Tag Archives: Agate Arrowhead Pendants


Wholesale Arrowhead Pendants from Alakik Universal Exports

Arrowhead Pendants are said to assist in relieving suffering and stave off pessimistic energies from touching you. Bring an Arrowhead pendant and wear them to stay calm and focused. It also stimulates peace and blocks toxic ideas.

Why you should Wear Agate Arrowhead Pendants

  • Agate Arrowhead is an outstanding stone for rebalancing and reconciling the body, psyche, and heart. 
  • It cleanses and solidifies the feeling, eradicating and altering negativity. 
  • Agate Arrowhead improves the cognitive process, enhancing engagement, awareness, and rational skills. 
  • It soothes and calms, recovering internal resentment or uncertainty, and builds an understanding of security and protection. 
  • Arrowheads pendants are adored all over the earth as they are acknowledged to defend their wearer. When you wear them up, you can preserve yourself from all sorts of pessimistic vibrations and any kind of adverse attack. They were donned in ancient periods also for a similar reason. The arrowheads are an incredible alternative, as they ensure your safety.
  • We all are bred with a passion for adventure but our brisk schedules are not permitting us to see that standpoint in our spirits. Wearing an agate arrowhead can encourage you to incite your feeling of exploration. 

Metaphysical Properties of Agate Arrowhead

Chinese acknowledge that agate can propose spiritual security can facilitate one’s life cycle while purifying their sense to make room for prosperity and good luck.

The healing properties of agate are sluggish and smooth. Their properties send peace to all traits of subjective, spiritual, and bodily being. 

Helps you slow down the pace of life – Described as other stones in the mineral world, Agate Arrow emits a deeper, more gentle frequency, which brings about an ideal property for someone willing to slow down the pace in life. Agate’s soothing and anxiety-relieving features can encourage you to attach to the energy of the Earth by bringing harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.  

Balancing Your Life – If you learn you are wasting too much stamina in one area and not sufficient in other areas, connecting with an Agate Arrowhead can help you evaluate where to best concentrate your time.  Agate supports you to determine where to direct extra or limit your energy and then exhorts you to appear with a strategy to bring your life back into balance.  The Agate Arrowhead furthermore encourages you to recognize what is most valuable to you on a wider level so you can reside in alignment with your integrity. 

Getting Grounded 

An Agate Arrowhead stone clenches the pure energy to fix you and extend an understanding of strength, particularly when you think as though your strength is all over the area and dispersed. The balancing impact is what provides the Agate Arrowhead pendant signifying such influential grounding energy. 

Buy these amazing and healing Arrowhead pendants from Alakik. We at Alakik have a variety of collections of metaphysical stones that are high on demand. Get wholesale arrowhead pendants from Alakik.net