Obelisks And Points Products

The Metaphysical Benefits of Obelisks and Points in Crystal Healing

Crystal healing has long been revered as a holistic practice, offering both physical and spiritual benefits. Among the wide variety of healing crystals, obelisks and points hold a special place for their unique shape and energy amplification capabilities. These geometrically shaped crystals are believed to channel energy in a concentrated manner, providing enhanced healing effects for mind, body, and spirit.

Let us explore the metaphysical benefits of Obelisks And Points Products, diving into their uses in crystal healing and how they can improve overall well-being.

What are Obelisks and Points?

Obelisks and points are crystals shaped into specific geometrical forms. While obelisks are four-sided, tapering pillars that culminate in a pointed tip, points refer to crystals with a sharp, well-defined apex, typically featuring a hexagonal base. Both forms are revered for their energy-directing properties.

In crystal healing, these structures are considered energy conduits, helping to focus and amplify energies, making them ideal tools for meditation, chakra balancing, and clearing blockages in the body’s energetic field.

Metaphysical Benefits of Obelisks and Points

1. Energy Amplification

The primary reason Obelisks And Points Products are favored in crystal healing is their ability to amplify energy. The pointed tip of the crystal helps direct energy flow towards or away from a person or space, depending on how it is oriented. This makes them excellent for both manifesting intentions and dissipating negative energy.

For instance, if you’re focusing on attracting positive energy, placing the point upward helps draw in universal energies. Similarly, pointing the crystal downward can help ground and release unwanted energies into the Earth.

2. Enhanced Meditation and Focus

Obelisks and points are often used during meditation to enhance focus. Their sharp geometry is believed to create a powerful energy field, which helps deepen the meditative state. By concentrating on a specific intention or goal while holding or gazing at the obelisk or point, individuals can experience heightened clarity and mental calm.

These crystals serve as tools to center the mind, helping to clear mental clutter and sharpen concentration, which is essential for achieving a balanced and peaceful state of being.

3. Chakra Healing and Balancing

One of the most profound uses of obelisks and points in crystal healing is for chakra balancing. Each chakra in the body is associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual functions. When these chakras are out of balance, it can lead to issues such as stress, fatigue, or physical ailments.

Using an obelisk or point during a chakra healing session helps direct energy to specific chakras. By placing the pointed end over the targeted chakra, the crystal can help remove blockages and realign the chakra’s energy, promoting overall well-being and harmony.

4. Protection and Cleansing

Obelisks and points are also known for their protective qualities. When placed around a living or working space, they act as energetic shields, preventing negative energies from entering. They are especially effective in protecting one’s personal energy field from external influences.

In addition, these crystals can cleanse a space of any residual negative energy. Obelisks And Points Products made from stones like Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz are particularly effective for grounding and neutralizing harmful energies.

5. Manifestation and Intentions

Obelisks and points play a vital role in manifestation practices. Because of their focused energy, they help magnify intentions and goals, making them more likely to materialize. Whether you’re looking to attract love, abundance, or inner peace, using an obelisk or point crystal during manifestation rituals can amplify the energy surrounding your desires.

To manifest your intentions effectively, hold the crystal in your hand, focus on your goal, and visualize it coming to fruition. The crystal acts as a medium to channel your energy and intentions to the universe.

Choosing the Right Obelisk or Point for Your Needs

There are a variety of gemstones and crystals shaped into obelisks and points, each offering unique healing properties. Here are a few popular crystals and their specific benefits:

  • Clear Quartz Obelisks/Points: Known as the “master healer,” Clear Quartz is excellent for amplifying energy, clearing negative vibrations, and enhancing mental clarity.
  • Amethyst Obelisks/Points: A stone of spiritual protection and purification, Amethyst is often used to clear negative influences and promote inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Rose Quartz Obelisks/Points: The stone of unconditional love, Rose Quartz helps open the heart chakra, promoting self-love, emotional healing, and compassion.
  • Black Tourmaline Obelisks/Points: This grounding stone is renowned for its protective qualities, shielding against negative energies and fostering a sense of safety and security.
  • Citrine Obelisks/Points: Known for attracting abundance and prosperity, Citrine is a great choice for those looking to manifest wealth, success, and positive energy.

How to Use Obelisks and Points in Your Daily Life

Incorporating obelisks and points into your daily routine is simple, and there are multiple ways to benefit from their energy:

  • Meditation: Hold an obelisk or point in your hand while meditating to enhance your focus and spiritual awareness.
  • Energy Grids: Place obelisks or points within crystal grids to direct energy and amplify the effects of the grid’s purpose, whether it’s healing, protection, or manifestation.
  • Home Décor: Use obelisks and points as decorative pieces in your home to promote a calming and harmonious atmosphere. Their presence can help cleanse the space and attract positive energy.
  • Personal Energy Work: Use them during personal healing sessions, whether you’re working on chakra balancing or energy cleansing. Simply hold or place the crystal on the body, aligning it with the chakra or area that needs healing.

Bottom Line

Obelisks And Points Products are more than just beautiful additions to your crystal collection. Their powerful metaphysical properties make them indispensable tools in crystal healing, whether for energy amplification, chakra balancing, or manifestation. By incorporating these uniquely shaped crystals into your spiritual practice, you can harness their energy to promote healing, protection, and positive change in your life.

Explore Alakik’s wide range of Obelisks and Points Products to discover the perfect crystal for your healing journey and spiritual needs.


  1. How do obelisks and points differ from other crystal shapes?

    Obelisks and points have sharp geometrical shapes that help focus and amplify energy more effectively than rounded or irregular shapes.
  2. Can I use any crystal for obelisks and points?

    Yes, obelisks and points can be crafted from various crystals, each with unique healing properties.
  3. Where should I place an obelisk in my home?

    Placing an obelisk in areas where you want to cleanse energy or promote focus, such as your living room or office, is highly recommended.

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