Author Archives: Rehan Shaikh

About Rehan Shaikh

Universal Exports is the premium manufacturer & exporter of Semi-precious Agate Stone & New Age Healing Supplies, It is also premier wholesaler of healing stones, new age healing crystals, metaphysical crystals and many more.

Crystals Can Impact Your Life in Many Ways

Crystals Can Impact Your Life in Many Ways - UNIVERSAL EXPORTS

Crystals are the stones that have been evergreen since years. In fact, with time, its demand has risen by leaps and bounds. The other reason of having crystal is the benefits that come attached with it – the ability to subtly but profoundly change our aura, energy as well as health! Nowadays crystals are used in many things apart from jewelry. You may find them in watches, clocks, some showpieces, crystal jewelry, crystal pendulum, but this is very true that these crystals change our lives for better in many ways! Let’s peep into six main areas where crystals can impact greatly in one’s life!

The first and foremost quality of crystals is that they are known as the best healers. Crystals can restore our cells and organs to their maximum functioning levels.  As we all know, there are various types of crystals and every crystal has its own respective benefits attached to it. Like, red stones such as Bloodstone and Jasper can help with curing of blood disorders. If you have a stomach problem, the crystals that can prove an aid to you are orange and yellow stones such as Citrine, Amber and Carnelian. If you have weak cells and are advised for cell growth or need to attract money to you – green crystals such as Green Aventurine and Peridot can become the perfect healers. For throat issues, hit on to light Blue stones like Blue Lace Agate and Blue Chalcedony! The other crystals like Amethyst is known to cure headache, Unikite helps woman trying to get pregnant and Blue Chalcedony helps the newly turned moms.

With constant usage of the above mentioned crystals for their respective purpose, you’ll definitely feel a difference when you wear them continually. Apart from this, the other crystals that can be helpful in different ways are placing a Pyrite in your wallet to assure it has money in it, having hard time financially can be overcome by wearing Citrine.

 Likewise, there are many crystals that increases your romantic life – pink stone known for enhancing romantic energy, wearing watermelon tourmaline makes you feel worthy of a great relationship . The third way in which a crystal can impact your life is to make your path smooth if you are encountering career problems. Keep a large piece of Garnet on your work desk to reignite your lost passion for work. The other crystals like Clear Quartz, Bloodstone, and Serpentine help you in energizing a team, removing obstacles and drawing money respectively.

For emotions, Rhodonite is a crystal that can help us to embrace the sad or angry situation and release it with love. The best crystals that one can wear to increase the intuition are Labradorite, Moonstone and Apopyhyllite. In short, wear, meditate and carry these crystals along to get the best of the benefits from them! And to avail them, the one stop destination is none other than Universal Exports that deals in every kind of crystals. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ provides these crystals all over world and cater to every kind of crystal demands with a quick delivery!

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Universal Exports – Metaphysical Stones Wholesaler

Universal Exports - Metaphysical Stones Wholesaler

Healing stones are the stones that have emerged as one of the popular products in the world that aids in various healing properties. The unique feature of these healing stones is that every stone has its own peculiar benefit that helps in curing particular diseases. Hence, the world knowing its effectiveness has crazily started its use and has increased its demand by leaps and bounds.

Every stone has some or the other metaphysical healing properties that catches the attention of the respective people who are facing the problems that can be cured with such stones. Let us know various metaphysical properties of certain healing stones:

Amazonite: Known as a goddess stone, offers us a place of quiet compassion. To connect to our own power with joy and confidence, opt for this healing stone!

Apache Tears:  Used for grounding and protection from negative energies.

Aventurine: Holding an optimistic energy, Aventurine is a prosperity stone and a soothing heart chakra stone.

Bloodstone:  To purify the body of toxins and disease, bloodstone is your solution. It increases vitality, strength and endurance and even helps in maintaining trust and faith in the Divine.

Citrine: Known as an abundance and prosperity stone, Citrine helps in manifesting our dreams and even stimulates our creative energy.

Jade: Representing harmony and happiness in family as well as business, Jade helps to feel connected to the earth and nature.

Lapis Lazuli: The one who wears it gets a chance to have an insight of deeper mysteries of life. Additionally, this stone assists in creative endeavors and renders with widen perspectives.

Moonstone: Associated with the feminine called “The Goddess Stone”, moonstone has been used to connect with the energy and power of the moon.

Quartz:  Quartz magnifies energy and is known as a powerful meditation tool. Also, it is useful as a dream stone and helps in remembering and interpreting dreams.

Ruby: To bring vitality and life force into one’s being – Ruby is for you. Assisting with doubt and anxiety, it encourages stepping forward in life.

Turquoise – this healing stone is said to be a beautiful gift from mother earth. It is used as a protection stone by Native Americans.

Above mentioned are some of the many healing stone that has metaphysical properties and are beneficial in some or the other ways. You may be skeptical regarding its availability in India but the fact is the presence of Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ – that deals in each and every kind of healing stones. Moreover, it deals as a wholesaler and caters to the public demands worldwide. So if anyone is in dire need of any particular metaphysical stone, without searching for other options here and there, should resort to ths one stop hub of healing stones i.e. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌!

Chakra Jewelry – Alakik Universal Exports

Alakik - Chakra Jewellery

Healing stones have tested and proved to be one of the great healers to thousands of physical as well as emotional problems that a man has been encountering since decades. With presence of various healing stones, each having its peculiar attributes and function curing particular problems, it has become a one stop solution for millions to heavily count on them. With its successful delivery and curing solutions, healing stones are considered to the best sought after option even in today’s era.

Amongst all, one of the stones that have bagged most attention is none other than chakra. Going in depth, we all can easily know the meaning of the work chakra – i.e. a wheel. As per the traditional ancient culture, the body has 7 major energy centers and these are none other than the energy chakras. Each of these chakras represents a spiritual, physical and emotional energy field and work as per their flow. For instance, when these energies are flowing, one can access his spiritual, physical or even emotional well being and one can even experience the respective symptoms if the chakras are not aligned or are out of balance.

Though the belief has remained the same, the trend has marked a change! People now counting heavily on fashion won’t prefer to have chakras in any and every form. Hence this has evolved the way chakras were used earlier. With Chakra Jewelry emerging as the spurring demand of people all over the world, many dealers have now shifted their way of rendering the chakras and are providing the chakra as per the client’s demands!

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, being the premium leader in delivering every kind of healing stones to the people, provides with the best of the chakra jewelry as per the people’s demand. It has specialized itself in wholesale chakra jewelry and has emerged out as one of the best chakra jewelry provider from India. The various wholesale chakra jewelry that Universal Exports deals in are wholesale chakra bracelets, chakra stone sets, and even simple wholesale chakra stones.

Catering to individual demands all over India, Universal Exports has become a versatile gemstone provider of the country. With chakra known to be the rich source of energy, depending upon the personal requirement, and any chakra out of the seven can be selected as every one of them are somehow tied with well being of a person as a whole. In short, if you feel that you have negative energy sitting in one of your seven chakras, get into healing stone therapy, opt for the required chakra and let it help you clear yourself and live a life of positivity and prosperity. All you need is to find the location of a chakra imbalance that is affecting your life and move ahead to have a better and a healthy living with the respective chakra.

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Top 5 Healing Stones – Alakik Universal Exports


People across the world have some basic beliefs and understandings that prevail from so many years. These unchanged things are so strong that every individual considers it to be holy, pious or useful for some or the other reason. One such thing that has remained unchanged and is equally in demand as it was years ago are the importance of healing stones. Yes, the world of today considers healing stones in the same way as it was considered by the people decades ago.

There are hundreds of kinds of healing stones that has their own specific features and are known for curing specific diseases. Each and every healing stone has its own healing attribute that draws the attention of the people for their respective reasons. Let us know some of the most prominent healing stones that are demanded heavily in today’s time:

1)      Green Aventurine

One of the popular healing stones of today’s time, green aventurine is demanded by the public for physical healing, good health and vitality. The specialty of this healing stone is the feature of curing almost every ailment. Also a heart chakra stone, the green aventurine is available in many light or dark shades.

2)      Apache Tears

Popularly known worldwide as good emotional support and healer, the Apache tears is a healing stone especially used for the times of grief. Grief can be anything from natural reasons like death of your closed one or marital reasons like divorce or break up. With the intention of curing the soul along with the body, the apache tear appear to be rough due to their violent creation and renders the curing of soul by being the emotional support to people in their grief.

3)      Pink Calcite

Being mistaken as Rose Quartz, this healing stone from Peru is either opaque or transparent and is greatly used for overall health and emotional well being. Being a heart chakra stone, Pink Calcite is widely used for heart problems and in addition, it works great for physical tissue repair.

4)      Black Tourmaline

Having a unique quality of transmuting energy as well as help in connecting humans to mother earth, the healing stone named black tourmaline is well known to cure many health issues. It is said that if you have nothing else, make sure to have this stone around you to safeguard yourself from health issues.

5)      Amber/Copal

For having a good emotional hygiene, one of the best healing stones that is apt for this attribute is Amber/Copal. This healing stone is known to be a wonderful healer and is known to be a great stimulator in physical energy, metabolism as well as energy flow.

Be these top 5 healing stones or hundreds of other specific healers, you can easily find them at Universal Exports. Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is a premium dealer of healing stones that aims at catering to people’s healing stone demands all over India. With time, it has evolved as the one stop destination for healing stones.

For more information visit: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Spiritual Energy – Alakik Universal Exports

Spiritual Energy-Universal

Have you ever experienced some different kind of energy when you suddenly walked into a room or silence of a library, the buzz of a concert or the love and happiness that comes with a wedding ceremony? Well, in the 60’s and 70’s, these feelings were considered as a vibe which has now been altered and known as energy! Anyway, be it a vibe or energy, it’s all the same thing as these are the waves of energy particles that vibrate at different frequencies. And to be more precise, this energy is not just because of the location, it is within us as well.

This is so true that every human is filled with spiritual energy that is generated from the food we eat, emotions we feel or the thoughts that strike us. The ratio goes in a way that more the vibrations our body feels, healthier we become! Hence, it is very necessary to have positive and uplifting thoughts as well as emotions that can support our health as well as our mood.

If you have noticed, you will know the difference of how you feel when you focus on problems occurring in your life and judging other people or their situations. On the other hand, think about the goodness that has happened with you all your life. And now observe the change that how you feel. These positive and good thoughts have their own vibrations affecting your body emotions and hence contributing to your overall flow of energy.

It is hundred percent true that you will definitely feel light when your energy is flowing with ease. Imagine what and how happy life it would be if you remain in such an energized and a happy state! Basically, as a spiritual being, we tend to be in a state of ease, amusement and lightness unless we let the negative clouds hover around our minds and emotional bodies. If it happens so, we forget who we really are this situation makes our bodies to over react leading to complicated thoughts, heavy emotions and unbalanced actions. But, with this spiritual energy, one can reconnect to his true self by following the neutrality and wisdom, redirect the negative and heavy thoughts into positive and lighter ones, clear the emotions and shift the energy. Thus, if one is centered in is spiritual self, he can quickly and easily come out of the negative aura.

There are various spiritual energy tools that can make you feel and experience its existence. Some of the tools include centering, grounding, and aura, have your energy, and shift your energy. It is believed that operating more through our spiritual awareness can help us to easily shift our energy and stay healthy. If you are intending to have some spiritual energy through healing stones, the best and the premium dealer of the same is Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ that cater the healing stones requirement all over world. Get connected with Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ and learn more about what and how healing stones can help with the spiritual energy to stay fit and lead a healthy life.

For more visit : Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Universal exports | Crystal Ball


The word ‘crystal’ gives an enlightening effect to any human any day! ‘Crystal’ itself attracts the people in some or the other way and the most prominent reason for it is its beauty! The term crystal ball is taken by a layman as a gypsy woman who wears dangling earrings and bracelets, who has dark curls wrapped up in a bright scarf trying to divine your future. But apart from this perception of layman, today’s people largely use these crystal balls in Feng Shui practices, Gypsy Divination, Buddhist rituals, transcendental meditation and Wicca. These crystal balls may either be smooth or facetted, opaque or clear transparent ones and are available in three types – leaded glass, natural crystal and laboratory grown crystal.

Natural crystal as the name says comes from naturally occurring veins of the crystals and is majorly used in jewelry industry.  The popular gemstones like diamonds, emeralds, citrines and amethyst are cut from this section of crystals that has the feature of few inclusion and flaws. Those natural crystals that command a high value are definitely the ones that have a high level of clarity in them!

The laboratory grown crystals are similar to those used by electronics industry, because, though having the amplifying and storage properties, these crystals are known to be considerably cheaper. As these crystals are man-made, the crystalline structure is perfect having distinctive vibrant qualities differing from natural crystals.

Leaded glass crystals contain a small amount of lead which enhances the reflective qualities of glass making it very apt and suitable in manufacture of crystal ware like Swarovski and Waterford. Presently, leaded glass is a form of crystal that is used largely for the costume jewelry.

Being found in both, faceted and smooth forms, these balls are available at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ as faceted crystal balls as well as droplets found on chandeliers.  The faceted crystal balls are majorly used in Feng Shui and are hung on windows to transmute the negative energies entering homes into a positive energy. One thing to note is that Universal Exports serve you with varied size of the crystal balls depending on the amount of energy that you wish to or are trying to transform!

Additionally, crystals are said to be best as earth energy enhancers. So, displaying six smooth crystal balls in center of your living room ensures that everything in your life goes well and smoothly. Moreover, it is even considered as an aid during meditation. These crystal balls from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌become a gateway for developing one’s physical ability by acting as a natural amplifier.

With so many benefits attached with the crystal balls, people from all over the world consider it to be of great use and use it as per their required needs. It is very easy to get your choice of crystal balls now at Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ as it renders you with all your related requirements easily. All you need is to mention the type of crystal ball that you wish to have and Universal Exports will cater your needs anywhere in the country.

For more Visit: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

Rose Quartz – The Love Stone

Rose quartz

Traditionally, stones are known to have their specific characteristics and the way they influence some or the other thing in people lives positively, these stones are even today considered to be a great healing source of various health problems. Not only health problems, but these stones are known to carry characteristics that can bring an overall change in the life of individuals. One such stone is Rose quartz.

This stone is often symbolized as love stone as its energetic hallmark of unconditional love has the heart chakra. Hence, this specialty has made it or defined it as a stone for every type of love including self-love, family and relatives, romantic, platonic and unconditional. Rose Quartz is known to possess high energy which signifies the enhancement of love regardless of a situation an individual is in!

Love is an emotion needed by one and all in this world.  Being a happy and a loving stone, Rose quartz has a tendency to bring love in to life that leads to inner warmth, lowers the stress and soothes the people around it. Talking about the physical and spiritual monarchy, this stone is often used for charms and love spells. In addition, it has the efficiency of making the process of transition in dying easier and gentle by making an aura of unconditional love of Divine.

For the people who want to recall their dreams or want to go ahead with their dream work, Rose Quartz can work best for them.  Moreover, it even aids in raising one’s own self esteem as well as a strong sense ofown worth! The energies released from this stone teach us to make ourselves more worthy as well as to apply the same love on ourselves.

It depicts an emotional behavior as it is used to balance emotions as well as invites peace and calm all around. This indirectly results in stress relief as well as removal of negative feelings like anxiety. Carrying the highly positive energy of forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, to be able to see well in ourselves as well as others, Rose Quartz is a stone that actually proves to be a love stone by all means.

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌, being the provider of variety of stones, also have variety of these love stones such as Pink Quartz, Rose Quartz Crystal, Rose Quartz Ring to offer to the people who need them for some or the other reasons. Presence of Rose Quartz at Universal Exports has made it easy for the people all over India and other countries as France, Germany, U.K, U.S.A to immediately resort to their needs easily without any fuss or efforts. If you are amongst those who are mesmerized with the qualities of this love stone and are intending to get one for your share, Universal Exports will definitely serve you with this need in no time! Grab this love stone and experience the love aura for the rest of your life!

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Semi Precious Jewelry – The Current Craze Amongst Women!

Semi precious jewelry

All that glitters is not gold but it definitely is eye catchy for sure. As we all know, nature has bestowed us with different kinds of precious stones having unique specialty in each one of them. Adding beauty and charm, these precious stones have kept on wooing the fairer sex since decades.

With all the love that these precious as well as semi precious stones are getting from women all over the world, it really proves that surely, along with diamond, any precious stone is a girl’s best friend.

These semi precious stones, known as gem stones are a portion of minerals which are either refined or in cut form and are further used to create stunning jewelry. Moreover, one can even find organic resources that are not minerals but are still considered as gem stones and are used in making jewelry. Like, for instance, we get jewelry made from jet or amber – the stones that are not minerals and still considered as gem stones.

Talking about the difference between the precious and the semi-precious stones, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds are considered to be the precious stones and the rest of stones that are available in today’s time fall under the category of semi precious stones.

The stone jewelry has a great demand in today’s modern time. With fashion being followed so strictly by the mass, women tend to shop accessories that satiate their fashion thirst! Presence of numerous colorful and designer stone jewelries, women started possessing the ones that went best with their dresses and in no time, the demand for such stone jewelry went up to skies.

Sufficing the need of these fashionista mass, Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ makes it a point to provide a really large collection of these semi precious jewelry that can woo them totally. With different stones – their color and designs being available easily, Universal Exports has become a centre of attraction for all the ladies out there!

So if you are the one who is in search of such impeccable gem stones, the one stop destination is Universal Exports that will serve all your stone jewelry demands under one roof!  It’s time for every woman to pull up their socks and hit on to Universal Exports for crafting an awesome collection of the stone jewelry of today!

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Healing Stones – Alakik Universal Exports

Healing Stones-Universal Exports - Alakik

Precious and semi-precious stones have their own share of importance from that era when spiritual, physical as well as emotional healing had no signs of existence. These gem stones are actually the healing stones which when used under the guidance of a professional can prove out to be the best treatments of all.

This ancient therapy of curing the diseases is very well acknowledged across the globe even today. Focusing on the ancient stories of these healing stones, it has been known that these stones were not only used for health purpose but even used in powder form to color clothing and textiles. In addition, some of these common crystals were also painted on the skin for certain religious ceremonies held at that point of time. Nowadays, you can get such varied crystals from one of the premium manufacturers – Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌.

People from ancient age till today have evolved a strong belief of these healing stones as the positive results of using it apparently gave them a reason to believe about its authenticity as a whole. These crystals or chakras that are available at Universal Exports have varied attributes and gradually people noticed and identified the difference amongst them that helped in curing different diseases.

According to the birth-month of people, the gems have been grouped and categorized accordingly. Depending on that, birthstone jewelry is made as per the related stone of that particular month. Let’s throw some light on some of the stones that are used even today for healing purpose:

  • Actinolite – it heals physical body, assists the elimination of toxins through liver and kidneys, relieves stress as this stone is the rich connection to divine mind.
  • Adamite – this healing stone helps in stimulating your creativity, encourages living a happier life and also relieves stress as well as depression.
  • Amazonite – it aids in communicating truth by energizing the words you speak. It is known to be a powerful healing stone to relieve from electromagnetic negativity released from microwaves or cell phones.
  • Axinite – it is a stone that brings earth energy into one’s own body. People who have problem with feet and legs must resort to this stone for healing purpose.

Likewise, there are hundreds of such stones available at Universal Exports that have varied healing qualities. With such a wide range of chakras as well as their healing qualities, they have attained a great level trust amongst the people which makes them use it for various purposes in day-to-day lives.

Hence, considering it in today’s time, these gemstones have even become a delightful expression to give as well as receive them in form of gifts. Gifting such crystals is a great way to render that emotion of care and that you really expect well-being of the counterpart. One can resort to Universal Exports to gratify this emotion at its best.

Catering to these requirements of today’s generation, Universal Exports makes sure to provide all such one-to-one needs and demands of the people. One of the biggest gemstone providers, Universal Exports is known to stand concrete at the customer’s requirements by enhancing their capabilities to meet the required demands within a stipulated period of time.

For more visit our website: Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌

New Age Healing Crystals

New-Age-Healing-Crystals-Universal-Exports- Alakik

There’s no second opinion towards the magical advancements done by human. Indeed, it is valued to the core and people happily taste its fruits in today’s life. Yet, there are still many things of old age that have been retained and are not abandoned by the mass. As the famous proverb says, “Old is gold”, there are certain things that have increased its value over time.

With medicine getting so advanced, people have a relief as compared to earlier times. Man’s contribution has bestowed cure to almost every diseases which were once considered as incurable. Above all this, people still have faith on certain old and natural treatments as they have experienced its viability in day-to-day lives. One such prominent treatment which people follow even today is usage of healing stones. With the introduction of technology, there have been great advancements in these stones too but, these healing stones have always been at rescue to the ailing health of people since years and even today.

If you are one of those believers in healing stones, Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌ is here to serve you with all your needs. With the presence of new age healing crystals, Universal Exports has become one of the major manufacturers of healing stones all over India. The healing stones or crystals are known to lighten stress, cure various diseases, boosting creativity, as well as in enhancing physic powers. The belief that the new age healing crystals carry – of having a subtle power, is very much true wherein the level of energy produced by these crystals vary from one type to other.

But, depending on your need, Universal Exports makes sure to fulfill your demands along with providing the best of the guidance related to these stones. These new age healing crystals have really maintained the trust of millions as they are expected to treat a number of life taking diseases like:

  • Anorexia
  • Depression
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Seizures
  • Scoliosis
  • Tumor
  • Cancer

With such a big number of threatening diseases being cured by the healing stones, it is obvious for people to believe in them. Universal Exports understands this and hence makes it a point to deliver the best of the crystals demanded by the people all over India. With constant supply of large number of new age healing crystals, Universal exports has earned a great name and has become one–stop destination for healing stones requirement. If any individual is looking forward to some particular crystal for healing his ailment, Universal Exports is the best place to resort to and get treated from roots through these new age healing crystals.