
Learn to Balance your Energy Body with Chakra Healing Stones

There are a total of seven chakras in the body of the human beings which exist at seven different points along the body. Each of the chakras is associated with a different set of systems as well as organs. The chakra can be considered similar to a wheel but it itself operates like a ball of energy that necessarily interpenetrates the physical body. The chakras do not exist physically and it is not visible. They are actually aspects of consciousness which interacts with the physical as well as energetic body via two of the major vehicles that are the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras so present in the body is associated with the nine endocrine glands of the human body and also with a specific group of nerves referred to as plexus thereby making them crucial elements for the purpose of healing.

The Chakra System

 The chakra system is actually the field of precise as well as gentle energy that helps in animating the physical bodies. Now, at any point of time, these physical bodies are out of the alignment, the affected individuals can be necessarily pulled in a number of directions along with a feeling of ‘off-centre’. This results in diverting the individual from the state of natural well being. This is exactly where the chakra healing stones come to the rescue of the individuals. These healing stones are placed over the seven chakras of our body and then balanced in the proper manner so as to come up with the desired results. The balancing necessarily shows us the direction as well as the size of the energy that the chakra is emitting. The level of energy will reveal imbalance, balance or any kinds of energy blocks. It helps in the proper diagnosis and thereby plays a crucial role in properly balancing thereby playing a crucial role in the maintenance of good energy, spirit and physical well being. 

Balancing is the Key

Balancing of the chakras with the help of the healing stones is certainly the key to healing. It cannot be said that one chakra is better than the others or are more important for the purpose of healing. The body always wants to achieve energetic balance in the chakras. But moving too far in any one of the direction that is either under reactive or overreactive in any one of the seven chakras can necessarily give rise to some of the negative effects in the body which in turn can be counterproductive to the energy of the body and the chakra healing process. When a chakra is under reactive it kicks another chakra into overdrive which then results in the pulling of extra energy away from that part of the body. Thus, balancing the chakras is certainly the key in crystal healing. 

How the Balancing is Done?

Now, it can be clearly understood that balancing the energy of the body with the help of the healing stones plays a crucial role in the overall healing process. To begin with the process of balancing, the healing crystals are placed at certain positions on the body and then the forces of gravity and inertia help to create movement. But at that point of time when no force is caused on the weight, there is something that starts to happen naturally and that too completely all by itself. The energy helps to move the weight with a slight help from the unconscious mind of the individual. The healing stones feel just magical even at the time when they are completely still. Then they start moving for the purpose of detecting the invisible energy which is present around the individual. 

Thus, properly balancing the energy body with the help of the healing crystals plays a crucial role in the overall healing process by providing the desired results. 

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