Tag Archives: Chakra stones

Chakra Pendant

Choose Right Chakra Pendant for Yourself

As individuals, we all have been fascinated with jewellery and desire to adorn them with grace and charm. Some of them can be worn occasionally, while some are worn regularly. The jewellery, which can be routinely adorned, helps us protect ourselves from evil eyes and negativity, balancing chakras and maintaining a balance in our health. Today, we will discuss choosing the right pendant chakra, which benefits our health and body physique.

Now, the question is choosing the best chakra jewellery that helps meet your goals and desires and maintains a balance in your regular lifestyle. The crystals and gemstones available come in different shapes, sizes, and colours and have different characteristics. The selection of this gemstone or crystals is entirely based on the individual’s personality and how they resonate with them. 

Before you decide to purchase chakra jewellery, it is essential for you to understand its benefits, healing powers, and uses. There is a common misconception about using chakras because they are believed to resemble religious symbols. However, we need to change the thought as these are not religious in the traditional sense.

Let us discuss this and help you choose the chakra pendant that benefits you and your personality.

Defining Chakra Stones

Since the ancient era, there has been a strong belief that chakra stones possess remedial properties. It has a vital essence of healing power, thus known as the healing stone. The core abilities believed for these stones are that they heal deep wounds and help bring prosperity. It continues with happiness and maintaining a proper balance in life and good health.

Discussing the chakra stones, all seven types of rocks have unique strengths and healing abilities. It is also believed that in some cases, these chakra stones or pendants are most advantageous to dealing with family and financial issues, including love issues. Also, to be more precise, these crystals are best known to be a protective shield that helps from harmful energy and evil eyes.

List of 7 Different Chakras

  • Crown chakra — violet
  • Third eye chakra — indigo
  • Throat chakra — blue
  • Heart chakra — green
  • Solar plexus chakra — yellow
  • Sacral chakra — orange
  • Root chakra — red

Each chakra listed above is connected to our body part, colour, emotional aspect, and illness. These chakras are further defined into five parts, which are connected to each chakras. 

5 Parts to Each Chakra:

  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Feelings
  • Energy
  • Spiritual

Types of Chakra Jewelry you can choose from.

Sterling Silver Chakra Necklace

You can select the chakra pendant by wearing it as a necklace piece. The silver material adorned with seven chakra stones is a necklace, which restores the inner energy and refreshes the soul. The best thing about the necklace is its pleasing contrast and attractive appearance.

Chakra Silver Chain Pendant Jewelry

Another way you can keep yourself stable, secure, and safe is by wearing a chakra silver chain pendant. Again, it is a great way to adore it as a piece of jewellery connected to your body. It also helps us work on our intuition and feel connected with the universe. Another reason you can select this as a pendant is because it increases confidence, energy, and peace in the mind and soul. Your self-esteem will grow as you wear this pendant.

Final Words: 

Alakik Universal Exports is the wholesaler in the industry to help you make your purchase easy and with 100% authentic products. You can order the Chakra pendant with us, and we assure you that it will be delivered in time. From understanding the requirement for the chakra pendant to getting it delivered to your doorstep, this is the ultimate motto of our company. You can send us your inquiry; our team will assist you further.

How to Use Chakra Stones

How to Use Chakra Stones for best results

Chakras are rightly known as the wheels connected directly to the major nervous system and body organs. Chakra stones are meant to be aligned as they are responsible for all sort of emotional and physical balances. Our body has 7 Chakras and each aligned to a specific system of our body starting from the base of the spine through the tip of the head.

Why do we need Chakra Stones?

When we talk about healing, the Chakra needs to be aligned and there are stones which help in aligning the same. The alter medication is also a common name for the Chakra Stones. It is important to understand the different colours depicting different Chakras as these colours changes when the Chakras are not aligned accordingly. 

We as human being loose the balance of the Chakras resulting in fall outs. Be it emotional, physical or spiritual, we often feel the imbalance in our life and that is the reason it is extremely important to find a more alternative ways to fix it. 

Understanding the Chakra Stones

  • Bloodstone, Ruby, Red Jasper, Red Garnet, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Onyx, Black Obsidian, Jet, and Fire Opal are the main stones to cure the root Chakra avoiding in effecting your overall living instinct
  • Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Orange Calcite, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Aventurine, Brown Citrine, Fire Opal, and Orange Jasper is typically used to align the Sacral Chakra to avoid confusion in your life 
  • Yellow gemstones like Citrine, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite, and Fire Opal helps prevent any inflation in the Solar Plexus Chakra. This shall definitely bring in more confidence and balance the emotional conditions
  • Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite, and Pink Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate and Emerald are great for heart related concerns. These stones help the heart Chakra align accordingly
  • Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Aragonite, and Blue Calcite are specialized to diminish issues associated to the throat Chakra
  • Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Celestite, Azurite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Iolite, and Fluorite helps prevent any obstruction to cloud the mental clarity in the Third Eye Chakra
  • Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, and Selenite always helps to cherish the positivity and reflect the same from the Crown Chakra when used 

Alakik has all sorts of Chakra Stones to help support the whole body imbalance and works as an alternative medicine keeping it aligned throughout.

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

Understanding the meaning and use of chakra stones

What are Chakras?

The Sanskrit word Chakra means disk or wheel. In meditation or yoga, chakra means the wheels of energy that can be found throughout the body. There are seven chakras that align the spine, starting at the base of the spine and go up to the crown of the head.

What are Chakra Stones? 

Chakra stones are healing crystals that have a specific vibration and colour. The vibrations given up by these stones help in realigning chakras, if they are mismanaged. Each Chakra corresponds to certain parts of ourselves be that emotional, physical, mental or spiritual, such that the effects that come from losing that chakra’s balance can be felt. 

What are the Colours of Chakra?

Each chakra has a specific colour which is as follows:

  • The Root or Base Chakra resonates black and red.
  • Sacral Chakra’s colour is Orange.
  • Yellow is for Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Green or Pink is for the Heart Chakra.
  • The Throat Chakra’s colour is Blue.
  • The Third eye chakra’s colour is Indigo.
  • The Crown Chakra is Purple or white. 

Therefore, each Chakra has several stones that can help heal or boost them into proper functioning. 

Which stones to use as Chakra Stones?

Chakras are energy wheels that can be found along the spine. There are seven main chakras that are connected to your body’s physical and emotional problems.

It can prove beneficial if you take the effort to understand what’s going on with your chakras in order to tune in to body, mind and soul. Try to pay attention and understand which Chakras react when you are in problematic situations. Take note of frequent patterns of recurring illness which can help you to understand your imbalanced chakras. 

Once you find out, it’s time to pick the best stones that will help you balance, heal and clear that chakra. Below are the details of seven chakras and what stones you can use to align them if they are imbalanced. 

1. Root Chakra – The Root Chakra is associated with the feelings of being grounded and represents your passion. It is located at the base of the spine and is associated with red colour. 

For Root Chakra healing, it is recommended to use red and black stones to bring back the balance and put it back in alignment. 

2. The Sacral Chakra – The Sacral Chakra represents your creativity and ability to accept others. It can be found just below the belly button. Its chakra colour is orange. 

To align the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to use Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Aventurine, Orange Jasper and Fire Opal. 

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – The Solar Plexus Chakra represents your intellect and how you view yourself in your world. It is associated with Yellow colour and is found in the upper abdomen. 

If you want to align your solar plexus chakra, you can use yellow gemstones like Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Amber, Moonstone, Topaz, Golden Calcite and Fire Opal. 

4. The Heart Chakra –  The heart chakra represents your ability to love unconditionally and to accept others. Its colours are pink and green and is located at the center of the chest. 

The recommended stones for Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite, Peridot, Jade, Malachite and Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald and Ruby. 

5. The Throat Chakra – The Throat Chakra represents expression and communication. It can be found in the throat and its colour is blue. 

For throat chakra healing, try using stones like Aquamarine, Blue Apatite, Sodalite, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite. 

6. The Third Eye Chakra – The Third Eye represents your ability to see and focus on the big picture. It signifies your understanding of the ups and downs of life. Its chakra colour is indigo and it can be found on the forehead right between the eyes. 

For Third Eye chakra healing, you can try stones like Angelite, Blue Aventurine, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Celestite and Fluorite. 

7. The Crown Chakra – The Crown Chakra represents divine inspiration. Its chakra colour is violet and white, and it can be found on the top of the head. 

For Crown Chakra healing, try stones like Blue Sapphire, Blue Opal, White Calcite, White Topaz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone and Selenite. 

Stones and crystals have long been used for healing the body, mind and spirit. 

Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, Universal Exports sells the best chakra stone sets at wholesale prices. You can visit our website to buy them online. 


Chakra Sets that help relieve stress

Chakra stones are said to be a great stress buster as they relieve you from all the worries and tensions and lets you think of the future. The stones have been worn by people since ages and are trusted by people from all over the world. Some of the chakra sets which can help in relieving the stress of an individual are. 


  • An eight stone set with engraved chakra symbols include stones like amethyst, lapis lazuli, green aventurine for heart chakra, blue aventurine/sodalite, orange calcite, red jasper, yellow aventurine, clear quartz along with a carry pouch. 
  • Raw stones set will help you connect with nature. The stones are honey calcite, red calcite, green quartz, pineapple calcite, ametrine, celestite and clear quartz. 
  • Multi-coloured stones help in free flow of energy. The stones in the set are orange kyanite, malachite, sodalite, red jasper, yellow apatite, aquamarine and amethyst spirit quartz. 
  • The rainbow of terminated quartz points helps in balancing yourself. The terminated points are of green jade, lapis lazuli, red jasper, orange aventurine, amethyst, blue aventurine and golden quartz.
  • You can opt for raw stones if you are a lover of natural beauty. The stones are hematite, amethyst, sodalite, cernealian, citrine, green aventurine and clear quartz along with a pouch. 
  • Pyramids help in opening your energy centers easily. The pyramid set of stones include orange aventurine, amethyst, red jasper, yellow aventurine, sodalite, lapis lazuli and green aventurine. 
  • A beginner crystal set includes raw stones like rose quartz piece, citrine point, clear quartz point, tiger eye’s piece, hematite piece, amethyst point and black tourmaline red. 
  • A rainbow sacred geometry set include yellow aventurine octahedron, sodalite merkaba star, amethyst sphere, lapis lazuli icosahedron, green aventurine dodecahedron, orange aventurine cube and red jasper tetrahedron stones along with a wooden box to store them. 
  • You can go for a merkaba stone set which has lapis lazuli, jasper, red aventurine, red jasper, amethyst, blue aventurine and aventurine. 
  • You can start your journey with a starter chakra set which comes with a abalone shell and sage along with necklace, red jasper, citrine, green aventurine, tiger’s eye, amethyst, sodalite, clear quartz and wooden stand. 
  • Oval shaped stones which can fit in the palm of your hand are red jasper, carnelian, green aventurine, yellow aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst and clear quartz. 
  • The cubed stone set looks like paperweight but is filled with energy. The stones are green aventurine, peach aventurine, yellow aventurine, clear quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, red jasper and a pouch. 
  • Orgonite chakra set can help you in turning your bad vibes into good along with the stones carnelian, citrine, cherry quartz, amethyst, brass, seraphinite, chalcedony and clear crystal quartz inside an orgone heart. 
  • The thumb sized worry stones are yellow jade, green aventurine, lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue aventurine, carnelian and red jasper with an information card and pouch. 
  • Raw and natural crystal chakra set has amethyst, blue calcite, sodalite, tiger eye, red jasper, orange calcite and kambaba jasper. 


If you are looking to buy chakra sets online, search no further and visit alakik website. Here we have housed all kinds of chakra sets for people with different tastes. 

Meaning and Uses of Chakra Stones Based on Colours-Alakik-Universal Exports

Meaning and Uses of Chakra Stones Based on Colours

Chakras are the energy circles that centers inside the human body to help in all processes. It regulates from emotions to organ processes and to the immune system. There are total seven chakras residing in the body and each is associated with chakra stones. Although we normally speak of only seven chakras, the human energy field is made up of thousands of minor chakras in addition to the major seven. Starting from the base of the spine ending at the crown of your head. Each of this chakra has their own colour and vibrational frequency, and it leads to special functions, which makes you a human being. It is important to understand the chakras before we start defining each chakra individually. You are a human being and made of energy. All living things are made of this energy. The energy is the reason it keeps you spiritually, physically, psychologically and emotionally balanced.

The term ‘Chakra’ in Sanskrit means, ‘wheel’. So according to that meaning, chakras are spinning regularly. These are the colourful wheels of energy. To the millennials, chakras are essential in life. The topic of chakras has been originated in India first, around 1,500 B.C. Also, there is the mention of chakras in Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is around 200 B.C. 

Seven Chakras and the Associated Colors

chakra healing kit for seven chakra

There are seven types of chakras in a human body and each of the chakra stones are based on the colors that are as listed below.

  • Root: It stays at the base of the spine, and red in colour. It mainly governs survival instincts and grounding.
  • Sacral: Situated in the lower abdomen, orange in colour. Generally, it governs self-worth and esteem, intuition, sexuality.
  • Solar plexus: Stays at the upper abdomen, yellow in colour, controls ego and impulse.
  • Heart: Situated at the center of the chest. Green and controls spirituality and compassion.
  • Throat: Stays at the throat, blue in colour and governs mostly emotion & communication.
  • Third eye: Situated between the eyes, purple and controls imagination, wisdom & rationality.
  • Crown: Situated at the top of the head. Colour is indigo and governs the connection with the divine beings.

So, now it be clearly understood as which are the chakra stones to be used and that too of which colour. But at this point of time, it is to be made sure that the stones so chosen are genuine and brought from a trusted, reputed as well as reliable seller.

Choosing the Right Chakra Stone Jewellery

Choosing the Right Chakra Stone Jewellery

A lot is being heard about the chakra stone jewellery in the recent times. They have become immensely popular which is quite evident from the fact that a large number of people are opting for the same. But at this point of time, there is a very crucial point that needs to be kept in mind. This is regarding the choice of the right chakra stone jewellery. It is exactly the situation where a number of people tend to go wrong. So, here are a few essential tips that wold be of a great help in choosing the right chakra jewellery.

Proper Selection of the Stone

At the beginning, you need to select the ideally suited chakra jewellery stone. Here it would be ideal to consider a stone which necessarily supports the overall energy or is particularly a great fit for any of the specific intention.

Keep the Intention Clear

The chakra stone might have a physical healing purpose, reflect spiritual or emotional aspirations or you might be simply attracted to any of the specific colour that resonates with you on that particular day. It is to be always kept in mind that the power of the chakra jewellery is enhanced by the clarity of the intention of the user and hence it is to made a point to choose very carefully.

Use a Mounting Piece That Does Not Interfere

chakra jewllery

It is extremely important to make use of a mounting piece or string for the chakra jewellery so that it does not interferes with the healing power of the stone in the jewellery. It is ideal to choose neutral elements like thin ropes, pure metals, leather etc.

Decide the Place to be Worn

At the time of selection of the chakra jewellery, the place of wearing of the jewellery is to decide in advance. The wearing of a chakra jewellery around the neck or as a bracelet would certainly be a statement for both the wearer and the viewer. So, it is important where you want to wear the jewellery and move ahead accordingly.

So, at any point of time you wish to wear a chakra stone jewellery, it is to be made sure to go to a trusted and reputed chakra stone jewellery supplier for the getting the premium quality as well as the genuine products.

Call for more PH: +91 2698 222520 / Mobile: +91 98985 41435

How to Use Chakra Healing Stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

How to Use Chakra Healing Stones?

The chakra healing stones have become quite popular in the recent times owing to the fact of their great healing powers. Now, at any point of time, if you think that your spirit is just feeling whacked out, you can very easily get back into correct alignment with the help of these chakra healing stones. The energies of all of these seven chakra healing stones are designed to perfectly match with the seven chakras of the human body which helps in dissolving the energy blocks along with the re establishment of proper balance. The users just need to create a harmonising body grid with the help of these different coloured healing stones for getting positive vibes in the spirit of the users. 

The Seven Chakra Healing Stones 

We all know that there are seven chakras in the body of the human beings and there are seven different healing stones for the same. Now, it is recommended to check for the authenticity of the stones at the time of purchase. Thus, it would be a very good idea to go for a trusted, reputed and reliable seller to get only the genuine stones. Alakik would undoubtedly be a very good choice in this regard since it is one of the leaders in supplying wholesale chakra healing stones. To make it easier and convenient for the users to understand, here we have listed the seven stones that comes in our wholesale chakra stones.

  • 1 Garnet stone
  • 1 Carnelian stone
  • 1 Citrine stone
  • 1 Aventurine stone
  • 1 Angelite stone
  • 1 Amethyst stone
  • 1 Clear Quartz stone

How to Use? 

After you have got the genuine chakra healing stones in wholesale from Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌, it is extremely important to use those in the appropriate manner so as to get the desired results. You need to hold the stones in your hand and place them one by one as mentioned below.

  1. First of all, the Garnet stone is to be placed over your root chakra that is at the base of the spine.
  2. Then the Carnelian stone is to be placed over the sacral chakra that is at the lower abdomen.
  3. Next, the Citrine stone is to be over the solar plexus chakra that is at the stomach.
  4. Now, the Aventurine stone needs to be placed over the heart chakra that is at the heart.
  5. After that the Angelite stone is required to be placed over the throat chakra that is at the throat.
  6. Now, the Amethyst stone should be placed over the third eye that is just above between the eyebrows.
  7. Then the Clear Quartz stone needs to be placed over the crown chakra that is at the top of the head.

Now, the users need to leave the stones on the body for eleven minutes for the healing stones to do their work. In this way, the chakra healing stones can be appropriately used for getting the best possible results.

Why Choose Alakik‌ ‌Universal‌ ‌Exports‌ ‌?

Alakik is one of the premier wholesalers of the chakra healing stones without any compromise in the quality and authenticity of the of the stones. Hence, the users can get the chakra healing stones from Alakik without any kind of hesitation.

Uses of Healing Stones -Alakik Universale Exports in USA

Looking To Learn About How To Use Healing Stones?

The artform of crystal healing has existed in human civilization for over thousand years. Ingrained from the ancient Indian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greece civilization, Crystal Healing has been an undeniable segment of natural medicines. Crystals resonate their individual signatures of energy. When a healing stones electromagnetic field comes in contact with that of a human, the flow of energy starts through the various meridians. This activates the chakras, stimulates electrical nerve impulses, starts the hormonal glands activity and re-generates cellular metabolism, organs and tissues.

Healing Crystal fro Sale- Alakik Universal Exports There includes a plethora of ways, healing Stone can be used. These include:

1. Carrying them in a pocket: This is one of the mot effective and prevalent ways to use a crystal and restore its impact.
2. Under a bed or pillow: Crystals can be used to encourage the special effects of healing while sleeping.
3. Ear Olives: There are oval and longish crystals which can be used to place on the external part o the ear.
4. Ointments: Ointments from Healing crystals can be made by having the gem essences mixed with a base of an ointment comprising of bee-wax and jojoba oil (1:5).
5. Energetic Treatment: The body fluids can be allowed to flow by having them laid on the body.
6. Using them as a jewellery: This is the most seen and heard form of using a healing crystal. It can be worn as a bracelet, neck-lace and pendant etc.
7. Stone circle: Lying or sitting in a full complete circle of crystals can help to take in strong and positive crystal energies.
8. Holding in the hand: This application works using the hand’s reflexology zones.
9. Holding in the mouth: Through a localized effect, this application works within the mouth as well as mucous membranes.
10. Massaging: Healing crystals can be moved around the skin for massaging purposes.

Related Topic:  How Do Healing Stones Work?

Make your experience with healing crystals unique and positive with our whole sale healing stones.

Take a look at our exclusive healing products:

Crystal Quartz Pranic Diamonds: https://www.alakik.net/crystal-quartz-pranic-diamonds-20-30mm
Crystal Quartz Chakra Disintegrator: https://www.alakik.net/crystal-quartz-chakra-disintegrator
Black Agate Diamonds Energy Generators: https://www.alakik.net/black-agate-diamonds-energy-generators
Black Jasper Disintegrator: https://www.alakik.net/black-jasper-disintegrator
Mix Gemstone Pranic Diamonds: https://www.alakik.net/mix-gemstone-pranic-diamonds

Chakra Crystals and Yoga-Alakik-Univerlsa-Exports

Chakra Crystals and Yoga – Alakik Universal Exports

The truth is yoga is being practiced now for thousands of years in India and presently being promoted by the experts across the globe among those who are eager to remain healthy and fit. Yoga is considered to be a powerful form of exercise of the mind and the body, while being completely natural and safe. Practicing yoga on a regular basis helps the person to understand his body’s internal and emotional well being. In today’s fast paced lifestyle, it is something that is overlooked by many. This offers the person the chance to get know about self from within. At the same time, the different yoga pose is said to affect human actions and thoughts. There are seven chakras in the human body whose balance is restored through yoga. One can come across Chakra sets for sale and use it to their benefit.

Chakra balancing

The yoga experts also state that every breath work, meditation and pose has been designed to help the chakras to be correctly balanced. During the yoga class, energy is moved throughout the body, to make the chakras to become more receptive towards receiving crystals’ healing properties. Therefore, for chakra cleansing purpose, crystals are to be used, which will enhance yoga practice, thereby bringing more healing and harmony to the energy body.

The stones are to be laid around the mat for allowing the crystal’s energy to work with the chakras while the person moves during yoga class. Then during savasana, the chakra cleansing grid is placed on the body. Chakra meditation is possible even if the person does not practice yoga. He just needs to lie on his back and in body formation, place the stones.

Required stones

  • 7 chakra stones or one chakra healing bag
  • 2 Selenite Cleansing Crystal or Selenite Cleansing Stone
  • Four Quartz Crystal Points
  • 2 Shungite Stones

The Procedure

Quartz crystal points are to be placed around the mat’s sides in four different directions. While practicing yoga, the 2 shungite stones are to be placed on quartz’s either side at the mat base, with the chakra crystals placed along either side, while the selenite is to be placed at the top edge. While practicing savasana, the chakra crystals are to be laid over the 7 chakras. Then the 2 Shungite stones are to be placed on the feet’s outside after which the 2 Selenite Crystals are to be held in the hand.

These crystals are mainly used to balance energy flow promotion right from the root chakra to crown chakra. It becomes easier to understand better about the body, patterns, beliefs and emotions which hinder or help when trying to attain spiritual growth.

Once the person has confident in having gained better knowledge and understanding of the different types of chakras, its functioning and which one has been blocked or why, then the chakra crystals are to be removed and journal maintained about what has been gained by undergoing this meditation. This exercise is to be repeated for about 21 days for a particular time period. The key here according to the experts is consistency and commitment towards achieving the desired results. The crystals meant for yoga is to be kept in the mat bag and their energy is to be connected every time yoga is practiced.

Those practicing yoga professionally and training others to help lead a better, satisfied and happy life can buy Wholesale Chakra Sets to benefit their students.

Get in touch with us:

Phone : +91 2698 222520
Mobile : +91 98985 41435
E-mail: info@alakik.net

The most powerful healing stones-Alakik-Universal Exports

The Most Powerful Healing Stones – Alakik

There are several stones and crystals that are said to have miracle powers of healing. It is necessary to know their characteristics, so that the right one is chosen.

Top healing stones

Favorite healing stones: The natural healer is regarded to be gemstones. Crystal does offer wonderful healing. One can come across variety of stones and get hold of the perfect gemstone. The below mentioned stones are must haves to display on the crystal altar or for the amulet healing pouch.

  • Rose Quartz: It is known for its subtle energy and called as loving stone, since it helps the wearer to open up to love in every form: spiritual, sexual and platonic. It can also heal physical heart ailments including emotional heartbreaks.
  • Flurorite: This can be found in wide range of colors and is called protector gemstone as it helps to ward off all types of negative energy. It also helps in meditation and finding spiritual tranquility.
  • Lapis Lazuli: This stone can unlock the mysteries and help to eliminate emotional blockage and confusion. It also helps to link celestial and material realms, thus revealing the cosmos wonders.
  • Hematite: This grounding stone is of silver gray metallic color that is used often as grounding tool. It helps to avoid those worldly events/tasks through out of body flight. It will be useful to have a hematite piece in the pocket to help take care of stressful situation.
  • Jade: This stone is said to carry calming and serene energy. It helps the person to find inner calm, peace of mind and self acceptance. It also assists him to tap his inner creativity and understand dream symbolism, while relieving physical pain like cramps, flushing out toxins from within the body.
  • Amethyst: This stone has powerful healing techniques, being both spiritual and physical. It also imparts proper balance and sense of calmness, clears the mind from all types of confusion, soothes stressful and negative emotions. Also, it helps to balance the hormone levels, while strengthening immune system.
  • Turquoise: The Native Americans have a strong belief in this stone as they value it for its capability to ward off all evil, to interpret dreams and strengthen bonds of friendship and love. It also helps the person to get immense confidence in himself.
  • Kyanite: This stone is good for channeling purpose and enables open communications, thus enabling proper contact with angels and spirit guides. It is also known for the wonderful balancing properties to align the chakras, more specially throat chakra. It automatically clears all negative energies.
  • Obsidian: The different varieties of stones of this type are used as protective and grounding agents. Snowflake obsidian present can help to surrender as well as to eliminate past pathways which are of no use any longer including negative habits. This stone can also bring about opportunity for clarity, serenity and change.
  • Citrine: This energizing yellow stone helps manifest the goals and objectives. It keeps the person cheerful as it gets filled in empowering solar energy, attracting personal power and abundance.

The above are the top gemstones or healing stones that are used for healing purposes.