force like that of those used during the ancient times. With the accumulated knowledge ready at disposal and with such jewelry being found easily, it can be used and its benefits derived immensely to change the life of the person for the better and to get rid of health and mental issues faced in a natural manner and quite effectively. Besides this, the stone also is said to retain its attractiveness and beauty. The given below gemstones are considered to be the most popular ones. These are generally selected to adorn the jewelry piece to derive specific healing property which is present in them in abundance.

Healing Stones Tumble Stones Worry Stones For Sale

Healing Properties of Gemstone

  • Stress-free mind
  • Emotional stability
  • To understand the surrounding happenings and to keep the person grounded
  • Overcome depression
  • To identify divinity in relationship and love
  • To be focused on work and to avoid all types of distractions
  • To eliminate toxins as well as to ensure self-care
  • Overcome fear and get detached from all worldly pleasures
  • To improve sympathy and generosity feelings towards other fellow beings and creatures
  • To improve self worth

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Focus And Direct Energy Better With Chakra Healing Wands-Alakik--Universal-Exports

Focus And Direct Energy Better With Chakra Healing Wands

Healing wands are undoubtedly are the best to focus as well as to direct energy. Wands were used since ancient times by healers across the globe for healing purpose. Energy is gathered and directed by healing wands. They tend to serve as extension of people’s abilities. They are used mainly for healing, to direct power, blessings and consecrations.

Uses of Chakra Healing Wands

The Chakra healing wands are used to serve different healing methods. It is used to heal the aura or entire body, to be used on specific body parts. it also is used to scan aura for locating blockages, to heal and cleanse them. they can also be used for massage healing. Body massaging using the wand does help to release body tension. Its healing energy gets transferred to the recipient’s body. round, smooth wands with round shape on one end are considered to be the best for massage healing. This is because, it is scratch resistant and does not cause any kind of discomfort on the body.

Chakra Healing Wands for Sale-Alakik-Universal Exports

Due to the round end shape of the wand, it is this end which is held, with the round end facing towards the user. The pointed or terminated end is considered to be the end which is used for directing energy, be it outward or inward. From rounded end, energy is directed in the wand and then with pointed end, is focused into something.

The chakra healing wands can also be placed near or on the massage oil container to allow the wand’s energy to infuse within massage oils or to be placed close to water containers. Then the charged water is to be consumed.

The wand can also be used for meditation purpose. It is to be placed on the left hand, which symbolizes receiving energies. The wand’s pointed end is to face the wrist, while the rounded end is to be towards the fingers. This way, the universal way will be directed into the round tip edge and with pointed end towards the user.

Benefits derived

Negative energy can be drawn away from something which could be bothering for quite some time. the rounded end is to be held towards the area which is bothering the person. Then the negative energy will be directed into the rounded part of the wand and exit towards pointed end that is pointed towards the universe.

Once the negative energy is taken away, then the wand is to be turned around to make the pointed tip towards the area. The round end is to face towards universe or simply point away from body. then eliminated negative energy is to be replaced with positive energy.

How to achieve the best results?

Negative energy is to be directed away from the area simply with visualizations and intentions. Then these are to be used to place positive energy, thus replacing eliminated negative energy. Positive energy can be viewed to enter the wand’s rounded end and exit the wand’s pointed end into the area.

Prior to undertaking such exercises, sit with the wand held in the right hand and with clear mind perform Piko Piko. With every depth breath, inhale a healing symbol and exhale out the healing symbol within the wand.

The wand’s molecular structure has been altered to allow it to absorb, maintain as well as retain the healing symbols.

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The Science Behind Crystal Chakra Healing and Balancing

There are many who are interested to use crystal healing and chakra stones for balancing and enjoying life. Different cultures across the globe have been for ages practicing chakra and crystal balancing on the human body for purposes of healing. People in huge numbers are eager to know the science that actually goes behind chakra balancing and crystal healing.

How the inert stone can benefit the human body in a powerful way? The rising demand for Wholesale Chakra Stones is sufficient proof of its increasing popularity.

More about Crystal Healing

The answer to the above question is said to lie in a particular phenomenon known as piezoelectric effect. Taking into account a quartz watch, it is best possible to understand more about piezoelectric effect. A small quartz piece, if slightly bent is likely to put out continuous voltage, which in turn keeps the watch in running condition with great accuracy. The same thing and effect is derived by the human body with gemstones and crystals. They are said to place small charge which interacts with the human bio-magnetic field, thus developing more balance and harmony in life.

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Every stone is stated to have its own unique vibration similar to that of every person. It is for this reason that the specific stones required to balance the chakras will vary from one person to the other and different suggestions can be noticed across numerous chakra books written.

Determining the right gemstone

In order to enjoy the effects of the powerful gemstone, it is very much important to get the right one that suits the person’s needs and requirements. The correct way is to determine if the specific gemstone perfectly is found suitable or meets the needs of the specific chakra. It will be wise to examine the gemstone by placing it on the person’s body and check with the body’s subtle and find out how it tends to respond to it.

Even a friend can be requested to place the different gemstones on the body, keeping the eyes in closed condition and to determine which of the chakra feels the best when placed. The body’s response to the gemstone is to be always trusted upon. In case, the stone gives out that bad feeling when placed on the body, then it should be immediately removed.

Simple rule to follow

A good rule that needs to be followed for chakra balancing will be to identify if the chakra color is similar to that of the tone. It will be good to boost as well as balance the chakra. Therefore, the following needs to be understood:

  • The primary chakra stone is to be red toned and
  • The secondary on is to be orange toned.

Certain stones such as quartz can be found in various types of hues, which are allowed to be used for different types of chakras. This again will depend upon its shade.

Selecting the right type

While checking out the type of gemstone to be used for every Chakra stones for healing, one should take into consideration the secondary colors. The common types found are pink for heart chakra and black for root chakra. But, it does not necessarily mean that each stone which heals a specific chakra will be that chakra’s secondary or primary color, since exceptions do exist.

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Rose Quartz Eggs Can Be Used In Matters Of Love, Heart Healing, And Fertility-Alakik

Rose Quartz Eggs Can Be Used In Matters Of Love, Heart Healing, And Fertility

It could be that the person is seeking authentic Rose quartz eggs for sale. This might be because as he/she has been recommended by someone or an expert to use it to enjoy good health, fertility and to get love. Whatever be it, rose quartz eggs do have its own significance, the reason why it is found to be growing in popularity among people across the globe. But before planning to buy one, it is very much important to know more about such type of gemstones. Doing adequate and thorough research is quite crucial to understand more about this gemstone and to make a well informed purchase. Also, it will be useful to buy them only from reputed stores or online sites that have been offering authentic gemstones. This is to avoid fake gemstones that are being offered by some scrupulous traders.

About Rose Quartz Eggs

These are regarded to be fabulous fusion of fertility and love energy. Rather, it is found to be a sacred symbol of egg shape. Rose quartz is rather seen as a source to view the world via rose colored lenses. It is also considered to be among the most desirable of all quartz varieties available across the globe. At times, it is known as the ‘Love Stone’. Being egg shaped, it can be termed to be the perfect fertility symbol and a wonderful creation that is worth the purchase and use.

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Getting to know the magical properties of rose quartz eggs

According to many, it is regarded to be a favorite workhorse gemstone. It can be used regularly for achieving success in any kind of work or on someone. It can be done personal or for anyone in the family or anyone known. Using properly the rose quartz eggs and the correct way does bring plenty of love and happiness in the person. At the same time, it also helps to ease out pain that the person may be suffering from due to some long bygone issues with someone or with anything. It also ensures transforming of energies within and surrounding the home. Using it also helps to calm down nerves and makes the person to have more elegance and grace. The different type of benefits that is provided by such gemstones is enormous and the list simply goes on. It also is found to be useful to open up the Heart Chakra, to heal up the heart space as well as to allow easy flow of communication, while bringing peace to its bearer.

How to use the rose quartz eggs?

Correct placement of the gemstone is of utmost importance to derive its useful benefits. This egg is to be held in hand during meditation, so as to allow flow of rose quartz medicine into and through the body. Besides this, the egg shape develops practical energy conduit, which can be used for identifying and clearing blockages present in the body. Egg top could be used as massage therapy tool, held as well as squeezed with the hand to get relief from stress.

Buying them from reputed online sites will mean, the shopper will get rose quartz egg which is around 1.25” to 1.5”in size that comes gift bagged along with white sage leaf to help clear energies. A card also will accompany the gemstone describing clearly its properties and how it is to be used. Wholesale orders for Rose quartz eggs are accepted by such sites.

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Crystal Spheres Balls Eggs for Sale